August 20, 2007, - 1:47 pm

No Wonder: Is It Like This w/ Every Illegal Alien? – The DHS, ICE & Border Patrol Meltdown (Secret Videos of Immigration Enforcement Planning)

I’ve obtained the secret videos of enforcement planning at Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the rest of the Department of Homeland Security (posted below). Completely non-sensical. It explains a lot, like:
* Why a federal-level summit had to be held to get an illegal alien criminal, Elvira Arellano, pushed out of the country:

Arellano was held for about three hours at San Diego’s Otay Mesa immigration detention center Sunday night while U.S. and Mexican authorities met there to discuss the case, Mack said. The discussions included Luis Cabrera, Mexico’s general consul in San Diego, and , ICE’s director of detention and removals in San Diego.

[Secret Videos of Top Homeland Security Officials’ Planning Sessions (with complete audio soundtrack) . . .]

Unbelievable. You’d think she was an international water treaty.
Does this absurdity happen for every deportation? Let’s hope not. No wonder nothing ever gets done. Between high-level meetings begging countries to take back their citizens and those who continue to refuse to issue travel documents to take them back, we’ll never make a dent and getting rid of these aliens.
* Why the TOP Border Patrol official in the key area of Laredo, Texas, said the Border Patrol is not responsible for apprehending illegal aliens or stopping drug smuggling. HUH?!!!!!:

Border Patrol agents dont have the responsibility of apprehending illegal immigrants, Carlos X. Carrillo, chief patrol agent for the Laredo sector, said at a town hall meeting Wednesday.”The Border Patrol is not equipped to stop illegal immigrants,” Carrillo said, noting that illegal narcotics are also not on the agents priority list.
“The Border Patrol mission is not to do any of those things,” he emphasized.
The Border Patrols mission is to keep the country safe from terrorist and terrorist weapons, he said. Carrillo added that when and if terrorists come into the country, the agents will be ready.

Does this blithering idiot actually read a newspaper or watch the news? Does he not know that reports, including recent ones from his own employer (the federal government), show that terrorists are coming into the country as illegal aliens and are WORKING WITH drug smugglers?
G-d save us.
* Why ICE and DHS gave us yet another new phony “get tough” policy requiring employers to check for phony social security numbers, when ICE knows that the IRS maintains a privacy wall and won’t deign to fight it:

Days after unveiling a major crackdown on businesses that hire illegal immigrants, the Bush administration is now quietly admitting that its most heavily touted weapon in pursuing employers will be virtually useless.
At the heart of the new rules announced last week is toughened Homeland Security enforcement of so-called “no match” letters – which the Social Security Administration sends to companies when employees have questionable identification numbers.
But Homeland Security officials acknowledged this week that because of a privacy provision in the Internal Revenue Service code, immigration officials will actually have no way of knowing which employers have received “no-match” letters, which have complied and which have not.

* Why ICE is putting on a fraudulent front when it pretends to be tough against U.S. Census Bureau requests that it suspend immigration enforcement while the 2010 Census is being taken:
Illegal aliens have constantly taken part in and been included in the Census. ICE won’t follow Census takers (unfortunately), nor will it conduct any mass raids or arrests. But, hey, “The ICE Princess” gets to pretend she’s actually tough on something. Watch what I say, not what I (won’t let my agents) do.

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30 Responses

Um….WHAT? They should have taken this multiple law-breaker away in handcuffs and placed her in JAIL for having SHOT THE MIDDLE FINGER AT THE U.S. GOVERNMENT.

cankelz on August 20, 2007 at 2:57 pm

Carlos X. Carrillo is a perfect example of too many Hispanics working at the Border Patrol that have more loyalty to Mexico than the USA. What other employer has more than 70% of its rank and file that are Hispanic and have to speak Spanish to work there in the first place.
The Border Patrol needs to start hiring a more diverse work force that represents America and not Mexico.
Why do you think that there are so many arrests of BP agents taking bribes and helping Illegals entering this country.

ScottyDog on August 20, 2007 at 4:56 pm

Art of Noise! Thanks, Debbie. I haven’t heard that song in – what – 20 years?

dm60462 on August 20, 2007 at 5:24 pm

Why not just eliminate the border patrol and use the money to buy a pony for every 9 year old girl in the country? Anything left, buy a Gila monster for every 6 year old boy.

Walter E. Wallis on August 20, 2007 at 8:29 pm

Okay. I don’t get the videos. Were they meant to be a joke? If so, it went over my head. How does foreign bands singing 80’s-like songs relate to the story?

