April 18, 2011, - 5:48 pm

Passover 2011 – Freedom From Slavery: To My Friends & Readers

By Debbie Schlussel

To my friends and readers:

Tonight at sundown, the Jewish holiday of Passover begins.  We Jews celebrate our freedom from slavery in Egypt and also our eventual receipt of the Torah from G-d via Moses and Mount Sinai as well as our eternal land, Israel.  I will be out of blog commission for the next two days, but I’ve prepared timely stuff in advance which will be posted in my absence, so please come back.  I’ll return on Wednesday Night, and will a few more things tonight before my Seder begins, including Passover postcards from Jewish American soldiers serving in WWI and WWII, from my collection. By the way, I’ll be celebrating Passover and having my Seders with a friend who is not only an Orthodox Jew, but a descendant of Ulysses S. Grant (from his father’s side of the family who were not Jewish). Pretty cool, huh?


Passover Seder Plate

As I’ve noted many times on this site in the past, 80% of the Jews remained slaves in Egypt.  Egypt Syndrome preceded the modern Stockholm Syndrome, as most of the Jews enjoyed their captivity of hard labor, 17th class citizenship, and a lack of spirituality and faith in G-d.  Today, we have our 80% in the Jews who voted for Obama, and in the Jews led by Rabbi Joseph Krakoff at Congregation Shaarey Zedek (or as I now call it, Shaarey Non-Zedek–the Gates of Non-Justice) who honor Hezbollah/HAMAS-supporting Israel boycotters in their main sanctuary while they ban proud Jews like me from the premises for exposing these people.

As I’ve noted, there are many Jewish people who are still slaves in Egypt mentally.  They try desperately to please Jew-hating Muslims and anti-Semites.  They are not proud of who they are.  They’ve never been taught the beauty and spirituality of full observance of Judaism.  And, thus, they will never be free.

I am proud I am not like them.  Tonight, as with Jews around the world, I will participate in the Seder, the traditional Passover ceremonial feast, in which we remember not only what slavery in Egypt was like and what it was like to be freed, but also that there are those who would destroy the Jewish people in every generation, including this one.  As I’ve noted on this site oh so many times, those people are now the Muslims that surround us and who seek to destroy not just the Jews, but also the Christians around the world.  They are also my liberal fellow co-religionists and the liberal Christians who defend and promote these Muslims.  To me, they are far worse because without them, we’d be able to defeat the problem.  Yes, there are also fools like Pharoahbama.  But like the ancient Pharoahs of Egypt, he and his ilk will disappear and new, even more dangerous bad actors will appear and do even more harm.


Passover Matzoh

Tonight, I’ll also be celebrating my freedoms, including my free speech and to continue to bring you this site, as I celebrate Passover with the CAIR Action Network lawsuit against me hanging over my head and continued attempts by CAIR Action Network and other Muslims  to silence me.  I also have had, over the last year, new Muslim death, rape, and torture threats, which the FBI investigated but which the politically correct Justice Department declined to prosecute.  I’ll be posting more about that in the near future.

Over the years, I’ve written about Passover many times in years past (see also here and here), and you can read even more details here, here, and here.  I need not repeat them here, other than the Debbie’s Notes version:  We celebrate Passover for 8 days.  We hold two Seders (one in Israel)–one for each of the first two nights.  We cannot eat bread or anything leavened for the entire eight days.  We also can’t eat stuff that, back in the day (and currently) could be made into flour, like corn, many nuts, peas, beans, etc.  We have to buy special food (I spent more in the last two days than I spend on food in more than a month), including special soda.  Coke and Pepsi make us what is essentially the Mexican version of their soda pops, as it does not contain corn syrup.  We can’t eat any food with corn syrup on Passover.

To my Jewish readers, I wish you a Happy and Kosher Passover.  To my gentile readers, I hope you will enjoy the stuff I’ve written for while I’m away.  Again, I will post a few more things before the holiday begins tonight.

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9 Responses

The best matzoh is hand-made shmurrah matzoh from Israel. Its made by Kfar Chabad and its edible. Cheaper machine-made matzoh can taste like cardboard.

I’m proud to have bought good food from Israel.

Happy Pessah and Chag Sameach!

NormanF on April 18, 2011 at 7:40 pm

In my heart and mind, as a Christian, I treasure the critical importance of Passover and I bow my head with the deepest possible respect to the children of Israel that G-D chose to make known this profound and Life Giving illumination through His People Israel. I am in Awe of His Ways and constantly flummoxed how anyone can be deaf and blind to Him.

Jack on April 18, 2011 at 7:49 pm

Even though I no longer practice an organised faith (religion being the opiate/meth/angel dust/yay of the masses, blah blah blah…), I remembered Pesach as 7-8 days of restricted diet topped by the last night where we satisfied our jones for sweets.

But too may people forget its valuable lessons. The tyranny of hatred and greed still exists. Hateful cults-of-personalities force people to do unspeakably stupid things to satisfy their masters.

Arguably, Jews stand alone. They survived slavery, pogroms, genocide – and yet they are not doing enough to guarantee their resilience, protection and survival. Complacency is an ugly habit – I tend to be guilty of that, occasionally – and most ethnic groups have taken measures in the past to ensure that they survive, prosper and multiply. Why not the Jews? Of what are they afraid? And what’s holding them back?

If the Jews were to have stuck to the Torah and Talmud from day One, Germany would have been reduced to a parking lot, Islam would be stillborn and Xtanity would’ve been like Hassidim – just another sect. I don’t know if sevenfold retribution applies in these cases, but eventually, people will come back to the source, if only be word, not sword.

Chag Sameach. I can haz afikomen!

The Reverend Jacques on April 19, 2011 at 1:02 am

Oopsie – I meant “… if only BY word, not sword.”

Lesson to be learned: do not post while suffering from the flu.

Amen. Stay Kosher!

The Reverend Jacques on April 19, 2011 at 2:31 am

Debbie & every Jew here

Even though I’m not a Jew, I wish you all a happy & Kosher Passover!

Infidel Pride on April 19, 2011 at 4:02 am

G-d Bless, Debbie. Remember, Mountain Dew also has a “throwback” cane sugar version which is available year ’round!

Occam's Tool on April 19, 2011 at 1:40 pm

OT – Pepsi also has (still?) a “throwback” version, too. I got hooked on it pretty fast. Great if you’re not diabetic. Like me. 🙁

The Reverend Jacques on April 19, 2011 at 6:48 pm

Whoops….I’m a couple days late…sorry!

But, as a Christian, let me echo Jack’s comments above.

As an avid reader of the Old Testament (as we call it), I have tremendous respect for the Jews and Israel.

Debbie, even though we have different beliefs, I am touched by your continual respect for us Christians, and know full well I have just as much love and respect for Israel and Jews, especially you!

In fact, one of my all time hereos is Caleb who went as a spy with Joshua. Wish we had more Calebs these days!!!!

Jeff_W on April 20, 2011 at 11:37 am

Happy Passover to Debbie and all the Jewish readers here.

JeffE on April 20, 2011 at 9:17 pm

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