June 1, 2011, - 4:35 pm

Coldplay Endorses Palestinian Jihad Against Israel

By Debbie Schlussel

I suppose it should be no surprise that Coldplay, the overrated band headed by Chris Martin is anti-Israel.  After all, Martin’s half-Jewish and wholly annoying wife, Gwyneth Paltrow, helped fundraise for a pro-HAMAS charity which teaches Palestinian kids to be extremists, which helps propagandize Palestinian kids in refugee camps.  Check out the video below, which Coldplay posted on its Facebook fan page.  I wonder whether the many Black musicians and singers know that under Islam, including HAMAS’ Palestinian state, they are little more than slaves and referred to as “abed” (slave) and “abeed” (slaves).  And, as for the Japanese chick with her kid, um, yeah, everyone knows there are sooooooo many Japanese Palestinians.  You keep tellin’ yourself that. Here’s a tip, morons: despite your wildest fantasies, a Palestinian state will NOT look like a United Colors of Benetton ad. But, as you can see, over 3,000 of Coldplay’s moronic fans likes the Coldplay endorsement of Palestinian jihad.


“Freedom to Palestine,” many of which’s lyrics reflect its title, calls for the West Bank security barrier to be toppled, for human rights and “justice for all,” all-the-while, featuring a kaffiyeh-clad breakdancer superimposed on animated scenes of Palestinians at IDF checkpoints. The song is scheduled for official release in early July.

According to OneWorld’s website, the video is a response by international musicians to the “crisis” and “injustice” faced by Palestinians daily, including “human rights abuse and [living] in crushing poverty in refugee camps and under Israeli occupation.”

Expressing the group’s goals, [OneWorld media officer Paul] Collins told the Post, “We hope the single will communicate the realities of life for Palestinians to new audiences, and strengthen the call for change.”

Some of the musicians performing in the song include Maxi Jazz and Dave Randall of Faithless, LSK, the Durban Gospel Choir, Jamie Catto, along with several others.

Thanks, Coldplay. You and your terrorist gun moll apologist, Gwynie, will be the first ones executed when they take over the world. Hey, Chris Martin, allahu FUBAR. And, BTW, change your first name to something more appropriate to your pan-jihadist activities.

And here’s a reality check: “Palestine” is already free. Muslims live freer in Israel than anywhere in the world. And they already rule themselves in Gaza and most of Judea and Samaria a/k/a “the West Bank.” They are not free because they choose corrupt, violent leaders. Israel and the Jews can’t change that.

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116 Responses

Put aside for a moment that all of the black singers would be slaves in the Arab World, and that there is no religious freedom except in Israel.

No, this song is much worse. It is a rallying cry for the movement in September for 1,000,000 Arabs and their supporters to breach Israel’s borders and overrun the country. This song will encourage the Muzzies and other anti-Semites, including radical Christians and a few leftists Jews, to attempt a breach of the border.

Sadly, Israel is not ready. Most of the populace of Israel is not allowed to own guns, and Israel’s security forces, including the army, do not have enough manpower, and are under orders not to shoot, but to use “maximum restraint.”

There is great trouble ahead.

Jonathan E. Grant on June 1, 2011 at 5:27 pm

Why is it there are so many Stupid Jews?

Richard Stallman canceled a college lecture tour in Israel under Palestinian Arab pressure.

Like the old true and trite saying has it, “you can take the Jew out of the ghetto but you can’t take the ghetto out of the Jew.”

Jews have a pathetic need to be liked and admired by those who hate them and want them dead.

Standing up for Israel seems hard to do these days. There are many cowards and few people who have courage – courage to say “NO” to Israel’s enemies.

NormanF on June 1, 2011 at 5:28 pm

I should note that Israel’s stupid gun laws prevent most Jews from owning guns, even the Jewish settlers in harm’s way. I guess the leaders of Israel did not learn the lessons from the Holocaust. An unarmed Jew = a dead Jew.

Jonathan E. Grant on June 1, 2011 at 5:28 pm

    Yup.. just like the Jews massacred in the Farhud!

    Think its ancient history?

    Think again. The Arabs have more anti-Israel activities planned for the beginning of the Six Day War anniversary next week.

    And more is expected to follow later this month with the latest Flotilla Of Fools to Gaza.

    NormanF on June 1, 2011 at 5:35 pm

It reminds me of a “flotilla benefit” video that I saw on YouTube…

It’s at http://wejew.com/media/8629/Flotilla_Choir_Parody_-_We_Con_The_World/

I wonder if these people at the Latma project ever predicted if that would happen.

