June 13, 2011, - 12:47 am

Another Islamic, Er . . . ISRAELI Scientific Discovery: Cinammon Blocks Alzheimer’s – Biblically Inspired

By Debbie Schlussel

Yet again, the “evil” Jews in the tiny State of Israel, surrounded by Muslim nations that hate them, have made a significant scientific discovery that may ward off a debilitating disease.  Israeli scientists have discovered that cinnamon extract inhibits Alzheimer’s disease and appears to ward off the flu, too.  As I write this I’m drinking a nice hot cup of Harney & Sons Fine Teas Hot Cinnamon Spice Tea a/k/a “Sunset Spice Tea”(very cinnamony and naturally very sweet with no sugar or sugar substitutes).  And I hope my love for this tea pays off.  Looks like it might. Even more cool is that the discovery was based on the chief scientist’s participation as a kid in the National Bible Contest and questions about the paste the Kohanim [the Jewish Priests] used on the altar for sacrifices. It’s a great story of how the Jewish Bible inspired an important medical discovery.  Yup, an atheist would never have made this discovery:


Israeli Scientist Michael Ovadia Finds Alheimer’s Inhibitor in Cinnamon Extract

A cinnamon extract inhibits the development of Alzheimer’s disease (AD ), Tel Aviv University scientists have discovered.

The scientists, headed by Prof. Michael Ovadia of the zoology department in the life sciences faculty, have isolated a substance from the cinnamon plant, referred to as CEppt, which inhibited the disease in laboratory mice.

The study, published in the scientific periodical PLoS ONE in January, was conducted with several Tel Aviv University life sciences laboratories, including those headed by Prof. Ehud Gazit, the university’s deputy research and development president, Prof. Dan Segal and Dr. Dan Frenkel.

All “evil Jews,” so you Israel-boycottin’ Muslims, no cinnamon for you! And none for the PETA freaks, ‘cuz these results came from ANIMAL research, baby!

In the first stage, the scientists succeeded in showing with an electron microscope that the CEppt extract inhibits the creation of amyloid molecules. Extracting the substance involved creating powder from cinnamon sticks with a coffee grinder and isolating it in a solution in 4 degrees Celsius until use, the study says.

They then mixed the extract with the drinking water of mice and flies and examined the effect. The flies were raised with an Alzheimer’s stimulating gene and the mice were raised with five genetic mutations that cause an aggressive development of Alzheimer’s from the age of two months.

After four months the scientists found the disease’s development had slowed down and the animals’ longevity and activity resembled that of their healthy counterparts.

They also found the extract helped in breaking up already formed amyloid fibers. “This finding indicates the possibility that the substance may not only prevent AD, but can cure it, after Alzheimer-causing molecules have already been formed,” says Ovadia.

Ovadia was interested in cinnamon attributes already as a youth, when he took part in the National Bible Contest and was asked about the substances comprising the holy paste the priests used to spread on the altar before the sacrifices.

“I had a blackout, and remembered the materials, which include cinnamon, just as the gong went,” he says.

The substances, including also myrrh, cassia, fragrant cane and olive oil, appear in Exodus chapter 30, verses 23-25.

“The question bothered me for years. I decided to examine cinnamon’s attributes and have been doing so, until I made the current discovery,” he says.

However, if you’re rushing to use cinnamon, Ovadia warns of over consumption. In large doses the spice could harm liver functions, due to a component called cinnamaldehyde. The recommendation is not to exceed 10 grams of cinnamon a day, he says.

Tel Aviv University took out a patent on the extract and its attributes as a food supplement back in 2004.

“The discovery is extremely exciting because while there are companies developing synthetic AD inhibiting substances, the extract is not a drug with side effects but a safe, natural substance that human beings have been consuming for generations,” says Ovadia.

So far the scientists have failed to isolate from the extract a single molecule with the healing properties. “When we tried to take apart the cinnamon substances and isolate them the healing properties were lost, as is the case with numerous natural substances,” he says.

The team intends to experiment with the extract on different animals in the future, in view of the difficulty of experimenting on people, due to Alzheimer’s slow progression.

Meanwhile Ovadia is already applying the findings to himself and has been drinking tea with the cinnamon extract on a daily basis. “My students also drink tea with cinnamon daily. It not only prevents Alzheimer’s but other viral diseases, like the flu,” he says.

By the way, Dr. Ovadia is an expert in uses for snake venom, and that’s what he focused most of his career and research on, until this new discovery. 


For most of his professional life, Tel Aviv University professor Michael Ovadia focused on snakes and the medicinal properties of their venom. But seven years ago, after meditating on a biblical passage, Ovadia’s career focus began to take a twist… a cinnamon twist to be exact.

