May 16, 2008, - 12:18 pm

The Company He Keeps: Obama Hangs With Hezbollah’s Iranian Agent Imam

By Debbie Schlussel
Barack Obama claims he’s against HAMAS and Hezbollah and is offended by President Bush’s speech in Israel about Obama’s ethos of “appeasement.” So why is he meeting with one of Hezbollah’s most important imams and agents in America, Imam Hassan Qazwini? And why is this open anti-Semite and supporter of Israel’s annihilation getting to discuss “the Arab-Israeli conflict” in a private one-on-one meeting with Obama? What was said? I think we can do the math.
I’ve written about Qazwini and his mosque for almost a decade. He is tight with the Government of Iran, and he is an agent of the Iranian government, spreading its propaganda. He was sent to the U.S. by Iran to help radicalize his mosque, the Islamic Center of America, which–at the time–was becoming moderate with women not covering their hair and mixing with men. All that has changed, under Qazwini.


Extremist Imam Hassan Qazwini w/ Obama

AND w/ Hezbollah Spiritual Leader Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah

Qazwini is very open about his support for Palestinian homicide bombings, HAMAS, and Hezbollah. And he’s a good friend of Hezbollah spiritual leader, Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah–the man who issued the fatwa to Hezbollah terrorists to murder over 300 U.S. Marines and U.S. Embassy civilians in cold blood. Qazwini’s mosque has held rallies and celebrations in support of Hezbollah, and many of Hezbollah’s biggest money-launderers and agents in America are his congregants.
When I went undercover to his mosque in 1998, he and others welcomed Nation of Islam chief racist Louis Farrakhan as “our dear brother” and “a freedom fighter.” Qazwini applauded Farrakhan’s anti-Semitic statements saying that Jews were the “forces of Satan” and that there needed to be a “jihad” on the American people.
Above is a photo of Qazwini hanging out with Hezbollah’s Fadlallah–who is on the State Department Terrorist List–in South Lebanon, where he went to visit him and pay tribute. Juxtapose that with the photo of Qazwini and Barack Obama. It says a lot about the company Obama keeps . . . and why he shouldn’t be President:

A Muslim leader from Dearborn met privately with Sen. Barack Obama during his Wednesday visit to Michigan.
Imam Hassan Qazwini, head of the Islamic Center of America, said in an email that he met with Obama at Macomb Community College. A mosque spokesman, Eide Alawan, confirmed that the meeting took place. During the meeting, the two discussed the Presidential election, the Arab-Israeli conflict, and the Iraq war, according to Qazwini.
At the end of the meeting, Qazwini said he gave Obama a copy of new book, “American Crescent,” and invited Obama to visit his center.
The meeting with Obama came about after Qazwini had asked David Bonior, the former U.S. Rep. from Michigan, if he could meet with Obama during his visit. Qazwini was not selected to be part of a group of 20 people who met with Obama, but Qazwini later got a private meeting with Obama, Alawan said.
“They gave him an opportunity for a one-on-one,” Alawan said. . . .
Born in Iraq into a long line of Shi’ite clerics, Qazwini and his family left for Iran to escape persecution under the regime of Saddam Hussein. He later moved to the U.S. and become head of the Dearborn mosque, one of the largest Shi’ite Muslim centers in the U.S.

Um, Saddam wasn’t off the mark regarding Qazwini and his family. They were agents of Iran who were trying to overthrow him on behalf of the Khomeini’ists. And the fundamentalist Islamic form of government Qazwini espouses is far worse Saddam Hussein’s killing fields (though it’s far less secular than Saddam was). The only other difference is that in his view those bloody fields should be dominated by victorious Shi’ites, not Saddam’s Sunnis.
Well, Obama has the support of HAMAS . . . and now, Hezbollah. And we should send him to the White House because . . .?

53 Responses

The Democrats made quite a fuss over President Bush’s remarks a day or two ago in Israel. Basically, President Bush said it was wrong to negotiate with Iran, Syria and other countries supporting terrorists.
The Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi thought this remark was all about THEM. Nothing like being self-centered, but I digress.
So the Democrats point out that their leading candidate, Sen. Barak O’Bama (I prefer the Irish spelling as the good Senator is a complete tool of the Chicago Democratic Machine) merely desires to hold talks with leaders of established nations. And they re-iterated his promise NOT to talk to terrorist groups like Hamas or Hezbollah.
Needless to say, campaign promises are not exactly binding contracts, but ya gotta wonder about the sincerety of Sen. O’Bama’s promise in light of this column.
Hey! It’s not like I’m surprised. I’d also add that I don’t expect the GOP to make Debbie perfectly happy should they win the White House.
It just seems to me that Sen. O’Bama doesn’t need to be quite so anxious to talk to anti-Semitic fiends while he’s running for President.

