August 20, 2007, - 4:23 pm

Me on Michael Reagan Show Tonight

I will be on the nationally syndicated “Michael Reagan Show,” tonight at 8:20 p.m. Eastern Time, discussing the , a story which I broke on this site, back in May. Listen/Watch.

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22 Responses

i wonder who is going to change the water and maybe debbie can throw some fizzie in the bath

PNAMARBLE on August 20, 2007 at 6:14 pm

great interview!
i especially liked the point you made regarding 9/11 being the most empowering event in the history of the American arab muslim.
well said.

live from dearbornistan on August 20, 2007 at 8:57 pm

I heard it on XM, you made a lot of good points. Reagan should have attributed what he was saying before the interview, he was almost reading it. I can’t remember where I read it yesterday.

steve ventry on August 20, 2007 at 9:51 pm

And about these foot baths. I have a ritual cleaning I do every day, too, it’s called a ‘shower’. These people can wash their feet at home or at church anytime they like!

steve ventry on August 20, 2007 at 9:55 pm

I am repeating my word analysis here again:
The word muslim or moslim comes from two arabic words:
Mu (pronounced moo)- means NOT
salam (or salim, or …slim)- means PEACE
(words in arabic get spelled differently when joined with other words. That’s how you get …slim out of salim for example).
So, putting mu – with – slim (to get muslim),
is like putting NOT – with – PEACE (to get NOT-PEACEFUL) !!!!!!!!!!!
Ask any airab!! Though the mooslim airabs will definitely deny the above!!

God&America on August 20, 2007 at 10:22 pm

I am repeating my word analysis here again:
The word muslim or moslim comes from two arabic words:
Mu (pronounced moo)- means NOT
salam (or salim, or …slim)- means PEACE
(words in arabic get spelled differently when joined with other words. That’s how you get …slim out of salim for example).
So, putting mu – with – slim (to get muslim),
is like putting NOT – with – PEACE (to get NOT-PEACEFUL) !!!!!!!!!!!
Ask any airab!! Though the mooslim airabs will definitely deny the above!!

God&America on August 20, 2007 at 10:22 pm

I am repeating my word analysis here again:
The word muslim or moslim comes from two arabic words:
Mu (pronounced moo)- means NOT
salam (or salim, or …slim)- means PEACE
(words in arabic get spelled differently when joined with other words. That’s how you get …slim out of salim for example).
So, putting mu – with – slim (to get muslim),
is like putting NOT – with – PEACE (to get NOT-PEACEFUL) !!!!!!!!!!!
Ask any airab!! Though the mooslim airabs will definitely deny the above!!

God&America on August 20, 2007 at 10:22 pm

Salam first off username God and America, if you want to keep God In America then you wouldn’t have problems with any religion that praises God. Now You cant spell, so go back to 5th grade and learn how to spell and maybe take a history class to. Let me tell you something, you cant perfectly translate Arabic into English. It is really hard. It is not as easy like French and Spanish is. Also I missed the show and Humdilluah those footbaths are coming to my school. I’m glad there is because U of M Dearborn already does have its Christian Temple on the campus, so this our Islam thing. I want to hear, so if someone can please tell me how I can listen still, send me a link please. Thanks

Muslim man on August 21, 2007 at 12:31 am

You absolutely MAKE NO SENSE at all!!!!!!!

God&America on August 21, 2007 at 1:27 am

You absolutely MAKE NO SENSE at all!!!!!!!

God&America on August 21, 2007 at 1:27 am

You absolutely MAKE NO SENSE at all!!!!!!!

God&America on August 21, 2007 at 1:27 am

muslim man said:
‘Salam first off username God and America, if you want to keep God In America then you wouldn’t have problems with any religion that praises God.’
It’s not your praise of God that bothers us – it’s your islamic superiority complex (you believe mohammed was sent to correct the mistakes of Judaism and Christianity) and your fundamental disdain for the West and its dominant religions.
Your culture is backward, you treat women like shit, and in all likelihood you support both terrorist activity and and terrorist financiers like hamas and hezbollah.
In a nutshell, you are not compatible with the West.
Please leave.
If you choose to stay – assimilate! Recognize that your culture and religion need to undergo an overhaul to be compatible with the modern world.

live from dearbornistan on August 21, 2007 at 10:09 am

Muzzieman–why do you wrap up your women in black tablecloths? What’s the preoccupation with the feet when your body stinks? Why are all Muzziewomen fat?