Today the spiritual scientist from TAU’s Department of Zoology is commercializing a unique cinnamon extract that is touted to quell viral infections from HIV to the Avian flu.

A research and license deal on his patent-pending cinnamon extract was signed last week between TAU’s technology transfer company Ramot and Frutarom, a multinational nutraceutical company based in Israel. Frutarom is expected to use the extract in a whole host of applications from disinfecting the air as a spray against Avian flu in airports; to a daily supplement that protects people against the common flu.

Those researching in the field of natural medicine know that snake venom, especially the notorious poisonous kind, has unique anti-viral and analgesic properties that can help fight human illness and disease. For the past 40 years, Ovadia had been working with natural antidotes and found that certain kinds of venom can deactivate Parainfluenza (Sendai) virus – a virus similar to the human flu.

Work was going well. Papers were published, patents had been developed, and his reputation in the field was established. But Ovadia was still waiting for the breakthrough that every scientist dreams about.

That breakthrough would come to him one morning in the synagogue while listening to a reading from the Old Testament.

“There is a passage that explains how the High Priests – the Kohens – would prepare a holy oil used on their bodies before they made a ritual animal sacrifice,” recalls Ovadia. “I had a hunch that this oil, which was prepared with cinnamon and other spices, played a role in preventing the spread of infectious agents to people.”

Taking his hunch to the laboratory bench, Ovadia’s initial experiments proved to be true – his savory cinnamon extract was able to quickly and effectively immunize chicken embryos from the Newcastle disease virus – one which costs the poultry industry in the US millions of dollars a year.

Further studies on Avian Flu H9, Sendai virus, the HIV virus, and Herpes Simplex 1 also achieved positive results. Not only was the extract able to neutralize the viruses, it also showed for selected viruses that it has the potential to immunize against them as well.

Now before people start dropping cinnamon sticks in their hot chocolate and sprinkling it all over their lattes – take note that the cinnamon extract developed by Ovadia has special properties that won’t be found at coffee shops or in the kitchen cupboard. First of all, it comes from a special variety of cinnamon; coumarin and cinnamon aldehyde, which are by-products of cinnamon ‘juice’. These are actually damaging to the liver in high quantities, and must be removed.

“You cannot take high doses from the natural form of cinnamon. If you used it several times a day to protect you from the flu, it would be toxic.” . . .

“What we know is that this technology is capable of neutralizing viruses very fast and that it is applicable to various applications,” said Dr. Nissim Chen, the business development manager of Ramot who managed the commercialization process which ending up with the licensing to Frutarom. “For example, it can be used in air conditioning systems in hospitals and prevent infections spreading from one person to the other in closed spaces.” . . .

Besides the human application, Ovadia sees that cinnamon fills an important niche in the agriculture industry where chicks need to be immunized by hand against the deadly Newcastle disease virus. . . .

The new cinnamon product will be launched in about a year. Hopefully just before flu season.

Alzheimer’s, the flu, hospitals, AND chickens. Sounds like a wonder drug. I LOVE THIS STORY. Remember, my fave cinnamon tea is Harney & Sons Sunset Spice. It has several different kinds of cinnamon in it. Not sure if it can at all replicate any of the same stuff as Dr. Ovadia’s cinnamon extract. But until that comes on the market, I’m drinking the tea.

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28 Responses

Yes, the Israelis find ways for more life, and the Muslims find ways for more death.

Good news about cinnamon. It has also been believed for a while that cinnamon fights diabetes, although I’m not aware of evidence as strong as this study.

There are a number of other spices that are strongly believed to have medicinal purposes, virtually all of them in fact. Spices like ginger, cardemom, cloves and nutmeg can also be used in tea, which, of course, itself is very healthful.

Turmeric, oregano and basis also are considered very healthful.

Little Al on June 13, 2011 at 4:44 am

Al, I think you meant basil.

Bob Porrazzo on June 13, 2011 at 5:41 am

This is why I love Ms. Schlussel. She not only provides excellent research and information, she takes the time to highlight the information that may be detrimental to readers (both friend and foe) who don’t have the time to read carefully.

My favorite line, and one indicative of true higher learning and critical thinking skills, not merely recitation of remembered facts is this: “The question bothered me for years.” When a question bothers one for years, one can thank ol’ Socrates among others.

Keep up the great work Ma’am.

Jew Lover on June 13, 2011 at 6:06 am

So, in addition to computer hardware and software, Epilady razors, Victoria’s Secret seamless lingerie, radiation free breast cancer testing, Copazone and Babysense Respiratory Movement Monitors, people who are serious about advocating divestiture from Israel will now have to deny themselves the latest in Alzheimer’s diseae prevention and treatment. Well, they didn’t use their brains when they had them, so it’s no big deal.

Miranda Rose Smith on June 13, 2011 at 8:14 am

Civilization vs. Islam. Advantage – Civilization.