The Reverend Jacques on June 1, 2011 at 5:31 pm

Couldn’t even watch all the way through. My lunch came back up. These people are brainwashed and pathetic. That’s where we’re at in the world now. If you blow up school buses and elect homocidal racist terrorists as your leaders you’re a victim. If you act like a decent human being that’s a war crime.

Islam and their brainwashed slaves will erode the real meaning of racism, apartheid, genocide etc until no real victims can say anything. Which is convenient for Muslims because they have been obsessed with doing all of those things since Muhammad’s days.

Joey P on June 1, 2011 at 5:47 pm

Right back @ Jonathan Grant…

Blame Dayenu!

After reading the lyrics to this tune, I’m more than convinced that this type of attitude is destroying the Jews.

As long as humans draw breaths, there will always be something up with the Jews and… everyone else.

The Reverend Jacques on June 1, 2011 at 5:51 pm

Were it not for Coldplay’s presence on Santana’s “Supernatural” CD, I never would have heard of them. Apropos, Santana cancelled an appearance in Israel last year. (Bob Dylan and Paul Simon have announced upcoming concerts in Tel Aviv this summer. So not all Jews have lost it.)

Raymond in DC on June 1, 2011 at 6:19 pm

Gwyneth Palthrow-up

CornCoLeo on June 1, 2011 at 8:15 pm

DS and the other commentators said it all for me response to Coldplay’s reprehensible video. The only thing left for me to say is that I could only stand to watch/listen to that crappy video for only one minute and thirty seconds before stopping.

JeffE on June 1, 2011 at 8:31 pm

It is nice to know that Coldplay endorses National Socialism. Of course, Gwyneth seems to be ignorant of the fact that holding National Socialist views and sycophancy did not save any Jews in the long run. Islam is more than happy to use any person or group that serves its interests(as National Socialism was), but that should in no way be deemed as appreciation or acceptance on its part. There are cases of sentences being postponed, but not of them being reversed unless one “reverts” to Islam.

Worry01 on June 1, 2011 at 9:46 pm

Fuck coldplay and all those Artists who support terrorists

Ron on June 1, 2011 at 11:22 pm

How gay! Stoopid Coldplay fans getting all nasty because someone calls out your favourite band of thieves. Juvenile.

I’m not surprised that Coldplay is pro-Palestinian. Since Chris Martin and his crappy band are a bunch of cheat hooligans, of course they would side with the Palestinian trash.

NEVER FORGET Coldplay blatantly ripped of guitarist supreme Joe Satriani a few years back. It was outrageous and the pilfering plagerists known as Coldplay SUCCESSFULLY killed the story that should have killed their career.

When I was a metal-head, I enjoyed Satriani. When he complained of the plagerization, I wondered how bad it was. I was SHOCKED when I heard the original Satriani song and Coldplay’s shamefull rip-off. I’ll try to post. It’s OUTRAGEOUS.

Poor Joe is forgotten and boring peeps still prop up Coldplay. I will never forget what bloody frauds they are!!!

Skunky on June 1, 2011 at 11:34 pm

Below is the link to hear how Coldplay ripped off Satriani.

They are the Joe Biden and Bill O’Reilly of the crappy music world. Effen frauds.


Skunky on June 1, 2011 at 11:47 pm

I am sure there are plenty of inconsistancies like

“All religions will unite” at 1:26 while Abbas says no Jews will live in a future Palestinian state.

Also an Israel Egged bus is in the background at 53 seconds (wonder if they got permission?)

I so have to spoof this song.

Fred on June 1, 2011 at 11:49 pm

I congratulate coldplay in their call for the freedom of Palestine.

Unlike those who commented above, I have not been such easy victim to media and its manipulating ways. The people of Palestine, were the indigenous people of Israel. They initially recided in the present state of Israel and were displaced from their own land.

Here in Australia, we acknowledge the past wrongs we’ve done to our Indigenous people and are continually striving for reconciliation. Where as Israel’s ‘reconciliation’ takes form as destruction and the denial of human rights. Palestinians have no choice by to retaliate and defend themselves, sending rocket which kill 2 Israelis compared to phosphorus rockets from Israel that kills hundreds of Palestinians. Why is it that Israel is praised by the US for the blatant genocide that they carry out? Seeing Israel treat Palestine like a concentration camp makes me sick!

@Debbie and those who agree with her, you people have no heart!

Bob on June 2, 2011 at 12:43 am

    They initially recided in the present state of Israel and were displaced from their own land.

    Dear Boob: What does “recide” mean?