There is NO Santa Claus on May 16, 2008 at 1:36 pm

Obama The Oblivious

Pat on May 16, 2008 at 1:39 pm

Quick – send a letter to the Obama campaign. Before Obama meets with anyone, make sure Obama knows a) who the guy has been linked to, b) who the guy has been photographed with, c) who the guy is an agent of –boy, that “agent” sure is a nebulous word, huh? — and d) who the guy is even acquianted with.
Schlussel, if it wasn’t this guy Qazani, you’d find someone or something else just as trivial to link Obama to.
To answer your question, “And we should send him to the White House because . . .?”
1. America needs a President who will concentrate on Afghanistan, capture Bin Ladin and finally avenge the deaths of 3000 Americans.
2. America needs a President who will finally strengthen the borders.
3. America needs a President who actually has a command of the English language.
4. America needs a President who won’t pander to voters with something as foolish as a holiday on gas tax.
5. America needs a President who refuses to engage in fear-mongering.
6. America needs a President that millions upon millions can finally look up to as an inspriation
and strenghthen the American fabric.

Audacious on May 16, 2008 at 1:49 pm

TINSC: “The Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi thought this remark was all about THEM.”
Honestly, who do YOU think Bush was talking about?

Audacious on May 16, 2008 at 1:50 pm

Now that we’ve heard form that witless, handjob of a waste of DNA (that’d be you Audacious) let’s provide the counters to your reasons why he shouldn’t be in the White House:
1. Afghanistan and the capture of Bin Laden…he doesn’t have a f***in’ clue how to go about it.
2. The borders…again has no f***in’ clue about the borders.
3. May have a command of the language but no idea how many states there are in this great country. (Maybe he was thinking about muslim provinces in some other country)
4.Won’t pander to voters with a gas tax holiday…I suppose he’ll be voting for drilling in ANWR and offshore or building nuclear reactors for power? NOT!!!
5. Fear mongering is the definitive mark of all liberals.
6. Hard to look up to someone who blatantly hangs with anti-white, anti-semite racists.
Keep on lap-lickin’ you spineless twit…

1shot1kill on May 16, 2008 at 2:02 pm

7. America needs a President who will put an emphasis on education so this country can engage in honest, analytical logic and curtail ad hominem hysteria, currently in great abundance on this and many other websites.

Audacious on May 16, 2008 at 2:32 pm

8. America needs a President who will put emphasis on education so the intelligent won’t have to be insulted by the mindless drivel of lobotomized dweebs on this and many other websites.

1shot1kill on May 16, 2008 at 3:09 pm

Make no mistake:
1. Obama has been the chairman for the senate commitee on Afganistan for the past two years. He knows so much about Afganistan that he has never, not once in the two years that he has been the commitee chairman called a meeting of that commitee-so yes I’d trust his knowledge on the affairs of Afganistan, wouldn’t you Audacious???
2. Something as foolish as a holiday gas tax? While he was in the Illinois Senate he not only voted on two measures for a holiday gas tax in that state,he helped sponser one. But I guess that gas tax holiday was only for his BLACK friends-not the disinfranchized gun toting white Americans who only go to church because they’re stupid angry hicks.
3. His 57 state remark was actually right on the money, make no mistake folks, he meant what he said, there are in the world 57 states ruled by ISLAM and he apparently has been to them all.

wolf2012 on May 16, 2008 at 4:10 pm

Who has command of the English language? ebonics is not english, and I know he’s got the command of the arab language as well at least when he recites the Quran- that will come in helpfull when he visits with the terrorists of the world over tea.—To discuss how they will implement Shria in the United States. He has no fear mongering tactics because peace will previal in the world under the Crescent of Islam. No terrorism or fear once everyone is either converted or beheaded. Got to love the obamanites.

wolf2012 on May 16, 2008 at 4:18 pm

Once again Debbie is the only one reporting this. So, Where is the MSM on this? More importantly where are Talk radio and Conservatives on this? Even if Pres. Bush wasn’t referring to Sen. Obama when addressing the Kinesset, Obama basically lived up to or rather sunk to the terrorist appeasement statement. Although Bush does the same thing when he meets w/ the Saudi’s.

OneIrishJew on May 16, 2008 at 4:45 pm

We should all chip in to buy Audacious a new straight-jacket. The one he wears now is probably saturated with his Leftist vomit.

FreethinkerNY on May 16, 2008 at 5:08 pm

wolf: “1. Obama has been the chairman for the senate commitee on Afganistan for the past two years. He knows so much about Afganistan that he has never, not once in the two years that he has been the commitee chairman called a meeting of that commitee-so yes I’d trust his knowledge on the affairs of Afganistan, wouldn’t you Audacious???”
For the record, Obama has been the chairman of a Senate SUBCOMMITTEE on Europe since January of ’07. He has held two hearings on ambassadorial nominations, while he’s been running for President. Contrary to wolf’s posting, Obama is not the chairman of the Senate Commitee on Afghanistan, and he has not served at this position for the past two years.
More wolf: “While he was in the Illinois Senate he not only voted on two measures for a holiday gas tax in that state,he helped sponser one.”
That’s true, and the outcome remains suspect, which is exactly why Obama opposes such a holiday in 2008. Even though gas prices did fall when Illinois lifted its tax, it isn’t clear whether the policy really helped consumers. Ralph Martire, executive director of the Center for Tax and Budget Accountability, says wholesale gas prices were falling even faster, and gasoline marketers simply kept the difference.
“These companies basically took what would have been paid as gas tax and pocketed it as profit. And that’s one of the inefficiencies you get when you rely on the private sector to pass along a tax break: They have a profit motive and they’re going to use that motive,” Martire says.
That finding was echoed by the National Bureau of Economic Research, which found that 5 percent tax cuts in Illinois and Indiana resulted in only a 3 percent drop in retail gasoline prices.
One other lesson from the Illinois experiment is that as prices fell that summer and fall, drivers bought more gasoline. Obama said on NBC’s Meet the Press last weekend that the U.S. needs to do just the opposite, if it wants to lower gas prices in the long run.
Even more wolf: 3. “His 57 state remark was actually right on the money, make no mistake folks, he meant what he said, there are in the world 57 states ruled by ISLAM and he apparently has been to them all.”
This statement is so ludicrous, it’s unworthy of rebuttal. Rest assured that Obama knows there 50 states in the Union.

