April 7, 2008, - 1:12 pm
MTV Says: Think Like Us . . . Or the Holocaust is Coming
By Debbie Schlussel
Newstalk Radio WJNO’s blog points to MTV’s newest low. The cable music network (which features little music, these days) has ads running asking you to “think” like MTV and get into its political campaigns or you will end up as a concentration camp inmate rounded up by the Nazis in the “next” Holocaust.
The last time I heard this BS was in 2004, when Cameron Diaz told Oprah and her audience that if we don’t vote (for John Kerry), “rape will be legal.” Oh, and before that, in 2000, when Barbra Streisand told Barbara Walters and Rosie O’Donnell that if Bush wins, we’ll have another Holocaust, and Jews will be rounded up into concentration camps. (The closest we came to that was Condi Clueless a/k/a Condoleezza Rice redlining where Jews can and can’t live in Israel.)
You get the point. Now, watch these videos and see MTV’s despicable lack of a point in its new “Think. MTV” campaign (meant to replace the has-been “choose or lose” campaign). MTV claims, “The Holocaust Happened to People Like Us.” Um, were the late Curt Cobain, the girls from “The Hills,” and the airheaded audience of TRL rounded up to the camps of Treblinka because they watched MTV’s pro-Muslim specials or sexually charged messages? Or was it my Jewish relatives cooked in the ovens of Auschwitz merely because they were Jews?
Um, sorry, the Holocaust didn’t happen to people like you–the MTV crowd. It happened because of people like you, too dumb or Paris Hilton-obsessed to do otherwise.
In those days, it was the high-brow Germanic culture that was more important than the “dirty Jews.” Today, it’s far lower-brow MTV garbage “culture” that is more important than . . . everything.
Thanks to reader Ari, who writes:
According to MTV the Holocaust is pretty much right around the corner. The last one, of course, happened to people just like us. (Well maybe “us” if you mean Jewish people like us us) but I doubt they mean that.)
MTV had to dig real deep to achieve this new low. I wonder how they’ll manage to top themselves next time.
Don’t worry. They will. It is MTV, after all.
Tags: Barbara Walters, Barbra Streisand, Bush, cable music network, Cameron Diaz, Curt Cobain, Debbie Schlussel Newstalk, Israel, John Kerry, MTV, Paris Hilton, Rosie O'Donnell, The Hills, WJNO
There is already a holocaust against right wing conservatives and our freedom of speech. If Hillary or Obama have it their way, they will round us up and dispatch us to re-education camps.
American Sabrah on April 7, 2008 at 2:13 pm