August 17, 2007, - 7:10 pm

Official Campaign Photo of the Next Family to Occupy the White House

If ever there was a photo that explained the meaning of, “A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words,” THIS is it.
Sent to me by both Jeremayakovka and Nurit of Out-Of-The-Box Thinker, I think this pic would make a great piece of campaign literature. No comments needed:

The Al-Clinton Family: Sheikh Bill, Princess Chelsea, & Sheikha Hillary w/ Gay Old Uncle Yasser

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50 Responses

Hillary here reminds me of Marty Feldman in Young Frankenstein.

WillPower on August 17, 2007 at 9:02 pm

Debbie, that picture is a low blow. it was clearly taken before HC simultaneously decided to be a senator from NY and discovered she was part jewish. also it was before CC’s extreme make over and YA’s impregnation.

Anonymous1 on August 17, 2007 at 10:11 pm

That’s a nice pic of three evil scumbags.
I wonder what Web Hubbell thinks when he sees his daughter standing alongside terrorists.

Thee_Bruno on August 17, 2007 at 10:21 pm

Ms. Schlussel,
This picture is when Yassir was meeting with the Clintons to work out a “peace agreement” with the Israelis. You cannot blame Hilary or Chelsea for that picture.
You can compare that picture to the one of Saddam Hussein shaking hands with Donald Rumsfeld. This is even better campaign literature.
Or the one Saddam Hussein getting a key to the city of Detroit.
Pictures are worth a lot, but only in true context.
If you have time, You should also can talk on your blog about Dick Cheney admitting invading Iraq will only end in a quagmire. This should have been Kerry’s campaign video in 2004.

David Edwards on August 18, 2007 at 12:33 am

That pic was taken AFTER the Great Stainmaker left office and you can discern that for several reasons.
1. Slick Willie appears shrunken. He never looked that way in office. His appearance changed that way only after he left office and was hit with quadruple bypass surgery. Not only are the after-affects of the surgery very drastic and dramatic on the human body, but the person must severely change his diet. No more cheeseburgers, and cigars with clam sauce.
2. This pic was also taken in muzlum-occupied territory. It was not taken in America. This pic was taken when the Slicksters visited Y-ASS-ER Arafat – not the other way around. You can tell this because Hitlery and Chelsea have donned the headscarves REQUIRED of women in muzlum-dominated lands. They are not required to wear them in the White House even when muzlum savages are invited there.
3. If this was a pic during which the Great Stainmaker was hammering out a peace deal (among hammering other things by the White House sink) when he was still in office, then the pic would’ve been more formal – more presidential. This pic has Slick Willie pushed into the background. This pic was clearly designed to help Hitlery look more involved in foreign affairs.
Nice try, Mohammad Edwards….but your membership in the Angry Left is very apparent.
BTW, the Slicksters, while in office, said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, was on track to develop nuclear weapons, he would use them, and Klintoon even signed a declaration calling for reime change in Iraq.

Thee_Bruno on August 18, 2007 at 8:58 am

…..calling for regime change in Iraq.

Thee_Bruno on August 18, 2007 at 9:00 am

You still haven’t talked about how Rumsfeld met and shook hands with Saddam. Or you haven’t talked about Cheney admitting what we all knew about this “Operation enduring freedom” You cannot fight a war over an ideology. You have to close the border, which your Republicans won’t do.
The problem with the Right is that they are friends with dictators in the 1980s, and then enemies with them in 2000s. Are you not old enough to remember helping Iraq and Afghanistan to fight the communists? Now, GW Bush is giving millions of dollars and weapons to the Saudis. Great, just what we need.
Now we are “helping” the Iraqis who don’t care about us, we are helping Afghanistan who hates us, we are building schools in Vietnam and “helping” them.
You can call me Mohammed, but I’ll call you Adolph.
Here is another photo for the Democratic campaign in 2008

David Edwards on August 18, 2007 at 9:56 am

Wow, is Cheney running for president? When did he announce his intent? Are we’re discussing presidents, and presidential hopefuls happily posing with scum, or not?

CaptShady on August 18, 2007 at 11:08 am

Man, it sure says it all, doesn’t it.

countywolf on August 18, 2007 at 11:33 am

Creepy picture. Hillary looks robotic. In fact, that picture is frightening enough to put a grimace on the Mona Lisa.
Rosie O’Donnell, on the other hand, is in awe. Check it out!