    The now-so-called “Palestinians” are Arabs, and the Arabs were not the original inhabitants of Palestine. Even if they were, I don’t see any Scandanavian country offering the Lapplanders an autonomous homeland,(what you call “destruction and denial of human rights”) and I can’t remember the last time a Lapplander fired rockets into Swedan. If they ever tried to do that, I’d like to see the Swedes show the forbearance the Israelis have shown, providing water and electricity and humanitarian aid for people who have been shooting rockets at them for years.

    What will you do, you who drip with indignant sympathy for Arabs who think they’re entitled to Israel, WHEN the Islamofacsists decide they’re entitled to Australia? The Moslem Brotherhood dream is a WORLDWIDE caliphate, remember.

    Miranda Rose Smith on June 2, 2011 at 3:44 am

      Good arguments

      Atekram on June 2, 2011 at 7:07 am

        Good arguments

        Atekram on June 2, 2011 at 7:07 am


        Bob’s or mine?

        Miranda Rose Smith on June 3, 2011 at 2:32 am

    Bob… if you and other white Aussies feel afflicted with post-colonial guilt, would you kindly set an example for us and go back where you came from? Your hypocrisy about Israel isn’t welcome on here. I’m willing to embrace the Right Of Return – when your country, England, Russia, etc., restore their lands in full to the indigenous peoples. I’m not holding my breath waiting for that to ever happen.

    NormanF on June 2, 2011 at 8:59 am

      Bob… if you and other white Aussies feel afflicted with post-colonial guilt, would you kindly set an example for us and go back where you came from? Your hypocrisy about Israel isn’t welcome on here. I’m willing to embrace the Right Of Return – when your country, England, Russia, etc., restore their lands in full to the indigenous peoples. I’m not holding my breath waiting for that to ever happen.

      NormanF on June 2, 2011 at 8:59 am


      WHEN the Moslems decide they’re entitled to England, any Englishmen, any ANGLO-SAXONS who don’t like it can just go back to Saxony.

      Miranda Rose Smith on June 3, 2011 at 2:43 am

    Bob, you are a disgrace to Australia!

    You’re on the wrong side of the issue.

    Your past treatment of the Aborigines mirrors USA’s past…but as long as we are not totally taken over by Leftists, we will NOT have reconciliation here. It is NOT needed. Treating everyone as our Constitution says should help ALL.

    And your Aborigines have the same issues our Native Americans have. It is NOT working.

    Australia can’t even get itself to ditch the throne and become a republic. I love Australia *almost* as much as USA but puh-leeze. You got a lot of work to do and being more leftist and socialist will NOT help!

    Skunky on June 2, 2011 at 9:23 am

    Bob, both Jews and Arabs lived on that land, not just Arabs. My own grandmother was born there in the 1920s…28 years before it was declared a state. And why do you think the local Arabs became refugees? Because Jordan told them they should leave the land temporarily while Jordan came in and destroyed all the Jews. Then they could move back and take their homes and the empty homes of their Jewish neighbors. And by the way, the two-state option was proposed in 1948 and the Arabs turned it down in favor of war.
    During that war, thousands of Jewish refugees were kicked out of Arab lands and Israel absorbed them. But did Jordan absorb the Arab refugees? While we’re at it, let’s have the USA return Texas to South America. Free Texas!

    And Maggie, this song is not for peace. It incites hatred against Israelis with cartoons of Israeli soldiers blowing up preschools and knocking down mothers and babies. Wanna know why it’s a cartoon? Cause no footage exists of it…cause it’s false. Footage, however, does exist of Palestinian suicide bombers disguised as pregnant women trying to cross Israeli checkpoints. Educate yourself.

    Jess on June 2, 2011 at 1:39 pm

      Jess, just for knowing, it would be pretty hard to return Texas to South America. While it would be theoretically possible to return Texas to Mexico; moving Texas from the North American continent to the South American continent is pretty dang undoable. Loved the rest of your comment though.

      Richard on June 2, 2011 at 2:18 pm

        Jess, just for knowing, it would be pretty hard to return Texas to South America. While it would be theoretically possible to return Texas to Mexico; moving Texas from the North American continent to the South American continent is pretty dang undoable. Loved the rest of your comment though.

        Richard on June 2, 2011 at 2:18 pm



        Miranda Rose Smith on June 3, 2011 at 3:10 am

      During that war, thousands of Jewish refugees were kicked out of Arab lands and Israel absorbed them. But did Jordan absorb the Arab refugees?

