March 20, 2008, - 6:03 pm

Obama’s Church Published HAMAS Manifesto – a BizzyBlog Scoop Ripped Off by WND/Aaron Klein

By Debbie Schlussel
I once made the mistake of writing for the nutjobs and phonies at World Net Daily, more aptly called World Nut Daily. But I got fed up with their horrid treatment and sabotage, in addition to Editor-in-Chief and bizarro Joseph Farah’s warm embrace of Hezbollah Congressman Darrell Issa and Anti-Israel, Anti-Semitic Neo-Nazi Justin Raimondo. And the site–under Farah’s “leadership”–published the anti-Semitic rantings of Jude Wanniski, a Louis Farrakhan advisor. By reading that site, you enable all of this.
Since then, World Nut Daily has repeatedly–and admittedly–plagiarized my writing and this site. And it has ripped off many other writers. Even after I called the site on it, Joseph Farah–a huge phony on Israel and terrorism (quit being so gullible and buying his carefully-calculated act–had the gall to beg me to return to his lackluster site. I told him where to go. And the site has kept on ripping me off.



Obama’s Church & “Uncle” Wright Embraced HAMAS

But now, WND is ripping off Tom Blumer of BizzyBlog, who has had a number of scoops. WND “reporter” Aaron Klein–who has famously plagiarized others and made up stories he’s later had to retract–labeled as a “WND exclusive” today, a huge scoop reported on Monday by Tom on BizzyBlog: that Barack Hussein Obama’s church published the HAMAS manifesto in its United Church of Christ newsletter, The Trumpet, in July of last year. As is well known–or should be by now–the HAMAS Manifesto calls for the murder of Jews and the elimination of Israel through extremely violent means.
If you look at this image from BizzyBlog of the newsletter and enlarge it, you will see that it is signed by Mousa Abu Marzook, HAMAS political director and federal indictee and fugitive. Marzook is living in Syria from where he helps run and direct HAMAS. Ironically, the bottom of the page says, “Sermon copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.” Clearly, even Rev. Wright can’t tell the difference between his own sermons and the HAMAS Manifesto.
Tom Blumer and BizzyBlog deserve full credit for this excellent scoop, the news of which Tom–not Aaron Klein or WND, phonies both–broke. Let this be a lesson: whenever you see, “Exclusive” atop anything at WorldNutDaily, that means they ripped it off from someone else. And whenever you don’t see that, they ripped it off, too. Or just flat out made it up.
And there’s more, Tom Blumer also reports, today, at BizzyBlog (expect to see this as an Aaron Klein/WND “Exclusive,” next week), that extremist Omid Safi of the falsely-named Progressive Muslim Union authored other material in the United Church of Christ newsletter. You can view that material here.
Congrats to Tom Blumer at BizzyBlog for breaking this important story that Barack Hussein Obama’s church endorsed the HAMAS Manifesto. Nauseating–but par for the course–that Aaron Klein and WND ripped him off.

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26 Responses

This is what is going to separate the real conservatives from the phony conservatives, first, do they cover the story, and second, if they cover it, do they give proper credit.

c f on March 20, 2008 at 6:33 pm

“Ironically, the bottom of the page says, “Sermon copyrighted by Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.” Clearly, even Rev. Wright can’t tell the difference between his own sermons and the HAMAS Manifesto.”
But clearly, that’s not what it says. It really says: Sermons copyrighted by . . .
And in the link you provide, Tom Blumer reports that this line runs on the bottom of every Parish Page.

Audacious on March 20, 2008 at 8:18 pm

Debbie, this whole thing is a bit like the OJ murder trial, but you can substitute left wing Jews for the black jurors from South Central. Our local Country Club Reform Rabbi published a piece saying it was OK for Jews to vote for Obama, etc. You could get video tape of him goose-stepping down Lake Shore and the Jews and Joy Behars of the world would say it was a smear campaign.

