August 17, 2007, - 12:41 pm

Save Your Money (& Your Kids): “Arctic Tale” is Child Abuse

Watching “Arctic Tale,” I was reminded of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals’ (PETA) cruel tactics against kids in the late ’90s. PETA activists waited outside McDonald’s with indoor playgrounds, where they knew many kids would accompany their parents for Chicken McNuggets. They approached young kids and gave them toys and “Happy Meals” featuring bloody photos and depictions of slaughtered animals. I called it “McCruel Child Abuse.”
“Arctic Tale” is just as “McCruel.”
The beginning credits of the movie serve as a warning that you and your children are seeing the kids version of global warming propaganda film, “An Inconvenient Truth.” Four words say it all: Narration by Kristin Gore.

Yes, Al Gore’s daughter is taking his scary–but false–message and frightening your little kids with it. With animals dying or being savagely killed and eaten, this is anything but the cute cuddly movie they want you to believe that it is. Parents who brought their children to the screening I attended were disturbed that they’d brought their children to such a sad, brutal movie. The attack on males isn’t great for kids either.
The story: We see footage of two arctic children and their families–Nanu, the polar bear, and Seela, the walrus. They are babies and we watch them through adulthood. The only voice in the movie is that of annoying narrator Queen Latifah. She really should stick to acting. Her constant insertion of hip-hop slang isn’t cute. It’s cloying.
At first, you are sucked in because the baby polar bears are so cute. But that’s the bait. Then, there’s the switch. Latifah repeatedly lectures moviegoers about how their way of life has changed forever because of global warming. We see weather patterns change and destroy the way of life for both polar bears and walruses. They can’t find food and starve to death. They are abandoned by their mothers. They are attacked by other starving animals. They have no safe place to live.
Cute little Nanu’s brother dies, first getting sick, then dying of starvation. Nanu, just two years old, is abandoned early by her mother and forced to fend for herself because global warming has hastened things and they must compete for food.
Throughout, haunting “Halloween” and “Psycho” style music playsin the background. I was waiting for Jason and Norman Bates to make cameo appearances.
Then, there is the fact that these humanized animals are all women. Single mothers and “aunties” raise polar bears and walruses, and the men are never around. They only approach for sex. Oh, and they attack starving young women who beg to share in a morsel of their food. Please tell your children that this dramatization of men as animals who are losers, boors, and creeps is fake. This is the animal kingdom, not the human world, no matter how badly Al Gore’s daughter and Queen Latifah want us to believe the two distinct worlds are identical.
The only thing your kids are spared are the usual graphic animal sex scenes, which are standard fare on “National Geographic” TV broadcasts. (Only brief animal kissing, hugging, and cuddling is shown.) Thank Heaven for small favors.
In the end, Queen Latifah asks about the polar world,

What will their children do if it disappears? What will ours do?

Do you really want to scare your little kids with this? Not if you’re a responsible parent.
Oh, and by the way, a lot of the movie is a lie. As Latifah tells it, global warming has changed everything forever within a year. But the footage for the film was shot by National Geographic for 15 years. Not a problem to lie to the kiddies to make a point. The ends justify the global warming means.
Save your money and rent “March of the Penguins,” instead. Taking your kids to see “Arctic Tale,” isn’t just subjecting them to propaganda.
It’s child abuse.

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10 Responses

Anthropogenic Global Warming is a fraud and it is just despicable that Hollywood has stooped so low to brainwash children just looking for some wholesome G rated movie.
It is bad enough that this fraud is taught in public schools as fact and trumpeted by the MSM. IMHO it is crossing the line to allow this blatant propaganda film to be marketed to children using scare tactics to hammer the message home.

ScottyDog on August 17, 2007 at 1:43 pm

Death at a funeral was brilliant. I recommend it to any adults. Very funny!

code7 on August 17, 2007 at 3:18 pm

Hollywood is trying to force their ideals on little children and teenagers in attempts to brainwash them but, a 15 y/o girl in CA can have an abortion without her parents consent. In otherwords:
Hollywood, “We want to control the minds of your children and teach them wrong from wrong, but when they fuck up its the parents fault.”

RadicalRightWinger on August 17, 2007 at 4:57 pm

Over the 10-year period as a whole, climate continues to warm and 2014 is likely to be 0.3 deg C warmer than 2004. The overall trend in warming is driven by greenhouse gas emissions but this warming effect will be broadly cancelled out over the next few years by the changing patterns of the ocean temperatures. Want more information click on

Tarun K Juyal on August 18, 2007 at 6:17 am

When algore, his pathetic daughter, and all the other marxists fail to convince the adult masses, they turn their attention to the little kiddies!!
Pick on ones your own size, mental midgets!!!!!!

God&America on August 18, 2007 at 9:35 pm

When algore, his pathetic daughter, and all the other marxists fail to convince the adult masses, they turn their attention to the little kiddies!!
Pick on ones your own size, mental midgets!!!!!!

God&America on August 18, 2007 at 9:35 pm

When algore, his pathetic daughter, and all the other marxists fail to convince the adult masses, they turn their attention to the little kiddies!!
Pick on ones your own size, mental midgets!!!!!!

God&America on August 18, 2007 at 9:35 pm

A good point, G&A — looks like algore hasn’t scammed enough green from the stooges who actually believe his bull-s–t movie, since only a few robots have rushed out to buy “carbon offsets” from a corporation he co-owns. Can’t maintain that huge mansion near Nashville, his jets, SUV’s, etc., unless the idiots are sending in the big bucks, tele-evangelist style.
So, involve your own daughter in a movie aimed directly at little kids, drag in a hack liberal movie actress to over-narrate the thing, put a cute polar bear mom and baby on the poster, completely mis-leading the public, then kill the animals, while the human babies are watching, unknowing and unwitting, and blame it all on “global warming” caused by who else: MAN! Horrible creature! He, and you too, mother and child, should be banned from this planet, since everything you do causes “GW” and kills baby animals (even if they’re actually being killed by other animals, as it always has been and forever will be).
BUT you can buy your way out of all this Guilt: just purchase your carbon “offsets,” plant a couple of trees, or pay a whole lot more in taxes to help “fix” the problems caused by man, and man alone. Algore rates right up there with serial killers and pedophiles in my “Respect” column.

theendisnear on August 20, 2007 at 12:40 am

Just got back from a breakfast meeting at PETA. You know the organization, People who Eat Tasty Animals. May go to another meeting at lunch time.

Joe B. on August 20, 2007 at 9:14 am

Thanks, Deb for the warning. I have to take issue with one little thing that you said.
” Please tell your children that this dramatization of men as animals who are losers, boors, and creeps is fake. This is the animal kingdom, not the human world, no matter how badly Al Gore’s daughter and Queen Latifah want us to believe the two distinct worlds are identical.”
Remember, in Queen Latifah’s world, men are not necessary. They have been replaced by the government sponsored welfare and Medicaid programs. This, in turn, allows the young black males to impregnate the girls and then go off with their male friends to avoid their paternal responsibilities. Not to mention that they cannot support their illegitimate offspring because they lack a good education–thanks to government operated schools. The presence of a man in the home automatically eliminates the government payments. Little boys with man-sized libidos can now avoid responsibilities, subsidized by taxpayer dollars.
This is also child abuse–and a great evil.

Loser on August 20, 2007 at 11:39 pm

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