Audacious on May 16, 2008 at 5:17 pm

That does it….Audacious-
you have convinced me.

yankeeoppressor on May 16, 2008 at 6:43 pm

See? The guy is so sure he is going to get elected, he is already meeting with the enemy plotting the killing of us non muslims in America

savage supporter on May 16, 2008 at 6:47 pm

Actually both of those measures failed to pass in the Senate in Illinois-the gax tax relief that is.
The 57 Islamics states in the world is not ludicrous, its fact-look it up. And despite the fact that he may or may not know how many states there are in the Union, when he made is statement while in Oregon, he said that he hadn’t been to Hawaii or Alaska. He failed to count Michigan and Florida, two other states that he hadn’t campaigned in at the time of his statement, so In reality he would only have been to 45 states thus far. Either way, he doesn’t know how many states there are in the union, and he doesn’t know how many he’s been too-real bright guy there.
And to further my argument concerning his intelligence, he stated that he would meet with the president of Canada, Canada has a prime minister-again, real bright guy there.
One other lesson from the Illinois experiment is that as prices fell that summer and fall, drivers bought more gasoline. Obama said on NBC’s Meet the Press last weekend that the U.S. needs to do just the opposite, if it wants to lower gas prices in the long run
(What’s the opposite, charge more for gasoline so people will stop buying it-I guess he figures people will just stop going to the grocery store or go to work for that matter. Maybe he’s thinking that the trucking industry should just stop transporting goods across the country, that would really cut down on the gasoline intake. People have already turned off their heat across the country, I guess he figures people should just cut back on all the things that are required for sustainablity.
His ìcommitmentî to Afghanistan: He believes the US ìtook its eye off the ballî when we went into Iraq, and promises to refocus on Afghanistan as president. The reality is that since Obama began chairing the Senate Foreign Relations Committeeís Subcommittee on European Affairs in January 2007, not a single policy hearing has been conducted on anything, Afghanistan or otherwise. When Clinton brought this up at the Cleveland debate, Obama conceded, ìI became chairman of this committee at the beginning of this campaign. Ö So it is true that we havenít had oversight hearings on Afghanistan.î ëNuff said.
So your right, it hasn’t been two years, just 16 months
AND FINALLY,Quick – send a letter to the Obama campaign. Before Obama meets with anyone, make sure Obama knows a) who the guy has been linked to, b) who the guy has been photographed with, c) who the guy is an agent of –boy, that “agent” sure is a nebulous word, huh? — and d) who the guy is even acquianted with.

wolf2012 on May 16, 2008 at 7:06 pm

Perhaps Obama is just remembering how the states went from his grammar school days and was thinking of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, which represents the 57 Islamic states.
Does that clarify things better.

wolf2012 on May 16, 2008 at 7:44 pm

Debbie – Several times I’ve written comments to your articles, specifically those that are about the senator from Illinois, and I always say something like: ‘right on’, ‘keep up the good work,’ and so on. And yet again I say ‘right on,’ and keep up the good work.
But now I do have a question. How do we wake up the rest of the country – or at least get the Dems to open their eyes about Obama before they get to their convention? I refer to the Dems because, to state the obvious, with McCain running under the spectre of Pres. Bush’s declining popularity, the Dems will definitely have the advantage.
So, I ask how to get that veil off of people’s eyes? The issue of Obama’s tendency to keep company with those whose intention is to put an end to our very way of life is a very important issue, indeed. Any and all (serious) suggestions welcome.