      BRAVO!!!Jordan could have solved the now-so-called “Palestinian” refugee problem (back then, everybody called them what they were and are-Arabs) 63 years ago, by taking in the refugees who either left Israel, figuring that the Jewish State would be defeated in a week and they could come back and loot Jewish property, a mistake known as “betting on the wrong horse,” or who were expelled after five Arab states attacked Israel. Jordan could solve the now-so-called “Palestinian” refugee problem tomorrow by taking in the refugees. If all the left liberals and academics and journalists who hold weep-ins over the “Palestinians” really cared about the “Palestinians,” as anything except cat’s paws to finish off Israel, they would call on the Arab states in general, and Jordan in particular, to cut the bull**** and take them in.

      Miranda Rose Smith on June 3, 2011 at 2:56 am


    Nice, you managed to regurgitate two lefty talking points to slander Israel and further the Palestinian fairy tale.

    1. Israel does NOT use phosphorus missiles. That’s just a muzzie lie told to create victimhood status.

    2. Palestinian Arabs are NOT a people indigenous to Palestine. Jews are. Palestinian Arabs are largely from Jordan (the true, extant Arab-Palestine) and Egypt.

    Islamic states refuse the Palestinians any right of return to Jordan or Egypt so that their presence can be exploited to further the destruction of Israel.

    Richard on June 2, 2011 at 2:12 pm

    You in Australia there should look deeper than the shallow rhetoric served up to celebrities craving self purpose without any exhausting effort by activists whose true purpose is the destruction of Israel. In the 1920’s Jews represented a substantial percentage of the population of major cities across the middle east; 40% of Baghdad was Jewish. Far more Jews were displaced the the wars of 1948 and 1967, both initiated by Arabs, than Palestinians. Israel welcomed the displaced Jews while Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt and other Arab states were less welcoming often leaving the Palestinians in refugee camps for decades.

    Palestine was sparsely populated under the British protectorate following WWI and didn’t see major immigration, other than Jewish refugees from Europe, until the development of modern industry by these refugees and the modern city of Tel Aviv in an area that has been the Jewish homeland for centuries. Today there are more than 1 million Arab citizens in this Jewish state of about 7 million people who vote just like any others. The real enemy of the Palestinian people are the cowards of Hamas and Hezbolah who launch their attacks from the neighborhoods of the innocent and round up the pathetic progressives of the western press when Israel responds.

    richard10516 on June 2, 2011 at 6:22 pm

I call this madness “contrarianism”. Some people will take the side of evil because their motivation is to tear down anything good or normal. They pretend to be crusaders but they’re destroyers, they are motivated by pure hatred. I really believe at the root of it all that they wish they could tear down the whole world. Don’t be fooled into believing they’re stupid, they know exactly what they’re doing.

David Lanham on June 2, 2011 at 1:14 am

Bob, you’re just another madman. A lunatic for the devil. You’re a liar and a destroyer, you don’t fool me for one second. I know what you want, you want chaos and death and murder, because you don’t give damn about a palestinian, you just want destruction. Who do you think you’re fooling with your ridiculous outrage? As if you care about people, lol!

David Lanham on June 2, 2011 at 1:22 am

Really Folks? So much hate towards Islam, when this is truly a political issue, not a fundamental difference of people. Everyone wants the same thing. Peace and equality. “Black musicians and singers know that under Islam…they are little more than slaves.” What a stupid thing to say, wise up Debbie.

Bruce Wayne on June 2, 2011 at 3:10 am

    Bruce, a black guy was beaten to death by his Saudi master in London last year. Maybe you didn’t get the memo. And yes, slavery still exists in the Muslim World.

    In contrast, the Ethiopian Jews were brought to Israel as free people and they have full rights and equality.

    Don’t sit there and tell me I’m crazy for knowing what I know to be true. Just because the West is enlightened doesn’t mean that’s true in other parts of the world.


    NormanF on June 2, 2011 at 9:04 am

Really Folks? So much hate towards Islam, when this is truly a political issue, not a fundamental difference of people. Everyone wants the same thing. Peace and equality. Blacks know that under Islam…they are little more than slaves? What a stupid thing to say, wise up Debbie.

Bruce Wayne on June 2, 2011 at 3:11 am

    Really Wayne,who hoists the banner of Islam as a justification for attacks against Israelis and Jews around the world? Also, Islam with its political theology of conquest is quite well known to blacks in the Sudan. What is actually stupid is that you would assume that such things are . The Taqqiya is very tired and threadbare my friend. You need to turn in your soiled rags for a garment that does not expose your hideous nakedness.

    Worry01 on June 2, 2011 at 7:53 am

      Good point about the Sudan.

      The Arabs are upset the Christian blacks gained their independence and they want to reverse it. Kinda like what the Arabs have been trying to do with Israel for decades now.