lexi on August 21, 2007 at 11:53 am

Let’s analyze what moo-salam man posted above, shall we?
“Salam first off username God and America”:-
This “Salam” that you speak of – with utter arrogance, assuming that every westerner by now SHOULD know what it means. I know that you’d like people to believe that it means “PEACE”. It ain’t happening!! Just look at all the “Salam” that islam is bringing to Lebanon, Darfur, The Christians in some former Soviet Union countries, Spain, London, the USA, India, the taliban’s Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, etc, etc. How much “Salam” do Christians have in most islamofascist-run countries. How about the “Salam” brought on by the turks who SLAUGHTERED three Christians in a Christian-publication office?????? How about the poor 24-year old woman who was riding her motorcycle, and who was shot and set ablaze in the street and in daylight??? Was that the “Salam” you spoke of before??? Moo-Salam man, do Americans slit the throats of moo-salam-een who are printing and distributing islamic propaganda here in the US? A country you despise so much for its Judeo-Christian values?????
“…if you want to keep God In America then you wouldn’t have problems with any religion that praises God.:-
You are absolutely correct on this one, but the operative word here, and you said it, is GOD. Any other god who tells his believers not to rest until the whole world believes in him or they shall burn in Hell. mohammed’s death-bed wish was that the whole world would worship allah and his messenger. This would be no problem, if not for the GLARING fact of the last 1500 years that moo-salam men have been yelling, screeming, waving swords, burning flags, enslaving men and women, killing and beheading anyone who dares tell the truth. So praising GOD and Cutting peoples heads off DO NOT GO TOGETHER VERY WELL. OK? If your people continue doing the same stuff, people might get the wrong idea. Get it????
“… Now You cant spell, so go back to 5th grade and learn how to spell and maybe take a history class to. Let me tell you something, you cant perfectly translate Arabic into English. It is really hard. It is not as easy like French and Spanish is.:-
Again, there you go waiving the figurative sword in my face. Telling me that I cannot spell. I lived among the moo-salam-een far too many years for you to tell me that I can’t spell.
“… Also I missed the show and Humdilluah those footbaths are coming to my school. I’m glad there is because U of M Dearborn already does have its Christian Temple on the campus, so this our Islam thing.”:-
First of all, moo-salam man, it’s NOT a Christian Temple. It’s a Christian Church !!!!!!! Should I now YELL at you and tell you to go back to the 5th grade or the desert???? Would you like that??? Please explain to me what in tarnation does washing one’s feet have to do with praying? Shouldn’t you try to WASH & PURIFY your heart instead of your feet????????????????? Jesus said: “When you do a good deed with your right hand, don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing”. Let me translate that: When you pray, pray inside of your heart, to GOD, not in public places where you want EVERYONE to see that you are “praying”.
“… I want to hear, so if someone can please tell me how I can listen still, send me a link please.”:-
What the heck does this even mean moo-salam man?????????

