April 25, 2008, - 2:25 pm

What is Barack’s Church Hiding?: Post-Wright, New Secrecy Envelops Trinity Church

By Debbie Schlussel
Remember how Barack Hussein Obama told us that what we heard from Rev. Wright were “just snippets” of a 20-year-plus career? Remember how he also told us that now that Rev. Wright is conveniently retired from Obama’s Trinity United Church that it doesn’t matter what he said? Remember how B (Hussein) O told us that if he heard the things that Rev. Wright said and if he was still the pastor that Obama would leave the church?
Well, apparently, the church now wants to avoid putting Obama in any inconvenient situations that would set the scenario where those excuses wouldn’t work anymore.
In anticipation of newly-retired Trinity pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s speech, Sunday, to the Detroit NAACP, Detroit Free Press reporter Naomi R. Patton visited the church. Her report makes clear that the church is not trying to avoid future “G-d Damn America”s and future anti-Semitic statements. They are simply trying to keep you from finding out that this continues to go on at the Hussein Obamas’ church:


New Osecrecy @ Obama’s Bigoted Church

The pulpit was dedicated in March as sacred ground through June in honor of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s 36 years as pastor. The designation shows that Wright — officially senior pastor since retiring in February — looms large even when he’s not physically in the church.
Visitors approaching church entrances are immediately greeted by signs on the glass doors directing members of the news media to sign in at the front desk. More signs warn: “NO CAMERA & NO RECORDING DEVICES.”
It is the most obvious reference to the months-long imbroglio involving video clips of some of Wright’s past sermons — considered unpatriotic and racist by some critics — that ensnared the presidential campaign of Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., who attends the church.
On the wall behind the front desk, a small plaque reads: “Unashamedly Black, Unapologetically Christian.” The church’s media staff — comprised of a minister of communications, a media coordinator, and a media director for Wright and Moss and their staffs — has grown more media savvy over the past year. . . .
Reporters, who have attended the church every Sunday for the past month, according to Media Coordinator/Deacon Donna Hammond-Miller, are chaperoned.
Notepads are not allowed in the 2,700-seat sanctuary. Interviews with members cannot be conducted on church property.
. . .
Before offerings last Sunday, [Rev. Otis] Moss [III], who has a master’s degree in divinity from Yale University and a doctorate in theology from the University of Denver, asked members to give a bit more to help pay for the additional security staff the church has hired this year.

The Detroit Free Press’ headline for this story calls Obama’s newly-secretive church, “Media Savvy.” I call it what it is, a cover-up. Clearly, they are trying very hard to hide something.
Just what is the Hussein Obamas’ church afraid reporters might see and hear?
Does Hillary’s church (if she belongs to one) have this kind of secrecy and security? My synagogue doesn’t.

15 Responses

these black replacment theology proponents should found their own religion and leave Jesus and the bible out of it. their corruption of christianity has nothing to do with the jewish jesus.
forrest shalom

forrest shalom on April 25, 2008 at 2:51 pm

The fact is that when a reporter a few weeks ago was waiting outside Osama Obama’s church, the members told him they were not allowed to talk to the media. WHAT ARE THEY HIDING?
One such member held her uppity nose in the air repeating, “No comment, god bless you? No comment, god bless you?”
It was so sickening and obnoxious and wasn’t NOT what Jesus would do.
Those racists who go to that church have been exposed, and it is quite fun to watch.

cankelz on April 25, 2008 at 3:18 pm

“Well, apparently, the church now wants to avoid putting Obama in any inconvenient situations that would set the scenario where those excuses wouldn’t work anymore.”
Schlussel, if that were true, Reverend Wright surely wouldn’t be on Bill Moyers Journal tonight.
The church I attend doesn’t allow cameras or recording devices either.
Facts be damned, the headlines with question marks reign supreme at this website, and the Obama smearjob continues.
Obama ’08

Audacious on April 25, 2008 at 4:17 pm

We should all chip in to buy Audacious a new straight-jacket. The one he wears now is probably saturated with his Leftist vomit.

FreethinkerNY on April 25, 2008 at 4:40 pm

Is there even an out-of-context quote from Reverend Wright that could be considered even slightly snti-Semitic? If there is, Wolf will surely have one. He’s done countless hours of research on Obama.