Freudianslippers on August 18, 2007 at 12:47 pm

Let’s clarify certain things:
1. The pic was taken by the Associated Press in late 1999:
* on an official White House trip to the West Bank
* the same trip on which HRC embraced and kissed Suha Arafat (immediatley following the latter’s poison-gas libel against Israel)
* after HRC had declared her intention to run for Senate
2. Saddam was “our son of a bitch” used to help contain the Islamic (hello? ISLAMIC) Republic of Iran during the 1980s.
3. Cheney spoke well in 1994 about the risks and costs of toppling Saddam Hussein. By 2003 several new and more dangerous considerations outweighed those considerations: 9/11, WMD, the Clinton policy of “regime change,” and a nuclear Iran. Cheney is a trailblazer in showing how a pre-9/11 “realist” can become a pro-active hawk. Watch and learn.
Taking the lesser of two bad choices – and not whining about their burdens – is how adults confront life. Most critics of the Iraq war don’t get that.

Jeremiah on August 18, 2007 at 1:00 pm

ftr, Hillary is not part-Jewish. She had – are you sitting down? – “a Jewish step-grandfather.”
Her, Albright, Kerry: these latter-day revelations of Jewishness functtion to soften up critical assessments of these politicians as politicians.
One devout Christian friend of Israel is worth more than a boatload of these Sarah-come-latelies.

Jeremiah on August 18, 2007 at 1:11 pm

ftr, Hillary is not part-Jewish. She had – are you sitting down? – “a Jewish step-grandfather.”
Her, Albright, Kerry: these latter-day revelations of Jewishness functtion to soften up critical assessments of these politicians as politicians.
One devout Christian friend of Israel is worth more than a boatload of these Jonah-come-latelies.

Jeremiah on August 18, 2007 at 1:12 pm

I don’t recall them there creatures visiting each other. But, oh, well, it doesn’t surprise me.
Rumsfeld once shook saddam’s hand.
A Pagan Maverick

allat on August 18, 2007 at 1:47 pm

Actually this picture DOES require words. HER words. Her RECENT words. I was going to make a little video of my own for my blog, including this picture (I have it too) with HER voiceover “I donít want to be used for propaganda purposes.” Then what, exactly, is this EXCEPT a propaganda tool?

Crimsonfisted on August 18, 2007 at 4:28 pm

Mohammad Edwards said, “The problem with the Right is that they are friends with dictators in the 1980s…”
The problem with the Left is that they coddled, sympathized, and encouraged every bloody communist regime from the 1960’s through today and beyond – from Stalin, Mao, Ho Chi Mihn, Castro, Pol Pot, Kim Jung Il, every Communist regime in South America such as the Sandinistas (LIBERAL senators Chris Dodd and Robert Torricelli did everything they could to support the Sandinistas) etc. Look around and you’ll see the usual Leftists wearing Che Guevera T-shirts and hanging his posters on dorm walls. We also see the Left coddling the murdering islamic dictatorships and theocracies around the globe. Look who’s pushing the muzlum PC – the Leftists!
Sorry, pal but Republicans had to make deals with the devil in order to pursue the greater good…just as FDR did with Stalin during WWII!
Your arguments are as weak as you are.

Thee_Bruno on August 18, 2007 at 4:42 pm

Mohammad Edwards also said: “The problem with the Right is that they are friends with dictators in the 1980s, and then enemies with them in 2000s. Are you not old enough to remember helping Iraq and Afghanistan to fight the communists?”
Did you learn in government schools that FDR did the same thing with Stalin in WWII to fight the Nazis, then we had to fight your communist friends for the next 45 years during the Cold War?
Is your Left-wing outrage that selective, or are you blinded by your hatred of GW Bush and the rest of the Right that you engage in such distortions?

Thee_Bruno on August 18, 2007 at 5:06 pm

Yasser: Filthy on the outside & inside.
The Clintons: Hey, if it gets us into power, we support filth. Not to mention Slick Willy’s antics.
Please, don’t get me started. Oh, maybe the picture never really happened, it depends on what the meaning of pixel is!!
Do these three seem to care about God OR America?
Not on your life!!