God&America on August 21, 2007 at 7:46 pm

Let’s analyze what moo-salam man posted above, shall we?
“Salam first off username God and America”:-
This “Salam” that you speak of – with utter arrogance, assuming that every westerner by now SHOULD know what it means. I know that you’d like people to believe that it means “PEACE”. It ain’t happening!! Just look at all the “Salam” that islam is bringing to Lebanon, Darfur, The Christians in some former Soviet Union countries, Spain, London, the USA, India, the taliban’s Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, etc, etc. How much “Salam” do Christians have in most islamofascist-run countries. How about the “Salam” brought on by the turks who SLAUGHTERED three Christians in a Christian-publication office?????? How about the poor 24-year old woman who was riding her motorcycle, and who was shot and set ablaze in the street and in daylight??? Was that the “Salam” you spoke of before??? Moo-Salam man, do Americans slit the throats of moo-salam-een who are printing and distributing islamic propaganda here in the US? A country you despise so much for its Judeo-Christian values?????
“…if you want to keep God In America then you wouldn’t have problems with any religion that praises God.:-
You are absolutely correct on this one, but the operative word here, and you said it, is GOD. Any other god who tells his believers not to rest until the whole world believes in him or they shall burn in Hell. mohammed’s death-bed wish was that the whole world would worship allah and his messenger. This would be no problem, if not for the GLARING fact of the last 1500 years that moo-salam men have been yelling, screeming, waving swords, burning flags, enslaving men and women, killing and beheading anyone who dares tell the truth. So praising GOD and Cutting peoples heads off DO NOT GO TOGETHER VERY WELL. OK? If your people continue doing the same stuff, people might get the wrong idea. Get it????
“… Now You cant spell, so go back to 5th grade and learn how to spell and maybe take a history class to. Let me tell you something, you cant perfectly translate Arabic into English. It is really hard. It is not as easy like French and Spanish is.:-
Again, there you go waiving the figurative sword in my face. Telling me that I cannot spell. I lived among the moo-salam-een far too many years for you to tell me that I can’t spell.
“… Also I missed the show and Humdilluah those footbaths are coming to my school. I’m glad there is because U of M Dearborn already does have its Christian Temple on the campus, so this our Islam thing.”:-
First of all, moo-salam man, it’s NOT a Christian Temple. It’s a Christian Church !!!!!!! Should I now YELL at you and tell you to go back to the 5th grade or the desert???? Would you like that??? Please explain to me what in tarnation does washing one’s feet have to do with praying? Shouldn’t you try to WASH & PURIFY your heart instead of your feet????????????????? Jesus said: “When you do a good deed with your right hand, don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing”. Let me translate that: When you pray, pray inside of your heart, to GOD, not in public places where you want EVERYONE to see that you are “praying”.
“… I want to hear, so if someone can please tell me how I can listen still, send me a link please.”:-
What the heck does this even mean moo-salam man?????????

God&America on August 21, 2007 at 7:46 pm

Let’s analyze what moo-salam man posted above, shall we?
“Salam first off username God and America”:-
This “Salam” that you speak of – with utter arrogance, assuming that every westerner by now SHOULD know what it means. I know that you’d like people to believe that it means “PEACE”. It ain’t happening!! Just look at all the “Salam” that islam is bringing to Lebanon, Darfur, The Christians in some former Soviet Union countries, Spain, London, the USA, India, the taliban’s Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, etc, etc. How much “Salam” do Christians have in most islamofascist-run countries. How about the “Salam” brought on by the turks who SLAUGHTERED three Christians in a Christian-publication office?????? How about the poor 24-year old woman who was riding her motorcycle, and who was shot and set ablaze in the street and in daylight??? Was that the “Salam” you spoke of before??? Moo-Salam man, do Americans slit the throats of moo-salam-een who are printing and distributing islamic propaganda here in the US? A country you despise so much for its Judeo-Christian values?????
“…if you want to keep God In America then you wouldn’t have problems with any religion that praises God.:-
You are absolutely correct on this one, but the operative word here, and you said it, is GOD. Any other god who tells his believers not to rest until the whole world believes in him or they shall burn in Hell. mohammed’s death-bed wish was that the whole world would worship allah and his messenger. This would be no problem, if not for the GLARING fact of the last 1500 years that moo-salam men have been yelling, screeming, waving swords, burning flags, enslaving men and women, killing and beheading anyone who dares tell the truth. So praising GOD and Cutting peoples heads off DO NOT GO TOGETHER VERY WELL. OK? If your people continue doing the same stuff, people might get the wrong idea. Get it????
“… Now You cant spell, so go back to 5th grade and learn how to spell and maybe take a history class to. Let me tell you something, you cant perfectly translate Arabic into English. It is really hard. It is not as easy like French and Spanish is.:-
Again, there you go waiving the figurative sword in my face. Telling me that I cannot spell. I lived among the moo-salam-een far too many years for you to tell me that I can’t spell.
“… Also I missed the show and Humdilluah those footbaths are coming to my school. I’m glad there is because U of M Dearborn already does have its Christian Temple on the campus, so this our Islam thing.”:-
First of all, moo-salam man, it’s NOT a Christian Temple. It’s a Christian Church !!!!!!! Should I now YELL at you and tell you to go back to the 5th grade or the desert???? Would you like that??? Please explain to me what in tarnation does washing one’s feet have to do with praying? Shouldn’t you try to WASH & PURIFY your heart instead of your feet????????????????? Jesus said: “When you do a good deed with your right hand, don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing”. Let me translate that: When you pray, pray inside of your heart, to GOD, not in public places where you want EVERYONE to see that you are “praying”.
“… I want to hear, so if someone can please tell me how I can listen still, send me a link please.”:-
What the heck does this even mean moo-salam man?????????