Audacious on April 25, 2008 at 4:51 pm

Its anti-white racism dressed up as progressive theology. Its the mirror image of the white supremacist churches run by neo-nazi sects. At least the latter don’t try to hide who they are – their hatred of non-whites and Jews is out there for all to see. Again, it begs, the question: if Jeremiah Wright’s church isn’t preaching hate, why does go to such lengths to hide its record from prying eyes? A church should be open about its beliefs and standing behind its teachings.

NormanF on April 25, 2008 at 4:55 pm

“if Jeremiah Wright’s church isn’t preaching hate, why does go to such lengths to hide its record from prying eyes?”
Norm, reporters have been attending the church every Sunday for the past month, as the Detroit Free Press reports. What kind of great lengths is the Church going to?
If the Church were preaching hate, wouldn’t one of those reports have surfaced by now?

Audacious on April 25, 2008 at 5:03 pm

Debbie, my church records and streams it’s sermons on their website as well as selling the DVD. We have nothing to hide. I guess that if we were unashamedly white and unapol…. you might want to…..

KDXman on April 25, 2008 at 6:05 pm

Hussein’s church is ripping off its members. Should Hussein’s campaign funds pay for the extra security instead of gouging the members?

c f on April 25, 2008 at 7:00 pm

There are actually several statements and actions made by the Cult leader, Islam schooled, Black theology(non christian) hate spewer Wright.(and they are not out of context statements, his hatred of Jews has been quite prominant and explicit-no innuendo needed there) To list them here for your benefit would be an act of futility. The other readers on this site I’m sure have already seen and heard them. But thank you for mentioning my name.

wolf2012 on April 25, 2008 at 11:37 pm

Maybe people are getting sick of going to church and having reporters with cameras there every week. I’d assume your synagogue doesn’t have that problem going on, correct?
Just a non-hysterical, logical thought for a change.

stormhit on April 26, 2008 at 12:39 pm

The church is so bigoted that they CAN’T allow any recording devices in the church. Unlike the b.s. they are trying to peddle about the “sound bites” and Loops, the full context of the sermons would PROVE FURTHER that the sermons are alike in that they blame everyone but blacks for their own miserable plights if they are in prison or stricken with aids. So Bill Moyers kissed his bigoted behind for an interview. He proved nothing except that he may take zanax on the day of the interview. Just the prohibition of recording devices is proof enough that the church has a huge problem that they must hide. Black racists. We owe the rev. Wrong a debt for helping exposing B.O.

samurai on April 27, 2008 at 1:02 am

I would also suggest to anyone out there that they stop acknowledging audacious. He gets off on the posts concerning him. I call maggots like him, sh– stirrers. Just comment on Debbies stories. There is more than enough material there.

samurai on April 27, 2008 at 1:05 am

Why are we finally taking Rev Wright to task over what he said about September 11th when we took the Revs Falwell and Robertson to task almost immediately when they made their statements about the events of that day? What is the difference between Rev Wright and the Revs Falwell and Robertson?
What I learned from the Moyers interview that I did not know, because the media only played a portion of Rev Wright’s sermon, was that he was quoting someone from the NY Times when he said, ‘the chickens were coming hime to roost.’
OH, and if you did not know the answer to the earlier question, it is because there is a double standard that cuts both ways.
Anyone … anyone who said the things about September 11th that were said by Rev Falwell, Rev Robertson, the author of the NY Times article that Rev Wright quoted, Rosie O’Donnell, should be taken to task … immediately.

zyzzyg on April 27, 2008 at 5:51 pm

Samurai said:
“… they are trying to peddle about the “sound bites” and Loops, the full context of the sermons would PROVE FURTHER that the sermons are alike in that they blame everyone but blacks for their own miserable plights if they are in prison or stricken with aids.”
Samurai, I disagree with you on that one and I think the facts with prove me out. A full examination of Jeremiah Wright’s sermons reveals that he is far harder on Black folks than he is on anyone else, and he is especially hard on Black male irresponsibility. And he also regularly chided his mainly upper middle class congregation about their responsibility to reach back and save a generation of lower-income Black kids who have basically gone buck wild.
Those snippets the corporate media love to show (and whose statements have been rightly condemned) don’t come anywhere close to showing the full extent of Rev. Wright’s ministry, especially his challenges for Black folks, and especially men, to take responsibility for their own plight.

JibberJabber on April 27, 2008 at 9:14 pm

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