May 28, 2008, - 12:09 am

Dunkin’ Donuts Spokesmodel Rachael Ray and the Keffiyeh

By Debbie Schlussel
Recently, Pam Geller of Atlas Shrugs broke the story of how Rachael Ray wore a keffiyeh–the jihadist’s fave accessory–in a Dunkin’ Donuts online ad. As a result of the uproar in the blogosphere, Dunkin’ Donuts apologized, saying it was a stylist’s mistake and that the ad would no longer run. Pam should be very proud of her excellent work. But, per usual, the fraud Michelle Malkin appropriated it as her own work.

I’ve written a lot about the keffiyeh and why it is offensive, violent garb, including a recent February column on First Daughter wanna-be Meghan McCain’s engagement in that “fashion” offense. The message in that column is not just for Juniorette McCain, but for all of the celebs and pop culturists who adorn themselves with the scarf of death. Because neither Rachael Ray, nor the Dunkin’ stylist, nor many others get it, and because several portions of that column have been appropriated (without credit) and repackaged by Michelle Malkin in the wake of the Dunkin’ controversy, I’m reprinting my February 25, 2008 column, “Fashion Tips by Meghan McCain: The Garb of Jihad,” below. As I wrote then (and Malkin has now reconstituted my statements, presenting them as her own original thoughts), it’s not just a scarf, just as a white hood is not just a hood.
*** February 25, 2008
Fashion Tips by Meghan McCain: The Garb of Jihad
By Debbie Schlussel
Almost two months ago, NBC Nightly News ran a silly story about the Presidential candidates’ daughters. The female offspring of John Edwards, Mike Huckabee, and John McCain were interviewed by former “Entertainment Tonight” reporter Maria Menounos.
All of the daughters sounded polished, well-coached by campaign superiors, and professional. All, that is, except Meghan McCain, the bleach-blonde daughter of John McCain. While Huckabee’s and Edwards’ daughters spoke of their pride in their fathers and their enthusiasm on the campaign trail, Meghan McCain whined about criticism she faced over her make-up and fashion tips on her campaign blog. She said that it’s important to be a girl and that her tips were good ones. Judging from the gobs of make-up she wears, that’s debatable.
And judging by her latest choice in fashions, it’s beyond debatable. The case is closed. Liberal site Gawker reports (and shows pics, posted below) of Meghan McCain’s jihadist choice of accessories. She’s taken to sporting a keffiyeh, the Arabic male headscarf around her neck.




Although throughout Mid-East history Jews and Christians have also at times sported that scarf, that’s no longer the case. In the Hebrew picture book, “Ani Kurdi [I Am a Kurd]” (part of my late father’s book collection), there are many charming photos of Kurdish Jews (who later emigrated to Israel), wearing keffiyehs. But even as they wore those, others who wore them oppressed them and their fellow Kurds. They gave up that “accessory” of oppression as they were thrown out of Iraq by Saddam Hussein and made a new life in Israel. But their oppressors continue to wear it as part of the uniform of terror.
The keffiyeh has become the symbol of jihad, and it’s no coincidence that in many beheading videos or other fierce displays of Islamic murder and violence, the warriors hide behind the keffiyeh. This isn’t “just clothing.” Wearing a keffiyeh is really no different than sporting a swastika or a white hood. The media would have a fit if a prospective First daughter wore those.
It’s a disgusting display that Ms. McCain would sport this garb of torture and murder and death and inhumanity. She shouldn’t be giving out fashion tips, when it’s quite clear she needs some, herself. Either she is extremely ignorant or she is deliberately donning this (less likely of the two). Either way, it’s disturbing. And it’s a far cry from even the partying, drunken Bush twins. Meghan McCain says on her site that she worked for Newsweek and “Saturday Night Live.” So she doesn’t know what news or humor is. But this fully grown adult should know better than to don a keffiyeh.
Even from a fashion perspective, these jihadi keffiyeh scarves are out. They were in in the mid-to-late ’80s, when I was in college. Since then, they’re really only worn by drug users, homeless people, and other parties who still wear acid-washed jeans. Although stores like “Urban Outfitters” and magazines like the now-defunct “JANE” have tried to push the keffiyehs as a rebounding trend, they’re still not in. And they’re not in despite the fact that a few misguided male foreign celebs have donned them, including–on several occasions!–Colin Farrell.
Again, the keffiyeh is the garb of death and destruction and emptiness. And that’s never hip.
Meghan McCain . . . badly in need of a fashion makeover. The Islamic Terror Scarf . . . badly in need of torching, along with everything it has come to represent.

