June 9, 2008, - 5:28 am

Whitewashing Chante Mallard

By Debbie Schlussel
Maybe you remember the story. If you don’t, political correctness is to blame.
The mainstream media simply didn’t give this racially-charged horror story the attention it deserved because the races of perpetrator and victim were inconvenient to the usual Jim Crow America narrative.
In 2001, just weeks after the 9/11 attacks–which the media told us would unite Americans of all colors against a common Islamist enemy–Chante Jawan Mallard murdered a homeless man in Texas.


The Real Chante Mallard v. Hollywood’s Whitewashed Version


Mallard, a young Black woman in her twenties, embodied everything wrong with the sleazy hip-hop, gangsta lifestyle–especially its inhumanity and insensitivity to the value of all human life. She was high on gin and Ecstasy–not Snoop Dogg’s proverbial “Gin & Juice,” but close enough–while driving home in the middle of the night after partying a club. Gregory Biggs, the homeless man she hit and ultimately murdered, was White.
Mallard drove home with Biggs’ body stuck half through her windshield. He was alive, but injured and bleeding to death from the injuries and shattered glass sticking into his body. Mallard, a nurse’s aide, knew how to administer first aid, and she certainly knew–like the rest of us without that training–how to drive to a hospital.
But she did neither.
Instead, Chante Mallard drove her car, with Bigg’s body writhing in agony and dripping blood, into her garage and shut the door behind her. Despite a promise to Biggs to call for help–the first of several such empty promises–she went inside her house and had sex with her boyfriend, while Biggs lay suffering and dying. Biggs returned to the garage several times to check on Biggs, each time promising help . . . and each time doing nothing. Finally, Biggs died.
After Biggs’ death, Mallard called two friends of hers, also Black, to help her dispose of Biggs’ body in a park. Mallard got away with it, until months later she bragged at a party, “I killed a White man,” and repeatedly laughed about it. Uh-huh, that’s “hilarious.” Yes, the life of a cracker or honky simply wasn’t worth that much to Chante Jawan Mallard. Neither was the fact that he suffered and died a slow, painful, bloody death at her hands.
And Mallard would have gotten away with it. But an enemy of hers was at the party and informed police. In 2003, a guilty verdict resulted in Texas v. Mallard, and she was sentenced to 50-years in prison for second degree murder. She stood to do life, but now she will be eligible for parole 25 years after she began serving her sentence. While Mallard’s victim, Gregory Biggs, died a cruel, cold-hearted death at her hands, she could be out of jail in her mid-50s.

Chante Mallard Murdered “This White Man,” Gregory Biggs

But now a second injustice has been done. It’s “Stuck,” a major motion picture just released in theaters. It is almost 7 years after the murder. Yet, 7 years later, Hollywood still cannot face facts when the race narrative is not the one they want it to be. If the evil White man convention doesn’t fit, we must acquit, er . . . lie in the script?
While the movie is almost completely faithful to the story, Chante Jawan Mallard–a racist Black murderer–is now Brandi Boski, a White chick played by the fair-skinned Mena Suvari. There is no racism in the on-screen story, no comments about “I killed a cracker. Hahahahaha.” But most other things are the same, from the nurse’s aide job of the perpetrator to the Ecstasy pills to the lengthy sex scene, while a homeless man is dying in her garage. Even the look of the house on set is virtually identical to Mallard’s.

Ironically, the few who object to the racial make-over sound like they are on the same Ecstasy pills Mallard was on the night of the murder. An idiotic, uber-liberal White reviewer writes that he is upset that make-up artists styled the obviously White Suvari with cornrows and made her look and sound “African-American,” which he found “insulting and completely racist.” Um . . . Hello? Several Black bloggers lamented that “yet another Black role goes to a White woman.” From White, guilt-ridden liberals to Blacks lamenting they don’t get to play murderers, these card-carrying members of DENSA would be hilarious . . . if they weren’t so sad.
Yes, there are a few other differences in this well-done horror thriller. But they are minor in comparison to the Mallard White-wash and help bring the story along.
Gregory Biggs is now Tom Pardo, a 50-something homeless man who has the day from hell, which begins with being thrown out of his dumpy flophouse efficiency to being given the runaround by government employment agency bureaucrats, and being roused from sleep on a park bench by police, to the horror of being hit and left to suffer by the newly-White version of Chante Mallard.
One appropriate embellishment is the scene in which an illegal alien mother and son find the dying man in the garage and endeavor to save him. But when they reach their home, the husband tells them to ignore him and let him die because, “it’s not our business. Beside that, do you want to be deported?” While it’s not the intended sympathetic-to-aliens sentiment, so much for the public image of illegal aliens as “loyal citizens” who just want to “do the work Americans won’t do.”
And the ending to the Hollywood version of this movie is far more satisfying than the sad, real-life ending to Biggs’ life, making it worth seeing.
But while “Stuck” is a great–though depraved–movie, and well done from almost every standpoint of suspense, misery, and just revenge, one giant injustice rings through:
Bleaching the perpetrator of this horrible murder doesn’t just bleach the truth. It adds insult to injury of the memory of murder victim, Gregory Biggs. If he were a Black man, his life might have been worth more to his racist Black murderess.
May he rest in peace, instead of turning over in his grave.