      If something doesn’t go the way they like, they want to rewrite history.

      NormanF on June 2, 2011 at 9:06 am

And, as for the Japanese chick with her kid, um, yeah, everyone knows there are sooooooo many Japanese Palestinians.

I wonder how that Japanese woman would react if the AINUS demanded an autonomous homeland?

I wonder how long that woman doing calisthenics in stretch pants and a kaffiyeh would last in Hamas land? And all those women, in that video, with their boobs hanging out? A lot of those women are Black. Do they know how Blacks fare in Arab lands? Do they know about Israel taking in the Ethiopians? Well, obviously what they call freedom and justice is what I call genocide and honor killings. If they want, as Shakespeare’s Margaret of Anjou put it, to strew “sugar on that bottled spider/ Whose deadly web ensnareth thee about,” I hope they realize that they’re whetting the knife to kill themselves. Since they have no sympathy for Jews who want to stay alive, no sympathy for me, if the Arabs ever come for them, I will have no sympathy for them. Arabs can’t help it if their whole culture is hate and lies and propaganda. These people call themselves civilized and have access to facts.

Miranda Rose Smith on June 2, 2011 at 3:24 am

It’s a powerful video, with shining faces, uplifting voices, and infectious catchiness. And easy enough for anyone to understand..


Maggie on June 2, 2011 at 7:16 am

You need to understand Coldplay are not trying to promote hatred or anti-Israeli tendencies! Quite the opposite. The motive of OneWorld song is peaceful relationships and mutual understanding. What you do not like perhaps is that Palestine is now getting a lot of publicity. I cannot see what is wrong with that. The musicians in this song are not inciting the world to start hating Israelis.

Maggie on June 2, 2011 at 9:07 am

    Where does one start. Patrow is disgusting in her ignorance. Martin uses his limited musical ability to malign Jews and Israel. Why is there so much lack of knowledge in all these people?

    The Jews in Israel are their by right, International Law and many other reasons. They took no one’s land and committed no crimes in creating Israel.

    It can only be anti-semetism by another name, there really is no other explanation.

    Barry on June 2, 2011 at 3:51 pm

    You need to understand Coldplay are not trying to promote hatred or anti-Israeli tendencies!

    I risked losing my breakfast. I listened to that song a couple of extra times: “Illegal occupation?;” “violence and racial segregation?” Are Coldpaly so ignorant they don’t know that Arabs are the same race as most Israelis?; “Break down the wall,” so that Arabs can walk in and slaughter Jews?’ So many years of catastrophe? Arabs having to share the planet with Jews is a catastrophe? I wonder if the people singing in that video realize that a lot of Arabs also resent having to share the planet with THEM?; Do they really think that shooting back, when Arabs shoot at you, is a “crime against humanity?” Will they continue to think that when the Arabs are shooting at THEM?; “Gaza turned into a prison camp?” A prison camp with shopping malls and a sea coast? I rest my case.

    Miranda Rose Smith on June 3, 2011 at 3:33 am

      CORRECTION: Are Coldplay so ignorant they don’t know that Arabs are the same race as most Israelis?;

      I wonder when Coldplay will make their video calling for an end to the French illegal occupation of Alsace-Lorraine or the Russian illegal occupation of the Kurile Islands or the Turkish illegal occupation of Cyprus?

      Miranda Rose Smith on June 3, 2011 at 4:29 am

It isn’t powerful. You’re a tool easily tricked by muslims and muslim apologists.

Palestinians claim to be descendents of Canaan but Canaan was destroyed.

homercles82 on June 2, 2011 at 9:17 am

Bob, its ok to brake into a home of a Jewish family and kill them in there sleep? I know how deadly a 3 month old is that you have to slit it’s thought so badly that the head is almost removed and beat the little body. Yep that is not the actions of a people wonting freedom I don’t know what is… As a side I lost my friend an aid worker who went to help them. She was killed because the people thought she was a Jew… The fact is if your not one of them then your nothing but dirt.

Lisa on June 2, 2011 at 11:17 am

Thank you for this. I like Coldplay, still do. But now I cannot support their anti-Israel causes and music. There was one song they did I really wanted, but not any more. I have their first album on iTunes, and I may delete it. I guess they’re one more band I don’t have to listen or give money to.

John on June 2, 2011 at 2:19 pm

Amazing how consistent the artist world is on their views. Its just pop culture, ill-informed at best, dangerous at worst. Sounds like our president. But thank you for the Coldplay piece. I was getting tired of pretending I liked them. Total idiots and their music is boring as well.