Sue Bob on August 20, 2007 at 8:46 pm

The American sheeple aren’t going to do anything about it. They’re going to look around nervously to see if anybody is offended, worried someone will think they’re racist. And the racist latinos will continue their racial conquest of North America, and Whites will disappear. Any questions?

steve ventry on August 20, 2007 at 9:40 pm

ScottyDog: I believe that it’s been a while since I read such a completely asinine statement. My only hope is that you are either 1. completely kidding or 2. completely drunk. In the far flung belief that you may actually MEAN what you wrote, let me inform you so that you may come in from the darkness: The majority of Border Patrol Agents are hard working, loyal, tough and committed. From your comments, I have a hard time believing that you have ever even breathed the air at a BP station, much less have the required knowledge to make such a foolish statement. The mere fact that many/most are Hispanic only goes towards proving that, much like most Texans don’t play hockey, most young Hispanic males living in Border communities know of the Border Patrol…we see them every day.
That the Federal government has gone on a hiring binge should not escape your ignorant mind. The Fed offers a great entry level opportunity for Federal law enforcement…often to many people who are without college degrees. The alternate side to that is more towards your point regarding bribes. Often, when you mass-hire, you scrape the bottom of the barrel. Given your reasoning, the cities of New Orleans, Miami, and New York should never have experienced their own respective corruption issues when they hired for quantity and not for quality. Be that as it may, Hispanic Agents often make it to the top in what I believe is the toughest law enforcement academy. I won’t bore you with my creds, especially since the nature of the Internet makes it easy for anyone to say anything about themselves. But rest assured, the smartest and fastest wasn’t decided on color. It was decided on who was the BEST (as it should be, no?)
If anything, your twisted Anti Hispanic Agent logic makes no sense to me. I personally have talked to Aliens who will tell you that hands down, they are more afraid of Hispanic Agents than white ones, because we don’t fall for the “Mexican Patriotism” shit that they often sling. They also can’t get away with ANYTHING close to a dirty look while they can talk all sorts of insults, escape and assault schemes with white Agents (There goes your whole Spanish knowledge theory too, sorry…)
Yes the Border Patrol has problems from within. ALL LAW ENFORCEMENT agencies do. To cloak your racism in veils of patriotism should embarrass you. And tonight you should probably get down on your knees and thank all BP agents, yes, even the brown skinned ones like I once was. Thank them for giving you the security to get on here and speak like a fool with impunity.

CapitalistPig on August 20, 2007 at 10:22 pm

We’ve kicked EVS out of our New York office, so he should be enlightening us on this matter any moment now.
Sincerely Yours, ICE SPECIAL AGENT IN CHARGE/ NEW YORK (Acting of course, nobody has kissed Mary’s butt enough to get the permanent job)

FingerEleven on August 21, 2007 at 12:54 am

My questions are:
– Whose SSN did Elvira steal?
– Who helped her steal it?
– What money changed hands in the theft?
– Which DMC officials were involved?
– What action is taken against them?
– How many other SSNs have been stolen?
– Who are involved in this racket?

Alert on August 21, 2007 at 1:33 am

OK, now I am a committed conspiracy theorist. This crap CANNOT be happening unless there is a deliberate conspiracy at the highest levels of business and government. No one can possibly be this stupid unless it is official policy. This is so insane it is funny. These government hacks need to be fired then prosecuted – the bosses included. The sanctuary bureaucrats in all our cities and states need the same treatment. Enough is enough.

J-Lin on August 21, 2007 at 9:50 am

This crap CANNOT be happening unless there is a deliberate conspiracy at the highest levels of business and government. No one can possibly be this stupid unless it is official policy.
Posted by: J-Lin at August 21, 2007 09:50 AM
Good observation. However, this crap” is not limited to cities and states. Take a close look and you will find that, unknown to trusting Americans, white house turned this country into a “sanctuary nation”. And you know who the sanctuary bureaucrat in the white house is. As they say: Fish starts to rot in the head. None the less, a good observation.

Alert on August 21, 2007 at 1:27 pm

Tom Tancredo does the right thing!
He blasts canctuary cities and addes an ammendment to cut funding to sanctuary cities. Also, places blame directly where it belongs: City mayor and city council. Take a listen:

Alert on August 21, 2007 at 2:44 pm

You think I am a racist for pointing out that over 70% of the Border Patrol is Hispanic. What other agency requires Spanish be spoken in a country that speaks the English language.
What planet do you live on where you think that such a racial disparity is allowed any where else in the private or public sector. Hispanics are roughly 12% of the population yet the Border Patrol is over 70%.
I am retired Law Enforcement and used to do some training with the BP especially with firearms scenarios.
Please spare me the racist remarks as I have seen the ethnocentrism within the ranks up close and personnel.. I did not say all agents are corrupt but you are in denial if you think some of your breathern are not corrupt. Do a google.
The Border patrol Local 2544 has the same opinion as mine about some of your ethnocentrist Hispanic leaders like Chief David “Hollywood” Aguilar and Carlos X. Carrillo who refuse to do their jobs.Instead of keeping the border, safe they go out to the rarefied air you speak of trying to catch BP Agents using bad language.
Maybe you out to read up on what some of your fellow agents feel about the leadership that does not think that they are supposed to enforce our immigration laws.They think sitting on there X is enforcing the law while 25,000 come across monthly.
Are you taking EVS place here on this board?

