June 16, 2011, - 11:54 am
HILARIOUS! Video: Gloria Allred Anthony Weiner Stripper Remix!
I’ve stayed far away from the Anthony Weiner story because I don’t think it’s any great achievement that conservatives have now embraced their own sleazy Larry Flynt, Andrew Breitfraud. The story is a waste of time, sordid, and stupid, and so, now that you got Weiner to resign, what exactly did you achieve? He’ll be replaced by another liberal, who will be far more effective. Congratulations. I’ll be writing more about this, later, including about Breitfraud’s own far worse version of Anthony Weiner, who writes for his sites and about whom Breitfraud has been warned, but looks the other way. But, for now, you probably know that with ever single sorded scandal, America’s white chick lawyer version of Al Sharpton, Gloria Allred, shows her ugly mug. Jimmy Kimmel made this absolutely hilarious Yankee Doodle rap of the press conference, which pretty much sums up everything she’s about. You gotta watch the whole thing, as the best part is the rap at the end.
Tags: Andrew Breitbart, Andrew Breitfraud, Anthony Weiner, funny, funny video, Ginger Lee, Gloria Allred, HILARIOUS, Hilarious Video, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Kimmel Live, porn star, press release, stripper, video
Yup… so his wife is the Arab woman who worked for Hillary Clinton. Whoo cares? Not me.
As for sex scandals, they’re overrated and are a distraction from the real issues. Who Weiner slept with is less important than to what is happening to this country like standing up to Islam.
But no one wants to discuss it.
NormanF on June 16, 2011 at 1:42 pm