Fatah Terrorist, HAMAS Terrorists in Meghan McCain’s Jihad Scarf

52 Responses

I guess I just assumed these ‘ladies’ were auditioning for a new TV series based upon the ‘Clueless’ flick…..

NickFury on May 28, 2008 at 1:45 am

I guess it shouldn’t come as any great surprise that the daughter of a presidential candidate that recently accepted a $1.0M campaign contribution (read as bribe) from albaniac islamic terrorists for services rendered would herself be sporting a symbol of jihad. The thing that I find confusing is that with two brothers serving in the US military, one doing a tour in Iraq with the US Marine Corp, Meghan, her father and mother Cindy all seem to be in bed with the cruel, treacherous antihumans that would as soon shoot a US Marine in the back as look at him. The McCain family committment to war against global terror seems to be something less 100 percent.

joesixpack31 on May 28, 2008 at 1:56 am

I should have also mentioned that these cruel, treacherous, antihuman “financiers” of candidate John McCain have recently been charged with the monsterous crime of butchering kidnapped young Serb men and women in order to harvest their vital organs for resale on the organ transplant market. Hard to believe candidate McCain knew nothing about this.

joesixpack31 on May 28, 2008 at 2:08 am

I find the comments here offensive and stupid. McCain is an idiot, and no doubt brought up his daughter in the same manner. The idea he is in league with organ trafficers and terrorists is beyond the pale. These comments should be stricken for the stupidity they reek. Vile morons. mobys.

Pat on May 28, 2008 at 2:22 am

So let me get this straight. Are you saying that anyone who wears the keffiyeh is supporting terrorism?
Does this also apply to the American and British fighting forces in Iraq and Afghanistan who wear the keffiyeh to protect their necks from sunburn, are they supporting Islamism too?
I mean if if it’s true that American soldiers are supporting terrorism in this way, then I think we should be told.
Don’t you?

No Pasaran! on May 28, 2008 at 3:47 am

For those of you in the know…
Does the keffiyeh officially have to have that plaid/checked pattern, or can it feature something else? I’ve seen “scarves” with the fringe on the outside, but an entirely different pattern on the main body of the “scarf.”
One more thing–Chicago had their Memorial Day parade a few days ago. Saw 3 rather handsome young men walking opposite us on the street. Blond hair, blue eyes, total model material. Except, one was wearing a keffiyeh with his Abercrombie & Fitch clothes. I knew I shouldn’t have put the camera away.

cirrus1701 on May 28, 2008 at 10:10 am

I was watching an episode of Miami Ink, and saw a couple of the Jewish artists wearing them. I immediately thought of Debbie and this issue.

pegg696 on May 28, 2008 at 10:30 am

Hey Deb – saw a post on MM from Dunkin’ that they are pulling the Rachel Ray commercial. It sees to me that the keffiyeh has become the 21st century swastika. All the young (dumb) people who are followers instead of leaders are happily supporting the very animals who wish to kill them. Like lemmings, they follow into the flames. By the way, our boys – over there – are kicking the living snot out of Obama/Osama’s turds!!! It’s a beautiful thing. God Bless America!

FreeAmerican on May 28, 2008 at 11:19 am

Rachael Ray is a supreme idiot, yet another stupid spawn from the Mother Supreme Idiot Doprah. I’m not surprised since they are 2 of the leaders in the dumbing down of America.

Jeff_W on May 28, 2008 at 11:26 am

Jeff_W, Rachel Ray isn’t “a supreme idiot”, you are and the rest of you dumbasses who think a checkered pattern on a scarf equates to a keffiyeh!

Norman Blitzer on May 28, 2008 at 12:19 pm

Pat says at 02:22 AM…”I find the comments here offensive and stupid. McCain is an idiot, and no doubt brought up his daughter in the same manner. The idea he is in league with organ trafficers and terrorists is beyond the pale. These comments should be stricken for the stupidity they reek. Vile morons. mobys.”
Dear Pat…follow the money…connect the dots!! Check out the article linked below if you’re really interested getting the truth:
Many of our elected officials and government bureaucrats ARE in business with jihadists and actively support the territorial expansion of islamofascism in eastern europe (Bosnia-Herzgogenia, Serb province of Kosovo, Serbia proper)at the expense of Christian Serbia, Macedonia and eventually Greece and Russia. Basically our politicians and elitists like McCain use their positions of trust to barter away Western Civilization including eventually the United States itself for 30 pieces of silver…unless the American people wake up to what’s going on and put a stop to their greedy little games. Do not be so naieve as to believe that greedy american elitists that would barter away western civilization would NOT also barter away the vital organs of a people (Christian Serbs, Jews, Romas) whom they consider to be less than human.