ScottyDog on August 21, 2007 at 3:24 pm

You asked “What other country requires Spanish be spoken in a country that speaks the English language”: Again. It’s obvious that you have never worked aliens, so your ignorance just oozes. Okay, we’ll try it your way. You go out and work wets with NO SPANISH and i’ll do it with a firm Spanish backing. Let’s see who comes back with more. Better yet, let’s see whose wets don’t escape, assault them, or otherwise try to pull fast ones because the ARRESTING AGENT didn’t know Spanish.
You say that “racial disparity” is allowed. you quote the 12% of the population versus 70% of the Border Patrol. Hmmmm. Okay. Well undo with racial disparity then. Are you advocating a quota system? Are you advocating a system where I’ll have to work next to anyone who was not the BEST, but rather was the right color. Are you listening to yourself, man?
I’m glad that you are retired FLEO and that you used to do firearms scenarios with BP. Good for you. Still, have you ever BEEN inside a BP station? Have you ever worked a group? Where does this “up close and personal” observation of Brown-Power Hispanic Agents come from? Please, do tell. Let’s drag out into the open ANYONE who thinks that their duty is contingent upon their skin color.
You say that i am in denial. Frankly, i’m not so sure you read my post. Scroll above…it’s there. i know that BP Agents have been arrested for bribes, having sex with aliens, beating aliens, beating them THEN having sex with them…and a whole lot more than has never made the media. But I call you a racist to your face if you think that, like your post clearly stated, that these things are limited to Hispanic Agents.
I’m not here to defend any member of BP management. They are big boys and can speak for themselves. But just because they happen to have Hispanic surnames does not in an of itself make them ethnocentrist Hispanics. Or, by your reasoning, all Anglo members of management are as backwater good ol’ boy racist as you are. Be that as it may, I’ll tell you one thing: one does not become a member of BP management by pushing the “Mexican Pride” bullshit.
Funny you should mention 2544. I know a lot of guys from that Sector still. I still remember when 2544 was learning how to bang out a grievance while local 1613 was running circles around SDC management. I know that in the BP there will always be a clash between management and the troops. But are you here to make the representation that 2544 is against their Chief because he is Hispanic? Trying to gig someone for using bad language is a LOOOOONG way from being labeled an ethnocentrist Hispanic.
And finally, your EVS comment is a non sequitur. Stick with the facts, man.

CapitalistPig on August 21, 2007 at 4:57 pm

You are in denial about this issue.
I say turn around is fair play. All the racial groups have imposed Racial Quotas on White people so I think it is fair the Border Patrol do the same thing with the obvious lopsided hiring of Hispanics.Are you saying only Hispanics BP agents can work with Illegals?
I have quite a few friends in the BP and you are the only one that gets his underwear in a wad because the facts speak for themselves.
I suggest you scroll down on the BP 2544 local web page and read about Chief David “Hollywood” Aguilar’s ethnocentrism. It is there in black and white.
The same is true of Carlos X. Carrillo who thinks it is not the job of the BP to arrest Illegals.
Where do you think that attitude came from?
“The Border Patrol is not responsible for arresting illegal aliens. Really? That’s news to us. Read Carrillo’s statements here. We’re waiting for the orders to start ignoring illegal aliens. We haven’t received those orders yet. Thousands are still being arrested every day.”
BTW-This is the second time you have spent numerous paragraphs calling me a racist for merely pointing out the obvious.
What does that make you?

ScottyDog on August 21, 2007 at 6:33 pm

i understand what you’re trying to convey, but those videos were overkill and made this particular column nonsensical.

AynaydaPizaqvick on August 21, 2007 at 9:46 pm

Scotty: I think that it’s fair to say that you have Ronald Wilson Reagan spinning in his grave. Okay, Ill give him a twirl: The Border Patrol should only hire 12 percent Hispanics, 14 percent black, a whole buncha white, some Indians, and maybe a chink or two to make it fair. That way, our white Massas can kinda equalize the stealing, lazy wetbacks with dreams of Aztlan, the thuggish Negros, and the hard drinkin Apache types. Hell, we’ll even throw in a coupla Diesel Dykes just to keep it interesting. I agree: to hell with the best man for the job….Also, I propose that if the damned beaners at the border can’t understand BPA(t)Chez Whitey when he starts orderin’ them to show him their papers, I reckon BPA(t) Chez Whitey can just YELL LOUDER til them brownies get the idea. Under the authority of ScottyDog, I proclaim. Unfuckingbelievable.