77 Responses

Unfortunately this will be another movie that I will not be going to see just because hollywierd twisted the story to not offend blacks. When they put together a movie that is more accurate like maybe Mississippi Burning, Jungle Fever, Do The Right Thing, I am likewise going to avoid it. I am also way past tired of white guilt movies.

samurai on June 9, 2008 at 9:03 am

    I am so tired of you white racist republicans who try and make everything about “yall”. You think that we congratulate Chante?? We think the same thing that her sentence was too light and that she is a crazy woman. But we don’t think that her race has anything to do with it. We are used to yall crackas killin black people, serial murdering, child molesting, teachers sexin our big black pieced sons, and you wanna complain about a movie where this white whore tries to act black. You think we applaud her!!!! We hate whores like that, sleeping with our black husbands, trying to be me. You all could never be us. Strong, beautiful, affectonate, forthcoming, honest, and don’t play no $uckin games. So the next time you want talk racist, and talk smack do it on BET, or an african american website where we can defend ourselves. I just happened to bump into your dumb website and had to comment. I hope you never make a dime, and hope some trailer trash meth head doesn’t lodge you in their truck windshield and burn you in their meth labs because they were afraid to get caught. You get what you give…remember that 😉

    BlackBeauty on April 24, 2011 at 11:20 pm

      I stumbled across this site, too; I have never heard of Debbie Schlussel before today. I read this article while shaking my head, and then read your post with the same reaction. You’re both the same person, on opposite sides of the issue. Both racists in your own way. Pathetic.

      Kate on September 29, 2011 at 4:09 pm

      Btw, the format of this site doesn’t indicate it, but that reply was aimed at BlackBeauty, who apparently thinks all white women are exactly the same.

      Kate on September 29, 2011 at 4:10 pm

      Hey BlackBeauty:
      You claim black (women?) are “Strong, beautiful, affectonate, forthcoming, honest.” Boy, you must have been on ectasty when you wrote that load of trash-talk. You black folk are ugly with your thick, flattened noses, thick lip, gorilla-like forehead, you crappy attitude thinking because of slavery 150 years ago you are entitled to an easy living today. You are not “strong, beautiful…” but weak, stupid, murdering, thieving, hate-filled, dishonest, dancing monkeys. Call me racist! I love the epithet for it distinguished me as a person who actually works for his money so he can pay your welfare check. Call me racist, for I work my ass off to pay all the taxes you black folks don’t. And BTW, I worked my ass off to get a college degree so I could pay even more taxes for your lazy ass. I have been to Africa and I have seen how your relatives live like monkeys, sitting around and picking plantains (a banana like fruit) off trees and doing as little as possible to get by. These are the people whose descendants became slaves and who are now your ancestors. You get your laziness honestly, from the genes you inherited. I guess we should just accept your condition and hope all the black men screwing white women eventually breed you out of existence. Racist and damn proud of it!!!!!

      Bumper on April 21, 2012 at 5:41 pm

      Black Beauty, why is race not an element of a crime when a black person commits the crime against a white victim, yet when the races are reversed and a white person commits a crime against a black victim, the black community has no hesitation in labeling the act as “racist”?

      The fact that Mallard would joke about killing a “white man” and mentioned his race, tells me that she is a vile racist and didn’t think that it was a big deal that she killed a white person. She should have been charged with a hate crime and sent to the electric chair.

      Kurt on November 27, 2012 at 1:13 am

    Ms. Schlussel, I absolutely applaud you for bringing up a subject that our wonderful, PC and racism screaming media refuses to acknowledge. Though I feel your article focuses more on the act of a selfish & racist Chante Mallard instead of a head on slam of media that would be hyping and throwing up headlines of “hate crime” had these race roles been switched, you still touch enough on this subject to make this abundantly clear. Knowing the amount of resentment, double-standard bigotry & screams of racism(some to the extent of false accusations of KKK & neo nazi), it is awesome to see someone having the courage to discuss racism that is not even considered by our courts & media. You will hear primarily attacks from people refusing to accept or consider black racism & condemn it as it should be because it is merely just racism, ugly and falsely justified as it always is.
    BlackBeauty(Bigot), you’re a disgusting example of someone who is completely deluded into thinking your racism & bias is somehow okay or justified or simply, somehow, “not racism.” You stink of generalizations & ignorance by stating that this woman must be a Republican & your moronic belief that blacks somehow are more honest & “don’t play games.” Certainly you cannot prove this & it’s all just BlackBigot’s racist belief that the black race, her/his race, is better than the white race(Love, that is called “Racism” in case you didn’t know.)

    Jer on December 22, 2011 at 8:25 am

    Greg Biggs wasn’t just a “homeless man” as so many people and newscasts portray – he was a man – a human being – a Christian – a daddy – a son – a friend. I went to school with him and he was SO much more than the media portrays! God Bless his son – you are the son of an amazing man, Brandon – so many of us still think about him (and you!) – please never forget that. Your mother, Tammy is pretty awesome, too!!!! Brandon – don’t let the media get to you – please realize your worth and be SO proud your mama raised you the way she did and your dad was the man he was. I remember your mom bringing you into my dad’s hair salon when you were a baby – and can still see you sleeping in the waiting chair – you are destined for great things! Please never forget that!

