June 6, 2011, - 11:34 am

Samira Abdalla Salim, Another “Random” Jihadist: Koran Proselytizer Stabs Two @ MN Library

By Debbie Schlussel

Check out the story of Samira Abdalla Salim, who just stabbed two people outside a Bloomington, Minnesota library.  Did I mention that she passes out Korans .  .  . when she’s not stabbing infidel Americans in the name of allah?  I’m sure we’ll get the usual “not tied to a terrorist group” BS, when she’s tied to Islam.  The mainstream media is already saying this is a “random” attack.  Random?  Uh, not when you consider she’s a devout Muslim chick who passes out Korans and that the people she stabbed probably don’t fit that description.

Koran-Inspired Stabbings in Minnesota

Two people were stabbed in a seemingly random attack at a Twin Cities library.

After the incident Wednesday night at the Oxboro Library in Bloomington, 35-year-old Samira Abdalla Salim was arrested.

Salim was no stranger to the Oxboro Library. She had a reputation for handing out the Koran and talking religion outside the building.

“They had some issues with her harassing other patrons,” said Bloomington Police Commander Mark Stehlik. . . .

Salim is accused of stabbing two people. The first victim was a woman who was walking into the library.

“The next thing she knew, she felt a sharp pain in the middle of her back and realized she had been stabbed,” said Stehlik.

The second was a security guard who heard the victim’s cry for help. He went to talk to Salim in the parking lot.

“Spoke to her briefly and then she actually stabbed him as well. Stabbed him in the abdomen,” said Stehlik.

Because Salim lived next door to the library, witnesses identified her right away and she was arrested in minutes. . . .

Now the question everyone wants answered is why a woman who was not seen as a threat suddenly became violent.

Why? Um, it starts with an I and ends with an M and has an SLA in the middle. That’s why.

Religion of peace, baby! allahu FUBAR.

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19 Responses

I’ll take one of those Korans…..
Could be useful for toilet paper or a target…..

Shootist on June 6, 2011 at 12:17 pm

    She is mentally challenged,schizophrenic and takes medication.. One thing the media forgot to mention, so get ur facts right before attacking this sick lady.. Ps: she has no criminal records.. SMH!

    Amhrufal on June 6, 2011 at 3:28 pm

      Yes and she handed out Korans as well. How many other instances would you like recited to you(if you are really unaware)of similar acts of Insanity while Muslim? As for facts, you cite things as causes, such as medications, that you have no factual basis to state. You actually do your cause no good when you offer such a mechanical and sloppy response. It merely increases the suspicions of those around you. Finally, once again, as with others of your sort who have posted here, you have absolutely no compassion for the victims of this woman. Your barely concealed sympathy for this woman is fairly obvious and quite nauseating.

      Worry01 on June 6, 2011 at 6:11 pm

Where are the Democrats who lectured all of us about civility? And could you imagine what would have happened had it been a Christian handing out Bibles?

Rocky Lore on June 6, 2011 at 12:21 pm

“I have become victorious through terror.” – Mohammed

It’s not random when it’s been going on for 1400 years………

Tanstaafl on June 6, 2011 at 12:23 pm

Its never about Islam.

They must be bizarre deviants. After all, the Religion Of Peace would never ever harm an infidel.

This happens every day. The obvious just goes unconnected and unmentioned in our mass media.

NormanF on June 6, 2011 at 12:42 pm

I guess she thought she had done enough da’wah and it was time to start stabbing. I guess her neighbor wearing the hijab didn’t have problems with the muslim stabber lady since the neighbor appeared to be a practicing muslim.

Lady in Northern Virginia on June 6, 2011 at 12:52 pm

What a typical mugshot. The same brain-dead expression, vacant eyes and an evil heart that we have seen all too often. How did she ever become a US citizen when she looks as if she is so dim-witted that would struggle to write her own name. She wants to spentd the rest of her life in solitary and the rest of her family ought to be deported – and fast.

SpiritOf1683 on June 6, 2011 at 1:11 pm

What a typical mugshot. The same brain-dead expression, vacant eyes and an evil heart that we have seen all too often. How did she ever become a US citizen when she looks as if she is so dim-witted that she would struggle to write her own name. She wants to spend the rest of her life in solitary and the rest of her family ought to be deported – and fast.

SpiritOf1683 on June 6, 2011 at 1:12 pm

She is clearly a brain dead criminally insane islamo robot.
Anyone studying the koran and choosing islam must be “criminally insane”. Winston Churchill…over a hundred years ago…stated that islam effects(sp??) the human mind the way hydrophobia effects dogs. The only reason they are present in significant numbers in the west is to destabilize the free world and reimpose the “dark ages”.

joesixpack31 on June 6, 2011 at 3:23 pm

What is it about Islam that so often attracts the sociopaths, the troubled of society? Well, consider its origins.

According to Stillman’s “The Jews of Arab Lands”, “because the pagans of Mecca believed Muhammad to be just another poet or soothsayer “possessed” by a spirit, the Koran states in several places that Muhammad is not ‘majnoun’ (mad, or possessed).” As if a true prophet needs such a defense.

Medieval Jewish writers, including Maimonides, commonly referred to Muhammad as ha’meshuga – the madman. As a physician, Maimonides would know the signs. Mo’ was indeed ‘majnoun’ but with many followers. Some suggest he suffered from epilepsy, maybe a form of schizophrenia. Yet the teachings of that one madman seem to resonate with many who have serious issues of their own.

Raymond in DC on June 6, 2011 at 5:43 pm

~”Now the question everyone wants answered is why a woman who was not seen as a threat suddenly became violent.”~

That quote above is what IS wrong with Americans (and others, world-wide).

C’mon. Ten years after 9/11 and that is what NEWS concludes? If you think like the NEWS, you’re part of the problem and work extra hard to believe something that is NOT Occam’s Razor.

I get sickened by those dopes everyday. We are in BIG trouble.

Skunky on June 6, 2011 at 7:28 pm

I don’t understand…she looks so sweet & innocent in her photo. 😉

Dr Dale on June 6, 2011 at 8:21 pm

Security guard goes over to talk to her about the stabbing victim. I don’t understand how security goes over to respond and ends up just “talking” with the perp and gets stabbed too. Maybe in the process of subduing her but not talking. I’d rather read about how security flying kicked her in the back then cuffed her. Must be a real lib hotbed there. Keep hearing more and more of this kind of stuff with those cultists.

samurai on June 6, 2011 at 10:34 pm

I’m kinda surprised, she looks like such an intellectual.

CornCoLeo on June 6, 2011 at 11:44 pm

She is mentally challenged,schizophrenic and takes medication

Hmmm…I’m seeing a correlation now. That statement must be why she became Muslim in the first place. I read somewhere that one of the biggest preaching scenes for Muslims is our Prison System. No surprise there, perfect Ideology for a mentally challenged schizo, or a convicted murderer – Justification babey!

Oh and props to that security guard, what a total man-of-action.

Bruce on June 7, 2011 at 12:42 am

“Jihad is prescribed to you” says the arab-quran. Someone in the media might take a close look at what the slaves-of-allah read into quran ordenance.

John P on June 7, 2011 at 3:49 am

Islam is the first refuge of low IQ losers.

pat on June 7, 2011 at 12:58 pm

This website is honestly soo stupid. Fact Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world currently today and is the religion with the highest rates conversions of people converting to Islam. If Islam really is this horible religion, why are your own people converting to islam. Much hugs and kisses from your Muslim neighbour

random on October 28, 2012 at 6:39 pm

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