CapitalistPig on August 21, 2007 at 10:12 pm

‘Alert’ is right, Bush has declared this a ‘sanctuary nation’.

steve ventry on August 22, 2007 at 5:11 am

You have just illustrated with your last response my contention that the BP has discriminatory hiring practices and that some of the people working their think because they are Hispanic, that is, it gives them a right to practice organized racism. In short, there is an institutionalized racism in the BP where they feel no obligation to hire a diverse workforce based on the country we live in.
Like many Hispanics, your ethnocentrism blinds you to reality my friend. You cannot get it that because the federal Government hiring practices at the BP favors hiring Hispanics that it has resulted in a skewed work force that discriminates against all other racial groups. Seven out of Ten hires are Hispanic. That is such a racial bias that any fool cans see something is wrong with the BP.
I am really sick and tired of people like you that I had to compete against when I was applying for a LE career and when I competed for promotions. Every agency had some affirmative action program where I had to perform at least 30% higher than minority applicants to get considered for a job because they got extra points for having a different skin color and or a Hispanic surname.
Tell me CapitalistPig, How many affirmative action points did they give you?
Instead of realizing that the BP is practicing racial discrimination, you write offensive racial attacks against me for making a factual argument. You sir are a bigot and a racist just like your Chief David “Hollywood” Aguilar and Carlos X. Carrillo.
Your last post is crude and offensive and demonstrates just the kind of Hispanic Supremacy that I was trying to say had infected the Border Patrol. You do not deserve wear the uniform based on your writing here and are embarrassment to the agency.
No wonder so many BP agents loyalties lie with the Illegal Immigrants that they are supposed to prevent from crossing our borders. Geraldo Rivera has been demonstrating the same ethnocentrism that you have demonstrated in your posts. Like him you are in denial my friend.
Thanks for proving my point.
BTW-There are two BP Agents that are heroes and I contributed to their legal defense. Ramos and Compean. They were persecuted for not sitting on their X and they do not have a racist bone in their bodies.

ScottyDog on August 22, 2007 at 9:40 am

Incredible. Just incredible. And there it is. just give it a little time and the truth will come out. You are angry because you believe that you had been passed up before because of discriminatory practices favoring minorities. i won’t attempt to dignify your comment regarding how many “points” i got. Ill say this, however: Points didn’t push me to first in my class, both in PT and academics (2 separate Federal LE academies), plus #2 in a local PD academy. My skin color didn’t push out less qualified trainees who couldn’t hang physically or academically (both white and non-white). I actively DENOUNCE the National Council for La Raza, LULAC, MECHA, and all other hispanic race baiters. I doubt you know what the meaning of the insult “coconut” is when referring to a Hispanic who thinks white (brown on outside, white on inside), but I have been referred to this before, simply because I am COMPLETELY against anyone getting ANYTHING just because of their skin color…I don’t know where you have come to the belief that I am ethnocentrist. HELL, I have an AMERICAN flag hanging in my Office, for God’s sakes….I AM A FIRM BELIEVER IN THE BEST MAN GETTING THE JOB. Do you disagree?
I keep asking you again and again why you believe that the loyalties of many BP Agents lie with the illegal immigrants they arrest***. If you can answer WHERE you get this information, I’ll sure as hell be glad to know. I think you should march right into your nearest BP station and say that to the THOUSANDS of illegal aliens that are arrested daily. Tell them that they were arrested, yes..but just for pretend. They will be released just as soon as no white guy is watching…HA Hey, and Ramos, and Compean…they just shot that guy in the ass to make it look good, right? they were gonna let him go just as soon as he dropped the weed he was hauling because you know…Ramos/Compean…hispanics…means that they were probably going to steal the aliens weed then let him march right into the country…
Yes, I take it as a complete insult that you, a layperson, feels free to comment as to “anti-white, Mexican loving” Border Patrol Agents but you cannot tell me where you get this information***. I further take it as an insult that you think that the disproportiate hiring of Hispanics means more corruption***. I gave you more than an ample explanation as to why BP hires more Hispanics…BP is on the Border, Hispanics on the Border..yadda yaddda, this is plowed ground.
more and more in this thread I have come to the belief that you have strong beliefs, but, unfortunately, know not where they come from. That is fertile ground for speaking of things for which you have no clue.
Speaking of Ramos and Compean: Here’s a big, big secret. Now, since they are Hispanic, i suppose that you think i will defend these two (you know, we all stick together…) But here’s a shocker: They are guilty as sin. Granted 10 years was excessive, but they screwed up royally, and they tried to cover it up. Trust me, NOONE apart from their families and them would like to see them out of prison more than me, but if you knew anything about firearms policy, the Border Patrol, the area where this happened, PLUS the facts on the day in question, it would come as no surprise that they deserved to get fired and prosecuted:
1. NOWHERE in any government firearms policy does it say you can shoot at someone then clean up your own crime scene, including toss your casings in the river.
2. NoWHERE does it say that you don’t have to inform your supervisor if you think your shots missed. Their actions that daya are evidence of a guilty man. Much like a guilty man would cover up a crime, tell me WHY did these two CLEAN UP THEIR SHOOTING SCENE***? Why did they not tell anyone***?
Now…be that as it may. These two, one of whom was a FIREARMS instructor, should not be imprisoned for 10 years. Fired Yes. Prosecuted for a civil rights violation: maybe. The alien with the dope should spend more time in jail because but for his actions that day, none of this would have happened. But to wrap Ramos and Compean in the American flag and say that they are heroes is just wrong. They were tried by 12 of their peers (most of them hispanic) and adjudicated as guilty. As a federal law enforcement officers, we have to be BEYOND reproach in all we do. these guys screwed up…
Scotty, i have, by my count asked you 5 questions (IVE PUT *** by them). If you can answer them logically, empirically, and with a sound basis of reasoning then maybe we can continue. Otherwise, I think that arguing with you is like trying to wrestle a pig: All you do is get dirty and make the pig happy.