joesixpack31 on May 28, 2008 at 12:58 pm

RR is a Hollywood me too liberal. The fact that she thinks wearing the keffiyeh is “chick” is beyond disgusting.Debbie is right that wearing the scarf is like sporting the swastika or a white hood
Once again, DS was out front on this issue (2-25-2008)and others have used her work without attribution or credit.
It is too bad that we cannot vote for “none of the above” in the upcoming election. As a conservative, I cannot support someone like Juan McCain.
I will be writing in Ron Paul before I will support a traitor like McCain.

ScottyDog on May 28, 2008 at 1:29 pm

As monstrous, sadistic, contemptible, deceitful and swineish (did I leave anything out?) as McCain is, I’ll have to support him in Nov since the other two are worse. Never thought I’d see the day I’d be supporting a traitor who even turned his back on our POW’s left behind in indo china for 30 pieces of silver.

joesixpack31 on May 28, 2008 at 2:43 pm

The ad was dropped! Congratulations. May you go from strength to strength, from success to success.

chsw on May 28, 2008 at 5:31 pm

I am so pleased to see articles like this.
My husband and I have always just called these ‘hamas scarves’, since that is what they brought to mind.
“What’s up with all these hipster kids and their hamas scarves?! Can’t they learn something about individual style?”
We at first thought we might just be bitter, as these ‘hipster kids’ have bitten on our 80s generation. They play our music, wear neon hoodies and ‘vintage’ RayBan wayfarers because its – ‘ironic’.
I had tried to let it go but was really let down that these scarves were so ‘hip’ for no reason except – “OMG, they are so hip!”
These kids just followed the herd and virtually no one knew what they stood for. So weak. Not one I’ve asked has had anything to say about them except that they look cool.
Lesson learned for them I hope. If they even keep up with the news.

beebee on May 28, 2008 at 11:39 pm

Appeasement through fashion.
And she’s the daughter of the Republican Presidencial Candidate…
We’ve got four years of Anti-American, Anti-Israel, Anti-Christian, and Anti-LDS rhetoric and policies coming our way soon. I exhorted everyone I could to prepare for this by storing basic commodities and some security measures to make life easier for the future. Look in Deb’s archives for the previously posted lists of basic commodities.
With these pictures, McCain’s family is openly declaring allegiance with the terrorists. FDR, being the closet-commie that he was, would never had his kids sport swastikas in press releases. It’s soemthing you just don’t do!
McCain and Obama already proved they want they want the political and social support of terrorists, and both Clinton and McCain have links to George Soros (Obama might, but I have to find an article to prove it). They all are in the business of screwing us out of our liberty and country, which is rightfully ours by the Constitution, for their own power lusts and greed.
Prepare and be vigilant.

bhparkman on May 29, 2008 at 1:26 am

I just created a blog where I will post all of the basic preparedness lists and other need-to-know information to prepare you and your families for the trials that these Libs have planned for us all.
No political stuff will be posted there; just the stuff to help in basic preparations.
This way I won’t have to take up space on Debbie’s comment board.

bhparkman on May 29, 2008 at 2:16 am

People from outside the US look at stories like this and wonder why US politics gets so hysterical about trivialities. First of all, it’s not even sure that it’s a keffiyeh she’s wearing. Second of all, the keffiyeh is traditional Arab dress. You might as say that anyone who wears something traditionally Irish supports the IRA. For example, you’ll find that plenty of US and British soldiers in the middle-east wear keffiyehs.
The irony is that most keffiyehs are now made in China; if you want to boycott them, you’ll be doing more to oppose Chinese state capitalism that anything to do with the Middle-East.

oceanclub on May 29, 2008 at 8:05 am

I watch your site and marvel at the venom and broad stroke assessment of Arabs. It is rare that I find anything with which I agree. I must say that I join you enthusiastically in your disdain for SATC and while I am not a McCain supporter, I am a bit fascinated with his daughter’s blog. I too noticed her fashion choice. I was a bit surprised. I would have thought that she would be more PC. Your fashion expertise is flawed however and you should minimally know that Meghan McCain is a fashionista. This scarf style is not “out” as you say. You are correct that these were also stylish in the 80’s. In NYC, where I live- they are very much “in”and worn by lots of little Jewish Hipster girls, among others.

jmpw on May 29, 2008 at 8:10 am

Bh Parkman:
Should all Americans have a fallout shelter ready when Obama assumes the Presidency?