God&America on August 21, 2007 at 7:46 pm

Salam and Ill still say it. Now see its funny how you write big in caps, seem like your getting a little upset. I’m glad I’m famous on this site. Thanks for all your comments. Well first of God and America where do I start, first I don’t make sense to you, and then wow all of sudden you did understand what I meant. How do you know its Christian Church?? Do you live in Dearborn sir or mam? I’m not sure if your a women or man, so I don’t want to offend you, so my apologies. See I’m not the one getting very mad here. Your religion is not perfect, neither is the Jews. You know why, because no one in this world is perfect but our wonderful Prophets Muhammad and Jesus (Peace be upon them both). Mohammad was an amazing man, and he was a man of a few words, thats what it says in the Bible? What other prophet that was in this world was a man of few words? Ill explain why we have to wash before we pray. I believe and so does Islam state that we should be clean for God (allah). We need to praise him, he is not human and he is our superior spirit. He is the creator of this world and universe. Now when you go to the bathroom or do natural body noises you are dirty. That is not clean. Just like it is you cant pray by a dumpster or in a bathroom. Thats where the devil lives (shaytan). Islam is about submission to God, its a closer path to being closer to God, its like you have more of connection with him. Now we wash our hands, just like you all do after you go to the bathroom. We also wash our arms and our hair. During the day, the outside world can be a dirty place with dust, dirt, people’s breath of spreading viruses, so on and so forth. Thats why we should purify yourselves to God. I don’t believe how you can pray in a dirty spot to God. Represent him in a glorious way not a dirty way. We are purifying our heart, by giving all our love to Allah. Allah is God in many different languages, so if you were to go overseas, you will be saying Allah also. We can pray where we want, just like Jews should be able to pray where they want and Christians. In this country we live in, there is Christians churches on most corners and streets. We are not in the Middle East where there is a mosque everywhere. I have to drive all the time to pray. While I’m at school I pray because I don’t bother anyone, and its not hurting everyone. I keep my voice between me and Allah. Now about women. So let me ask you this, do you look at porn and if you have a daughter or granddaughter (if your blessed with children) do you wan them to dress like todays Lindsay Lohan, or Paris Hilton or in some mini skirt so all guys can look at there butt and stare? Do you like to see teenage girls or older women showing off their breasts? We believe our women should be in modest dress, that they should cover up. Were not saying the whole face, because that is a more culture thing than anything. The hair is beauty, it does attract males. Now I can ask all the guys on here and I believe many would agree is, would you date a women with no hair that is bald, or a women that has a man’s hair or would you rather date a women with nice brown hair or blonde hair? Don’t you look at hair? Its a facial feature. Its proven psychological that men are more attracted to looks rather than personality. Of course we can say we are attracted to women with a nice personality and that is very nice and takes care of us. But all and all we look at facial features. We believe a man should fall in love with a women no matter what her hair looks like or her body type. Thats why the women may wear bog clothes and seem on the bigger look. Back in history if you look at art, the women had meat on them, they were not skinny like your super models today. Also do you see an increase in abortion in this country, and sex, and teens becoming pregnant at a very young age? How is that Christian like or Jewish like? Doesn’t Christianity say save sex for marriage?? Thats what modesty does, it shows that your closer to God and you are saving sex for marriage that your doing this for yourself. They don’t wear tablecloths, and there not all in black, they can be in different colors so maybe you should travel, or stop watching movies. Darfur and Lebanon are two different situations. I don’t agree with Darfur so I leave that there. Lebanon now, its always been a country that has had problems. We have issues with Palestinians, Jews, and Hezbollah. We have an army that is not even powerful at all. We don’t have current arms, and were not a rich country as much as the UAE is or Saudi. Spain was an Islamic country, I shouldn’t have to tell you that, you should know your history. How about that poor 20 year old girl that died in Israel that was bulldozed? Is that ok?? Is it ok for innocent Muslims and Indian’s that were not even Muslim that were killed after 9/11? Muslims are not terrorists at all. There is many bad people in our religion we condemn that we don’t agree with. Stop listening to the media. Let me give you this, if your well educated enough, you would know to look at other sources to, to get both sides of the story, but I’m not sure what you do. Ill end this with you and answer other peoples comments now. I wanted the link to listen to the live radio show, because I missed it, thats what I was asking so I’m saying is if someone can somehow tell me how I can listen to a past show please let me know.
Now Lexi read what I said above about modesty and maybe through your thick closed mind you would might be able to put a link to it. I bet you follow a lot of beauty magazines, and your pretty fake. Go ahead show your breasts and your butt to the whole world, and never know I might be dispensing your Valtrex for you on day when I become a pharmacist.
Live from dearbornistan. Where do you live? Are you even from Michigan?? I live around Dearborn area, and there is many Italians, and whites and Blacks that do live in Dearborn, so your name is bloody ignorant on your part. Also you tell me to go back home LOL, thank you I will, since I was born in the United States. What you going to deport me to where?? Hmmmm think about it before you talk. Our culture is not backwards. In America where is the culture today? What is that just sex, drugs, drinking? I don’t see no culture here. I see a bunch of random greedy people taking money from others, and then you have that few small percent of people that actually do care about their family and elderly. Arab culture is about family values not about stealing money from our family, or bring shame to the house by the daughter getting pregnant to some random guy that wont be getting married to her. We also have our lovely strip clubs that men go before they get married, wow isn’t that nice, see more naked women before you want to love your wife. Many people don’t make sense here, don’t get married if your going to be that sick and disgusting. Thats why we have Islam to have something that might make us think more not to go have sex with random people or do disgusting things like that. Back in the early 90’s sex was taboo, now its open and more people are open sexuality which means like more people are homosexual these days. I don’t support either one, I support Hezbollah when they protect Lebanon in a military prospective, not other ways. Hamas and Fatah are political parties just like we have here. I guess I’m not compatible with your all American lifestyle and thats cool, because I don’t get drunk at night and hurt people. Well people enjoy what I said, maybe it will make you think, if not thats fine.

