May 19, 2011, - 2:55 pm
Obama: US Must Be Based on Pre-1492 Borders; Israel is Fall Guy for Osama Killing
So Bin Laden finally gets killed, and Barack Hussein Obama, in repenting to the Muslim world for it, makes Israel pay the price. Yup, it wasn’t Osama Bin Laden who was shot twice by the Navy SEALs. Ultimately, it was Israel, and Osama is laughing from his watery grave. Now, he has the last laugh, and his puppet Obama does his bidding. Yasser Arafat is laughing, too. Their hard work of mass murder and terrorist attacks finally paid off. Alhamdillullah [praise allah].
While it was being hyped all week long, I figured that Barack Obama’s “renewed outreach to the Muslim world” would be some sort of recognition of a Palestinian state. But, instead, it’s far worse. Today, as you may know, Barack Hussein Obama said Israel must have the same borders it had in 1967, which is not only absurd, it’s a huge national security risk because the borders are indefensible. The pre-1967 borders will put Israel in a position in which it will lose a war. The problem is that Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Nothingyahu, er . . . Netanyobama, has basically been taking the same position.
I wonder what America would think, if Barack Obama went to some reservation tomorrow and said America will return to 1492 borders–you know, when there was no America and no European/Western presence on the American continent. It’s a bad analogy, though, because the tiny sliver of land now in Israel was always Jewish land, including the City of David, Jerusalem, which Obama wants to turn over to Islamic terrorists and their “civilian” politicians, now that the merger with the animals of HAMAS is complete. In contrast, while Jews lived in Israel for thousands of years, we Westerners have been here only a few hundred years. So time to return to the “Green Line” of 1492. If only the Indians had used more terrorist tactics, they’d be in a better position with Mr. Obama to get that, today.
The land outside the 1967 borders was always Jewish land. It includes the Kotel–the Western Wall–part of the holiest site in Judaism for thousands of years. That’s the real pre-1967 border. It’s the real pre-1167 border of the Jewish people. The same goes for cities like Hebron, which contains Ma’arat HaMachpelah, the Cave of the Patriarchs, where the Jewish forefathers are buried after their coffins were brought out of Egypt.
And let’s remember why Israel’s borders were “expanded” in 1967. Israel’s Arab neighbors instigated war against “the evil Zionists–the JOOOOS.” And they lost. That’s the breaks. When you win a war, your victory includes the spoils of victory.
I have a disturbing pamphlet, “Desecration,” published in November 1967. It contains photo after photo taken of the destruction of Jewish property, holy sites, graves discovered by Israelis in the lands they liberated and got back when Jordan warred against them in 1967. It’s disgusting–the many synagogues these Muslim savages destroyed, the graves in which they drilled holes and peed and defecated on Jewish bodies or where the graves were merely empties and the bodies disposed of into the garbage, merely because they are Jewish.
Sadar Khalil, the Jordanian government “caretaker” of the Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives took Jewish gravestones and built his house and sidewalks out of them. He also built a mosque on top of some of the Jewish graves and allowed the Intercontinental Hotel to be built atop others (which is why I refuse to stay at any Intercontinental Hotel). Mr. Khalil invited the Jordanian army to build latrines out of the stolen gravestones at their army camps in Ras El-Azur and on Mount Zion. The incidents of sacrilege and vandalism of Jewish dead bodies, graves, and religious sites wer legion. And those are the lands that Barack Hussein Obama has designated as Muslim, once again.
The Tomb of Elazar was destroyed and made into “Awarta” near Shechem (Nablus). The Jordanian Army used many Jewish tombstones to build walls and sidewalks at its El-Azariya camp. A Jordanian officer’s house has a series of steps leading up to it, which are all stolen Jewish tombstones.
But Christian sites were desecrated by these Muslims, too. The Bottom of a wall of a Jordanian Army bunker at Augusta Victoria Hospital on Mount Scopus was made of masonry the Muslims took from monasteries and churches they destroyed. A wall on Mount Zion was built by Muslims with broken tombstones containing Latin inscriptions.
This is the stuff Muslims–the Muslims Barack Obama wants to give this land to–did when the land was improperly in their possession. They went to war, and they lost. No reason to reward their continued massacres of Jewish families while they sleep on the Jewish Sabbath–including a beheading of a baby–with land that isn’t theirs and which they destroyed like wild animals when it was under their control.
But, hey, Bin Laden is dead. And therefore, to repent to the Muslim world for this act of Western “insolence,” Israel’s head is on the chopping block. In the end, it doesn’t really matter whether or not Obama is a Muslim. He’s doing their bidding. And that’s what counts.
Frankly, killing Osama Bin Laden wasn’t worth killing Israel. Sorry, Seal Team Six. You did your job. Now, your pan-Muslim tuchus-licker “Commander in Chief” is turning it into an act for which America–actually, Israel–must endlessly apologize.
The shouts on the night Osama Bin Laden’s death was announced. The shouts of “USA! USA! USA!” were only half right. The real chant should have been “USA! Israel Must Pay! USA! Israel Must Pay!”
Once again, the Jews are the sacrificial lamb. Alfred Dreyfus is wondering why history keeps repeating itself.
Tags: 1967 borders pre-1967 borders, Anti-Israel, anti-Semitic, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Benjamin Netanyahu, Bin Laden Killing, Borders, Islam, Israel, Israel pays the price, Middle East, Middle East Speech, Muslim, Muslim speech, Osama bin Laden, Palestine, Palestinian, Palestinian State, repentance, scapegoat, speech to Muslim world
What else do you expect from the “former” muslim half-breed?
Bill C. on May 19, 2011 at 3:07 pm