Ed on June 2, 2011 at 2:32 pm


Occam's Tool on June 2, 2011 at 3:07 pm

The band is crap, and what they do is crap as well. They just want to be immuned from the suiside bomber threat. No way – your friends got no difference who to kill, you’ll cope it too. For them you are infidels and have to die. So, stop licking their dirty arses and change your undies, morons. Isn’t Coldplay and Shitplay are synonyms?

Chmo on June 2, 2011 at 5:49 pm

Debbie this type of thing is a long time coming. The BBC has turned Israel into a pariah state to most British people. The disapearance and self-expulsion of English Jews is underway, too.

A1 on June 2, 2011 at 7:21 pm

I actually find their music depressing and so does my son. We always tell my husband to turn it down and I close the door when he is listening to it. Their music is a downer!!

Karen on June 2, 2011 at 7:41 pm

This is a joke, right? It is laughable how people pull all sorts of nonsense right out of their asses, add some mediocre music to it, and then call it “art.” Coldplay, join the heap of forgettable bands.

Amy on June 2, 2011 at 9:53 pm

Aren’t the original inhabitants if Israel the canaanites, whose women and children were butchered by the ancient Jews?

Goros kiddy! on June 2, 2011 at 11:23 pm

    Aren’t the original inhabitants of Israel the Canaanites, whose women and children were butchered by the ancient Jews?

    Goros kiddy! on June 2, 2011 at 11:23 pm


    I was thinking the same thing myself, just this morning.

    I suspect that there was SOMEBODY on the North American continent when the ancestors of the Native Americans crossed what is now the Bering Strait. I once said, to a friend in high school, who was big on the rights of the Native Americans, who were called Indians then, “The Indians came from ASIA. There must have been SOMEBODY here when they came. What’s the big deal about ‘we took this country away from the Indians?’ They took it away from somebody, didn’t they?”

    Miranda Rose Smith on June 3, 2011 at 2:28 am

      Excellent point Miranda. To beleive that the Indians were the first is like beleiving that Columbus ‘discovered’ America.
      Re-dicovered might be a better term since it’s obvious others ‘discovered’ it before him. Not so recently I read an article of an archeological find of human fossils that resembled the European population and pre-dated the Natives by thousands of years. Not sure if they dissapeared before, or were wiped out or assimilated by the Asian new-comers, but they were here.
      With the different Native Indian cultures spread across the continent, from the Garden of Eden types to the warlike and cannibalistic, there is a strong probability of some other outside influences.
      Wish I remembered where I found the article. Remembering names is definitely not one of my stronger attributes.

      theShadow on June 4, 2011 at 1:08 am

        Excellent point Miranda. To beleive that the Indians were the first is like beleiving that Columbus ‘discovered’ America.


        Miranda Rose Smith on June 5, 2011 at 11:35 am

After watching the LAME video I think most people should view it as the joke that it is. “Infectious catchiness” my arse!

theShadow on June 3, 2011 at 12:10 am

Right back @ Skunky and all the Coldplay hataz – er, haters…

http://youtu.be/zjB024bZoB4 – Satch makes a sh—y song sound awesomer.

Right back at “Bob”, “Bruce Wayne” and all the other traitaz – er, traitors…

Can you read English? If so, read these…


Then, come back and tell us what you think.


The Reverend Jacques on June 3, 2011 at 10:46 am


Joe on June 5, 2011 at 4:03 pm

I could care less about this issue, it seems like a worthless argument if you ask me… but really, you’re smashing Coldplay for being overrated? That seems childish and arrogant of yourself. Now, I don’t really care for this band myself, but you need to respect other people’s taste in music (especially when writing an article that you want to be taken seriously, you can bash them on their views sure, but in an article where you’re supposed to be doing that leave their music out of it, very unprofessional), music is subjective and is loved worldwide, so please, stop the hate.

Dylan on July 3, 2011 at 10:08 pm

ha! if they are working for palestine freedom,its upto them.why you trying to slate them as terrorists??

for your king info if Muslims make Black men their slaves then why did Muhammad Ali converted to islam?? beczuse islam is the only religion which ensures you will be equal to white.

Israelis have massacared Palestinians and are slaughtering them.when you encroach my land,leave me for hunger and death then why i can’t fight for my right?am i suppose to die?

Asim on July 16, 2011 at 3:02 pm

Jews are the biggest terrorists thats why GOD send more than 0.1 million prophets to them,but they never did change.
Dogs tail wont become straight,even if you would put it in a striaght pipe for hundred years

Asim on July 16, 2011 at 3:12 pm


    First your July 16, 2011 at 3:02 pm

    “ha! if they are working for palestine freedom,its upto them.why you trying to slate them as terrorists??”