CapitalistPig on August 22, 2007 at 1:26 pm

Incredible. Just incredible. And there it is. just give it a little time and the truth will come out. You are angry because you believe that you had been passed up before because of discriminatory practices favoring minorities. i won’t attempt to dignify your comment regarding how many “points” i got. Ill say this, however: Points didn’t push me to first in my class, both in PT and academics (2 separate Federal LE academies), plus #2 in a local PD academy. My skin color didn’t push out less qualified trainees who couldn’t hang physically or academically (both white and non-white). I actively DENOUNCE the National Council for La Raza, LULAC, MECHA, and all other hispanic race baiters. I doubt you know what the meaning of the insult “coconut” is when referring to a Hispanic who thinks white (brown on outside, white on inside), but I have been referred to this before, simply because I am COMPLETELY against anyone getting ANYTHING just because of their skin color…I don’t know where you have come to the belief that I am ethnocentrist. HELL, I have an AMERICAN flag hanging in my Office, for God’s sakes….I AM A FIRM BELIEVER IN THE BEST MAN GETTING THE JOB. Do you disagree?
I keep asking you again and again why you believe that the loyalties of many BP Agents lie with the illegal immigrants they arrest***. If you can answer WHERE you get this information, I’ll sure as hell be glad to know. I think you should march right into your nearest BP station and say that to the THOUSANDS of illegal aliens that are arrested daily. Tell them that they were arrested, yes..but just for pretend. They will be released just as soon as no white guy is watching…HA Hey, and Ramos, and Compean…they just shot that guy in the ass to make it look good, right? they were gonna let him go just as soon as he dropped the weed he was hauling because you know…Ramos/Compean…hispanics…means that they were probably going to steal the aliens weed then let him march right into the country…
Yes, I take it as a complete insult that you, a layperson, feels free to comment as to “anti-white, Mexican loving” Border Patrol Agents but you cannot tell me where you get this information***. I further take it as an insult that you think that the disproportiate hiring of Hispanics means more corruption***. I gave you more than an ample explanation as to why BP hires more Hispanics…BP is on the Border, Hispanics on the Border..yadda yaddda, this is plowed ground.
more and more in this thread I have come to the belief that you have strong beliefs, but, unfortunately, know not where they come from. That is fertile ground for speaking of things for which you have no clue.
Speaking of Ramos and Compean: Here’s a big, big secret. Now, since they are Hispanic, i suppose that you think i will defend these two (you know, we all stick together…) But here’s a shocker: They are guilty as sin. Granted 10 years was excessive, but they screwed up royally, and they tried to cover it up. Trust me, NOONE apart from their families and them would like to see them out of prison more than me, but if you knew anything about firearms policy, the Border Patrol, the area where this happened, PLUS the facts on the day in question, it would come as no surprise that they deserved to get fired and prosecuted:
1. NOWHERE in any government firearms policy does it say you can shoot at someone then clean up your own crime scene, including toss your casings in the river.
2. NoWHERE does it say that you don’t have to inform your supervisor if you think your shots missed. Their actions that daya are evidence of a guilty man. Much like a guilty man would cover up a crime, tell me WHY did these two CLEAN UP THEIR SHOOTING SCENE***? Why did they not tell anyone***?
Now…be that as it may. These two, one of whom was a FIREARMS instructor, should not be imprisoned for 10 years. Fired Yes. Prosecuted for a civil rights violation: maybe. The alien with the dope should spend more time in jail because but for his actions that day, none of this would have happened. But to wrap Ramos and Compean in the American flag and say that they are heroes is just wrong. They were tried by 12 of their peers (most of them hispanic) and adjudicated as guilty. As a federal law enforcement officers, we have to be BEYOND reproach in all we do. these guys screwed up…
Scotty, i have, by my count asked you 5 questions (IVE PUT *** by them). If you can answer them logically, empirically, and with a sound basis of reasoning then maybe we can continue. Otherwise, I think that arguing with you is like trying to wrestle a pig: All you do is get dirty and make the pig happy.