reality checker on May 17, 2008 at 12:10 am

More misinformation from wolf: “Actually both of those measures failed to pass in the Senate in Illinois-the gax tax relief that is”
Wolf, where on Earth did you read this? According to Newsblaze: “As A State Senator, Obama Voted To Suspend The State Sales Tax On Gasoline. (S.B. 1310: Senate Third Floor Reading, Passed, 50-0-6, 3/8/00, Obama Voted Yea)
The State Of Illinois Suspended Its Five Percent Sales Tax On Gasoline. “After a whirlwind legislative session, Gov. Ryan signed legislation Thursday that suspends the state’s 5 percent sales tax on gasoline. If that is passed on to consumers, fuel prices would drop by about a dime per gallon.” (Dave McKinney and Fran Spielman, “Ryan Signs Suspension Of Gas Tax,” Chicago Sun-Times, 6/30/00)
More wolf: “Either way, he doesn’t know how many states there are in the union, and he doesn’t know how many he’s been too-real bright guy there.”
This is silliness. You seriously expect people to believe that Senator Obama doesn’t know how many states there are, due to his misstatement or attempt at levity, whatever it was, delivered last week in Beaverton, Oregon. A statement like this, along with your misinformation, obscenities and name-calling, doesn’t fare well for your credibility on this and other issues.
More wolf: “The reality is that since Obama began chairing the Senate Foreign Relations Committeeís Subcommittee on European Affairs in January 2007, not a single policy hearing has been conducted on anything, Afghanistan or otherwise. When Clinton brought this up at the Cleveland debate, Obama conceded, ìI became chairman of this committee at the beginning of this campaign. Ö So it is true that we havenít had oversight hearings on Afghanistan.î
And why would they need to convene, wolf, in light of the fact that the Foreign Relations Committee had Afghanistan on their agenda in January of 2008? Andrew J. Fischer is a spokesman for Republican Sen. Richard Lugar, and went on record about this earlier this year. Lugar now serves as a minority member of the Foreign Relations Committee, but he was the chair, from 2003 to 2006, when Republicans controlled the Senate. He is the ranking Republican on the committee.
Fischer, who is a minority staff member of the Foreign Relations Committee, said something as major as NATOís role in Afghanistan would typically be held before the full Foreign Relations Committee, rather than Obamaís European subcommittee.
In fact, the Foreign Relations Committee held a hearing on Afghanistan on Jan. 31, 2008, and NATO was a part of the discussion.
Wolf, we’re talking about the office of President of the United States, and you debate the issue as if Obama and McCain were running for president of the junior-high student council. “He doesn’t know how many states there are.” “He thinks Canada has a president when they have a prime minister.” Then you supply misinformation you glean from specious websites.
Good God, get serious, man!

Audacious on May 17, 2008 at 9:00 am

You nailed the argument cearly and with distinction. B.H.O. is not running for the junior-high student council. He is running for an office that should uphold the standards that our founding fathers initiated. Integrity, honesty, strength of character, and intellegence.
B.H.O. has proven over the last year and half that he has none of these qualifications. He is a consumate liar, He has proven ineffective to speak with any resemblence of intellegence when he is left to his own devices to act upon. When he delivers prepared speeches and statements he regergetates what people tell him to say quite well, and I must note that most of his speeches are compostites of speeches that other politicians have used in the past. He has yet to say anything new or inventive.
His associations with terrorists, liars, anti-American, anti-Israel, money laundering muslim filth, and Marxist, communist brethren that he holds near and dear to his heart are clear examples of who this pig is and what he stands for. Words pale in comparison to the company you keep, the people you employ, and his own statements about whites, middle america, and religion clearly define this mans contempt for America.
The information I have researched about this slime comes from mainstream media across the country. The Huffington post, The Chicago Tribune, The New york Post, and countless others. Nothing in the so called specious websites-(you must be including Debbie Schlussel as well in your specious websites) Has been disproven by anyone, including you.
I for one have more faith in the reporting that Ms. Schlussel has done over the years than any other news source out there. She is a member of mensa, that means her IQ rates up there in the top 1 percent. She is a lawyer, and has gone undercover in many of the Islam functions across dearbornistan-thats makes her more quilified than you or B.O.
I have also noted that over the past several months the only articles you comment on are things that pertain to B.O. and Islam only. Working and collecting a paycheck from the B.O. campaign is not only foolish it clearly states who and what you are.
The only benifit to your diatribes on this site and others I’m sure you monitor is that everytime you click on her site you up her rating in yahoo and google and her site moves up the list so more and more Americans will be exposed to her integrity and reporting. For that we are truly gratefull.

wolf2012 on May 17, 2008 at 2:00 pm

for a thorough rebuttal

WTN on May 17, 2008 at 2:28 pm

Coming around to the likes of you is not a step I and 75% of the American population is willing to take.

wolf2012 on May 17, 2008 at 4:04 pm

That’s Saint Obama the Oblivious to us bible, gun, and xenophobia clinging typical white plebes. Prayers to Saint Obama, while most welcome, do get rerouted to a call center in ‘moderate’ Indonesia. On Saint Obama’s Feast Day, the celebrations include the blessing of the braindead, for they are too dumb to see the truth in the man hiding — in plain sight — within an empty suit.

Rick on May 17, 2008 at 4:15 pm

“You’ll come around”
Spoken like a faithfull follower of Islam. And what if we don’t come around to your absurdities and Obamanations, then what??

wolf2012 on May 17, 2008 at 5:28 pm

Wolf: “Why would Ayers, appoint someone like Obama, someone he’s not friends with or has a close personal relationship with to be the director of his foundation?”
Because Obama was a State Senator by 1999, that’s why.
Yes, wolf, Obama went to Ayers house in 1995. Yes, they served on the board of the Woods Fund of Chicago together from 1999 until 2002, along with several Republicans. (Ayers is still a board Chairman, he’s not THE board chairman.)
If your point is that this contemporaneus — and tenuous — relationship makes Obama unfit for office, that’s just more nonsense. You play this card during the election and the Keating Five is going to come back and bite you in the ass.
Now answer my question, wolf: Don’t you agree that America needs to concentrate on Afghanistan and exact resources to capturing bin Laden and snuffing out Al Queda?