Anonymous1 on March 20, 2008 at 8:27 pm

which Jesus does pastor de zaster williams believe in? i am a christian and i totally denounce his doctrine.
he and his followers are deranged and perverted to be supporting the enemies of israel: by doing so they make themselves an enemy of the Holy One of Israel and the Messiah Yeshua.
the “christian” label(or disquise) that so many wear including hussein obama comes off quite readily when their stand on Israel becomes known:
Luke 2:34 And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary his mother, Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against;
35 (Yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also,) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.
as for joseph farah, i have never been impressed with him and i would like to hear more of what debbie schlussel has to say regarding his beliefs and practices.
forrest shalom

forrest shalom on March 20, 2008 at 8:40 pm

correction: “pastor” wright not williams…whatever

forrest shalom on March 20, 2008 at 8:51 pm

i just took a quick look at world net daily and i must confess there are some nutty “christian” columnists listed:
for starters:
mike evans: a jewish version of oral roberts.
and greg laurie a neo-pentecostal who is involved with the calvary chapel movement that was launched by acid dropping homosexual lonnie frisbee.
f s

forrest shalom on March 20, 2008 at 9:01 pm

here is an excellent dispensational(pro israel) bible teaching audio (free) ministry to check out if you are interested:
Shalom and God bless.
f s

forrest shalom on March 20, 2008 at 9:29 pm

Let me know when Obama channels Clarence Thomas’ “high tech lynching” comment.
The ONLY one discussing race right now? IS OBAMA. And he’s listening too – TO PASTOR WRIGHT

Barbara on March 20, 2008 at 9:51 pm

Audacious, once again you failed miserably in missing the point to Debbie’s story. Granted you couldn’t care less what the racist church prints in its bulletin, but rational people out there tend to care when the Hammas manefesto is being printed in church bulletins, especially a church b.o has been attending for 20 years. Shove your nose up his ass a little farther, you’re just about blind, but not quite yet.

wolf2012 on March 20, 2008 at 11:54 pm

A creep like Audacious, just denies everything & keeps saying “no, no no”, no matter what anyone says, or just keeps repeating his original argument, probably stays glued to his computer so’s to always have the last word, and answers without judgment, without intellect, & without any moral value. The mentality of this person really helps us understand the mentality of holocaust deniers; same thing, just keep answering “no, no, no,” no matter what is said, or raises these phony concerns. Everything is “ironic”; he misses or pretends to miss the point of everything that is written. As Mike Savage says, it is difficult to argue with someone who is insane or blind.

c f on March 21, 2008 at 12:37 am

Well said c f,
I was actually going to equate him to that of a two year old. You can explain the meaning of life to a two year old and all they are going to do is poop their pants, laugh, and drool all over themselves, in the end its best to lock them in their crib and turn off the light.

wolf2012 on March 21, 2008 at 12:56 am

According to this study, 78.4% of Americans are Christians, about 5% belong to all other faith and traditions and 16.1% are unaffiliated with any particular religion. Secular unaffiliated Americans account for 6.3% of the population; religious unaffiliated, 5.8%; atheists, 1.4% and agnostics, 2.4%.
Among the 5 % other faiths: Jews are 1.7%; Buddhists are 0.7%; Muslims are 0.6%; Hindus are 0.4%. Now if we do the math, America has only 1.8 millions Muslims in total. Questions remained to be answered: Where are those 6 or 7 millions Muslims in the United States of America? And why Muslims only (No Hindus or Buddhists ever did this) had been fooling people with their false propaganda for so long?,0,4582086.story

hutchrun on March 21, 2008 at 1:25 am

Well, yeah, I have found Joseph Farah pretty strange and didn’t think much of him for a number of position he took. This plagurizing I admit I wasn’t aware of. I guess I thought he was pro Israel. Also, I recently think more highly of him then in the past in that he is defending Michael Savage in this lawsuit with CAIR and it sounds to me that Farah legitimately doesn’t like CAIR either and CAIR didn’t want Farah to be in debates with CAIR because CAIR knew it would lose. That is what he told Michael Savage. I agree the plagurizing is wrong and certainlly does not show any good character or someone you trust and is a creep but I don’t know if he is a full blown antisemite. But thanks Debbie for the info as that is good to know. I have bought books from the conservative book club, which I learned recently some claim stiff’s on royalties, and now you have this with WOrld Net Daily which isn’t good either.

