August 23, 2007, - 5:42 pm

Religion of Medicaid/Medicare Fraud


I’ve written many times about Muslims who’ve defrauded Medicaid. That includes by the Dearbornistan-based ), pursuant to which you, the taxpayer, pay for the delivery of babies to pregnant Muslim foreign aliens who lie to Customs and Border Protection inspectors to get into the country to have their kids here. Their kids become anchor babies with U.S. citizenship.

(a Bush Federal Appeals Court nominee) and (who wants to be Michigan Governor) refuse to prosecute the agency and are letting the fraud continue.

But there’s also the Medicaid and Medicare fraud that’s just meant to get rich of the infidels.  [Ad:  This one doesn’t affect the workers graduated from medical billing and coding schools. It doesn’t affect hospital workers so much either.] That’s generally referred to by Muslims as “halal (permitted) money.”

Here’s the latest such scam:

A Southfield company that manages skilled nursing centers, its owner and two of its top officials have agreed to pay $1.25 million to settle allegations that they improperly billed Medicaid and Medicare for inadequate care of, and services to, residents at four metro Detroit nursing homes.

Ciena Healthcare Management Inc., its owner Mohammad Qazi, Chief Financial Officer Anis Khan and Chief Operating Officer Denise Mahnke-Pugh agreed to the settlement Monday.

The settlement — $707,888 to be paid to the federal government and $542,111 to the State of Michigan — covers the submission of claims to Medicaid and Medicare for nursing and other services provided at St. James Nursing Center, the Americare Convalescent Center and the Qualicare Nursing Home, all in Detroit, and at Northfield Place Nursing Home in Whitmore Lake, between January 2000 and December 2006.

The facilities allegedly failed to meet the needs of residents in several care areas, including medication management and nutrition and hydration, the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Detroit said Monday.

Ciena and its officers have entered into a 5-year integrity agreement in which they agree to undertake measures to comply with federal health care programs.

“Integrity”? When pigs fly. And that goes for the U.S. Attorney, too.

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12 Responses

Our so called ‘leaders’ are nothing more than spineless chicken shits that will do anything to appease the enemy!! I never ever thought that I would live to witness the complete sellout of the American people by our ‘leaders’.
If we (your basic hardworking American citizen) tried any of this fraud that the moozlums and/or the Mexicans get away with we would be in court and convicted so fast it would make your head spin.
Why do the moozlums and the Mexicans constantly get a free pass on breaking the law?
Things are going down the shitter so fast that we seem to reach a new low every day!! In fact things are so out of control that it is almost impossible to wrap your head around all of the insanity!!
I want my Nation back!! I’m pissed off and I’m ready to fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

newinnewark on August 23, 2007 at 9:53 pm

Couldn’t agree with you more!!!!!
People in this country should make it a priority to:
FIRST: Defeat the marxist liberals who would sell their own grandmother if it got them into power.
SECOND: Throw the lousy evil bedouins out, BUT also, don’t let any more desert scum into our country.
If we don’t mobilize the majority and defeat the useful idiots, we’ll lose what we have!!!!!!
May God bless America!

God&America on August 24, 2007 at 1:44 am

Couldn’t agree with you more!!!!!
People in this country should make it a priority to:
FIRST: Defeat the marxist liberals who would sell their own grandmother if it got them into power.
SECOND: Throw the lousy evil bedouins out, BUT also, don’t let any more desert scum into our country.
If we don’t mobilize the majority and defeat the useful idiots, we’ll lose what we have!!!!!!
May God bless America!

God&America on August 24, 2007 at 1:44 am

Couldn’t agree with you more!!!!!
People in this country should make it a priority to:
FIRST: Defeat the marxist liberals who would sell their own grandmother if it got them into power.
SECOND: Throw the lousy evil bedouins out, BUT also, don’t let any more desert scum into our country.
If we don’t mobilize the majority and defeat the useful idiots, we’ll lose what we have!!!!!!
May God bless America!

God&America on August 24, 2007 at 1:44 am

middle eastern anchor baby, did a little muslim pop out or did a little ticking time bomb pop out? They’ll play house at tax payer’s expense until we find out. If I were black I’d be furious. The 14th Amendment was written to benefit the children of freed slaves. They should have put a sunset clause on it after three generations. For the past one-hundred years they’ve been glomming onto something that was not intended the way it is used today. None that use the 14th Amendment are freed slaves.

John Cunningham on August 24, 2007 at 5:56 am

At least these “birth tourists” had the decency to pay for it themselves!

PJ on August 24, 2007 at 10:56 am

Why is there no focus on Allah’s command for Moslem men to take four wives?
Here’s the scam: Marry one Moslima and keep three others for a total of four. The three file for and collect AFDC, pretending to be Moslem sluts who have no idea who or where the father is.
Easily auditable, but never audited by the utiopian Marixsts who work at the social welfare departments we poor US taxpayers are forced to fund.
Add that to the Section 8, MedicAID, SBA, and other forms of socialist largesse, and suddenly you can understand why you’re seeing Moslem families running around in Lexus 300s.

Alarmed Pig Farmer on August 25, 2007 at 11:30 am

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within.”-Cicero.
The Dems and the Republicans are treasonous. According to Cicero, our nation CANNOT survive them.

steve ventry on August 26, 2007 at 11:57 am

America was created on refugees from the beginning. Any fraud regardless of the nature of the individual’s ethnicity or religion, etc is simply wrong. To not realize it’s a Global world and there really aren’t any bounds is plain ignorance. As americans we are pillaging others soils without reason other than our greed and yet you make this(medicare fraud) a ethnic or religious fault. What AIG? Also, no one look at the flip side and to really argue about lack of ethics and family values in america is an even bigger joke. People of any religion manipulate according to what suits them.

Also, many of your inappropiate statements may be spread to the mormons or varying other cults that are spreading in the US. Or the adulters or single momsor more.

I may agree to the treason quote, but look at oneself before looking outside. I can asure that you anything but the an ideal human.

Ruby on May 6, 2010 at 8:42 pm

I have had the same problems with Ciena, Northfield Place and writing a follow-up letter to US Attoreny and other in the lawsuit

L D on June 22, 2010 at 12:14 pm

I could write a book about this guy but not enough space about his crooked business practices!

anomynous on September 27, 2011 at 9:23 pm

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