May 13, 2011, - 6:18 pm

Al-Porno Stash: More “Islamic Modesty” – EXCLUSIVE Names of Osama’s Fave Porn Flicks

By Debbie Schlussel

Not sure why everyone is so shocked that porn was found at the Bin Laden faux-mansion in Pakistan.  I’d be surprised if there wasn’t porn.  We know that Muslims are the biggest hypocrites and phonies on the planet, and that includes porn, of which the Arab Muslim world–as I’ve noted before–is the biggest consumer online.

The only person who really should be shocked by this is pseudo-conservative moron Jeff Jacoby, who lectured us  and the Bush administration about “Islamic modesty,” the most oxymoronic phrase and false concept ever.  Jacoby had a fit in one of his columns because the U.S. allegedly used attractive female interrogators at Guantanamo Bay and let their hair and breasts brush up against the backs of Islamic terrorists.  Jacoby instructed us all about “the importance of modesty” in Islam.  Yeah, because modesty ain’t important to Orthodox Jews or religious Christians, right?  Idiot.  I addressed this absurdity in “Sex & the Islamic Terrorist.”  I don’t care about their back-assward cult-like religion’s rules.  I care about America’s rules.  And, oh, yeah, Nidal Malik Hasan, the devout Fort Hood Islamic terrorist, loved those lapdancesSchwing.

The best example of Islamic modesty is the patronage of prostitutes and strippers by the “Islamically modest” 9/11 hijackers.  Uh, “The Pink Pony” ain’t the name of the a mosque.  Then, there are the dueling Shi’ite Muslim strip club owners in the Detroit area, the Haidar and Saad families.  Yup, if you patronize “Starvin’ Marvin’s” or “The Landing Strip,” you are likely funding Hezbollah, perverts.  The owners of both clubs are Hezbos bigtime and some say the strip joints are conduits of cash either to or from the Islamic terrorist group.  They do millions in biz.  Where does the money go?  As one of my federal agent friends who used to investigate Hezbollah and HAMAS terrorist financing said, Hezbollah-supporting “religious” Shi’ite Muslims are to strip joints like moths to a flame at night.

So, here are some names I’ve thought up that gotta be titles of  Osama’s fave flicks:

*  Brokeback Ahmed

*  Whorence of Arabia

*  Packing Stan

*  Raiders of the Lost Camel

*  Desperately Seeking Sawsan

* Desperately Seeking Nasrallah


Hezbollah’s Girlieman Leader Hassan Nasrallah

(Nasrallah Girlie Man by David Lunde/Lundesigns)

*  Debbie Does Mohammed  [DS:  NO, Not this Debbie]

*  Debbie Does Mohammed II:  Still Only 2 Inches

* Anything starring young Macaulay Culkin, esp. “Culkin Macaulay”

*  Osama Does Yo Mama (& His Mama)

*  Seven Brides for One Brother

* Da Bomb: RuPaul’s Rainbow Jihad

*  The Halal Village People Come on the Hajj

* Evil Zionists Do It Better

* Barney Frank Fan Club Reunion

* Alhamdillullah [Praise Allah], Monica Lewinsky Reverted

*  Sheikh Your Groove Thing

*  I Dream of Ron Jeremy

* Janet Napolitano, Maul Cop

*  Department of Homeland Modesty


What names can you come up with?  (Please, no four-letter words or use asterisks or dashes.)

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57 Responses

” Deep Inside Little Hamas Annie”

Spearheadsgt on May 13, 2011 at 6:23 pm

Hijacked Soul Plane

Michael Shulman on May 13, 2011 at 6:27 pm

I married a six year old but didn’t rape her til she was nine. I know kind of long, but effective.

Baconeater on May 13, 2011 at 6:32 pm

“Back-Door Aunts of Arabia”

“Hijab Me At ‘Hello’!” aka “Show Me the Mullah!” aka “Jihad McQuirre”

“Suicide Bombshells”


“Lez-bollah: Where the Burkas Aren’t VII”

“Gaza Strippers 3: The Phat-Wah Special”

Rage Against the Al-Murisi on May 13, 2011 at 6:40 pm

for surreal satire

” allah loves you “

prestigio on May 13, 2011 at 6:49 pm

How about “Behind the Green Mosque” or “Bin Laden’s Favorite Camel Toe Pictures”?

Jack Meyhoffer on May 13, 2011 at 7:04 pm

How about
1. Two ton towel heads
2. Sandy Clams
3. I didnt know those things smell like a farm in the desert
4. Carnal Caverns of Afgan
5. Binladen travels to Paki lies
6. You hid what in your turban??
7. Explosive underpants
8. Leave my camel alone

bart simpson on May 13, 2011 at 7:16 pm

“The West Sperm Bank”

“I Wet Dream Of Jeannie”

“Is That An IED In Your Pocket Or Are You Just Happy To See Me?”

“Sleepless In Syria”

Enough for now….

