May 13, 2011, - 6:18 pm

Al-Porno Stash: More “Islamic Modesty” – EXCLUSIVE Names of Osama’s Fave Porn Flicks

By Debbie Schlussel

Not sure why everyone is so shocked that porn was found at the Bin Laden faux-mansion in Pakistan.  I’d be surprised if there wasn’t porn.  We know that Muslims are the biggest hypocrites and phonies on the planet, and that includes porn, of which the Arab Muslim world–as I’ve noted before–is the biggest consumer online.

The only person who really should be shocked by this is pseudo-conservative moron Jeff Jacoby, who lectured us  and the Bush administration about “Islamic modesty,” the most oxymoronic phrase and false concept ever.  Jacoby had a fit in one of his columns because the U.S. allegedly used attractive female interrogators at Guantanamo Bay and let their hair and breasts brush up against the backs of Islamic terrorists.  Jacoby instructed us all about “the importance of modesty” in Islam.  Yeah, because modesty ain’t important to Orthodox Jews or religious Christians, right?  Idiot.  I addressed this absurdity in “Sex & the Islamic Terrorist.”  I don’t care about their back-assward cult-like religion’s rules.  I care about America’s rules.  And, oh, yeah, Nidal Malik Hasan, the devout Fort Hood Islamic terrorist, loved those lapdancesSchwing.

The best example of Islamic modesty is the patronage of prostitutes and strippers by the “Islamically modest” 9/11 hijackers.  Uh, “The Pink Pony” ain’t the name of the a mosque.  Then, there are the dueling Shi’ite Muslim strip club owners in the Detroit area, the Haidar and Saad families.  Yup, if you patronize “Starvin’ Marvin’s” or “The Landing Strip,” you are likely funding Hezbollah, perverts.  The owners of both clubs are Hezbos bigtime and some say the strip joints are conduits of cash either to or from the Islamic terrorist group.  They do millions in biz.  Where does the money go?  As one of my federal agent friends who used to investigate Hezbollah and HAMAS terrorist financing said, Hezbollah-supporting “religious” Shi’ite Muslims are to strip joints like moths to a flame at night.

So, here are some names I’ve thought up that gotta be titles of  Osama’s fave flicks:

*  Brokeback Ahmed

*  Whorence of Arabia

*  Packing Stan

*  Raiders of the Lost Camel

*  Desperately Seeking Sawsan

* Desperately Seeking Nasrallah


Hezbollah’s Girlieman Leader Hassan Nasrallah

(Nasrallah Girlie Man by David Lunde/Lundesigns)

*  Debbie Does Mohammed  [DS:  NO, Not this Debbie]

*  Debbie Does Mohammed II:  Still Only 2 Inches

* Anything starring young Macaulay Culkin, esp. “Culkin Macaulay”

*  Osama Does Yo Mama (& His Mama)

*  Seven Brides for One Brother

* Da Bomb: RuPaul’s Rainbow Jihad

*  The Halal Village People Come on the Hajj

* Evil Zionists Do It Better

* Barney Frank Fan Club Reunion

* Alhamdillullah [Praise Allah], Monica Lewinsky Reverted

*  Sheikh Your Groove Thing

*  I Dream of Ron Jeremy

* Janet Napolitano, Maul Cop

*  Department of Homeland Modesty


What names can you come up with?  (Please, no four-letter words or use asterisks or dashes.)

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57 Responses

Well, you folks can waste your time coming up with these clever suggestions. I’m going to spend my time more productively: I’m drafting my Freedom of Information Request to DOD right now for copies of the entire stash.

In the meantime, Lars Larson is on the radio, and he points out five wives and the guy still has to have his porn…or maybe that’s why he has the porn.

Just looking at his “favorite,” the young one, I’d still turn to porn if that’s the best I could get.

BethesdaDog on May 16, 2011 at 2:28 am

The only person who really should be shocked by this is pseudo-conservative moron Jeff Jacoby, who lectured us and the Bush administration about “Islamic modesty,” the most oxymoronic phrase and false concept ever. Jacoby had a fit in one of his columns because the U.S. allegedly used attractive female interrogators at Guantanamo Bay and let their hair and breasts brush up against the backs of Islamic terrorists. Jacoby instructed us all about “the importance of modesty” in Islam.

Add Dinesh D’Souza to that list as well. The cretin who told us that Hollywood images are the reason Muslims hate America.

Infidel Pride on May 16, 2011 at 2:33 am


CornCoLeo on May 16, 2011 at 12:08 pm

Osama’s Dirty Mind

Good article on porn in the Islamic culture.

Mitch on May 16, 2011 at 10:18 pm

How about, Behind the Black, White, Red, and Green Door, Camel Gnat Frat Party, Sand Bitches, Prey Over Me, Shabbooo, Honor Off Her, Callif Ate, Fonda Flotillas, Kassamwich, Burkah Bop Betty, Creep Throat, or even, Combat Booty. Run times are under 1 1/2 minutes…

Joel on November 15, 2011 at 3:33 pm

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