    They are not working for “palestine freedom” as there is no such place as “Palestine” and the Fakestinians are in any case anti-freedom, thus making your question become inoperative.

    “for your king info if Muslims make Black men their slaves then why did Muhammad Ali converted to islam?? beczuse islam is the only religion which ensures you will be equal to white.”

    Then explain is to why Islam continues to hold blacks as slaves, both Muslim and non-Muslim alike.

    “Israelis have massacared Palestinians and are slaughtering them.when you encroach my land,leave me for hunger and death then why i can’t fight for my right?am i suppose to die?”

    That is BS. Isn’t encroaching on the non-existent Palestinian land; the Fakestinians are encroaching on Israel’s land and trying to commit genocide against the Jews of Israel. Israel’s killing of the Fakestinians are done in self-defense to prevent the said genocide.

    Now for me to correct your your 3:12 pm post [my brackets]:

    “Jews are the biggest [anti-] terrorists [and opponents of evil.][T]hats why [G-d] send more than 0.1 million prophets to them, but they never did change [their anti-terrorism and anti-evil stance.] [Next sentence deleted]

    There, that’s better.

    You’re welcome!

    JeffE on September 17, 2011 at 11:18 pm

This douchbag bitch needs to be executed along with Ann Coulter and everyone associated with CNN, Fox news and every media outlet associated with Rupert Murdoch. Israel has no right to exist as a state, except maybe in Bavaria. They were born from an act of terrorism, and continue to perpetuate terrorism against Palestinians and anyone who dares stand up to these fuckwads. Death to the right wing! Death to capitalism! Death to the Zionists!

bhoodlum on July 18, 2011 at 4:55 pm

Oh and all you idiots who bandy about the term “anti-Semite” haven’t a clue as to its meaning. As a language it refers to Hebrew, Akkadian, Arabic, and many others. As a people it refers to Akkadians, Caanites, Hebrews, Phoencians, etc. As a religion it refers to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Note, Judaism is a religion, not a race. The Jewish people are not a seperate race, as much as they might wish they are (ie. God’s Chosen lol). I despise Zionists, a political movement aimed at eradicating all Arabs. I don’t have a problem with Jews, unless they also happen to be Zionists. And also, the Bible is not a historical text as it cannot be authenticated or ascribed to a particular author or year.

bhoodlum on July 18, 2011 at 5:04 pm


    What an appropraiate name for you.

    First, your post bhoodlum on July 18, 2011 at 4:55 pm where you wish death on everyone and everything that you hate. Well, I have one thing to say to you on that: Go F*** yourself.

    Now, for your 5:04 pm post. No one who is Jewish has ever said that Judaism is a race. It is instead both a religion and a nation. Zionism doesn’t serve as a means to eradicate anyone. It is a Jewish National Liberation movement with a positive goal of establishing a Jewish State. Read the following link and the links within it for more information about what Zionism both is and isn’t.


    JeffE on September 18, 2011 at 12:15 am

Thanks for the news, now I like Chris and Coldplay even more 🙂

Fredoom for Palestine!!!

Eric on July 25, 2011 at 10:58 am

    I will repeat to you with one minor change what I just told Karl below:

    You need to quit relying on morons like Coldplay for your information on Israel and instead WAKE UP and start instead to read sites like this one.

    JeffE on September 17, 2011 at 11:56 pm

      I should have noted that my post September 17, 2011 at 11:56 pm was directed to Eric.

      JeffE on September 17, 2011 at 11:57 pm

This is clearly a ill-informed woman who has written this and obviously has little knowledge of the situation other than the propaganda she is probably fed. This shows a clear sign that she and many of you other people will not question anything from government and the media and you will simply believe “Muslims are terrorists” or whatever because it is convenient and easy. Regardless of religion or race, what is happening in Palestine is a humanitarian crisis. Also btw Hamas are a democratically elected organisation, which do have a military wing. Although if we look to history Nelson Mandela’s campaign against apartheid had violence used. As did Malcom X. Unfortunately it is sometimes necessary when negations does not work which is the truth.

Well done to Chris Martin and the other celebs who an not lying down to Israel and for raising awareness.

I wont even start to point out the flaws in what that woman has wrote as there are too many.

Karl on August 11, 2011 at 9:05 pm

This woman is clearly ill-informed as what is written is basically propaganda.
Either she is part of the state spreading this propaganda or she is too weak to question what information she is given to see if it is true or bias and propaganda which there is clear obvious that it is. The UN and Amnesty international and other NGO’s and humanitarian organisations condemn Israels actions in Gaza and the Westbank.