Allen on May 13, 2011 at 7:17 pm

Girls Without Burqas: For Your Eyes Only

NormanF on May 13, 2011 at 7:20 pm

“The Devil in Miss Ahmedinejad”

“Deep Jihadi Throat”

“Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Jihadi Sex and Were Killed for Asking”

“I Am Curious Hamas”

“3 Men and a Little Girl”

“The Repression of Osama”

“Behind the Green Burqa”

“The Erotic Rapes of Sadaam”

“Sex and Stoning”

Mike on May 13, 2011 at 7:21 pm

You Walk Alone, You Get the Bone
You Show Your Hair, I’ll Put It There
Look Like a Jew? We All Fist You

peter on May 13, 2011 at 7:24 pm

G string Jihad.

marysj on May 13, 2011 at 7:26 pm

Purple Jihad VII

NormanF on May 13, 2011 at 7:28 pm

“Saving Ryan’s Privates”

Allen on May 13, 2011 at 7:44 pm

Since some of you are bringing up some ideas for which adult films that OBL used to watch, how about this, “Mami Culo Grande Jihad”!

“A nation is defined by it’s borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on May 13, 2011 at 8:05 pm

Believing Muslims view non-Muslim women as fair game for sexual exploitation, even more than Muslim women are exploited, as the latter are regarded as possessions. Unbelieving women can, on the slightest pretext – or none at all, if the aggressor perceives he can get away with it – be raped, forcibly “married” and forcibly converted to Islam, or just raped, beaten, and left to die. Non-Muslim women are also perceived as whores because they expose their hair and faces, and are considered responsible for their own abuse and degradation by Muslim men as a consequence, being likened to “uncovered meat,” as one imam living in Australia has described them. Being taught to hold infidel women in contempt, Muslim men readily frequent strip clubs and cohabit with non-Muslim women, thinking nothing of impregnating them and then abandoning them. Their attitude toward non-Muslim women simply mirrors that of Muhammed, who routinely raped and enslaved captive Jewish women, and wives and daughters of other unbelievers, with impunity, claiming that he and his companions were given these women by Allah as war booty.

commonsense on May 13, 2011 at 8:10 pm

Shagging the living room curtains: a taliban love story

Pats on May 13, 2011 at 8:28 pm

Debbie Does Tehran

Nachum on May 13, 2011 at 8:35 pm

Osama Bin-Jackin

michael on May 13, 2011 at 8:47 pm

Deep Goat

Harry on May 13, 2011 at 8:57 pm

2 Men, 1 Camel

Pauly D on May 13, 2011 at 9:05 pm

Open up and say Allah!

michael on May 13, 2011 at 9:19 pm


michael on May 13, 2011 at 9:22 pm

He Loves Ewe

Bic on May 13, 2011 at 9:42 pm

Little Orphan Aisha

IM4Israel on May 13, 2011 at 9:47 pm

Sand Semen Demons
~and all this time I thought Utah had the highest Internet porn thing going on….

#1 Vato on May 13, 2011 at 9:53 pm



The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan

Pats on May 13, 2011 at 10:50 pm

last one…

SEAL Team Sex: Head Shots

Pats on May 13, 2011 at 10:57 pm

One Thousand and One Arabian Girls

90 Minutes In Heaven

Behind the Veil

Interfaith Relations

How to Handle Your Teenage Daughter. Yes, I’m twisted.

Le Tournante. And that is unfortunately not a joke.

Brianna on May 13, 2011 at 11:08 pm

My Big Fatwah Greek Wedding

The Godfatwah I & II (not III which nobody ever watches)

Romancing the Stoned (I stole that one)

Headless in Seattle

Taqiyya a Mockingbird

Bacha Boy Bingo

CornCoLeo on May 13, 2011 at 11:38 pm

Hee-hee. Pat, your “Burkkake” had me lolol-ing! Too funny, y’all.

I read this site so I was NOT surprised. It really sunk in (no pun intended) when DS posted “The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan”. The sad thing is that still, many will think these religious frauds are really holy-men. I pray for the day for those who wake up to drop the PC crap as well.

Good on DS for taking it to Jeff Jacoby. Peeps make a big deal of that fraud because he is the sole “Conservative” at “The Boston Glob” (sic). We denizens of this site know the truth.

Moooooooslims. The biggest frauds on the Planet. They’re perverted, psycho, mental cases!!

Skunky on May 13, 2011 at 11:39 pm

Waxed eyebrows penetrates butt holes.

Daniel. on May 13, 2011 at 11:44 pm

The Story of Osaama
I’d Walk a Mile for a Camel
Circumsizing Fair Razaanah
Mosque Cow Nights
Moon Over More Cocka

KEP on May 14, 2011 at 2:01 am

I’m not sure I can whip out (HA!) a Mohammedan pr0N title on short notice…that said, there IS one chant which would probably prevail in such a film, and when translated into English, would go something like this:

“Everybody F**k with the Butt!
Butt! Butt! Butt F**k!”

Macker on May 14, 2011 at 8:55 am

Girls Showing their Upper Arms, and the men who rape them. Seriously, what do you expect of a religion that essentially promises blessed males an orgy in heaven? What is modest about that level of carnality? Suicide bombers should be look upon as participants in allah’s(lower case god)big snuff film.