Audacious on May 17, 2008 at 8:07 pm

Concentrate on Afghanistan? Why? is that where the entire legion of Al Queda is? Thats news to a whole lot of people then. Afghanistan is dealing with the Taliban-seperate entities-although with the same goal in mind, world domination of Islam. And you think Bin Laden is in Afghanistan? Your intel must be better than that of the CIA, AND the FBI.
According to B.O. Bin Laden is hankered down in the Mountains of Pakistan-which is why he made his statement earlier last year about invading that country and violating its sovereignty. He’s willing to meet unconditionaly with the leader of Iran, but he wants to invade Pakistan on his whim…hmmm, where’s the loyalty in that.
(Because Obama was a State Senator by 1999, that’s why.) Thats a great point you bring up. Why have a state senator as your Director of your foundation? According to them both, they weren’t friends, didn’t associate, didn’t know anything about each other, yet he makes him Director of his foundation. (I know if I had a non profit foundation, I would want someone I didn’t know as its Director) that would be a sound business move.
You help get him elected, he does you favors for that help and profits from his duties as Director. Again, and my point is- William Ayers is a terrorist, and Obama loves his terrorists. They scratch his back, he climbs higher on the social scale.

wolf2012 on May 17, 2008 at 9:54 pm

“The “company he keeps,” emphasis on keeps, and the acquaintances he’s made are two different entities”-Audacious
A long time friend and co-patriot-William Ayers-Weather Underground terrorist-CBS NEWS-one of those specious websites and news organizations you refer too.
It was at the Chicago home of Ayers and Dohrn that Obama, then an up-and-coming ?community organizer,? had his political coming out party in 1995. Not content with this rite of passage in Lefty World — where unrepentant terrorists are regarded as progressive luminaries, still working ?only to educate? — both Obamas tended to the relationship with the Ayers.
Barack Obama made a joint appearance with Bill Ayers in 1997 at a University of Chicago panel on the outrage of treating juvenile criminals as if they were, well, criminals. This panel was orchestrated by none other than Michelle Obama, then an Associate Dean of Student Services.
The Ayers and Obama, meantime, kept up. There was yet another panel in 2002, Obama and Ayers waxing on ?Intellectuals in Times of Crisis.? Dohrn, too, was asked to weigh in, on a panel addressing the question, ?Why Do Ideas Matter??
Ayers is the Board Chairman of the nonprofit Woods Fund of Chicago and Obama is a former Board member. Obama was a director of the Woods Fund board from 1999 to Dec. 11, 2002, according to the Fund’s website.
Just an acquaintance for the last 13 years? Why would Ayers, appoint someone like Obama, someone he’s not friends with or has a close personal relationship with to be the director of his foundation?
Just one of many “acquaintances” in B.O.’s life

wolf2012 on May 17, 2008 at 6:39 pm

Bin Laden could be in Pakistan, Afghanistan, right on the border line. If we knew for certain, perhaps we’d have him. But the threat of al-Queda in that region is a serious threat, and it must be addressed. Thanks for your response.
“According to them both, they weren’t friends, didn’t associate, didn’t know anything about each other, yet he makes him Director of his foundation”
They served on the same board together. I would call that a relationship — a tenuous, contemporaneous relationship, at that.
“Again, and my point is- William Ayers is a terrorist, and Obama loves his terrorists.”
Ayers is also a Again, and my point is- William Ayers is a terrorist,”
Ayers is also a Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicaco, and a distinguished one at that. Imagine that — a terrorist, as you call him, serving on the faculty of a major university! He’s some threat.
“Obama loves his terrorists”
More incendiary rhetoric, and just plain nonsense.
It’s going to be a long summer for you, wolf. I, for one, look forward to the debates that Obama and McCain will be engaging in. McCain is going to come off as frail, confused and totally unfit to serve, next to Obama. And on the evening of November 4th, Barack Obama will be white house-bound.