Audacious on May 29, 2008 at 9:09 am

One ironic aspect of all of this is that when the women’s ‘liberation’ movement started in the late 60s, one of their stated aims was to free women from alleged stereotypes, including so-called stereotypical clothing. How things have reversed! Now, it seems to be a combination of mindless following the PC herd, or else, for those who are more intelligent, a more conscious manifestation of dislike for America, but these stereotypes are certainly more pronounced than anything in the early or mid 60s.

c f on May 29, 2008 at 3:55 pm

cf, your ability to talk total bollocks about subjects you clearly know nothing about is breath-taking. Your analysis of the cultural implications of 1960’s feminism bears about as little connection to reality as anything I’ve ever read.
It’s just a scarf people, get a grip.

No Pasaran! on May 29, 2008 at 5:09 pm

Audacious asks, ” Should all Americans have a fallout shelter ready when Obama assumes the Presidency?”
Of course not, silly, Obama will surrender & impose sharia long before it comes to nukes.

DocLiberty on May 29, 2008 at 6:46 pm

I very rarely make a comment at any site. But I have to say that Miss Schlussel is completely right about the keffiyeh issue as almost is right in different issues.
I fought terror over twenty years of my life in the Mid-East and other places in the world and I know that the keffiyeh is the main symbol of extreme Islam and terror.
As for our troops wearing them in different war zones in this world is a good thing for it is a safe way not to be identified by the enemies and be able to infiltrate them.
The same goes for our enemies in the U.S. and elsewhere who pretends to wear ties and suits and are infiltrating us in the name of terror. And here I mean Shi’at Muslims and some other groups.
Good luck No Pasaran! Good luck America. It is about time to wake up before our end.
All my respect to Miss Schlussel and her huge one handed effort trying to save this country.

Daniel on May 29, 2008 at 9:26 pm

Daniel, please stop lying.

No Pasaran! on May 30, 2008 at 4:26 am

“I fought terror over twenty years of my life in the Mid-East and other places in the world and I know that the keffiyeh is the main symbol of extreme Islam and terror.”
Stop lying, Daniel. A Keffiyeh is just a scarf, you twerp.
“As for our troops wearing them in different war zones in this world is a good thing for it is a safe way not to be identified by the enemies and be able to infiltrate them.”
“Hey Abdul guess what? You know that big blond-haired white guy that was wearing a camouflaged uniform, body armor, a crew-cut, and driving a Hummer while drinking a can of Coke? Well it turns out he was AN AMERICAN!
I mean who knew? He was wearing a Keffiyeh, so I just presumed he was one of us!”.
More reading material for you guys…

No Pasaran! on May 30, 2008 at 4:38 am

Here’s a photo for Michelle Malkin fans everywhere…

No Pasaran! on May 30, 2008 at 4:50 am

“The same goes for our enemies in the U.S. and elsewhere who pretends to wear ties ”
How does one _pretend_ to wear a tie? Do you paint one on using greasepaint, the way that Groucho used to paint on his moustache?
And yes, I do like the idea that an American soldier could pass for an Arab local by merely wearing a keffiyeh. Hilarious.
Keep this stuff up, guys.

oceanclub on May 30, 2008 at 6:59 am

No Pasaran! And others.
I believe your are a sales man or an advertiser who is blind folded like a mule and forced to plow.
Why we do no meet face to face and I will tell exactly how it works.
By pretend, is like when Obama did not wear a tie for it is a Western style and the Hezbo which originated from the Ayatollah from Iran do not do it to defy the Western tradition.
My question is for you, have you ever been in a real battle for the freedom of this country? If yes, you are missing a lot of information. If no, just stick to your opium and weed.
When you do stop these bad habits, please let me know so we could meet and I will explain to you how it works.
Please get out of your self container and stop hiding behind a screen as terrorists hide their faces behind the keffiyeh. And I do not mean our special operation forces.
By the way I do not lie and that what make me wonders that you know nothing about the truth.
May G-d help and save you.

Daniel on May 30, 2008 at 8:43 am

1. Your spare time would be better spent learning to write in proper English.
2. If you want to meet, we could have a coffee any time. My fave hang-outs are Cafe De Blaffende Vis on the Westerstraat, Het Oosterling on Utrechtestraat, or sometimes even o”Donnel’s on Heinekenplein. Let me know which works best for you.
3. Plough is spelt p-l-o-u-g-h not p-l-o-w.
4. There is no such think as God, or for that matter G_d.