    Debra Barr Young on January 3, 2012 at 2:01 am

Thanks for highlighting this important issue, Debbie.
The “disproportion” of black on white crime in this country is startling. Blacks assault, rob, rape, and murder whites at much higher rates than whites commit crimes against blacks. (And their preachers and professors and artists tell them it is justified to hate whitey.)
You can be sure that if the statistics were the opposite, there would be a deafening outcry among liberals (and misguided moderates) in government, the media, and academia. So why do so many whites just sit back and take it?
The depths of undeserved white racial guilt in this country and the desire of so many whites to postrate themselves before blacks (see everyone’s favorite politician, Barack Obama, and everyone’s favorite movie god, Morgan Freeman) is utterly contemptible.

RepublicanPatriot on June 9, 2008 at 10:02 am

Why even make this movie? Instead of making a movie to entertain the viewing public, they point out how savage society has become. We have all of hollywood’s favorite things wrapped up in one: sex, murder, drug use and I am sure more profanity than a reasonable person can stand. Is there no originality left in hollywood at all? They go on a tear of remaking movies. When that gets old, they take a tv series or comic strip and turn it into a movie. After they have exhausted this vein, they make a movie about some criminal who is on drugs and bangs everything that moves. Somehow they make this find upstanding citizen into a tragic hero. If all else fails, they can attack the government or people with initiative, while turning tratiors or lazy people into victims.

Ford Jones on June 9, 2008 at 10:16 am

No,Spike,Jamie,Denzel,etc,etc, Hollywood is systematically racist against WHITES.

OldSchoolW on June 9, 2008 at 11:41 am

Wait until we’re no longer 90% of the population as we were 40 years ago, or 2/3 as we are today, but 40%, 30%, 20%…it’s going to be a laugh a minute for us White boys. Then we’ll see how much the media, the government, and non-Whites really care about “minorities”.

John Harper on June 9, 2008 at 12:25 pm

    BTW Debbie, I clicked on all your partner advertising. I hope my clicking supports your web site. It is comforting to find a white woman who is not fooled by the white-guilt narrative shoved down our throat by the liberal, socialist, eastern establishment. I wish you all the best. I was working in Fort Worth when this awful tragedy occured. There was moderate media coverage, but nothing like the media coverage in the Trayvon Martin episode in Florida. No one marched for Biggs, no one created any uproar even though this evil woman was making love while she let him slowly bleed to death. Maybe, just maybe some white woman in prison will want to show the rest of the inmates how tough she is and she will off Chante Mallard. I will clapp my hands and shout for joy if such justice ever does occur. I am tired of paying taxes so people can live generation to generation on the govenment dole just because of the color of their skin. I am tired of supporting a government that has lost its sense of what government is. I am tired of being told I am a racist just because I really do believe in the concept of equality for all, but no favortism for any. So, call me a racist – I am proud to be one if I stand for what is right in this country. Let us racist begin to stand together and be proud of that epithet. Racist and damn proud of it!!! No more free rides for anyone.

    Bumper on April 21, 2012 at 5:58 pm

I think the take-away point regarding the appearance of the illegal aliens would not have been to show that illegals are bad people. More like were it not for our harsh & restrictive immigration laws, these illegals would have been able to report the incident & therefore, the man’s life could have been saved. But since the illegals are forced underground by our society, our society ultimately killed this man. See how all you mean & nasty, anti-immigrant types kill innocent homeless people with your silly laws?
This is precisely why I avoid all movies & most all of TV. (But enjoy your reviews anyhow….even better when they confirm that I’m not missing much.)

Cheesestick on June 9, 2008 at 1:09 pm

I hope Clint Eastwood reads this site. Spike will shut his face on this one for sure.

Robert S. Trojan on June 9, 2008 at 4:50 pm

What bothers me about this is not race, it’s just that we have just become so callous as to not care about another human being. Humanity is losing value. That is why stories of MOH recipients like Monsoor, Murphy etc.. cheer me up. Those men held life as so precious, they would rather lose their own that see their buddies die. And that is priceless.

mindy1 on June 9, 2008 at 8:29 pm

If Obama is elected we will see these issues come to a head. Many of Obama’s followers have a real sense of entitlement and will be demanding money for past wrongs etc. If that doesn’t happen they will hit the streets.
What you all have to remember is that a lot of Blacks have followed the Wright line for years, and the mainstream has ignored the thoughts ignored the words, and the deeds done.
All of these previously ignored issues will come to the fore.

taffy on June 10, 2008 at 7:42 am

The hate whitey crowd has been out there a long time and many of them are working in jobs right next to you. I went to the er at St. Joe’s in Ann Arbor and heard a black Dr. talking to an inmate he was working on that Farrahkan says a lot of good things etc, etc. I let him talk because it was a LITTLE surprising to hear this s–t come out of a doctors mouth. Kind of like reading about the docs in the u.k. having terror ties and sympathies. I’m sure they are like that in our country too. Our msm is just too pc to bring it up.