Audacious on May 17, 2008 at 11:18 pm


samurai on May 18, 2008 at 12:15 am

Here’s a great issue that speaks of B.O.’s character, his integrity, and what to expect if he becomes president.
Obama Supports the Killing of Babies (Not Abortions – Infanticide)
Posted by adminMay 17, 2008The man who says he wants to bring us together, supports the killing of babies born alive after failed abortions ó a position not even supported by Barbara Boxer. Hard to believe? Itís true.
See Obama Record May Be Gold Mine For Critics In February 2004, U.S. Senate candidate Barack Obamaís wife, Michelle, sent a fund-raising letter with the ìalarming newsî that ìright-wing politiciansî had passed a law stopping doctors from stabbing half-born babies in the neck with scissors, suctioning out their brains and crushing their skulls.
Michelle called partial-birth abortion ìa legitimate medical procedure,î and wouldnít supporters please pay $150 to attend a luncheon for her husband, who would fight against ìcynical ploy[s]î to stop it?
Legislation was presented on the federal level and in various states called the Born Alive Infants Protection Act. It stated all live-born babies were guaranteed the same constitutional right to equal protection, whether or not they were wanted.
BAIPA sailed through the U.S. Senate by unanimous vote. Even Sens. Clinton, Kennedy and Kerry agreed a motherís right to ìchooseî stopped at her babyís delivery.
The bill also passed overwhelmingly in the House. NARAL went neutral on it. Abortion enthusiasts publicly agreed that fighting BAIPA would appear extreme. President Bush signed BAIPA into law in 2002.
But in Illinois, the state version of BAIPA repeatedly failed, thanks in large part to then-state Sen. Barack Obama. It only passed in 2005, after Obama left.
I testified in 2001 and 2002 before a committee of which Obama was a member.
Obama articulately worried that legislation protecting live aborted babies might infringe on womenís rights or abortionistsí rights. Obamaís clinical discourse, his lack of mercy, shocked me. I was naive back then. Obama voted against the measure, twice. It ultimately failed.
In 2003, as chairman of the next Senate committee to which BAIPA was sent, Obama stopped it from even getting a hearing, shelving it to die much like babies were still being shelved to die in Illinois hospitals and abortion clinics.
(As chair of that same committee, Obama once abruptly ended a hearing early, right before Scott and Janet Willis, the parents of six children killed as a result of Illinoisí drivers licenses for bribes scandal, were to testify in favor of Choose Life license plate legislation. I was there for that one, too. The Willises had traveled three hours. Reporters filled the room. Obama stalled. He later killed the bill when no one was around.)
Here is a quote from Mother Theresa:
ìBut I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child – a direct killing of the innocent child – murder by the mother herself. And if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?î

wolf2012 on May 18, 2008 at 10:13 am

If I were Jewish, I would be scared to death of Obama. He only distances himself from the anti-semitic Farrakhan and Wright under great pressure, has been halting and uncertain in his denunciations of Hamas and Hizballah and has had to get rid of two campaign advsors due to their ties with anti-Israel, pro-Hamas groups. Contrasted with McCain, who denounces Hamas in no uncertain terms, hangs out with Joe Lieberman and has no jihadi/Palestinian sympathizers among his advisors, Obama should be the last choice of any Jewish American.

inmypajamas on May 18, 2008 at 11:53 am

in my pajamas: “Contrasted with McCain, who denounces Hamas in no uncertain terms . . ”
Essential video for you, in my pajamas:

Audacious on May 18, 2008 at 4:36 pm

Obama would’ve voted for the federal version of BAIPA, had he been a member of the Senate at the time. He couldn’t vote for the Illinois version due to the wording, which would’ve encroached on Roe v Wade.

Audacious on May 18, 2008 at 4:54 pm

First, let me congratulate you on your tireless efforts to prove that computers are so user friendly that bipeds like yourself and your friends who lack both a neocortex and opposable thumbs can use them just like real human beings.
Your efforts to see that retards like yourself get the respect you don’t deserve are deeply appreciated.
As you your post here: what do you have to say about your hero, George W. Bush, meeting with this “HAMAS agent”??????
Inquiring minds really want to know, you Aryan bimbo.

TCinLA on May 18, 2008 at 10:25 pm

Here’s another set of facts for your tiny Aryan brain to take in, Debbie.
Regarding who the “appeasers” are:
The facts are that the appeasers back in 1938-41 were the Republicans. The Senator Bush quoted about wishing he could have talked to Hitler was Republican Senator Borah of Idaho, a right-wing isolationist who wrote the Neutrality Act that required Britain and France to pay cash-and-carry when they were trying to rearm in the face of the Nazi threat, and nearly resulted in Britain losing the Battle of Britain, after bankrupting France over the purchase of second-rate, overpriced American airplanes, built by Republican-owned companies (like the Curtiss P-36).
Another fact: the Republican Party were the main sponsors of the pro-Nazi ìAmerica Firstî movement, and advocated as late as 1941 recognizing Hitlerís conquests in Europe. You know, the movement led by your hero, Charles A. Lindbergh, the guy who personally got a medal from Goering and never disavowed it?
Not to mention that your “Dear Leader” Presidentís grandfather, Preston Bush, was the ultimate American appeaser: financier of the rise of Hitler in the 1920s, who took advantage of that in the 1930s to invest in German companies with Nazi support, who refused to remove his investments, and only avoided an indictment for TREASON under the Trading With The Enemy Act in 1942 by getting himself elected to the Senate.
After the war, it was Republican-owned companies like General Motors who entered claims against the United States for the destruction of their German subsidiaries during the war, companies actively engaged in supporting the Nazi war effort. They were also happy to take their share of the profits these companies earned from their use of slave labor, and the Republican-owned insurance companies were happy not to pay off to the survivors of their German Jewish clients who had perished in the Holocaust.
Remind me again which party is the party of Treason and Appeasement????
Sorry to have to remind you non-members of the reality-based community, but it’s true that facts have a well-known “liberal bias.”

