April 16, 2008, - 3:38 pm
Cargo Apartheid: UK Muslim Airport Porters Refuse to Handle Israeli Luggage
By Debbie Schlussel
This outrageous story from e-mailer Beryl Dean has been verified and is absolutely true:
My friend Miriam Bedein traveled to Britain early in April. She arrived on British Air from Israel, and as she arrived at the baggage claim, she observed that there were no porters at the site.
She asked what was happening of the gentleman who was taking her to the baggage carousel, and he said “Ooh, the porters are Muslim and they will not handle any luggage coming from Israel” (In Britain, the porters take the luggage off the carousels and take them to your cab, etc.) While it was not his job, the gentleman was kind enough to get her luggage for her.

She is writing British Air about this incident, asking why they tolerate, and what they are doing about, this unacceptable situation.
Perhaps you also will write to British Air:
And to Heathrow Airport.
EL-AL probably gets the same treatment. Write to them as well.
I urge my readers to write, particularly to British Air and Heathrow Ariport. But I have another solution, as well:
It’s essentially a Muslim Nation–Dar Al-Islam. Let them have halal bangers and mash all they want, but not our dollars. This situation is in place, because–as with all things–the Brits kowtow to Islam and have allowed this intolerable behavior.
**** UPDATE, 04/18/08: I looked into this some more and just got off the phone with Miriam Bedein’s friend, lawyer Beryl Dean. It’s absolutely correct. They don’t call them “porters” in Britain, they call them “skycaps,” and they are pre-arranged, not waiting around the luggage carousel. Moreover, Miriam Bedein is in a wheelchair, and it was pre-arranged that a skycap come to wheel her from the plane to the luggage and then to help port her luggage. However, they refused to show up because her flight and luggage were from Israel. And that IS the policy of Brit Muslim skycaps.
Tags: Beryl Dean, Brit Muslim, Britain, Debbie Schlussel, e-mailer, Heathrow Airport, Israel, lawyer, London, London's Heathrow Airport, Miriam Bedein, the Brits
I’m suspicious of any Muslim who is working at an airport. I’m sure that some of them are not terrorists, and some are law abiding, but it’s like the doctors — you don’t know which ones. They are in a position to put bombs on planes, & the incidents with the baggage, although enough to get them fired, may only be the tip of the iceberg.
c f on April 16, 2008 at 3:56 pm