samurai on June 10, 2008 at 10:26 am

Hollywood: land of fantasy justification and rewriting history.
Law & Order did this story already when a wealthy, jet setting woman with the same makeup job as Suvari’s killed a homeless man with her Aston Martin. But the guy was going to die anyway ’cause another homeless man hours earlier gave the victim a skull fracture for not sharing an orange. She was not charged with murder.
Now this movie. Another attempt to justify an outright murder through fact sanitizing and hollywood racism.
So what’s next – a movie to justify the Texas raid on the FLDS? A movie to justify an attack on Texas by the FLDS for the raid? A movie to justify Hollywood for making movies that stink?

bhparkman on June 11, 2008 at 12:58 pm

what is next??? the Whitewashing of Crystal Gail Mangum?? for those who have forgotten, she is the black stripper who falsely accused the six Duke LaCrosse players of rape. Now to be honest, she could not have arranged this accusation to go anywhere without the willing help of Mike Nifong, the local district attorney who willingly falsely accused thesse innocent players so he could obtain the black vote to get reelected. there is a lot to whitewash here, not the least of which is how the DA, Nifong tried to railroad six innocent people. Also, in the ‘needing whitewashed’ department is the Duke faculty who declared the players guilty well before Nifong even started his investigation. So tell me, how long must we live under this stupid notion of ‘white guilt’ and its ok for blacks to reverse discriminate because of history?? Now that i think about it, there will be one other item to white wash in this story, the lack of black disrimination stories during this sordid time. Apparently, the left thinks only whites discriminate. Apparently, there was no reverse discrimination perpetrated against the six white boys of the Duke LaCrosse team.

agarwaen on June 11, 2008 at 1:38 pm

Wow, finally some people with common sense. Of course it doesn’t matter what the color of skin is or the ethnic background. This woman and her “friends” are true garbage. She basically tortured an innocent man. I understand why it didn’t get coverage but it should have been one of the biggest news story of the past 50 years. It is the most heartless, soul-less thing I have ever heard about – right up there with that monster O.J.!!

ssb on July 3, 2008 at 7:03 pm

    well im a black female, with friends of all colors…im very offened by what im reading…do u WHITE PEOPLE not realize what we’ve been thru and STILL going thru…i am a nurse and took an oath to serve and care for anyone…ive had plenty of racist white plp…and to be honest, ive watched some bad ones die a slooow painful death, and they have revealed to me some of their wrongs…remember it was YOUR plp who came and got us…while u guys have your traditions and heritge, and dont forget the FACT that u can trace your fam tree as far back as it goes…to this day im trying to find out who i am, where my plp come from, due to the fact that your men rapped and kikled our children and men, seperated us, sold us like cattle, didnt even consider us humans, now in this day, u kill us with the stroke of a pen, or the delet button, which is way scarrier to me…i would rather have u tell me u dont like me cause of the color of my skin…u r so fake, we all have lil predjudices in us, ur plp have dished so much out to us, and when u get a tad back, its pandamonium…really? no what this woman did was terrible, unjustifiable, but i was raised to believe wrong is wrong no matter what. if she were my child, i would hold her a hell of a lot more responsible than any of your court systems ever could…stop with the sterotypes…if thats the case all white plp are disease ridden, inscestuous, theiving, conieving, miserable, selfish, incompetent, brainwashed idiots…but i cannot say that. i have an abundance of white people in my PERSONAL Life, can u say that? what kinda person does this make u? and i know u bible worshiping pompus asses preach this to ur kids. never have i seen a race disown their own flesh, for going against the grain…you dont like us, but u damn sure try YOUR HARDEST TO BE JUST LIKE US! know why? 1. we got swagger, style which u try desperately to copy 2. u CANNOT HOLD US DOWN…no matter hiw many laws and other obstacles u TRY to put up to keep us down, we keep rising, 3. we r a beautiful race of all d

    THINK B4 U SPEAK on June 27, 2010 at 6:40 pm

      This is the kind of bullshit thinking that pisses me off so badly….YOU haven’t suffered slavery, YOU haven’t been whipped, YOU haven’t been owned, and YOU probably got whatever education you have through grants and affirmative action programs that you may or may not deserve. Anything the black community is ‘still going through today’ is almost guaranteed to be the result of their own racist, white hating bullshit.

      GW on March 13, 2011 at 8:34 am

        Thank you! SO True!!!

        KLANKUMZ on July 5, 2011 at 11:59 am

      You almost had me believing you except for your unprofessional writing skills. If you want to be taken seriously then write like it and not like some ghetto rat.

      IowaRose63 on January 7, 2014 at 10:18 am

I don’t care about color but coming from the area and city of the accident I feel like alot of guilt is on her because she panic.That dont excuss what she did matters her profession and it amazing how diffrent the movie is from South East Ft.Worth all do it was a good movie with maybe 5 percent of the truth. Why is she eligible for paroll? What make it so wrong is not what happen but trying to get away with and dumping the dead body in our neighborhood in the park were my kids play so she aint as innocent as some make it.

wc on September 7, 2008 at 11:54 pm

these people make this a black and white thing ,but it wasn’t nor was a hip hop thing.The media mad that up along with texas law down here things are worded differently between crimes Black commit and whites commit Far as punishments she deseve what she got but if she was white she will be about out with maybe two or three years of paroll some of these bloggers need to know what that are talking about before thay show how truly prejuduce white America really is all do you all try to hide in public but on the computer
about 70% feel like this country is for white only.