Muslim man on August 22, 2007 at 2:18 am

‘Muslim man’, every muslim on Earth wants to take over the world. You are trying to do it by forcing women to have 6 kids apiece before they know how to think for themselves. ALL of you muslims are bigots, fascists, and supremacists. You don’t fool me for ONE SECOND.

steve ventry on August 22, 2007 at 4:45 am

Boy, I didn’t read your post through. You should be DEPORTED to Lebanon with your murderous hezbollah friends. You are a traitor to America and an enemy. hezbollah is a vicious, murderous gang that should be eliminated, and you along with it. The jews have done everything possible to get along with you backward thugs, and you have proven it impossible. Hopefully, this economy will collapse, the government will lose control, and we ‘infidels’ can finally take care of our enemies like you.

steve ventry on August 22, 2007 at 4:49 am

OR another 9-ll happens. We’ll see how clever you are then.

steve ventry on August 22, 2007 at 4:56 am

You guys are all idiots. And Debbie is very ugly.

jsnyder82 on August 22, 2007 at 10:41 am

Muslim man:
‘Are you even from Michigan??’
yes, i am from michigan – dearborn, to be exact, and i worked for a number of years at UMD, so i know the area very well. Your point about dearborn being a diverse community is true, but it’s also true that the arab/muslim population is increasing, and the other races/religions are on the decline. And, increasingly, the city is being islamified – more and more arabic store signs, the huge mosque on ford road, more demands for things like the footbaths, etc.
‘Our culture is not backwards.’
i don’t even see how you can say this… you cover up your women from head to toe. your home countries don’t tolerate other religions… muslim freaks want to kill people for exercising free speech, making movies/writings that question islam… even so-called ‘moderate’ muslims want to exterminate Jews and push Israel into the sea… i know several arabic girls who were beaten by their husbands (these beatings are of course justified in the qur’an)… i know even more white girls who were beaten by their arabic boyfriends… many arabs are supremacists: at a recent high school graduation (Edsel Ford) arab spectators booed and blew air horns when white studets recieved their diplomas, then cheered and waved iraqi flags when arab students got theirs… the list goes on and on.
these are all artifacts of a horribly backward culture.
arabs/muslims have done little for the world since the 7th century. compare your achievements as a society with that of Judeo-Christian societies. for starters, have a look at the list of Nobel Prize Winners.
regarding your long rant about how much Western culture sucks:
if the US is such a horrible place in your opinion, why do you want to live here?

live from dearbornistan on August 22, 2007 at 11:20 am

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