No Pasaran! on May 30, 2008 at 9:29 am

No Parasan,
People who mock others’ typing ought not to follow it up with “There is no such THINK [emphasis mine] as God, or for that matter G_d.”
Jesus loves you, BTW.

DocLiberty on May 30, 2008 at 10:56 am

Yes Jesus loves us all.
No Pasaran. You remind me of a person who acted as an American patriot and turned out to be a Nazi.
By the way I speak five languages and wondering how many you do? We are still human being, and we make mistakes.
How about meeting in a fancy restaurant in Tel Aviv for it will much safer for your lack of personality.
Who you are going on pick on next?
Find a brick wall and bash your head in it. This way you will get more attention.

Daniel on May 30, 2008 at 12:20 pm

Good grief. You people are batsh*t crazy.

LeftsideAnnie on May 30, 2008 at 12:48 pm

Debbie – just wanted to apologize for the poor citation… I read it and STILL …. getting eyes checked! Sorry.

FreeAmerican on May 30, 2008 at 1:20 pm

“Yes Jesus loves us all.”
If your buddie jesus loves us all then he owes us an apology.
I mean, Indonesian Tsunami, Irrewadi Delta, Sichuan Earthquake?
Are they demonstrations of love? Children crushed to death in schools? Babies ripped from their mother’s loving arms by a raging flood? How does that serve god’s alleged ‘purpose’?
“No Pasaran. You remind me of a person who acted as an American patriot and turned out to be a Nazi.”
I’m not even going to ask. Whatever twisted logic leads you to that alleged ‘insight’ – I don’t need to know.
“By the way I speak five languages and wondering how many you do? We are still human being, and we make mistakes.”
Yes you do.
For the record, also five. Dutch (moedertaal) English, Afrikaans, German, French and some Japanese.
“How about meeting in a fancy restaurant in Tel Aviv for it will much safer for your lack of personality.”
I promise you it won’t.
“Who you are going on pick on next?”
Anybody stupid, I prefer easy targets. So you, Doc Liberty, C F, Scotty Dog. Whatever.

No Pasaran! on May 30, 2008 at 5:09 pm

You just made a huge mistake. I am very hard target G-d willing, you ATHEIST NAZI and COMMUNIST.
The purpose of meeting you in Tel Aviv, is to take you on a trip to see your buddies with keffiyes from HAMAS in Gaza and the West Bank, and may be to South
Lebanon to meet your friends from Hezbullah.
You need a lot of help. I will be praying for you.

Daniel on May 30, 2008 at 6:56 pm

No Pasaran!. BTY, you prefer easy targets because you are a coward like any terrorist.
Doc Liberty, C F, Scotty Dog and whatever are respectful, courageous and innocent people and I am sure G-d willing are able to handle themselves.
Your fight is with me and me alone, for I handled
and I am handling your type on daily basis.
You know how? By not going down to your low level,
only by praying for you. But if I have to, I will make it a part of my life mission to take the evil out of you and on any expense.

Daniel on May 31, 2008 at 1:45 am

Daniel, you are babbling incoherently now. Go see your doctor and ask him for some chill pills. Think calming thoughts, relax with a cold one, and put your feet up. You are getting yourself all worked up over someone who lives on the other side of the world who you will never meet. What’s the point?
I see you have adopted the latest Coulter/Malkin far-Right attack line, which is basically “Anyone who disagrees with me is a terrorist.” But in doing that you are showing a distinct lack of political sophistication, and of course you are also showing common cause with people like Osamah bin Laden. He relies on spreading religious and racial disharmony and hatred, so you people here are helping him achieve his goals. You and he are as one.
Then you go on to call me an atheist as if that is a bad thing!
Before inaccurately labeling me a communist (actually I’m a Socialist).
Then laughably you go on to label me a Nazi as well as a Communist. Leaving aside the obvious political absurdity of that statement, it also besmirches the name of the brave and heroic Communists who stood up the Nazi menace in the 39 to 45 war. 400,000 ethnic aryan German Socialists, Communists, and Trade Unionists were executed by the Nazis, before even they began on Jews, Gypsies, and Gays. 20 MILLION SOVIET CITIZENS GAVE THEIR LIVES SO THAT WE MAY BE FREE.
Around here the Communists were the only meaningful and organized resistance to the Nazis. The man who owned this house I now call home was a communist Jew, who was executed for his resistance on a street corner not even 500 meters from here. By labeling Communists as Nazis, you are spitting in the face of his memory and the other resistance heroes.
On a far lesser scale, as an active member of the Anti-Nazi League and helped smash the National Front from the streets. (It’s amazing how quickly the so-called ‘master race’ disolved into sniveling wrecks when our house-bricks rained down on their heads).
So I don’t need any lectures on Nazis from the likes of you. A man who chooses to hang out on an extreme-right wing website which has exactly the same attitude towards Muslims as the Nazis had towards Jews. Take a look at the posts of those people you call “courageous and innocent” – substitute the word Jew for Muslim and you have pure Nazi tracts.
Finally, yes I come here for easy targets – surely nobody is stupid enough to come here for intellectual discussion! I have other sites for that. I come here for light relief – still throwing rocks at Nazis – only now the rocks are virtual