CapitalistPig on August 22, 2007 at 1:27 pm

George Washington signed the 1795 Naturalization Act, which said immigration should be restricted to whites. I’m with George Washington, all the non-Whites already HAVE countries for THEIR people. Every group behaves racist and they always will, except for stupid white people.

steve ventry on August 22, 2007 at 2:02 pm

I keep asking you again and again why you believe that the loyalties of many BP Agents lie with the illegal immigrants they arrest***.
Why don’t you cut and paste one question in your previous posts where you asked me a question about loyalties. In your previous posts, you spent most of you time calling me a racist about ten different ways from Sunday.
If you had read my posts, I stated it was because of their ethnicity that they have more loyalties with the Illegals than Americans. Many Hispanics that work for the BP have parents or relatives that came to this country from Mexico legally and illegally. They have a natural affinity for the plight of their people. That is what I meant by ethnocentrism.
The last time I checked you got 20 points for having a Hispanic surname. Is that about right?
I graduated #1 in my Academy for what it’s worth without any affirmative action bonus points. I had to get a 98 on my written and 99 on the physical agility to even be considered since the competition got bonus points to get a 100 with only an 80 on their tests. On top of that, many get another 10pts for military veteran preference giving them a 30 point advantage right out of the gate.
Excuse me if I have the bonus points wrong as it has been over 30 years since I applied in LE.
I am not whining because frankly, I used to be being discriminated against just because I have to check the Caucasian box. How is giving 20-30 points going to get you a partner that is the best solely on the basis of their last name or skin color?
I cannot believe you are defending the malicious persecution of SPA Compean and Ramos by the lying prosecutor Johnny Sutton. It boggles my mind that you do not know the facts of this case.
Allow me to bring up at the get go the man that started this whole case. Rene Sanchez, the BP agent that grew up with the drug dealer Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila in Mexico. Sanchez, it turns out, had not only become a U.S. citizen, but had become a Border Patrol agent. And his loyalty to his childhood buddy and/or to his native Mexico apparently superseded his loyalty to America, to his fellow Border Patrol officers, and to his oath to uphold the laws of his adopted country. Since when are BP agents allowed to have contact with known dope dealers?
(This is yet another example of loyalties that I spoke of earlier)
The prosecutors went to great lengths to suppress vital information during the trial, such as testimony by another Border Patrol agent who had warned superiors of suspicions that agent Rene Sanchez was tied in to the Mexican drug cartels. The agent was reprimanded, intimidated, silenced, and transferred to another sector.
Regarding your contention they did not report the shooting incident to their supervisors who were on the scene. In fact, the ROI Investigation disclosed that the following BP agents were at the location of the shooting incident, assisted in destroying evidence of the shooting, and/or knew/heard about the shooting: Oscar Juarez; Arturo Vasquez; Jose Mendoza; David Jacquez; Lance Medrano; Lorenzo Yrigoyen; Rene Mendez; Robert Arnold; and Jonathan Richards
Some Cover-up, two supervisors were present, Arnold and Richards at the scene of the shooting and seven BP agents. Why were they not arrested and charged with a cover up. That is because there was no cover-up. Three agents, including Compean testified that they told Richards that Compean had been assaulted. Assault on a federal agent carries a mandatory five-year prison sentence. Richards failed to call the F.B.I. to come and investigate. Richard’s failure to notify the F.B.I. of the assault is the reason why the case was never investigated.
Because of the supervisor’s actions, none of the agent’s filled out firearms discharge reports. This administrative policy violation could have gotten them a five day suspension without pay. After checking again on Compean’s condition and asking him if he wanted to file assault charges, according to testimony, Richards then made a statement saying, “If we call the F.B.I. we are going to be here all night doing paperwork. We will never know who the person was that assaulted you although we’ve got the van and the marijuana.” After that, everyone went back to work.
Fact: Section 11, Subsection A of the firearms policy as followed by the Agents of the U.S.
Border Patrol states as follows. Any Service employee who participates in or observes a
reportable shooting incident as defined in Subsection 3.H,shall orally report the incident to a Supervisor. Nothing in that policy says that an agent must file a written report with a supervisor.
In fact, the only person who must file a written report, according to the firearms policy is a
Supervisory Border Patrol Agent. A non-supervisory agent can be brought up on charges, and suspended for filing a written report. When Johnny Sutton says the agents filed a falsified report, he clearly does not know what he is talking about and should read the firearms policy.
But you know this working for the Border Patrol, right?
Richards has been promoted twice since testifying against Compean and Ramos . Rene Sanchez, the one that has ties to the drug cartel has also recently been promoted instead of being investigated for violating his oath of office for having contact with a known drug dealer Aldrete-Davila.
Your claim that they are guilty is sin is pathetic especially from a fellow officer in the BP. I guess it is true that you eat your own.
I hope they are exonerated on their appeal and Sutton is disbarred and prosecuted for a malicious prosecution. He is worse than Mike Nifong in the duke lacross case.
Do a Google on the death house murder case where Johnny Sutton allowed a Vicente Carrillo Fuentes Juarez drug CI to participate in a murder while Sutton was monitoring the wire.
Oh, here is the link:

