May 3, 2011, - 12:44 pm
Jessica Mokdad – Muslim Honor Killing in Detroit: Man Kills Stepdaughter for Not Being Muslim Enough; Skank US Mom Married 2 Muslims
More evidence that Bin Laden’s death is irrelevant. He’s gone, but they and their extremism are here, spreading like cancer throughout our borders. It’s yet another Muslim honor killing in America, this time from a Muslim stepfather who stalked his stepdaughter to Michigan from Minnesota and perpetrated yet another Muslim honor killing–hey, it’s the “religion of peace” (er. . . . pieces):
Muslim Rahim Alfetlawi Murdered Stepdaughter Jessica Mokedad for Not Being Muslim Enough, Not Wearing Headscarf
Investigators believe Rahim Abdul Alfetlawi was angry that the victim, Jessica Mokdad, was not strictly adhering to Muslim customs and that she had moved to Michigan [DS: to live at her non-Muslim grandmother’s house–gee, I wonder why].
But don’t expect the Islamo-pandering FOX News owned and operated Detroit affiliate to tell you it’s an honor-killing or has anything to do with Muslims or Islam. After all, on the same newscast, last night, Muslim ass-kissing anchor Huel Perkins (the one in the mustache in the video, below) said he’s not sure Bin Laden is dead, then proceeded to lie about what an imam just said on the air. But regardless of Perkins’ status as a spokesman for Islamic terrorism supporters, the FOX 2 News anchor–an employee of parent FOX News/News Corp and the face of its Detroit operation–couldn’t change the facts of the story of 20-year-old Jessica Mokedad’s murder at the hands of stepfather Rahim Alfetlawi, who killed her because she was becoming too Western, didn’t want to wear her hijab (Islamic headscarf)–which he forced her to wear, and had many non-Muslim friends. I’ve warned there would be more and more of these.
Note, by the way, that Mokedad’s mother, Wendy Alfelawi, is yet another dumbass White woman who converted to Islam and married two different Muslim men. She’s to blame for bringing a kid into this world to be terrorized by Muslim male parents. She called his abusive Islamic parenting, stalking, and ultimately, honor killing, “strict parenting.” Riiiiight. She should be in prison with her hubby. And she doesn’t seem too upset her daughter was killed by her husband.
Jessica Mokedad’s friends and family told us that for the first time in her life, she was finally happy. She had friends and freedom, but her stepfather is accused of taking that all away. . . .
Warren Police say Rahim Alfetlawi . . . shot her.
Police discovered 20-year-old Jessica Mokedad’s lifeless body inside her grandmother’s home.
“I just stopped what I was doing and sat down and started crying,” said Ali Alfetlawi.
Jessica’s friends say this tragic ending was years in the making. Mokedad grew up in Minnesota with her mother and her stepfather.
“He won’t let her out of his eyesight,” Ali Alfetlawi said.
“He was too overbearing, over controlling — things I thought that were just normal, strict parenting really. Now, when I look back, I say no, it was too much,” Wendy Alfetlawi said.
He forced her to wear a traditional head scarf instead of allowing her to make that decision on her own, and when she stopped wearing a scarf, friends say he became furious.
“She just wants to express herself the way she wants and not what he wants,” said friend Kayla Chuba.
That’s why her friends helped her escape.
On the other hand, since all of these people openly support Hezbollah and HAMAS, I guess it’s one less Hezbo/HAMASite who would have given birth to even more.
The more stupid, desperate American women (usually ugly and/or fat and here to serve as a one-stop green card purveyor, meal ticket, and Islamic baby factory) like Wendy Alfetlawi that convert to Islam, the more of these problems we will have. This skank, Mrs. Alfetlawi, was the sperm receptacle for not just one but TWO Muslim husbands. Hmmm . . . I wonder what their immigration status was before that. Yup, another selfish, sleazy American fat chick who put her vagina before what’s good for America … and her own children. Whatta crappy “mother,” . . . er, Muslim womb and egg donor.
Alhamdillullah [praise allah]. Sadly, there are many more stupid American women like that where she came from.
Tags: Ali Alfetlawi, FOX 2 News, FOX News, hijab, Honor Killing, Huel Perkins, Islam, Islamo-pandering, Jessica Mokdad, Jessica Mokedad, Kayla Chuba, Michigan, Minnesota, Muslim, Rahim Alfetlawi, video, Warren, Wendy Alfetlawi, Western
Its always some fat, white, sweat hog….you can bet she voted for obama too.
Metro on May 3, 2011 at 1:08 pm