No Pasaran! on May 31, 2008 at 9:03 am

No Parasan types, “Anybody stupid, I prefer easy targets. So you, Doc Liberty, C F, Scotty Dog. Whatever.”
To paraphrase, I see you have adopted the latest Leftist attack line, which is basically “Anyone who disagrees with me is stupid.”
Once again, people who mock others’ typing [or intelligence] ought not to follow it up with “There is no such THINK [emphasis mine] as God, or for that matter G_d.”
Speaking of easy targets, I’m still waiting for the leading “black” (again, using the racist Jim Crow “one drop” rules you Leftists are so fond of} candidates for your Socialist Euro-paradise.
And, one correction: 20 million Soviet citizens gave their lives because of the NAZI-SOVIET PACT.

DocLiberty on May 31, 2008 at 9:34 am

No Doc honestly, you really ARE stupid.
What is the rationale of asking for a black candidtae for the E.U. presidency? How is that relevant to this or any other discussion?

No Pasaran! on May 31, 2008 at 9:57 am

No Parasan: speaking of stupid, intelligent people generally don’t come on public forums and boast about attempted first degree murder; i.e. planning and then carrying out throwing “house-bricks” at people’s heads, even if those people are members of the National Front.
Further, you proudly claim “actually I’m a Socialist.”
Chinese Maoist SOCIALISM: *at least* 40 million murdered.
Russian Soviet SOCIALISM: *at least* 20 million murdered.
German National SOCIALISM: *at least* 12 million murdered.
Cambodian Khmer Rouge SOCIALISM: *at least* 1.5 million murdered.
Korean Kim Il SOCIALISM: *at least* 1.5 million murdered.
Those are all conservative estimates, and they don’t even include the millions of victims of Tito, Castro, Hussein, and all the other SOCIALISTS of the last century.
Now, anticipating the usual leftist “defense” of “Christians have done bad things too;” granted, but even someone of your intellectual level can clearly see that those who committed horrors in the name of Christ were acting contrary to His commands, while the bloodsoaked pages of SOCIALIST history are logical actions based on SOCIALISM’s premise.
Your obvious pride in your own “house-brick” episode is proof that you not only accept the murderous directions of SOCIALISM, you embrace them with pride.
Were I you (and thank God I’m not), I wouldn’t be so quick to call others stupid.

DocLiberty on May 31, 2008 at 10:01 am

No Parasan replies, “No Doc honestly, you really ARE stupid.”
I feel I’m debating Pee Wee Herman. “I know you are, but what am I?” “I’m rubber and you’re glue, what you say bounces off me and sticks to you!” “You’re a great big poopy-head!” Is that the level NP’s descended to?
Anyway, No Parasan asks, “What is the rationale of asking for a black candidtae for the E.U. presidency? How is that relevant to this or any other discussion?”
GLAD you asked!
Back in the thread from the May 27 article, ìAbout Obama’s Newly-Surfaced “Auschwitz Liberator” Uncle, you wrote in part:
“It’s you far-right types that hate AmericaÖ. Your worst nightmare is approaching. There is a very real chance that a black man will be the very next president of the USAÖ.Welcome to your nightmare people, I hope you never awaken from it.”
[Posted by: No Pasaran! at May 28, 2008 03:37 AM]
To which I replied:
“Oh, for NoPar: what are the chances of a “black” (using the Jim Crow “one drop” rules) man being elected leader of any of your crappy little Euro-failures?”
[Posted by: DocLiberty at May 28, 2008 11:12 AM]
Now that I’ve refreshed your short-term memory (were “the 60s good to you?”), I will further elaborate the point: the USA at least has a man of some African ancestry as a legitimate candidate for its higher office. Unlike the EU, the UK, or even your beloved Germany. ESPECIALLY your beloved Germany.
Incidentally, people who have trouble following more than one thread at once shouldn’t call other stupid.