wc on September 8, 2008 at 12:20 am

All human beings are outraged when anyone commits an act so obviously senseless and evil. I don’t think she should get out in twenty-five years. Oh and by the way, I happen to be Black.

jent on October 15, 2008 at 5:20 pm

Yes, had to thank you for this blog, because I was beginning to think of myself a racist. As I watched the flick I could not shake the feeling that the girl who hit the man was black. Of coarse the corn rows had something to do with that, but it made me feel guilty all the same. When I came across your blog it was wonderful to find out I was not so crazy. It is a shame about the ignorant political correctness!

fhp57 on October 18, 2008 at 8:08 pm

She hit him by accident and wasn’t driving through the streets looking for a white man to mow down. Don’t get me wrong – what she did is disgusting. I think she is a monster.
“Samurai”, your comments are kind of scary. What are you suggesting exactly? Being conservative and calling people on PC censorship is one thing. But frothing at the mouth about “there’s-too-many-of-them” really is stupid.
Black, brown, yellow. They’re all here to stay – so how are you going to deal with it? Just meet it with hate? Has that solved anything ever? (Germany in the 40s…Rwanda…Bosnia…)
Anyway, crazy film. Didn’t really enjoy it. I also think it was strange that they made her white.

Fiona on December 23, 2008 at 4:59 pm

I just wanted to say that her crime could be perceived as a hate crime. I have no problem with that. But like someone mentioned, it was an accident, she wasn’t driving around with the intent to harm anyone. But I feel that the racial knife cuts both ways, so have no problem calling it a hate crime. And I would have enjoyed the movie just as much if the main character had been protrayed correctly as black. I am black and say I agree. But, I see a lot of people here over emphasizing that many black people hate “whitey”. I don’t see that in my friends and family. And as far as black people “demanding” money or some other such nonsense because obama is in office is very insulting. I and my friends and family are hard working people. There is no way I would want or ask, or demand money from the government for slavery. Do you really view black people that way? Last year a black guy in new york jumped onto the subway tracks and sheltered a white guy who had fallen with his body as the train rushed by them. Both could have easily have been killed. Google “Wesley Autrey” and “New York Subway”. I hope people can remain balanced instead of freaking out and thinking minorities are out to get white people. Calm Down!

debi on December 27, 2008 at 1:50 am

Erm, think this is kinda being looked at in the wrong way. Film making is a business, business decisions are made to ensure the profitability of the film. That is (maybe unfortunately) how business works. The decisions you are calling racist are about making money, target audiences.
So casting. It’s an indie, not much budget, but you need a name actor, a draw. You cast a young, aspiring, unknown black actress in the role, and the movie would struggle to get attention (thats if a studio even picks it up). Chuck in Mena “American Pie” Suvari, and you have a ready target demographic (white male 18-30) waiting for you.
Simlarly, imagine the pitch. First try – “erm, so we want to explore racial tensions and motives on a shoestring budget, and…” … “get out of my office” is what the producer would say. Pitch 2 – “OK, get this – Mena Suvari hits a guy in her car…and just leaves him there! Thats the movie! Some lady did it a while back! Sounded like a good film!”. Producer – “Mena Suvari you say…”.
In pure monetary terms, with a black lead, this movie would of flunked. Which is why the predominantly white studio would not make it in that way for a predominantly white America. I will let you decide where the inherent racism lies in that.
Lastly, no mention of an Irish guy playing an American! ITS RAYSCHIST I TELLS YA

bacontrout on February 5, 2009 at 12:48 am

Didn’t know there was a movie about this

Fran on April 25, 2009 at 1:00 pm

Debbie Schlussel, I had to Google you, to see all your credentials, very impressive, and I must say I’m am shocked and disappointed. How such a educated woman could write such a hate induced article is beyond me. The ignorance and racist remarks I encountered among the response here was expected but I would’ve thought your education and life experience would have giving you a more unbiased view on things. Let me first say I have lived on the east coast all my life, and when this unfortunate crime became news it was on every new broadcast and in every paper. It received full cover until the day she was sentenced. So the accounts of this story not getting coverage because of the ethnicity of the killer, yes I said killer, are very wrong. Chante Mallard is a very cold hearted animal and my prayers go out to the family and friends of the victim, Gregory Biggs. But keep in mind it could have been an Asian, Hispanic, Black, Indian, Muslim, Jewish, or Christian man that was hit. She did not targets whites, nor do I think that she allowed Mr Biggs to die because he was white. No matter the race she was a soulless individual who was capable of everything she did and was only looking out for herself. Debbie, to also attribute her actions to what you in your ingnorance and racist beliefs call “sleazy hip-hop, gangsta lifestyle” and to compare her actions to a snoop dog song puts in perspective to me and most other educated individuals where the true racism and hate resides………and that is in you! 3 different groups of teens from my high school died in my 4 years there in car accidents where they were drinking and using drugs and crashed. All 3 groups where white and listen did not listen to hip hop. Do you blame that on Snoop dog’s Gin and Juice also? Now I see no reason why they made her character white and I agree with you in saying they should have portrayed all factual aspects of the story, or as close to it as possible, but the only one shouting race her or racism is you. As messed up as this women was/is I do not think she was motivated by race, although she stated the victims race when telling her tale at the party. You see the need to stir the melting pot in such a way that all the yellow veggies are on one side and all the white on another, and all the brown on another, and etc. This just shows me that if hate, fear, and ignorance are in your heart no amount of education will eradicate that. Lets focus on teaching the youth of all races the value of human life and instill in them sensitivity and humanity. Hollywood made an issue and mistake with color, lets not do the same! But I do wonder Debbie, if that is your view of hip hop and the those that listen to it as you implied, how do you perceive the many young African Americans you must come in contact with at one point or another.