Tanstaafl on June 13, 2011 at 9:54 am

So, off to Cinnabon I go!

Gerald on June 13, 2011 at 9:55 am

    Great idea! I’ll have to make do with cinnamon rolls.

    Joel-texag57 on June 13, 2011 at 10:03 am

It hardly surprises (at least it shouldn’t surprise) that Israel has won more science Nobels and earned more patents than not just the Arab League states but the OIC states (by population they outnumber the Jews of Israel by some 50:1 and 200:1 respectively).

What’s often overlooked is that Israel provides a meeting place for scientists from elsewhere (most I suspect non-Jews) to the benefit of us all. It’s not unusual to find scientists from Europe, China, India or Latin America at the Weizmann Institute for example. Moreover, for those Arabs who recognize the “blessing” Israel provides, they can find opportunities they won’t encounter elsewhere in the region. An Arab researcher at the Technion, for example, leads a team doing cutting edge work on “sniffers” that can identify cancers.

Full disclosure: I’ve contributed to Weizmann in the past, and currently support the Technion, sometimes called Israel’s MIT.

Raymond in DC on June 13, 2011 at 10:15 am

I want to live with a cinnamon girl,
I can be happy, the rest of my life, with a cinnamon girl!

A little 70’s flashback

CornCoLeo on June 13, 2011 at 10:25 am

I could be visiting Cinnabon more often, but then, I would end up being overweight from that! Once a cinnamon roll is enough.

Rob on June 13, 2011 at 10:56 am

I’m allergic to cinnamon, Debbie I understand the tea you like and drink has cinammon ingredients in them, but I can’t eat cinnamon or drink cinnamon drinks, because if I either drink or eat cinnamon, I’ll start to vomit, to me cinnamon is a little too sweet for me (at the sametime I’m doing everything I can to cut-back on sugary foods).

Little Al, since you mention that cinnamon flavors fights against diabetes, that sounds good, and last I checked, I don’t have diabetes. And I remember the last time I ate cinnamon, it happend many years ago when my family and relatives and myself where travelling to the Carolinas (North Carolina to be exact), we stopped at this one restaurant in virgina and I bought a cinnamon roll, after I ate the roll, I felt queasy inside my throat and I rushed to the bathroom in that restaurant and vomit, and that was the last time I ever ate cinnamon.

“A nation is defined by it’s borders, language & culture!’

Sean R. on June 13, 2011 at 11:18 am

    It may be that the cinnamon you ate was not pure cinnamon.I have discovered that most manufacturers augment their cinnamon with ground up cassia bark. So check the labels and find a reputable source of cinnamon. I suspect that bakeries use the cheaper product.

    charlotte on June 14, 2011 at 6:35 am

Sorry to disappoint you, but cinnamon extract is a traditional Chinese herb, and it attracted much interest as such, not as something used by Cohen priests. It has been known for some time already that cinnamon extracts can be helpful for diabetics, and based on that MF McCarty predicted in a paper published in 2006 in Med Hypothesis that cinnamon extract could also help in delaying Alzheimers disease development by blocking the deposition of amyloid beta peptides. The 1st experimental demonstration that cinnamon extract (along with some other herbal extracts) actually may work against AD belongs to another American group (Kim DS et al J Altern Complement Med. 2007 Apr;13(3):333-40). There was another paper or two since then on the subject (see for example Guo JP et al J Alzheimers Dis. 2010;19(4):1359-70), so, though the story about the visit to Sinagogue is quite touching, I strongly suspect that Dr Ovadia also reads scientific papers in his field of reasearch, and this is where he really got the idea to try cinnamon extract.

Begletz on June 13, 2011 at 11:19 am

    “Sorry to disappoint you, but cinnamon extract is a traditional Chinese herb, and it attracted much interest as such, not as something used by Cohen priests.”

    Logical fallacy. The reasons why other people find it interesting have nothing to do with the fact that this researcher cared about it because of the Bible. After all, the Chinese never did Alzheimer’s research, did they?

    “It has been known for some time already that cinnamon extracts can be helpful for diabetics”

    And this has to do with Alzheimer’s what, exactly?

    “I strongly suspect that Dr Ovadia also reads scientific papers in his field of reasearch”

    You suspect it, but can’t prove it. And it is likely that you are wrong. Why? Because the guy is a ZOOLOGY professor, not pharmacology or anything else traditionally associated with medical research. So why would this guy have been exposed to those papers since they are outside of his field?

    Incidentally, I am not a Jew or a Zionist. (Quite the contrary, I have been accused of being anti-Semitic more than once. More than twice. More than … anyway.) Just opposing your flawed reasoning.