God&America on August 18, 2007 at 8:43 pm

Yasser: Filthy on the outside & inside.
The Clintons: Hey, if it gets us into power, we support filth. Not to mention Slick Willy’s antics.
Please, don’t get me started. Oh, maybe the picture never really happened, it depends on what the meaning of pixel is!!
Do these three seem to care about God OR America?
Not on your life!!

God&America on August 18, 2007 at 8:43 pm

Yasser: Filthy on the outside & inside.
The Clintons: Hey, if it gets us into power, we support filth. Not to mention Slick Willy’s antics.
Please, don’t get me started. Oh, maybe the picture never really happened, it depends on what the meaning of pixel is!!
Do these three seem to care about God OR America?
Not on your life!!

God&America on August 18, 2007 at 8:43 pm

Jeremiah said:
3. Cheney spoke well in 1994 about the risks and costs of toppling Saddam Hussein. By 2003 several new and more dangerous considerations outweighed those considerations: 9/11, WMD, the Clinton policy of “regime change,” and a nuclear Iran. Cheney is a trailblazer in showing how a pre-9/11 “realist” can become a pro-active hawk. Watch and learn.
I say BS- Your considerations had nothing to do with invading Iraq. 9/11 was orchestrated by Saudi Arabia hijackers, not Iraqis. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. THERE WERE NO WMD, so that point is moot. The clinton policy did not invade Iraq, and Iran isn’t nuclear yet, and if they ever are, How can our country fight TWO wars when our army is struggling with recruting.
I just disproved everything you just said.
Then we have Bruno, who is too ashamed to use his real name because he doesn’t want people to know he actually voted for a Republican, a failure in GW Bush. He said the left coddled and encouraged communists… Maybe you forgot Castro, who Kennedy tried and failed miserably to kill. Proving once more, you cannot force democracy down a country’s throat. It must come from them. It is not America’s job to protect these Arabs while they kill each other. If you think it is, then you should go volunteer. Iraqis must take care of Iraq.
GW should know that, well he does now. His dad was part of the CIA, a war hero and smart. Too bad his son is a complete FU*K up.
We’re all American, but since you are on a witch hunt, “insulting” me by calling me Mohammed, I’ll say this:
Democrats love America more than Republicans. It’s the democrats who want everyone to be able to go to the Hospital without losing their house. (If you actually think you’re “covered”, you’re wrong. The HMOs are under no obligation to pay for anything) It’s the Democrats who want poor people to be able to afford food. Not Republicans. The only good republican was Abraham Lincoln and Ike Eisenhower. Lincoln would be a democrat now. Republicans are racists like Strom Thurmond, David Duke, anti-jewish thinkers like Henry Ford and Richard Nixon and homo anti-gays like Ted Haggert. Yeah, just the people we love in America.
My arguments are correct, your arguments are wrong. It shows what a puppy dog you are eating any crap that comes along from the right side.

David Edwards on August 18, 2007 at 9:04 pm

Mohammad Edwards is your typical lying LIBERAL. He lives in his own distorted world and no one can convince him of the facts.
What a typical LIBERAL…talk to him about reality – they then manufacture their own “Facts” to fit their own agenda. However, history cannot bend to their lies.

Thee_Bruno on August 18, 2007 at 9:11 pm

Hey, that’s Yassar Arafat, the terrorist.
Eventhough Pres Bush said he would bring all the terrorists, and their supporters to justice, Yassar Arafat was allowed to die a peaceful death in his bed.
Show a picture of Pres Bush holding hands with the Saudi Prince. And remember 15 of the 19 highjackers from 9/11 were Saudi Arabians, who took their orders from a Saudi Arabian.
The picture is spin and would only open the door to more spin and cheap shots across the board.
Someone said, show and comment on the Cheney video talking about invading Iraq and the consequences thereof. Musharraf is a dictator, not unlike Sadam, and he is our convenient bitch of today, as was Saddam was our bitch yesterday.
When we begin to live by our principles and tenets I will be impressed.

zyzzyg on August 18, 2007 at 9:36 pm

A liberal is someone who wants government interference on economic issues like health care, and not social issues like religion.
Yep, that’s me. Proud of it too. Any sane person wants goverment involved with important issues that affect the entire population.
A conservative is someone who wants government issues on social issues like abortion, but not economic issues like health care.
Unfortunately, that’s you and Debbie. So I guess the personal choices of one are more important than the well being of the country as a whole according to the conservative creed. You’d probably put someone who had an abortion in Prison, but you let an HMO ceo who just screwed over millions of people off the hook. Bruno is like a Puritan… There’s his way, or else you’re hung.
That’s a shame.

