May 28, 2008, - 11:26 am
Ben & Jerry’s Brings You the Dumbest Re-Enactment of the Decade; Honors Moral Equivalency for Palestinian Terrorism
By Debbie Schlussel
Remember these two drug-addled citizens of Greater Hirsutia and their famous advertisement for bed sores, AIDS, and how to help Communism succeed in its tyranny? They called it a “Peace Bed-In.”
Well, homely actress Maggie Gyllenhaal–who famously told us that America is to blame for 9/11 and that we deserved it–is teaming up with “peace activists” (I call them, “the capitulation team”) and Ben & Jerry’s at the ice cream company’s New York to re-create the John Lennon and Yoko Ono Peace Bed-In of 1969.

Joining Ms. Gyllenhaal will be photographer Roy Kerwood, who shot the original protest. They will be honoring today’s “leaders” of the peace movement, including Robert Kent, who runs a moral equivalency camp for the kids of Israelis and the Palestinian terrorism supporters who would destroy them. All together now: Awww.
And in another example of the capitalism multi-millionaires Lennon and Ono pretended to be against, Ben & Jerry’s is unveiling a new Lennon tribute ice cream, “Imagine Whirled Peace,”–caramel and sweet cream ice cream, fudge peace signs, and toffee cookie pieces.
What kind of mix-in will symbolize all the diseases John and Yoko got in their free love lifestyle?
And when will they produce the ice cream flavor about how nukes brought down the Soviet Union and communism, because we–thankfully–didn’t listen to John and Yoko?
Oh, and where is the ice cream tribute to the first wife and son (Julian) whom John Lennon cast aside for Yoko? Talk about “Whirled Peace”.
The whole thing is part of Ben & Jerry’s promotion of the Lennon Estate and Peace One Day, a nonprofit group whose goal is to have a global ceasefire every Sept. 21.
Hmmm . . . maybe they should have a “HAMAS Caramel Chaos” flavor. I’m sure–in exchange for a slice of the profits–the group will agree to a “hudna”–a ceasefire–on Sept. 21, while they plan their next terrorist attack. (Check out my other suggested “Peaceful” Islamic Ben & Jerry’s flavor names.)
As I’ve noted in the past, Ben & Jerry’s paid for Cindy Sheehan’s world tour, peppered with anti-Semitic and anti-American sentiment.
Very un-delish.
Don’t forget their more distasteful flavors;
Rocky Road Map
Palestinian Carob Crock of…
currambrooklyn on May 28, 2008 at 1:24 pm