    Gerald on June 13, 2011 at 12:32 pm

      There were more than 1,100 scientific papers published on cinnamon and cinnamon extract (CE), and I simply can’t imagine that Prof Ovadia has seen none of such. He has authored and co-authored 84 papers himself, so I imagine he is quite familiar with state of research on CE. Interestingly, Ovadia’s 2011 paper is also his first and only paper on CE. In science, it is practically impossible to start something from scratch, and scientists always base their research on previously accumulated knowledge. The diabetis results with CE were important for McCarty because McCarty based his hypothesis of using CE against the AD on proposed similarities in mechanisms, that is, by nitric oxide boosting. Then Kim et al demonstrated that this works in vitro. This is the way science works, someone says A, and it helps someone to say B and maybe C etc, so the point is, (1) Prof Ovadia’s work is not a totally original research but a study based on earlier results reported by dozens and dozens other labs (2) science has nothing to do with Talmud and the question of whatever fragrancies were used by ancient Judaic priests to rub into their altars is completely irrelevant to science and can’t be of more than sentimental value to Prof Ovadia personally (3) and also a good and honest scientist always gives a reference to previous work by others that his work has been based upon, while in the Haaretz paper the story is presented like Prof Ovadia just had his Eurika! moment with CE.

      Begletz on June 13, 2011 at 2:39 pm

    Great Job. Good Research.
    it still wasnt ‘dem Arabs

    Aloha on June 13, 2011 at 12:44 pm

Cinnamon. Spice. Israel.

Hey… that explains “Dune”.

The Reverend Jacques on June 13, 2011 at 12:34 pm

In large doses, its toxic to the liver.

But 10 grams a day sounds like what your doctor will order in the future for illnesses ranging from the flu to Alzheimer’s.

The ancient Jewish priests weren’t stupid. They had an advanced knowledge of pharmacology us moderns are only beginning to rediscover.

Ultimately, we’re all in debt to G-d for our good health and long life!

Mazel Tov!

NormanF on June 13, 2011 at 1:05 pm

Thank you once again Debbie, for a job well done. We are a most amazing people.

Naomi R on June 13, 2011 at 2:12 pm

First of all, I’m sorry to hear about your allergy, Sean. You post lovely stuff.

Actually, Debbie, the reason that this research came about is not just purely literarily Biblical—it is because Jewish Culture emphasizes learning intensely. No other culture that I know of has an intellectual test of manhood. In my discussions with non-Jewish friends on this, I always like to emphasize the importance of learning in the culture. The question ate at him because it was tied up with an intellectual contest he was involved in.

Occam's Tool on June 13, 2011 at 3:06 pm

I love, love love cinnamon!

Cat K on June 13, 2011 at 4:49 pm

Begletz, an example of your intellectual rigor is your misspelling of “diabetes”. You also misspelled “Eureka”. This suggests the degree of reliability of your work as a whole.

Your comments are extremely superficial, and almost certainly copied from some anti-semitic garbage website.

Little Al on June 13, 2011 at 5:52 pm

And like anti-semites the world over, Begletz needs improvement in reading comprehension skills. Med hypotheses publishes hypotheses, not rigorous experimental studies as Dr. Ovadia did. But this sloppiness and distortion is what we expect from people of Begletz’s ilk.

Little Al on June 13, 2011 at 6:05 pm

And not to belabor this nitwit’s comments,but confusing a journalistic account with the specific contents of a scientific study (with whatever credit is due others) is something only a semi-literate person would do.

But these comments are a good reminder of the pervasive anti-semitism among pseudo-intellectuals today.

Little Al on June 13, 2011 at 6:18 pm

“It’s a great story of how the Jewish Bible inspired an important medical discovery. Yup, an atheist would never have made this discovery.”

I think that’s a bit harsh and presumptuous. Copernicus and Galileo only were able to discover what they did by completely thumbing their noses at Biblical texts. While Galileo certainly wouldn’t have described himself as an atheist (the man’s daughter was a nun), he simply couldn’t avoid the mathematical truth, and paid dearly for it.

Irving on June 14, 2011 at 12:50 pm

I, you need to look at the context of this discovery, and the Bible’s relation to it. Analogy doesn’t apply here because the situations are different.

Little Al on June 14, 2011 at 3:30 pm

A little jab at atheists, I see. Well, Atheists like Ben Gurian started the modern state of Israel ,and certainly, Atheists like Freud and Einstein have made discoveries more exciting.

richard golden on August 1, 2011 at 10:28 am

It doesn’t really matter what kind of religion it came from. If something would help a medical problem, anyone could have discovered it. It was a fluke it happened to be rediscovered from a religious text. Science would have found out the information anyway, meaning anyone, including Atheists, would have been able to.

Your immature religious talk is childish.

twilight guardian on December 4, 2011 at 6:39 pm

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