David Edwards on August 18, 2007 at 9:39 pm

David Edwards, the problem isn’t that Republicans do business with dictators, the problem is they are a bunch of traitors to America. So are the Dems. But the ‘Mission Accomplished’ banner was accurate, Bush had to commend the soldiers for the invasion, I think it’s unfair to ridicule that.

steve ventry on August 18, 2007 at 9:41 pm

Hillary doesn’t look too bad in a headscarf. To come to think about about it, a burqa may do her well exspecially since it will cover her smug face for the most part. Maybe she should convince Suha Arafat to run as her vice president for her presidential campaign lol.

Jew Chick on August 18, 2007 at 9:52 pm

Rudy vs. Hillary
Hillary kisses Arafat’s ass.
Rudy kicks Arafat’s ass.

WillPower on August 18, 2007 at 9:54 pm

Wow, another Jewish conservative. (JEW CHICK)
That makes no sense.
As a jew, Jews should be Democrat. It’s the Democrats who beat the Germans in World War 2. It’s the Democrats who created Social Security (FDR) and Medicare(LBJ) It’s the Republicans (NIXON) who voiced his utter hatred of our people.
Women voting (WOODROW WILSON), women going to school, women working, women being able to blog without their husband being next to them… that is a LIBERAL ideal. A conservative would have you in the kitchen.
I guess I missed the “republican” memo

David Edwards on August 18, 2007 at 10:00 pm

Debbie, I’m a big fan of yours.
You’re hot, you’re jewish, you’re smart.
Too bad you’re conservative.

David Edwards on August 18, 2007 at 10:01 pm

Hey David Edwards –
Any relation to the breck girl?
You are just full of stereotypes, aren’t you – just like a LEFTIST! I bet you are an old hippy boomer – am I wrong?
P.S. Kos called – time to go home now.

CarpeDiem on August 18, 2007 at 10:14 pm

Mohammad Edwards and his band of know-nothing anarchist LIBERALS believe in only ONE philosphy – They believe that in order to save America…they must DESTROY America!
Don’t believe me?! Then all you have to do is look at their record for the last 40 years! Theirs is a record of failed social welfare programs (the transferrance of wealth – Socialism), behavioral indoctrination championing abortion, championing single parenting, championing lesbianism, championing homosexuality, tearing down the traditional family, tearing down the military, etc. Their failed Socialistic tax and spend policies (The Failed Programs Of The Great Society), their failed foreign Communistic policy initiatives of coddling every enemy of America on the local, state, and federal level for the past 40 years.
Who wears Che Guevera T-shirts and hangs his posters on dorm walls alongside Chairman Mao?!…..ONLY LIBERALS!
Who still says; “Give Karl Marx one more chance!” LIBERALS!!
LIBERALS ARE HYPOCRITES because they’ll never live under the brutal totalitarianistic regimes of the very Communists they support!

Thee_Bruno on August 18, 2007 at 10:17 pm

Dave Edwards,
What’s yout take on Joe Lieberman? David Horowitz?
Also, its interesting that you associate WW II as a Democratic victory, not an AMERICAN victory. And, you omit that Vietnam, the war liberals love to hate, was a Democratic (Kennedy/LBJ) war.
By the way, Japan after WW II had democracy forced down their throat by America. I guess Mr. Know-it-All is missing a few facts.
And, before you boast about how proud you are to be a liberal and how liberal’s “love” America, you might want to read this.

WillPower on August 18, 2007 at 10:19 pm

Sieze the day,
I don’t just read liberal blogs. I like to diversify my reading like a mutual fund, because there are a few things I am not so left on, more moderate: I don’t find anything wrong with the Death Penalty on muderers. I like Israel. I like Israel defending itself against Arabs. Yes, I’m left. But unlike you, I read a lot of blogs, books, papers, and mags. You should try it. Even if you don’t agree with what they’re saying… it’s good so you can debate people like Bruno and other mis-informed people.
I don’t know if you agree, but I think I won my argument with him.

