June 9, 2008, - 1:56 pm
The Real “Indecision 5768”: Obama, the JOOOO-ish Lobby, and Anti-Semitism
By Debbie Schlussel
The Barack Obama official campaign website is also apparently the official website for anti-Semitic bloggers. A few days ago, Carl in Jerusalem detailed how one official Obama blogger wrote an anti-Semitic screed on “How the Jewish Lobby Works.” A must-read, it was about AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, which–for the record–represents very few Jews.
As readers know, I am NOT a fan of AIPAC, for good reason. AIPAC is basically a self-selected few liberal, wealthy, unrepresentative Jewish 10,000-pound gorillas who try to impose their liberal territory-for-“peace”, pro-PLO policies on Israel. But even though it is a bloated bureaucracy that embodies all the negative aspects of a catty synagogue sisterhood which doesn’t represent the majority of American Jews, AIPAC has been used by anti-Semites as a symbol of the Jews and has become a convenient vehicle for their open anti-Semitism.
That this baloney about “the Jewish lobby” was on the Obama site should tell you something, even if–a few days later–the B(Hussein)O campaign erased the blog, which had been very welcome there to that point.
On a very related note, I debated whether or not to link to this video, since I can’t stand Jon Stewart (he’s another American National IQ Test) and I don’t agree with the “points” that he makes. In fact, he, himself, doesn’t get his own points.
But, in the end, I decided to link to “Indecision 5768“* (tip to reader Michael and Zionist LapDog) because it shows–contrary to what Stewart is saying–that AIPAC, ie., “The Jewish Lobby,” is a platform for fraud. All of the candidates that spoke there, Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Barack Hussein Obama, all used it as a stage for their diplomatic photo op to the Jewish community. They all fell all over each other to out-Jew and out-Israel each other. As an American and a Jew, I’m as disgusted as anyone by their well-fertilized verbal gush over this staged gefilte fish buffet.
After all the electioneering is over–while self-hating Stewart and his fellow self-hating Jewish writing team decry that none attacked Israel–they will all be like Bush, regardless of whom is elected. Each will force Israel into more one-sided concessions and land giveaways. And none, in the end, will be the best President for either Israel or America or the Jews. Any one of them will be the worst for all three parties involved, though McCain may be slightly, barely palpably less worse than Obama. And not by much.
And, as we know, after his AIPAC speech, Obama already backtracked, er . . . “clarified” his position on Jerusalem, saying he didn’t really mean it should remain the undivided capital of Israel, when he said exactly that at AIPAC.
And trust me, Jon, when they go speaking to Arab groups, they aren’t going to be attacking Hezbollah, HAMAS, or Fatah. Where’s your commentary about that?
So glad Stewart is now the expert on what may or “may not be in the best interest of the world,” but we’re concerned here with what’s in the best interest of AMERICA, Jon. Though–Memo to Jon–attacking Israel is in the best interest of neither party.
While Stewart claims that none can “remotely criticize Israeli policies and expect to be elected President,” none can remotely expect to be President without completely betraying Israeli once they’re elected. Arabs and Muslims take heart.
So sad that Stewart–in his otherwise funny video–doesn’t get it, while he attempts to say, “Look at me, I’m an unbiased Jew.”
Oh, and BTW, lest you think otherwise, Jon Stewart is definitely voting for “Gadolph Titler,” er . . . Barack Hussein Obama. If you think he’s voting for McCain, I have some overly sarcastic but not very smart real estate (once owned by Bill Maher) at Comedy Central, to sell you.
Jon Stewart scores very low on the Kosh-O-Meter. And even lower on the far more important What’s-Good-For-America-O-Meter
* 5768 is the current year in the Hebrew/Jewish calendar.
I never heard of Stewart until I read about him on your post recently — I try to avoid almost everything about today’s ‘culture’. After watching the video, I agree he is totally obnoxious, but what disturbs me even more than his idiotic and anti-Semitic chatter, is the fact (if real) that people enjoy & are laughing at his idiocy. Really shows the degeneration of culture today. There are some talk show so-called comedians whose silly chatter is just as stupid. I wonder if Stewart will do a comparable monologue ridiculing Muslims. It was probably a good idea to link to this; I never would have watched Stewart on my own & become aware of his offensive behavior.
c f on June 9, 2008 at 3:17 pm