TCinLA on May 19, 2008 at 12:31 am

Audacious and TCinLA…
It seems that whenever a Liberal cannot make an informed argument he or she retreats into name calling and outdated rhetoric.
Posts like this one “First, let me congratulate you on your tireless efforts to prove that computers are so user friendly that bipeds like yourself and your friends who lack both a neocortex and opposable thumbs can use them just like real human beings.
Your efforts to see that retards like yourself get the respect you don’t deserve are deeply appreciated…”
This one “Republican-owned companies like General Motors who entered claims against the United States for the destruction of their German subsidiaries during the war, companies actively engaged in supporting the Nazi war effort. They were also happy to take their share of the profits these companies earned from their use of slave labor…”
not only show that you are not able to form an argument that can be persuasive, but also that you do not have a grasp of the facts.
The timeline for Opel go like this:
1931 ñ General Motors increases ownership to 100%.
1940 ñ Nazi regime seizes control of Opel factories, ends all civilian production.
1942 ñ General Motors writes off Opel as a complete loss.
1944 ñ R¸sselsheim and Brandenburg plants badly damaged by Allied bombing.
1945 ñ Soviets seize Kadett production assets as war reparations.
1946 ñ First post-war ‘Blitz’ truck built.
1947 ñ Passenger car production resumes with the Olympia model.
1948 ñ General Motors reasserts control over surviving Opel assets.
Here is a bit more Opel history:
Alfred Sloan wanted 150,000 Opels per year sold by the end of the ThirtiesÖ Opels were cheap, solidly built, and offered some technical innovation as well: independent front suspension was introduced in 1934 and spread through the line by 1939 (the Kapitan even had coil springs and a front roll-bar!), while the Olympia was Germany’s first popularly priced car to offer the then-advanced design of unit-body construction.
Yet GM managed not to turn a profit; exporting German currency was verboten, so they simply poured money back into the cars. Eventually, the Nazis, not keen on foreign interests owning any of their domestic industry, made doing business impossible, burying the company in paperwork. When the government invited the factory to convert to wartime munitions production in 1940, GM declined and pulled out. A total of 1,300,585 Opels had been built by that time.
The irony was that Hitler never used the plant; it wasn’t considered trustworthy, in light of its American owners.
By 1945, the Russelsheim facility was all but destroyed, and the Russians took the entirety of the Berlin plant, including plans and tools for the Kadett back home, where it was built and sold as a Moskvitch. Opel production restarted in 1947 with the Olympia, though GM still could not control the company; by 1948, when it was offered back to GM, management wasn’t sure they wanted it. But they took it, and by 1953, they were selling at a level of 100,000 units per year. Opel quickly re-affirmed its market position as a popularly priced car offering modern features and distinctive contemporary styling.
Regarding Prescott Bush, not PRESTON (I could insert all kinds of insults about your intelligence or lack of it here but I will refrain). He worked for Brown Brothers Harriman, the investment bank that dealt with the largest German industrialist Fritz Thyssen, who helped finance Hitler in the 1930s before falling out with him at the end of the decade. The Guardian has seen evidence that shows Bush was the director of the New York-based Union Banking Corporation (UBC) that represented Thyssen’s US interests and he continued to work for the bank after America entered the war.
Was this legal? Yes, until 1942. Was it right? No
Does this make W a NAZI? no.
Does it show that you tried to pursue a very slanted point of view? yes.
Debbie, Keep up the great work. You are the only one crying out in the dark about what is going on here. In the future, if we are not under a censorious “Liberal” regime, people will acknoweldge you are the one who alerted us first. There are a lot of us country who take offense at what people are saying about you.
What Oliver Willis write about you is horrible:
“Debbie Schlussel, who is sort of the K-Mart version of Ann Coulter, along with others on the right” and “I donít apologize to idiots, and certainly not bigoted smear artist idiots.

but what his supporters say is bordering even worse:
“Well, Debbie, if I may borrow a bit from SpiderJ, you are a paranoid, anti-Muslim bigot (îwe need to be very vigilant of all Muslimsî), just not a hypocritical, paranoid, anti-Muslim bigot.”
What really hurt me was the comment “Costco Coulter” You are a Neiman Marcus Coulter if anything 🙂

jn1965 on May 19, 2008 at 8:09 am

To all the liberal posters here,
I am an unemployed carpenter who cant buy a job in the Detroit area. I normally read but dont comment on DS’ columns however today I must. In short Obama for president will take this nation not to the edge of disaster but will tip us over the edge forever. We simply cannot afford another liberal lying politician much less the most liberal standard bearer of the Democratic party to come along in recent memory. And who he associates with and what he believes makes a huge difference when it comes time to sit at the negotiating table. The people across from him already view him as weak and spinless so any bargain made wont be lived up to….. why should they when they know he wont do anything about it. I could go on for pages but its not my column.Just remember the old country song….. a man must stand for something or he’ll fall for anything.

boodabear on May 19, 2008 at 11:53 am

Wolf2012’s response to Audacious ( at May 17, 2008 02:00 PM) is perfect. I’d like to invite Audacious (and friends… if any) to take a little trip in this desert (blindfolded) ’round July/August. At a certain place… they will remove their footgear. At that point… I will leave them there to their own ‘know it all’ devices.

