May 17, 2011, - 4:18 pm

Obamnesty Begins: ICE Expands # of Student Visa Aliens Into US & Not Track

By Debbie Schlussel

Last week, I told you about Ayad Al-Mutairi, a Saudi Arabian Muslim who is here on a student visa and “disappeared” for seven months into the Great American Abyss.  Al-Mutairi resurfaced at Madison, Wisconsin’s Edgewater Hotel where he terrorized guests and hotel staff, but no one knows where he’s been for the last seven months, with whom he was meeting, and what they were planning.  And, as I noted, that’s the problem.  President Bush quadrupled the number of Saudi-sponsored Muslim student visas to over 30,000 per year, and yet Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) barely tracks any of them who violate the visa terms and go missing to plan who knows what kind of terrorist activity.  But, no worries, Barack Obama’s ICE chief, John “The Moron” Morton is expanding the student visa pool further and allowing them to stay here even longer because we don’t have enough visa violators in our midst.



Obama & His Immigration Chief, John Morton, Continue to Sell Out Our Borders


Gracias & Shukran, Barack Obama & John Morton!

Not long after I posted the article about Saudi student visa violator Al-Mutairi, demoralized ICE agents sent me this disgusting policy decision, which Obama’s ICE officials made just after Al-Mutairi was captured and held for questioning by the FBI:

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) today published an expanded list of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) degree programs that qualify eligible graduates on student visas for an Optional Practical Training (OPT) extension-an important step forward in the Obama administration’s continued commitment to fixing our broken immigration system and expanding access to the nation’s pool of talented high skilled graduates in the science and technology fields.

The announcement follows President Obama’s recent remarks in El Paso, Texas, where he reiterated his strong support for new policies that embrace talented students from other countries, who enrich the nation by working in science and technology jobs and fueling innovation in their chosen fields here in the United States, as a part of comprehensive reform.

By expanding the list of STEM degrees to include such fields as Neuroscience, Medical Informatics, Pharmaceutics and Drug Design, Mathematics and Computer Science, the Obama administration is helping to address shortages in certain high tech sectors of talented scientists and technology experts-permitting highly skilled foreign graduates who wish to work in their field of study upon graduation and extend their post-graduate training in the United States.

Under the OPT program, foreign students who graduate from U.S. colleges and universities are able to remain in the U.S. and receive training through work experience for up to 12 months. Students who graduate with one of the newly-expanded STEM degrees can remain for an additional 17 months on an OPT STEM extension.

Yup, we don’t have enough unemployed Americans. Let’s throw more of them out of their jobs for these aliens. And let’s expand the pool of visa violators who come here and disappear into our midst with evil intentions.

Uh-huh, this is how Barack Obama “fixes” our broken immigration system. By making it broker.  Meanwhile, Obama ICE Chief Morton goes all over America staying at swanky hotels and sending back a million government automobiles, complaining that none of them are fancy enough for him . . . all while he apologizes to illegal aliens for the job his agents do and hangs out with open Jew-haters from Egypt.


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14 Responses

Here is another instance of Obama’s “muslim outreach” program (have to throw in the illegal hispanics into it so it doesn’t seem tooooo obvious). Get ready for another 9-11, America, and more constitutional rights evaporating because of it.

On a side note, I’ve noticed a lot more news channels/sites spelling Osama as Usama. I guess they don’t want us to get him confused with the the muslim cleric-in-chief in the White House… especially with the 2012 presidential elections right around the corner.

Pats on May 17, 2011 at 4:55 pm

“the Obama administration’s continued commitment to fixing our broken immigration system and expanding access to the nation’s pool of talented high skilled graduates in the science and technology fields.”

What’s “Broken” about it?
And what does this sentence mean?:
“expanding access to the nation’s pool of talented high skilled graduates”

Who will be doing the “accessing”?

ebayer on May 17, 2011 at 5:06 pm

We let people in who do not mean us well, and benefit us in no way whatsoever. Let these characters go to Western Europe or the Far East to obtain their higher education.

Worry01 on May 17, 2011 at 5:43 pm

The thing that is most irksome is that the current immigration policies seem to favor illiterate welfare sponges and/or terrorist sympathizers while we deny legal entry to bright and talented foreigners.

Pauley D on May 17, 2011 at 7:14 pm

Its not like the ICE ever deports any one who overstays their tourist or student visa.

If Debbie knew for a fact they vigorously enforce our immigration laws, ICE agents wouldn’t be complaining to her their agency is completely screwed up.

And with that announcement from John “The Moron” Morton, expect things to remain broken into the future.

NormanF on May 17, 2011 at 8:48 pm

Don’t forget that it is US State Dept that approves and issues the visas at the embassies overseas.

Icehole on May 17, 2011 at 9:32 pm

    @Icehole: This is true. Also, many of those who work within the embassies (hence the State Department) are that country’s nationals.

    Pats on May 17, 2011 at 10:32 pm

    The US Embassy usually rubber stamps a visa application with little to no checking into an applicant’s background.

    It can’t – the reality of the matter is there never enough qualified personnel to make sure someone is truly eligible to be allowed into our country.

    And that means criminals and terrorists can slip in since the average visa approval process is 60 seconds.

    Such people are almost always caught after the fact.

    NormanF on May 17, 2011 at 10:56 pm


    You’re spot on. DOS should have never had a hand in issuing visas because it’s not their lane. They merely open the door for the pukes to get in and then it’s up to CIS to weed them out (doesn’t happen). Now it’s left to i.c.e. to find them and get rid of them and we all know how that’s working out.


    IceNoMore on May 17, 2011 at 11:20 pm

“By expanding the list of STEM degrees to include such fields as Neuroscience, Medical Informatics, Pharmaceutics and Drug Design, Mathematics and Computer Science, the Obama administration is helping to address shortages in certain high tech sectors of talented scientists and technology experts-permitting highly skilled foreign graduates who wish to work in their field of study upon graduation and extend their post-graduate training in the United States.”

Yup…besides the immigration issues, ANOTHER way for US companies to get cheap labor as well. Foreign graduates are often willing to live in conditions natives would not accept for wages equivalent to unskilled US workers. Truth be told, there are probably NOT any REAL shortages of natives to work in those fields.

murder_city on May 18, 2011 at 8:20 am

If it doesn’t make sense, then it must be U.S. policy.

Tanstaafl on May 18, 2011 at 11:48 am

This was the problem with the old Immigration agency, “agents” “investigating” crimes on the 4th floor, adjudicators rubber stamping resident applications on the 5th floor, and when adjudicators were back-logged and needed help rubber stamping applications the District Director sent “agents” to help rubber stamp. ICE is a dysfunctional agency that has allowed mediocrity and incompetence to flourish. It has lost sight of its mission and in the process is taking down the “investigations” side of the house with it. Increasing the amount of student visas is going to add to that dysfunction because one side of ICE increases student visas and doesnt keep track and the other side, HSI, is then tasked with trying to find them after a couple of years, which is really not “agent” work. For an “agent” one must come to the realization that anything having to do with “immigration” is career suicide, unless an “agent” is comfortable just picking up “wets” for processing, and maybe seizing some “baggies” and not “”KILOS”, and there are a lot of those types in ICE/HSI.

BroMan on May 19, 2011 at 12:41 pm

ICE Hole, actually it is CIS adjudicators at the Service Centers who issue the H1B visas with a link to the State Department program. CIS approves Optional Pracitical Training also.

Fed on May 19, 2011 at 1:44 pm

President Obama IS your President and as such deserves your respect.

Linda on December 1, 2012 at 7:11 pm

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