I will not begin to point out the flaws in that article as there are too many.

Regardless of race or religion, what is happening in Palestine is a humanitarian crisis and an abuse of human rights.

Also Hamas is a democratically elected organisation so it is not a terrorist group. it does have a military wing, which is necessary. Malcom X used violence to secure black rights but this is not criticized, and Nelson Mandela’s campaign against apartheid was not completely peaceful and had violence. yet these people are accepted as great peacemakers and humanitarians. Violence is sometimes needed sadly if negotiations do not work and a need of defense.

Well done to Coldplay for not simply lying down to Israel and accepting the situation. Well done for raising awareness on an issue people refuse to notice.

Karl on August 11, 2011 at 9:17 pm


    Let me correct the first part of your first paragraph for you [my brackets] All “I’s inside my brackets refer to you, Karl.

    “[I am] clearly ill-informed as what [I am] writ[ing] is basically propaganda. Either [I, Karl am] part of the state spreading propaganda or [I am] too weak to [rebut or refute the] information she [has] given[.]”

    Now for your specific points.

    “…Hamas is a democratically elected organisation so it is not a terrorist group. it does have a military wing, which is necessary.”

    So was Hitler (may his name be erased). But yet what else would you or anyone else who even so much as pretends to be decent characterize him as being other than the evil vermin that he was. The fact that Hamas was democratically elected says a lot about the Arabs of Gaza–none of it good.

    “Malcom X used violence to secure black rights but this is not criticized, and Nelson Mandela’s campaign against apartheid was not completely peaceful and had violence. yet these people are accepted as great peacemakers and humanitarians.”

    No, they are not accepted “as great peacemakers and humanitarians.” In fact, in the search engine on this page, type the words “Nelson Mandela” and you’ll find some information that Debbie has written about him and his wife–all of which puts them in an unfavorable light.

    You need to quit relying on morons like Coldplay for your information on Israel and other topics and instead WAKE UP and start instead to read sites like this one.

    JeffE on September 17, 2011 at 11:50 pm

Everyone has the right to have an opinion,it’s crazy how zionists are close-minded & whenever somenoe expresses a different view ,insults start pouring on him.This is freedom of speech ,listen to others so that they’d listen to you,this is democracy:not fake Israeli democracy,only jews have rights & can say whatever they believe in while the rest of the population is rubbish in their eyes.By the way in Palestine there are Christians too & thy suffer from the occupation as well.

Céline on November 6, 2011 at 3:48 pm

umm , coldplay did an very good thing i am from Palestine and i think that yes we are facing all these things Palestinian children are violent our children are being killed be fore they Evan live their life !!!!
how could u say that we are bad if we are being killed by isrealians we have no rights our salaries are low , some in the west bank don’t have access to water or electricity !!!!!
come on this is not fair !!!!!! plus we are facing difficulties every day when we want to go to work we have to wait long long hours just to be checked “fyi” isrealians are so
foolish they are like chicken they search us cause they are
afraid of us !!!
could u imagine every day children they are seeing ppl shot Enfront of them !!!!

DANA on December 31, 2011 at 6:26 am

I’m an Arab who hates you and hates Israel.. You are not only a brutal zionist who presents false statements, but also stupid.. ‘abeed’ does not mean or refer to black, it means slaves who can be from whatever race.. The connection between slavery and ‘black’ was established by the West, namely the USA.. You are stupid and hateful just like your rogue state, and you both will be wiped out I pray sooner than later.. You or even your grandchildren will see.. To Hellllll

Nuha on May 20, 2012 at 7:08 pm

Fuck u DS. How much u’ve payed by Israeli government for publicing those shit..Fuck u. I bet u more Jewish than Chris Martin. Fuck u Zionist bitch….

FUB on May 22, 2012 at 9:36 pm

Debbie Schlussel your so brain damaged you have no clue whats fact and what’s fiction. I don’t commend the very few Muslim terrorist, but to criticize Islam as a whole disgustes me. It is people like you that bring upon hate to this country. Also Palestine has every right to exist just as Israel, and to be quite honest with you it is people like you who are the jihadist and terrorist. Terrorizing the world with your ignorant beliefs. Your a racist and incredibaly uneducated.

jhon smith on May 24, 2012 at 4:21 pm

who even cares about these vile, radical, ultraleftist, no-talent has-been hacks!!!!

Dave on June 21, 2012 at 12:02 am

who even cares about these no-talent, radical, left-wing extremist has-been hacks anyway!!!

Dave on June 21, 2012 at 12:05 am

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