ScottyDog on August 22, 2007 at 5:18 pm


sanantonioins on August 22, 2007 at 9:42 pm

Not one of my questions was answered. Not a one.
You quote well from policy, but, just one final question..PLEASE…just answer one of the following: Ill let you pick which one, too:
Why did the Agents toss their empty casings into the river? Please. Given that you can quote the BP firearms manual, where does it say that I can clean up my own shooting scene?
Wher SPECIFICALLY, citing chapter and section, are these “20 points” im entitled to? Please…which manual? Since the governement is mighty anal about having everything on paper, i’m sure you’ll find this one right away.
Where, citing a quote, a statistic…anything other than your gut belief, do you get the idea that Hispanic Border Patrol Agents are sympathetic to illegal aliens?
Just what in the hell does the fact that BPA Rene Sanchez was tied to drug cartels change the events that lead to the dopers shooting?
Given the nature of our system of justice, a US Attorney can bring charges against anyone. But, why did a jury of 12 people, mostly Hispanics, listen to the evidence against Ramos and Compean and still convict them? Were they lied to by the USA IN FRONT of Ramos and Compean’s legal counsel, who, apparently, stood by and SAID NOTHING?
Where exactly, citing a study, a statistic, ANYTHING that I can CITE, do you get the information that Hispanic Border Patrol Agents are more susceptible to corruption?
I can go on and on. The sad fact is that I am now officially soiled from wrestling this pig and no matter what I say I’m sure that YOU STILL WONT ANSWER ANY OF THESE QUESTIONS.
Additionally. I am very familiar with the “Death House” case you speak of. All i’ll tell you is this. It’s evident that you believe EVERYTHING you read on the Internet. Sir, anyone can put up a web site and post whatever they want. It does not mean it’s the truth. But, you knew that, right?

CapitalistPig on August 23, 2007 at 12:41 am

Where, citing a quote, a statistic…anything other than your gut belief, do you get the idea that Hispanic Border Patrol Agents are sympathetic to illegal aliens?
Did you read about Rene Sanchez and his ties to the drug dealer? He is the one that started the whole investigation into SPA Compean and Ramos.
He had contact with a known felon and called the El Paso sector even though he worked in Wilcox. The P&P’s that I worked under would guarantee an IA for that little piece of misconduct but he got promoted for aiding and abetting a drug dealer and helping the drug dealer in his court testimony.
A chain of remarkable events began shortly after Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila had fled back into Mexico. The wounded smuggler contacted an old boyhood friend of his, Rene Sanchez, now living in Willcox, Arizona. Sanchez, it turns out, had not only become a U.S. citizen, but had become a Border Patrol agent. And his loyalty to his childhood buddy and/or to his native Mexico apparently superseded his loyalty to America, to his fellow Border Patrol officers, and to his oath to uphold the laws of his adopted country.
According to court testimony, Aldrete-Davila, following the advice of Sanchez, turned himself in to the U.S. Consulate in Mexico. Sanchez also secured an attorney for Aldrete-Davila, helped negotiate his
Immunity, and coached him on his court testimony, such as suggesting that Aldrete-Davila say he was shot in the back. (Court testimony and evidence showed that Aldrete-Davila was shot in the side of his buttocks, consistent with Agent Ramos testimony that Aldrete-Davila was in a bladed stance,pointing a gun at him.)Sanchez also helped arrange for Aldrete-Davila to receive complete (and free taxpayer-supported) medical treatment at William Beaumont Army Medical Center in El Paso.
It is noteworthy that at trial Sanchez and Aldrete-Davila contradicted each other on many points of fact, yet Sanchez and Aldrete-Davila were still considered credible witnesses by the Department of Justice prosecutors. (As just one example, agent Sanchez insisted he hadn’t spoken with Aldrete-Davila in years; Aldrete-Davila said they had been in frequent contact.)
The same prosecutors went to great lengths to suppress vital information during the trial, such as testimony by another Border Patrol agent who had warned superiors of suspicions that agent Rene
Sanchez was tied in to the Mexican drug cartels. The agent was reprimanded, intimidated, silenced, and transferred to another sector.
During the trial it was revealed that DHS agent Christopher Sanchez, who along with Rene Sanchez shepherded Aldrete-Davila through his legal process, had learned that Aldrete-Davila’s drug cartel associates had made plans to put together a ‘hunting party’ to kill agents Ramos and Compean, and their families,in retaliation for the drug bust involving Aldrete-Davila. Sanchez admitted he had
not reported this to his DHS superiors or any other U.S. law enforcement agency, a serious violation of legal and moral responsibility to fellow human beings and law enforcement officers.
The jury never heard about the immunity agreement and they did not hear about the second load of dope that Davila brought across with his Johnny Sutton borders passes while waiting to testify.
Judge Kathleen Cardone repeatedly sided with the federal prosecutors in suppressing evidence favorable to agents Ramos and Compean and unfavorable toward Aldrete-Davila and the prosecutors.The jurors were severely handicapped in that they were not given access to the truth, to the real story.
Among the evidence suppressed at the trial that may have made a major impact on jurors:
The sealed indictment of Aldrete-Davila from his arrest for drug smuggling in October 2005, after the incident when he was supposedly the victim of agents Ramos and Compean. Aldrete-Davila’s multiple violations of his immunity agreement, such as agreeing to not withhold any information, then refusing to divulge the names of his fellow smugglers who picked him up at the border. Evidence on the increasing violence and attacks on Border Patrol agents and incursions by Mexican military units in the El Paso sector. Agent Ramos distinguished record and nomination as Border Patrol Agent of the Year.
As far as the Hispanic bonus points, you can find them on file at the Human Resources Department and they are not secret.
I give up, your reading comprehension skills are lacking. I answered your questions but you refuse to read. You are wrong about the racial disparity in you own department, you are wrong about the Compean Ramos case, you are wrong about the firearms policy of the BP and picking up Brass since they did not think they hit him and 2 Supervisors were on the scene.
I am done with you and I am glad I never had a guy like you for a partner that would think that BP agents doing their jobs deserved to be prosecuted for anything.
You sir have taken the word of a Illegal Drug Mule over that of your fellow officers. Even the Congress has taken the words of Ramos and Compean over Davila and have urged GWB to pardon them.

