June 19, 2008, - 12:02 pm
Muslim Grievance Theater: Hijab Women Dissed @ Obama Rally Are Muslim Terror Front-Group Activists, Top Islamic Proselytizer
By Debbie Schlussel
As soon as I heard about the Muslim women in hijabs being excluded from sitting behind Barack Obama at a Michigan rally, I knew what you probably knew: that CAIR and ADC and MPAC and ISNA, the alphabet soup of terrorist-sympathizing, pan-HAMAS/Hezbollah Islamofascist grievance theater, would milk the story like there’s no tomorrow. It was ripe fodder for their PR branch of the jihad against America and the West.
Now, I’ve come to learn that one of the hijab-encrusted, rejected whiners, Hebba Aref, was an official of the Muslim Students Association (MSA), in charge of proselytizing. The Chicago Tribune identified the MSA as part of the American manifestation of the Sunni terrorist group, Al-Ikhwan Al-Muslimeen–The Muslim Brotherhood. Aref served on the executive board of the University of Michigan-Dearborn’s MSA, which demanded and obtained tax-funded Muslim foot baths at that university, a story I broke on this site last year. Also, two Muslim students at U-M Dearborn, Lola Elzein and Mohammed Fouad Abdallah, sent me violent rape and death threats.

And Aref was not just any officer of the U-M Dearborn Muslim group. She was in charge of Dawa, or proselytizing, from 2000 to 2003 at the school. Yup, she was the chief “Conversion to Islam” officer at one of the most pan-Islamist college campuses in the country.

And Shimaa Abdelfadeel, the other woman allegedly excluded by the Obama campaign, was chair of SAFE, a University of Michigan-Ann Arbor group that hosted the 2002 Divestment Conference against Israel at which “Annihilate the Jews!” was chanted and Islamic Jihad founder Sami Al-Arian was keynote speaker. She’s the author of vehement anti-Israel vitriol and propaganda.
And, it’s in this vein, that Aref’s and Abdelfadeel’s whining about the Obama campaign rejecting her for a seat behind Obama at his rally seems suspicious. In the original Ben Smith article on the Politico, he cites few non-Muslim witnesses to this story. Isn’t that just a stunning coincidence that these women just so happen to be the ones singled out by the Obama campaign? Perhaps it did happen to both. But if so, the Obama campaign apologized and he’s more than over-pandered to them throughout his history. Yet, they’re still–predictably–whining about this.
And finally, these Muslims will still be voting for Obama. They have nowhere else to go. If Barack Obama gives in to anymore of their demands, he’s really a fool. They won’t be voting for McCain. And–despite their uninfluential (in determining the outcome) and exaggerated numbers at the polls–they won’t be sitting at home. They’ll be pulling the lever for Barack Hussein Obama.
How long until Aaron Klein/WorldNutDaily rip this off as an “exclusive”, violating my copyright? 3-2-1 . . . .
H. Obama’s campaign did not want these people to be seen because Obama is pandering to white America right now. Obama’s goal is to make himself seem as a nice safe suburban black man. Someone for the white voters to feel good about.
I’m sure that once in the Oval Office H. Obama will gladly welcome MSA for a visit. I’m sure he will also invite Hamas, Party of God and Iran’s president Ahmadinejad for official visits too. Didn’t Clinton host arafat at the White House?
PrincessKaren on June 19, 2008 at 1:08 pm