Just the ramblings of a white male who chooses to embrace and appreciate or differences but understands that we are all Americans or more importantly, HUMAN!

Schlusseliexpectedmore on August 13, 2009 at 6:41 am

I saw this movie last night and am not surprised by Hollywood’s left side PC propaganda. They must think we are real idiots by casting the lead role to a white women in corn rolls, when everyone knows the truth that it was an African American women.
Chante Mallard appears to be very sad in her pictures that I’ve seen. I (IMO) think she is sad for herself only because she will be in prison for a long time. I also think her inhumane behavior was justified in her mind by virtue that this was just some “white cracker”.
Imagine being white, sick and helpless in the care facility where she worked and having her as your nurse where she could care less if her nursing resulted in your demise due to her lack of conscience.

Adam on October 28, 2009 at 4:25 pm

Good job Debbie,I am tired of no one careing about white people getting descriminated against. The worst part is we get descriminated against, then treated like criminals if we stand up for ourselves. Im so sick of this crap. I want a white card to pull out of my pocket as an argument or excuse for anything I do or that may occur in everyday life.

Descriminated white man on December 9, 2009 at 8:34 am

To exploit color in such a horrific situation is ignorant. Thank you for showing everyone ignorance doesn’t only come in black Ms.Schlussel. Wrong will always be wrong and right will…….

Bronx ny republican on January 28, 2010 at 12:46 am

LOL….hello white people!!!!! Lets not go there…… after years of oppression and the Civil Rights Movement, not to metion all of the unsolved murders of young blacks during that time that was intentional, not accidental, I can’t believe you all are dragging this race card through the mud. I’m from the Deep South and even today have been discriminated against. I’m not saying that what she did was right at all, but I can understand where she’s comming from. I to am a Nurse’s Aide and work with the same people that killed and beat my own relatives during the Civil Rights Movement.

Black Girl in Selma, Al on February 9, 2010 at 3:42 am

I just finished watching stuck and decided to google Chante Mallard. This is what came up. I feel like i’m in the middle of a clan rally here. You all should be ashamed.

Bobby on February 16, 2010 at 4:29 am

You know it’s funny how some disgruntled RACIST can type up this article with it’s many “opinions and biased views” and overlook how the roles were reversed for so many years! It’s not a black on white attack nor is it related to hip hop music, it’s about a young uneducated PERSON that was abusing drugs and alcohol and made several bad decisions!! People you all need to grow up and let go of your sheltered small town thinking and see the bigger picture!! This woman was sentenced to jail for her crimes. What more do you want from her? You make so many references to racist crimes and attacks but none of them discuss how whites have attacked blacks and latinos for DECADES!!! I serve in the armed forces and I could care less about the color of someone’s skin (I’m too educated for that) but I care about the person’s character and ability to assess a threat and danger and be there to help me out. Wake up people and GROW up! You are showing your ignorance and social immaturity by the absurd, biased and RACIST comments that you’ve made!!! I pray that none of you have any children to affect and inflict this nonsense on to.

You are all a DISGRACE to the human race, not one specific ethnicity!! Ignorance is surely contagious and you’ve proven here.

SGT G on March 4, 2010 at 11:22 am

Stop “black washing” this story to aid your own personal racist agenda. Mallard never said I hit this “cracker”, while telling her story to others, she said I hit this “white guy” and an enemy didn’t turn her in, but several black acquaintances who believed that she should pay for her crimes. No matter the color of the victim, his death should have been vindicated and it was. Your comments would have held more merit if you had stuck to how outrageous it was to change the race of the perpetrator in the movie that was made. But by fictionalizing the facts, you show that you are just one more simple minded racist who can’t tell a human being from a tree!

shaaronie on April 4, 2010 at 6:35 pm

I’m not feeling your racist tone at all.Hip Hop is not about crazy ppl hitting ppl with cars.They shouldn’t have made the character white but,this is America and they feel that making her white will increase sales.Your a racist.I can tell you hate blacks and immigrants.Why hip hop gotta be sleazy?Why we gotta be united against Islamists?You maam are a racist.You know how many Black characters get white washed who do good things?You know how many Black men are murdered by police for nothing?Tea bagger

Loch on October 7, 2010 at 9:20 am

I’m not feeling your racist tone at all.Hip Hop is not about crazy ppl hitting ppl with cars.They shouldn’t have made the character white but,this is America and they feel that making her white will increase sales.Your a racist.I can tell you hate blacks and immigrants.Why hip hop gotta be sleazy?Why we gotta be united against Islamists?You maam are a racist.You know how many Black characters get white washed who do good things?You know how many Black men are murdered by police for nothing?Tea bagger