SonoraRebel on May 19, 2008 at 12:06 pm

Wow, so now Debbie is a anti-muslim bigot and an Aryan bimbo-all in the same breath.
So anyone against the terrorist-religion of murder and abomination is now a bigot-Muslim is not a race.
I’m still confused on how a practicing Jew can be Aryan(a clear reference to being a Nazi)
It must be Debbie’s suburb skills at multi-tasking. Way to go Deb 🙂 We should all have tee-shirts made—-I’m a Muslim bigot—-maybe then they would get the hint they are not welcome in my country. And again, Arab, and Muslim are two different things. Maybe the poster up above wasn’t aware of that.

wolf2012 on May 19, 2008 at 2:25 pm

“We should all have tee-shirts made—-I’m a Muslim bigot”
Now you’re thinking!
“—-maybe then they would get the hint they are not welcome in my country.”
Yep, it’s YOUR country, wolf. With a statement like that, how could anyone call you a bigot?

Audacious on May 19, 2008 at 3:06 pm

I’m an equal opportunity offender.
I don’t care for Athiests, pedophiles, Jihadists, wife beaters, murderers, gang members, and whiny liberals either.
Thats right call me a bigot, call me a racist, call me anything you like, just don’t come calling on my front door, because I am a gun carrying Christian of Jewish descent and I will have no problem defending myself and my family with justifiable force.

wolf2012 on May 19, 2008 at 4:15 pm

wolf: “just don’t come calling on my front door . . .”
Don’t worry about it.
You sound like a great guy.

Audacious on May 19, 2008 at 4:54 pm

Well based on your commentary on this site, audacious, you apparently love all the above.

wolf2012 on May 19, 2008 at 6:04 pm

How embarassing … It’s President Bush kissing Imam Qazwini. Kissing him. Do me a favor, Debbie, and check in with the google next time you try and smear Obama vis-a-vis him meeting up with a popular Imam who, incidently, has also worked with the Bush White House … What a joke.

Conn_in_Brooklyn on May 19, 2008 at 8:25 pm

Come on everyone, don’t be too hard on Audacious — he’s just excited over modeling his May Day present, which reads “My boyfriend is doing life at Club Gitmo and all I got was this lousy T-shirt.”

DocLiberty on May 19, 2008 at 8:26 pm

p.s. since my pictures wouldn’t post – get’em here:

Conn_in_Brooklyn on May 19, 2008 at 8:27 pm

Debbie – Thank you again & Bless you for your wonderful work and writing. One comment: Is there some way to shut up comments from the likes of “Audacious?” I enjoy reading comments by others who often have varying points of view,but it is a waste of time – and offensive too – when someone like that uses your Comments to spew the same old hateful yet empty nonsense that is offered every day by the mainstream media.

crazycatkids on May 20, 2008 at 8:11 am
These are pics of PRESIDENT BU$H with the SAME MAN!!!! HORROR!!! BU$H IS AN AGENT OF ISLAM AND IS SECRETLY PLOTTING TO TAKE OVER AMERICA! Debbie, before you go posting inflammatory stories, please take the time to do at least a little bit of homework and stop spouting xenophobic idiocy to the mouthbreathers that read your site. Lord knows we have enough ignorance floating around this country without you contributing as well.

Adam Franklin on May 20, 2008 at 9:01 am

Obama lives in “never-neverland” but then he got his education at Harvard. A place where everyone else also lives in “never-neverland”. Maybe Obama should tax part of the $9,000,000,000 Harvard made off interest last year seeing that it came taxfree from their endowment. The rack between big government and big education is unbelievable.

Burt on May 20, 2008 at 9:49 am

Wow… just wow. 57 is the number of primary contests that award delegates in the Democratic Party. The 50 states in the union, +1 for the Texas Caucus, Washington DC, Democrats Abroad, American Samoa, Virgin Islands, Guam, and Puerto Rico.

Thing on May 20, 2008 at 11:20 am

Hey there Debbie!
Of course you are welcome to your opinion and I appreciate your point of view but please don’t distort the facts by not telling the whole story. Theres a picture of Bush kissing the guy for God’s sake. I don’t like it when conservatives, liberals, democrats or republicans take facts and spin them to make their point. If you’ve got a problem with Obama’s ideas on foreign policy that’s perfectly legitimate and I respect your right to voice those concerns. Please just don’t use his meeting with someone who GWB has met with also to make your point. I know many of the people who read your comments rely on you to filter their news and do not approach information skeptically when they trust the source. Some of us enjoy reading what you have to say and then plugging that info into Google to learn more and verify. This is where your article falls apart sadly. You shouldn’t have used Obama’s meeting as a reason to question his judgement unless you were willing to indict our current president along with him in your post. There may be other legit reasons to be suspect of Obama’s judgement, unfortunately this just isn’t one of them. Keep writing and I’ll keep reading. I just felt like this had to be said.

wooderson on May 20, 2008 at 11:42 am

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