DocLiberty on May 31, 2008 at 10:17 am

Two last points: I freely admit two typos in the last sentence: “other” instead of “others” and “higher offfice” instead of “highest office”. However, unlike some, I don’t use typos as an excuse to call others “stupid.”

DocLiberty on May 31, 2008 at 10:21 am

Two last points: I freely admit two typos in the last post: “other” instead of “others” and “higher offfice” instead of “highest office”. However, unlike some, I don’t use typos as an excuse to call others “stupid.”

DocLiberty on May 31, 2008 at 10:21 am

And sorry for the repost.

DocLiberty on May 31, 2008 at 10:21 am

I think you’ll find that was four last posts, not two.
Now that I’ve refreshed your short-term memory (were “the 60s good to you?”)…”
Well they gave birth to me, so I guess you could say they were indeed good to me.
“… I will further elaborate the point: the USA at least has a man of some African ancestry as a legitimate candidate for its higher office…”
Which, to my point, is why you hate America.
“…Unlike the EU, the UK, or even your beloved Germany. ESPECIALLY your beloved Germany.”
Germany? What ARE you talking about? I’ve been there three times in my entire life, and I’ve said nothing about it here. Are you confusing me with someone else?
None of those people or movements you listed are Socialists. They are for the most part Marxists, Kim il Sung and the Khmer Rouge were simply despots. And if you really are trying to suggest that the Nazis were Socialists then you are several degrees stupider than even I imagined. Please explain how it was that the Nazis murdered 400,000 Socialists, Trade Unionists and Communists.

No Pasaran! on May 31, 2008 at 10:55 am

No Pasaran,
First, when I’m wrong, I admit it. I read your earlier post, “My fave hang-outs are Cafe De Blaffende Vis on the Westerstraat, Het Oosterling on Utrechtestraat, or sometimes even o”Donnel’s on Heinekenplein,” and did not google the street names. Not being Dutch or German, I drew an improper conclusion. I know now they are in Amsterdam.
So I will rephrase: please list all the viable “black” candidates for the highest office in the EU, the UK or your beloved Netherlands. ESPECIALLY the Netherlands.
After all, if we conservatives “hate America” because we do not wish a particular man who has some African ancestry to be President (which is a foul slander, but you know that), what does it say of one such as yourself who lives in a land where NO person of African ancestry is even a CANDIDATE?
You further type, “None of those people or movements you listed are Socialists.”
The staggering intellectual dishonesty of this is simply breathtaking. You cal yourself Socialist, and simply dismiss the 75 million victims of Socialist genocide as “not by real Socialists.” How convenient.
As far as to why the German National Socialists employed mass murder against competing Socialists, they did so for the same reason Soviet Socialists employed mass murder against the Ukrainian “proletariat;” mass murder is the logical consequence of Socialism. You may as well ask why, if they were “real gangsters,” the Capone gangsters whacked Moran’s gangsters in the St’ Valentine’s Day Massacre.
One more thing: you earlier typed “Take a look at the posts of those people you call “courageous and innocent” – substitute the word Jew for Muslim and you have pure Nazi tracts.”
Now let’s do a little more word substitution: “On a far lesser scale, as an active member of the S.A. and helped smash the Untermenschen from the streets. (It’s amazing how quickly the so-called ‘Chosen People’ disolved into sniveling wrecks when our house-bricks rained down on their heads).” Word substitution is fun, isn’t it?
In short and in conclusion, you’re a hypocrite, a snob, a coward, and a would-be murderer, by your own words. By all means, though, please continue to call me “stupid.” Considering the source, that’s a badge of honor.