David Edwards on August 18, 2007 at 10:20 pm

I see we have a “nice jewish boy” looking to be the salami in the middle of a rye bread sandwich of DS & JC. Too bad you’re not only a loser but a liberal loser! David, I’m sorry to inform you that you’ll still be dating Rosy Palm for the foreseeable future.

FingerEleven on August 18, 2007 at 10:21 pm

Who is JC?
Jesus Christ? that doesn’t make any sense…

David Edwards on August 18, 2007 at 10:27 pm

David Edwards said:…”I don’t know if you agree, but I think I won my argument with him.”
Like most liberals, you lose and then declare victory.
(keep telling yourself (and the rest of us) you won, it’s quite amusing)

CarpeDiem on August 18, 2007 at 10:32 pm

I left out vietnam because although LBJ started it, Nixon continued and increased involvment… so I didn’t mention it on purpose because both parties are too blame. Unlike WW2 which was started and won by Democrats, and Iraq which was started and not yet resolved (lost) by the Republicans.
All wars are American wars, but it’s the political leadership that is remembered. Washington-revolution, Madison-1812, Polk-Mexican, Wilson-WW1, Roosevelt-WW2, LBJ/Nixon-Vietman, George Bush 1-Gulf, GW BUSH-Iraqi Freedom
Hey bruno why do you type in caps?

David Edwards on August 18, 2007 at 10:33 pm

Sieze the day,
Actually, the Democrats declare victory when we have won, unlike Nixon who said we “Won with Dignity” in Vietnam, or GW Bush who said “all major combat situations in Iraq are over, the United States has prevailed”
Remember that?

David Edwards on August 18, 2007 at 10:35 pm

I like Kos because most people agree with me.
I feel like I am a visitor at a stadium wearing the other teams uniforms.
At least they are nice and don’t insult me and call me “Mohammed”. I am as much anti-islam as you are Bruno.

David Edwards on August 18, 2007 at 10:37 pm

David Edwards says:
“I say BS- Your considerations had nothing to do with invading Iraq. 9/11 was orchestrated by Saudi Arabia hijackers, not Iraqis.”
Yes, but Iraq was supporting Al Qaeda, attempting to manufacture weapons of mass destruction, and paying suicide bombers. Saddam had to go. Just because the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi Arabian doesn’t mean their government planned 9/11 and that we should have invaded Saudi Arabia.
This is the oldest trick in the pacifist Left’s playbook. In the 1990’s whine that we “didn’t finish the job in Iraq.” When 9/11 occurs and we are about to invade Afghanistan, whine that we shouldn’t be invading Afganistan, we should be invading Iraq because “we didn’t finish the job.” When we successfully overthrow the Taliban and are ready to go into Iraq, whine that we shouldn’t be invading Iraq, we should be invading Iran. When we successfully overthrow Saddam Hussein, whine we should be toppling North Korea and Iran. Now that we might do something about Iran, whine that we should have toppled Saudi Arabia.
You liberals always want us to overthrow the regime you know we won’t at that moment. Liberals are never willing to defend America at any cost.

Gabe on August 18, 2007 at 10:43 pm

Dave E,
Actually, it was LBJ who escalated our involvement in Vietnam (remember the Gulf of Tonkin incident?). And, it was the Democratic Congress’s refusal to fund the South in 1975 that resulted in the final collapse.
Then, there is Jimmy Carter. The Shah was ‘our bitch’ dictator until Carter pulled the rug out. What did we get instead? The Mullahs and I’m-a-nutjob who want to “wipe Israel off the map”. And, have your read Carter’s latest book? Is that the type of liberal Democrat you are proud of?
And what did Clinton do for Israel? Kiss up to Arafat. Are you happy with the results of the Oslo accords? Were you happy with Clinton’s pressuring Barak to give up land for “peace”? Has the results of the Gaza pullout shown what a disaster that would have been for Israel?