Loch on October 7, 2010 at 9:31 am

LMFAO at white ppl talking about being targeted or discriminated against.What alternate dimension do you live in?This whole system is ran by white ppl.If your white and can’t make it in America,your just a dickhead

Loch on October 7, 2010 at 9:33 am

Debbie, you should be ashamed of yourself!
What does this “lady” hitting an innocent man and leaving him in her windshield have to do with rap music!?!?! Snoop? Gin and Juice? How do you know she even listens to rap? So she said she hit a white man, he WAS white wasn’t he? What she did, started off as an accident, but the actions taken after the incident were wrong and she got what she deserved!
Its people with your intolerance/ignorance for other races that will never allow this country to get past racism!!!!!!

Steph on October 19, 2010 at 5:23 pm

White people time in America is over with. We now have a Black President, a Black Department of Justice. Its time for Reparations and as soon as we get more black folk elected, it will be pay day. Yes We Can.

James Jameson on October 22, 2010 at 10:10 pm

The ignorance that most people have is just hilarious! Lets all forget the real important issue that a poor man died in someone’s windshield . the fact that people are bringing color and race into this matter is just irrelevant and just goes to show how ignorant and dumb most people in society are today. the stereotypes is just too funny, gin and juice lmao! snoop dogg lmao! you people need to get educated.

Nellnell on October 27, 2010 at 8:29 pm


It is the nature of big business to omit facts. This movie is set to entertain, not educate. The movie protagonist lives and gets his pound of flesh from the woman who was his captor.

Seek and you will find, this holds true for hate, love, racism,
cruelty, equality.

I was searching for the horrible woman who left a man to die in her windshield and I found this article from someone equally as frighten and small minded as Chante.

Sane Person on October 31, 2010 at 6:40 pm

This Chante is a real piece of work…but so is this columnist.
Let’s face it..the sorry excuse for a human being, Chante, did not hit this guy because he was white nor not seek help because he was white.
She is, indeed, a sorry excuse for a human being. But it has nothing to do with her race.
I feel pretty certain that no matter who or what was stuck in her windshield..Chante would have remained true to Chante.
She deserves the worst of what we can dish out..but not because of what she is but because of who she is.
People are so obtuse about race..white and black both…it’s not everything. And is nothing in this particular case.
So she mouthed a few slurs after the incident? Maybe it made her feel better about herself. Live with herself a little easier. But it’s not why it happened.
Someone else at that party didn’t agree with her, did they?

Rosanna on November 6, 2010 at 8:57 am

What STUPIDITY Chante! To do something like that to that poor man, instead of facing up to your responsibility and at least getting him some help that may have saved his life. Did the drugs take away your humanity, or did they just magnify your own inhumane-ness? I’m only sorry the real-life story didn’t end like the movie! Too bad. Well, you got what you deserved! May Mr. Biggs soul, wherever it is, be healed, and forever rest in peace and love. What a stupid, stupid, girl!

Darlene on December 12, 2010 at 11:17 am

It’s not a race issue! It’s just plain ole STUPIDITY on the part of a stupid-assed girl!

Darlene on December 12, 2010 at 11:22 am

Hello all bleeding hearts, We will NEVER be past race, even if all whites become anti-racist they will make us their slaves and kill us slowly. They resent our power and resourcefullness, the sheer number inventions and ability to conquer fast. I’m polite and humane to all but carry a “mental big stick” with me if anyone ever dares to fuck with me because I’m white.

Johanna on April 8, 2011 at 6:14 am

Johanna, try decaf. As much as Negroes are always claiming everyone’s racist & out to get THEM – YOUR claims are JUST as asinine/racist/paranoid/self-grandiose.

“They resent our power and resourcefullness, the sheer number inventions and ability to conquer fast”

Wow. REALLY? Please stop embarrassing the rest of us perfectly normal mentally stable individuals.

enoch on April 14, 2011 at 5:28 pm

Just a thought.. Ok this movie was based on a real event, but it wasn’t really about the people involved, so much as about the situation for this bizarre crime.

If there wasn’t this parallel to a real event, it would still be an interesting premise for a movie. The fact that the film makers choose to create this drama as if it were another ‘what-if’, should be seen as what film makers do, and have always done.

If this is to be seen as some kind of biopic, then it is a story which could not hope to do any justice to the lives of the characters it portrayed. For that you would need more than our superficial view[s]. You would need to explore her background, social standing, intelligence, and all the other ideas which might have contributed to the way this person responded. Then there’s situation of homeless people in America and other developed nations, and the ways they are treated or not cared for. They as a collective are another kind of under-under class. There is no single word to discribe that relationship, so we resort to what we know, or believe must be.

The real questions here is about society and the way it prepares the individual for the unexpected. This could also be about all those uncoded values which we see without recognising them. But back to the central ‘character’ who obviously didn’t respond as we imagine most people would. If she had there would be no drama. In that sense, for drama to be drama, it has to take from the unusual, or the grossly distorted. Its the same with what we are presented with as News. Ordinary people leading ordinary lives, the great majority doing the right thing, won’t make the news or the movies.