ScottyDog on August 23, 2007 at 1:36 pm

One more thing about corruption before I sign off.
Here are some statements I googled from one of your own, now retired, Joseph N. Dassaro:
“We have recently hired known criminals, drug smugglers, gang bangers, people out of drug rehab, pizza delivery guys (from a national chain), people who write on a fifth-grade level, and, yes, even illegal aliens.”
“Last month, Nogales Border Patrol Agent Hector Soto was arrested on charges of murder and drug dealing. Soto has been accused of being a drug dealer in New York who killed his cocaine supplier in 1994, two years before he joined the Border Patrol. Soto apparently had no record when he was hired and became a suspect late last year.”
“It all began with a simple traffic stop.
In December 2005, a DPS officer pulled over a pickup truck on Highway 85 near Sonoita.
The driver took off on foot. DPS gave chase. While both the suspect and the officer were away, Border Patrol agent Michael Carlos Gonzalez arrived on the scene to help out.
Gonzalez was supposed to be guarding the suspect’s truck, loaded with marijuana. Instead, he helped himself to a 20 pound bundle. And the whole thing was recorded on the DPS agent’s dashcam.”
“This year, a Laredo, Texas, agent was fired for not disclosing he had been deported as an illegal immigrant, a Laredo Border Patrol union official told The Dallas Morning News. The agent had become a naturalized citizen through the amnesty program of the 1980s and was a patrol agent for 10 months before his deportation record became known.”
The House of Death
When 12 bodies were found buried in the garden of a Mexican house, it seemed like a case of drug-linked killings. But the trail led to Washington and a cover-up that went right to the top. David Rose reports from El Paso.
I could have posted hundreds more to illustrate my point.

ScottyDog on August 23, 2007 at 2:32 pm

I gotta tell you. You did a wonderful job on regurgitating what is ALREADY KNOWN about the trial, but you failed to Answer any questions. i even listed them single space, but, to no avail.
Oh, well. i guess that YOU ARE RIGHT, and the United States Attorney’s Office, the Border Patrol, the National Hiring Center, the Office of Personnel Management, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, 12 jurors, Judge Cardone, and countless, countless other people are in this HUGE conspiracy to keep the BP brown, keep hispanic Agents getting their “points” (coulnd’t even answer that easy one, huh?), and keep Compean and Ramos in jail for fighting against “the Man”. All of these people/agencies/entities are wrong and you are right. Keep that tinfoil hat from sliding off or the black helicopters might spot you.

CapitalistPig on August 23, 2007 at 2:53 pm

I answered your questions but you refuse to read or acknowledge the facts.
I have cited numerous sources and you refuse the facts.
Bill Stoddard and Joseph N. Dassaro both retired highly decorated officers are my two primary sources and they are even more harsh in their criticism than what I posted here.
Good luck living in your dream world. When you cannot argue the facts you have lost the argument by trying to smear me as a conspiracy theorist.
My guess is that you are in management just like EVS suffering from the Peter Principle.

ScottyDog on August 23, 2007 at 3:02 pm

Next he’ll say, “If you don’t like it, there’s the door.” Quiet, don’t mention ‘he who must be ignored’ or we’ll never be rid of that imbecile and his drivel.

q2thecore on August 24, 2007 at 12:56 am

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