April 14, 2008, - 2:55 pm
How “Jews” “Celebrate” Israel’s 60th in the Obama Era
By Debbie Schlussel
Exactly a month from today, it will be Israel’s 60th anniversary of official Statehood, although there has been a Jewish state in Israel for thousands of years. The day is known in Hebrew as “Yom Ha’Atzmaut”–Independence Day. Jews all over the world will be celebrating, even in this day of Obamacide and Jhimmi Cartertude and Olmert “Apartheid” pronouncements.
Or will they? Not exactly the case in Detroitistan. “Jews”–or is that JOOOOS? (hard to tell, in this case)–don’t want to upset the Muslims in Islamerica’s Ground Zero. So the “celebration” won’t exactly be a celebration.

A couple of years ago, I told you about Robert Cohen. He’s the paid mouthpiece no-one elected to speak for me, and yet he’s the “spokesman” for the Detroit Jewish Community. He’s also the surrender monkey who sent out a letter “explaining” why he’d continue to pander to the most extremist of Muslims on behalf of me (again, he was on no ballot that I ever cast), just after the same ones marched on Dearbornistan, calling Jews and Israel, “Nazis,” and praising their mass murderers–Nasralleh, Fadlallah, Hezbollah, and HAMAS. Cohen’s also the guy who attended Hezbollah trainee, Houssein Zorkot‘s preliminary hearing in Dearbornistan and urged a Dearbornistan rag’s reporter to be lenient in its coverage of the guy.
Well, today, it’s more of the same. He sent out an article from today’s Detroit Newsistan (written by resident pan-Islamist fellatio organ, Gregg Krupa) to his list of fellow Jewish surrender monkey liberals and wimp-owitzes, bragging:
Council worked with [Jewish Welfare] Federation’s Marketing Department to place the story below in today’s Detroit News.
But here’s what’s in the article about his Israel’s 60th “celebration”:
“We are embarking on a yearlong celebration . . .,” said Howard Dembs, director of marketing for the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit.
“We are also very cognizant of trying to stay away from political angles, the wars and fighting — all of the things that are so stressful and controversial.”
Hmmm . . . why not just forget about celebrating Israel’s anniversary at all–you know, to avoid “all of the things that are so stressful and controversial,” like the idea of a Jewish state or the State of Israel?
It’s BS statements like this that are the reason many of us Jews in North America feel more connected to Israel and America than ever, and more alienated from the organized, self-anointed, self-hating Jewish Community bureaucracy than ever.
We are proud to be Jews. We are proud to be Americans. And we are proud of Israel. These bureaucrats who collect their bloated paychecks from the contributions of Grandma Sadie or Grandpa Moses, are none of the above. And it is, frankly, extremely disgusting.
They used a “marketing” department for this? What were they marketing–Greater Palestine 2008?
I’m not quite sure how Robert Cohen and the Detroit Jewish Federation (the organized self-proclaimed bureaucracy of the Jewish Community) believe Israel was established or how it remained a country. But guess what? No-one said, “Hey, Jews, after killing and progromming and Auschwitz-cooking and Inquisitioning you for centuries, we’re finally going to allow you to stay in the country, where you’ve had a strong presence for thousands of years, so here’s the keys.”
Israel was established, it was sustained, through not just sweat and tears, but lots of blood. That’s right. Israel’s existence–its survival–was made possible through wars and fighting and politics, and controversy. To forget the wars and the soldiers who died–who gave their lives for Israel–is to deny Israel’s very existence. And to be ashamed of those soldiers and those wars they won–in which they regained Jerusalem and liberated it for 41 years and counting–is to say, we are ashamed to be Jews.
Israel’s wars–most of them, anyway–were a source of pride for Jews around the world. They were mostly proud victories. And they told the world, we Jews are not wimps. And we won’t be bullied or attacked without a strong, swift response. My late father used to tell me how when he was a kid, gangs stopped attacking Jewish kids on the streets and sidewalks, when Israel won its War of Independence in 1948; how the world respected the Jews, after the victories of the Six Day War in 1967 and the Yom Kippur War. It made him prouder to be a Jew.
Now, these fools–who resemble the Kapos of Treblinka and Bergen Belsen in their pandering to the Muslims of Dearbornistan–are embarrassed by the great Israeli victories that made it a state? They find it “stressful”?
Let’s face it, these people like Robert Cohen and the organized Jewish community are ashamed to be Jews . . . even though–through this wimpy attitude–they are the walking worst stereotypes put forth by anti-Semitism.
E-mail Mr. Cohen and ask him why he’s so embarrassed about Israel, and why he continues to enable the enemies of not just the Jews, but the enemies of ALL Americans.
People have been saying since 9/11, that the Jews are the canary in the mine. But if Robert Cohen is your canary, he’s the one who willingly flies into the cat’s mouth . . . and chops himself up first to make for easy consumption and digestion. He is nothing but the malodorous fart that comes out the cat’s backside. And the same goes for Howard Dembs and the others who find Israel and its history so “stressful.”
Needless to say, I will be absent from Detroit’s organized-and-unrepresentative Jewish Community’s embarrassed-of-Israel 60th anniversary fest. (But I will be celebrating here with a much larger, more thoughtful audience.)
For me, May 14th will be a bittersweet day. While I know that Israel has 60 official years behind her, you have to wonder with “leadership” like Robert Cohen’s and Howard Dembs’ mirroring the Olmert “leadership” in Israel, how much longer the Jewish state will survive thereafter.
Welcome to the Obama era, where empty, anti-Semitic, pan-Islamist personalities are more embraced by the Jewish establishment than “stressful” things like Israel’s tremendous victories in battle. That’s because they’re more comfortable in their starring roles as the Captains of Capitulation at a time when America, the Jews, and Israel can least afford it.
Who needs Jimmy “Jimmuh” Carter . . . with Jewish “leaders” like these?
Tags: 60th anniversary of official Statehood, America, Detroit, Detroit Jewish Federation, Director of Marketing, Federation's Marketing Department, Gregg Krupa, Hamas, Hizballah, Howard Dembs, Independence Day, Israel, Israel's anniversary, Israel's Independence Day, Jerusalem, Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit, Jimmy "Jimmuh" Carter, North America, official, Olmert, Palestine, reporter, Robert Cohen, Robert Cohen Are Embarrassed, spokesman, Statehood, Western Wall
Is it the Obama era already?
Audacious on April 14, 2008 at 3:55 pm