Worry01 on May 14, 2011 at 10:13 am

Back Ali
Stoning the Romance
Pain at the Pump

KEP on May 14, 2011 at 10:17 am

I would call it as it looks: “ASSLAMIC”

mosh on May 14, 2011 at 10:41 am


I must admit that your article today earned a lot of laughs from me. So did most of the comments written by the commentators.

Well, listen to this; by the way this is absolutely true not a fabrication from me. A girl asked Moktada Al-Sadr that they girls wanted to reward the Mujahedeen by sleeping with them, Her question was; Is it better to do that in private or in public, meaning having an orgy of some 50-60 girls sleeping with 50-60 Mujahid at the same room at the same time. Al-Sadr afta (opined) that an orgy would be a lot better because it would be like a festivity.

Plus did you ever hear about the Mutah (pleasure) marriage in Islam??? Let me tell you about it. You tell the girl; I donate myself to you, she replies to you saying, I donate my self to you. This is amutah marriage and you both can have fun together. Now isn’t that what we call a one night stand??? They now have in Saudi Arabia what they call a lunch marriage. You have sex with the woman during the lunch hour as a temporay marriage. This is quite legitimate in Saudi Arabia and then every one of them parts with any responsibility on the other. If she gets pregnant it is a legitimate child the product of a lunch marriage.

Then these hypocrites insist that the hijab is necessary for their MODESTY. How about that

G. R. SCHAROUBIM on May 14, 2011 at 10:54 am

    Of course they are.

    They are highly sexed and they know their own rules are absurd.

    With all the available loopholes, they can enjoy all things haram and still be good Muslims.

    NormanF on May 15, 2011 at 9:21 pm

Listen to this, when a Moslem dies he will go to heavens and will find 72 Houries waiting for him for his pleasure. They are all virgins and they recover their virginity after every intercourse. Now how do a dumb guy like me know that they are not used a nd refurbished. Isn’t like rolling back the odometer of a car and selling it to you as new???? Some one help me please.

On top of that the Ghelman (sexy boys for sexual pleasures) would berunning around with liquor to distribute on the people while they are involved in sex. By the way these Ghelman are bisexual they can sleep with Moslem women and with Moslem men, If you believe this nonsense you will have to believe that G-d is running a brothel not a paradise that keeps him bust re-virginating the Houries all the time. I am not clear if the Ghelman will also be revirginated. Please excuse my lack of knowledge. You know, what is puzzling to me is that there is a lot of Moslems are highly educated some with a doctor’s degree. Can any one tell me; How do they believe in this non-sense.

G. R. SCHAROUBIM on May 14, 2011 at 11:11 am

a-salami in-ur-lakem

jdiz on May 14, 2011 at 12:49 pm

Debbie, you are off base. Bin Laden might be dead, but he shouldn’t be trivialized as a joke. Unfortunately, everyone (conservatives included) has failed to see the forest from the trees. Where was Bin Laden’s personal fortune? What were the billions Al Qaeda received from Mosques all over the world? Or the billions they made in the international heroin trade?

The answer lies in the weapons of mass destruction possessed by Bin Laden’s sleeper cells. The world has yet to see the worst of what this monster (and the pedophile Prophet by extension) has wreaked upon humanity.

John on May 14, 2011 at 10:18 pm

Some titles:

– Camel-toe confessions! (with bonus directors commentary)
– Mohammed’s MUFFti
– Gigolo Jihad

I heard these were some of Osama’s personal faves. lol

Barry on May 15, 2011 at 1:24 am

Aiding Arafat!

Bill C. on May 15, 2011 at 2:58 am

Snow White and the 72 Virgins

Fudge-Packing Pakistanis

Deep Aisha

You Bet Your Bacha Bazi

The BangBus Presents “Burka Bus”

Behind the Green Line

Darfur Does Debbie

Janjaweed Circle Jerk

Anything by the Afghan Whigs (Greg Dulli does good musical porn.)

The Reverend Jacques on May 15, 2011 at 8:15 am

Stags in Arabia

Jihad Jiggles

Melinda in Medina

Gotcha Goats 1

Gotcha Goats 2

Pink Pirates of Arabia Starring, Arr-RAH-Fat

Doc Holiday on May 15, 2011 at 8:36 am

How about…

Obama does Osama: Head Shots

Bruce on May 15, 2011 at 2:03 pm


Occam's Tool on May 15, 2011 at 2:39 pm

    Sorry, that was done.

    Occam's Tool on May 15, 2011 at 2:40 pm

Whora Bora
Makin Bacon
Halal meat
Sharia Blow
A Butt that bad (Abbottabad)
Ewe Gipped gone wild
Going down the minaret
Yum men gone wild
Brokeback Baklava

Gino on May 15, 2011 at 8:42 pm

If the gitmo-freaks are muslims in good standing to slaves-of-allah, then we need to link the terrorists with so called main-streamers. Muslims are not cost effective

Jack Rope on May 15, 2011 at 11:09 pm

One of the funniest stories I’ve read lately is on the Daily Rash about Osama bin Laden supposedly preparing to open his own Dairy Queen franchise before Navy Seals blew his head off. Hilarious!

Lisset on May 15, 2011 at 11:39 pm

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