DocLiberty on May 31, 2008 at 12:21 pm

I’m staggered by your arrogance, even more so because up till now you have demonstrated little or nothing to be arrogant about.
You still are weakly trying to claim that Nazis were Socialists (which is a foul slander, but you know that) – this suggests that you are nothing more than a common troll. Spreading lies in an attempt to wind people up, rather than engage in serious debate. You know perfectly well that the nazis were -like you – of the far-right. Along side murdering 400,000 Socialists, did the Nazis institute any Socialist policies at all? though why am I asking You? You wouldn’t know a Socialist policy if it bit you on the bum. I learned long ago, that it’s largely a waste of time attempting to actually debate with right-wingers. Facts and logic play little role in the far-right armory. What is it Bill O’Reilly says whenever he’s losing yet another debate? Oh yes, that’s it – SHUT UP!!
“After all, if we conservatives “hate America” because we do not wish a particular man who has some African ancestry to be President…”
That’s not actually what I said. The far-right hates America because it is seriously considering electing an African American as President. That’s the point.
Now of course, we all know that Obama is not going to win, but the fact that it’s even a possibility is what outrages you, and is causing this panic. Go read any of the Obama related links on this website, and feel the ferocity of hatred for him which is surely out of all proportion to his anaemic, watered-down, right-of-centre, political policies. It’s not his deliberately inoffensive policies they are objecting to, it’s his race.
“The staggering intellectual dishonesty of this is simply breathtaking. You cal yourself Socialist, and simply dismiss the 75 million victims of Socialist genocide as “not by real Socialists.” How convenient.”
Oh pur-leaze. If those were Socialist states, there would have been no central state to commit these crimes of yours. In a Socialist state the central state ‘withers away’. Have you seen any evidence of that in North Korea? Have you seen any evidence that Stalin devolved power to the lumpen proletariat?
No, me neither.
“Now let’s do a little more word substitution: “On a far lesser scale, as an active member of the S.A. and helped smash the Untermenschen from the streets. Blah, blah, blah…”
Your ability to completely miss the point of everything I say remains breath-taking. The point here was that we took our inspiration for smashing the N.F. from – of all places – Hitler’s Mein Kampf. Talking about the time of the 1923 ‘Bierhal Putsch’ he said, (and I’m paraphrasing now, unlike you I don’t have a copy on my bookshelf)
“If at that time, somebody had come along and simply smashed us from the streets, we would have been destroyed and the National socialist dream would have died with us.”
So we took old adolf at his word and smashed the N.F. from the streets, the Digbeth riots were the proudest day of my life. I make no apologies for violence, the worst thing about fascism is that it requires fascist methods to defeat it. You can’t educate fascists, they are by definition uneducable.
“In short and in conclusion, you’re a hypocrite, a snob, a coward, and a would-be murderer, by your own words.
Yep, you’re a right-winger alright. When the debate is lost, resort to hysterical lies (would be murderer, FFS) and insults.
What is it Bill O’Reilly says whenever he’s losing yet another debate? Oh yes, that’s it – SHUT UP!!

No Pasaran! on June 1, 2008 at 5:31 am

To my point about Conservatives hating America, here are a few quotes from the idiotic ëBHO Vows to Disarm Americaí ñ on this very website.
ìThe fact that he’s a heartbeat away from the white house is proof that we’re a nation too dumbed down to even defend itself.î
ìAmericans are too stoopid to have good leaders, or to even keep their country in tact. We can’t even get Duncan Hunter or Ron Paul into double digits. You’re all wasting your time trying to defeat idiots like Count Dracula here, the American people are too damn stupid to do what’s right. They’re going to let Mexico invade because they’re STOOOPID. They’re going to let them take our guns because they’re stupid. We’ll get hate crime legislation, too, as soon as the Dems wipe the floor with the phony, TRAITOR Republicans, and they’ll start outlawing people like me.î
ìSo twisted is the society that would even allow B.O. to exist at the high level that he does. A maggot like him should have been relegated to an obscure 3rd party. Not today. Today he is masqurading as a legit libtard candidate.î
See what I mean?

No Pasaran! on June 1, 2008 at 6:30 am

Just to let you know the definition of a Jihad:
There are 3 types of Jihads
1) An inner struggle to keep and understand one’s faith.
2) The second is a struggle with one’s own habits and lifestyle to outwardly display Islam as it should be lived
3) The third type of Jihad is a physical battle against enemy agents; however, this is taught and understood to be a defensive battle waged only when freedom to be Muslim is under attack.
Only extremist Muslims still support the third type of Jihad as a antiquated offensive war. Just as only extremist Christians will preach acceptance and the ostracism of anyone different.
Before anyone here considers typing out their own opinions, I would suggest studying the topic of their opinion. Islam is not a dangerous religion, it is more accepting than Christianity and Judaism. Islam has merely been painted as a radical religion by a country mourning and needing someone to blame.
After 9-11 blaming the terrorist pilots wasn’t enough, they were already dead. Blaming the individual terrorist cells wasn’t enough, we know an ideology can’t be destroyed. Blaming countries like Afghanistan and Iraq wasn’t enough because individual citizens couldn’t or wouldn’t become involved with that particular revenge. Instead we blamed a religion with members nearby and easy to persecute.
The best idea when considering a negative generalization, is to study and understand who you’re generalizing. Likely those ideas will leave your mind, but that’s for the best. This world would be better off if people educated themselves out of their hate before they dispense that hate

Supreme Ruler of Elbonia (After Dogbert Takes Over on July 27, 2008 at 8:59 pm

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