WillPower on August 18, 2007 at 10:47 pm

CarpeDiem on August 18, 2007 at 10:51 pm

Isn’t it hilarious that delirious LEFT-WING, AMERICA-HATING LIBERALS like Mohammad Edwards always finds fault with GW Bush and the Right, but they NEVER have harsh words for, nor do they ever condemn;
1. Osama bum Laden,
2. al-Qaeda,
3. Hugo Chavez,
4. Kim Jung Il,
5. The Chinese despots,
6. Fidel Castro,
7. Vlad imir Putin,
8. Daniel Ortega,
9. Iran’s president,
10. Syria’s president,
11. Kuwait’s leaders,
12. the Saudi royal family,
13. Jordan’s king,
14. Mexoco’s president,
15.the government of Viet Nam,
16. Y-ASS-ER Arafat,
17. Homicide bombers,
18. 9/11 hijackers,
19. Richard Reid,
20. Jose Padilla,
21. Zacharias Mouse-oui,
22. Gitmo detainees (NO…LIBS want to give them all sorts of rights!)
That’s because LEFTISTS like him have ALWAYS coddled America’s enemies – the very people who have PROVEN records of human rights abuses! But they turn a blind eye.
That’s because people like hime SIDE with America’s enemies – the very people who have PROVEN records of human rights abuses! But they turn a blind eye.
That’s why people like him despise America but LOVE the very people who have PROVEN records of human rights abuses! But they turn a blind eye.
That’s why HYPOCRITES like him would never live in countries run by the very people who have PROVEN records of human rights abuses! But they turn a blind eye.
That’s because people like him don’t have two fucking brain cells to rub together! They’ve been brain cell washed since birth to HATE America by their America-hating parents, like Julius and Ethel Rosenberg who taught their kids to hate America!

Thee_Bruno on August 18, 2007 at 10:57 pm

No need to call names but remember the picture of the former hairdresser (not that there’s anything wrong with hairdressers) Rosalynn Carter giving the Rev. Jim Jones, of the Kool-Aid fame, an award?

lexi on August 19, 2007 at 11:17 am

David Edwards, by United Nations standards, Saddam’s regime was “a failed state”:
He’d committed genocide against its own population; invaded not one – but two – neighboring sovereign nations; committed environmental devastation (burning Kuwaiti oil fields) that were visible FROM OUTER SPACE; and when he went on vacation he didn’t stock up on organic dry pet food for his dogs.
Don’t you get it? Saddam Hussein was a very, very bad man.
* Evidence was found of Saddam’s efforts to reconstitute his WMD program; he had harbored terrorists for years and financially underwrote suicide (homicide) bombing against Israel — Saddam was a “player” re international terrorism and it is reasonable to believe that he would play at whatever
There’s constructive criticism of the Iraq war, and then there’s destructive criticism. In ’03 I didn’t think going in was the best thing to do. But we’re there. We’ve made a commitment. Leaving now would do terrible damage, in both the short and long term.
(This is from a guy who voted for Kerry in ’04.)

Jeremiah on August 19, 2007 at 2:00 pm

One only has to remember that Slick was going for the Nobel Peace Prize his last couple of years in office. His thinking was that if Arafat could get one anyone could get one. In this case, guilt by association. Unfortunately for him, it was Jimma Carter who perpetuated the lie long enough to get one.

BWR on August 19, 2007 at 6:53 pm

Most people think of the Left and Right in linear terms, but the truth is that the further you go to either extreme the more polar you are to the center. In other words, think of a circle instead of a straight line. I believe that the Nazis and the Marxists were closer than most people realize. The premise that Republicans and Democrats are that much different is not too far off from the argument that a blue Chey Impala is different than a red one, each have closed the circle off-center towards representing the rich and their corporates interests. The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded from a white Chevy Impala exactly where the red Impala transitions into the blue Impala (some peanut farm in Georgia).

ICEland on August 19, 2007 at 7:30 pm

ICEland, I would stick with the linear, whereby the Dems and Republicans are both on the left, and the right extreme is anarchy, not ‘fascism’. Fascism, Communism, Socialism, Nationalism, and dictatorship are all the same thing, and are leftist extremes; the right extreme is no government at all.

steve ventry on August 20, 2007 at 1:07 am

Steve Ventry-
You could be right. However, is the right extreme at the end of the line with the anarchists?

ICEland on August 20, 2007 at 6:14 pm

Yes, once every person is a government unto himself, there’s no where else to go. The US Constitution talks about 3 main ideas: the State, the People, and Rights. Either the People have a right, or the State controls the right. The less right the People have, the more the State controls the right. That’s why all government is left wing. And when people have rights over the state, it’s right wing.
A lot of people say I’m wrong, but I think it’s very simple if you look at everything in terms of People, State, and Rights.

steve ventry on August 20, 2007 at 8:55 pm

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