Once again I would say the film makers were exploiting the situation of the story. Its a shame this kind of movie making, or story telling, had to wait for a real life event. The rest of the time the movie industry pander to the known formuli for what makes an interesting/profitable movie.

many thanks ‘bacontrout’ for your measured perspective on the industry.

Ajaxn on June 8, 2011 at 7:48 am

@BLACKBEAUTY “White Racist Republicans”?? Your words prove you are the racist!! Just another lame B*tch trying to prove she’s something she isn’t. It isn’t the white people who constantly try to make everything about our race. I don’t see a National White month, I don’t see a National White kids college fund, there is so much the black race does to make life all about themselves, so don’t come on here with your “YALL” black slang talk. If you were smart enough you’d know statistics show blacks lead the way in murder (of your own race too), child molesting, etc. AND there’s plenty of your so-called big black pieced sons who are giving their all to hook up with our tight white girls. So shut your ugly mouth POS!

NotAboutColor on June 29, 2011 at 9:17 am

this is the stupidest review on either the true event or the movie ever! this was one inhuman person killing another human being and i do not believe she would have saved the victim if it were not a “white” man. she happened to be an insensitive person and from her comments seems like “racist” herself. but thats one human being and why did not the movie show it- who knows! the actual incident made me feel disgusted about the woman’s inhumanity and this review and some comments have me convinced stupidity and racism spans all colors! what this woman did was so wrong and but writing irresponsible pieces like this only stimulates more hatred!

Prat on July 9, 2011 at 7:16 pm

I have just watched the film and decided to type it into google and this was one of the search results. I cant believe that an educated woman could write such crap. Debbie has definately got some issues with blacks and immergrants. Which I find ironic as her family are polish immergrants. I think the best way to approach this review is to laugh. At her. I dont think there are racial issues that the film was trying to project. Debbie has just seen the opputunity to have a dig at blacks and immergrants. I suspect give her the chance and she could blame most of the worlds problems on blacks and anyother skin colour in the world.

Oh by the way before anyone picks on my spelling im English and that we spell things differently, like colour.

Andrew on July 20, 2011 at 6:31 pm

    Hey Andrew, you don’t understand a damn thing about issues here in America, being English, so get off yourself. Secondly, somehow in the minds of blacks in this nation, their racism is okay & NO IT IS NOT!!! The racist issues of this case & this racist black woman should have been plastered everywhere the same way it would have been had this been a white person doing this to a black man/woman. It is no secret to anybody that our media does not report hate crimes towards whites, yet they happen everyday. Sorry there is truth in this article & truth in just how racist blacks are just based on ignorant, racist rants like blackbeauty’s “Ode to okaying black racism.” Don’t think for 2 seconds you have any concept of what is here, Andrew.

    Jer on December 22, 2011 at 2:11 am

It’s funny what you come across on the internet. I feel like so many of you have never really grown up. Many of you sound like ignorant children. I’m tired of being grouped into they or them category!! First off no matter what ethnic background you are from everyone is different, there are low lives of every background. Its time to put the racism aside for real. Black, White, or whatever what this woman did was wrong period. She did not target Mr. Briggs for being White if he were Black she would have done the same thing. She was looking out for self, and didn’t want to get into trouble he could have been purple that’s not the point.

I think we can all agree if nothing else that what she did was wrong and we are all disgusted by her actions. I find it so easy that when people do things many are quick to point the finger at race. Every ethnicity has evil people in it you know why because we are all one race which is the human race and inherently humans have evil tendencies.

The bottom line is you are in control of self and you need to control your own actions. Many of you here should check yourselves in the mirror with all that racism you can’t be happy people not really. The best part of life is enjoying others different from you embracing and learning from each other life is way too short for discrimination.

Time to Stop!! on July 23, 2011 at 8:59 pm

    Excuse me “Time to Stop,” but when somebody is out at a party laughing & bragging about how she killed this “white cracker,” where are you not getting that racism, bigotry, prejudice & hate crime is not there? Let’s discuss a white woman doing the same thing & going on about she killed a “nigger” & let’s see how fast this crime is turned into a hate crime. “Time to Stop?” Yeah, time to stop pretending that double standards & racism not in the PC realm are okay, otherwise drop it all together! It’s absolutely amazing to me how brainwashed people such as yourself only think racism should be considered in certain cases & based off race . . . Are you kidding or just stupid? You don’t have to be out looking for someone to enact a hate crime when the circumstances fall in your lap & racist insensitivity is clear by garbage out of your mouth! Hello????

    Jer on December 22, 2011 at 8:50 am

Wow. Its great to see how people how people say all this in private. I bet all of you are the kind of people that say I’m not racist i have one black friend. Hollywood whitewashes everything. So get off your higj horse white people get away with so much crap then have the nerve to be upset when a non white person get away with the same crime. When justice is equal for all the speak but untill then please stop

black woman on April 10, 2012 at 7:58 pm

If Chante makes it out of prison, I know for a fact that she will be killed. I hope it is taped so we can all watch it.

Edward Hederman on July 21, 2012 at 8:32 pm


NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS !!!!! on October 10, 2012 at 10:15 pm


NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS !!!!! on October 10, 2012 at 10:23 pm

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