adam6275 on March 21, 2008 at 1:31 am

wolf and cf: “Audacious, once again you failed miserably in missing the point to Debbie’s story.”
Acutally, the point of the story is:
“WND is ripping off Tom Blumer of BizzyBlog, who has had a number of scoops. WND “reporter” Aaron Klein–who has famously plagiarized others and made up stories he’s later had to retract–labeled as a “WND exclusive” today, a huge scoop reported on Monday by Tom on BizzyBlog: that Barack Hussein Obama’s church published the HAMAS manifesto in its United Church of Christ newsletter.”
Did you two bother to click on the link? Tom Blumer doesn’t report that the newsletter reprinted the Hamas manifesto. In fact, he provides an update, three days later, that Aaron Klein of worldnetdaily reports this. Why is Blumer even acknowledging Klein, if Blumer had the scoop, as Debbie’s headline blares?

Audacious on March 21, 2008 at 8:30 am

It’s very interesting how you always try to point out little inconsistencies in Debbie’s articles while you totally ignore blatant contradictions related to your superstar Obamarama.
He is not suited to be president for at least 1 of 2 reasons. If he didn’t know about Wright’s sermons, he is incredibly blind and unaware of what is going on around him and would be a great danger as president.
If he did know, (which is surely the case) he is a liar and an adherent of a racist and violent philosophy which deserves only condemnation.

Facts of Life on March 21, 2008 at 9:27 am

Why does Rev. wright remind me of Jim Jones of the Peoples Temple?
Paranoid hate is a great motivator.

Walt from michigan on March 21, 2008 at 9:54 am

This all shows how he:
1. Enjoys going to a racist church, with a racist leader.
2. He/they are affiliated with known terrorists.
3. He is too stupid to realize that this is unacceptable.
4. He puts his flesh and blood grandmother in the same league as this disgusting racist preacher he chose to cozy up to.
5. He thinks it’s okay to socialize with enemies of the United States,and so do his supporters by association.
6. He doesn’t even belong in the service of the American people in any capacity due to the lack of character.

samurai on March 21, 2008 at 11:12 am

Samurai:This all shows how he:
1. Enjoys going to a racist church, with a racist leader.
Samurai, Reverend Wright has been delivering three-four sermons a week for the past 20 years. You’ve seen a brief video montage on FOX over and over again highlighting some very controversial statements that Senator Obama has unequivocally denounced. Obama has acknowledged hearing controversial statements from the pulpit, but he was not in attendance for the statements running ad nauseum on FOX, and did not hear the Reverend repeatedly deliver controversial sermons.
2. He/they are affiliated with known terrorists.
Relax. Obama backs the Bush administration’s policy of shunning contact with the Islamic militants of Hamas in its Middle East peace diplomacy. To quote him directly: “You can’t negotiate with somebody who does not recognize the right of a country to exist so I understand why Israel doesn’t meet with Hamas,” Obama said.
3. He is too stupid to realize that this is unacceptable.
Obama stupid? It’s quite difficult to agree with you that the former editor of the Harvard Law Review, publisher of two best-sellers, seven years in the Illinois State Senate, two as Senator, and the front-runner as the Democratic candidate for President is a stupid man.
4. He puts his flesh and blood grandmother in the same league as this disgusting racist preacher he chose to cozy up to.
What exactly did Obama say about his grandmother? Here it is:
“I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother – a woman who helped raise me, a woman who sacrificed again and again for me, a woman who loves me as much as she loves anything in this world, but a woman who once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street, and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe.”
He’s denounced the Pastor’s un-American viewpoints, called him wrong-headed, but he cannot and will not disown the man who brought Christ into Obama’s life. Yes, he equates the Pastor with his grandmother, on two totally different levels — candidly and honestly.
5. He thinks it’s okay to socialize with enemies of the United States,and so do his supporters by association.
You bet I do. Chinese general Sun-tzu was quite correct when he said “keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” Diplomacy and negotiation are key factors in the Obama campaign.
6. He doesn’t even belong in the service of the American people in any capacity due to the lack of character.
Samurai, I urge you now to rethink your position on Senator Obama and join Susan Eisenhower ( and myself in supporting Obama in November.
Thanks for reading.

Audacious on March 21, 2008 at 12:36 pm

as usual your points are weak. I could no more support Obama than I could David Duke or any other racist supporting candidate. Funny how every lib is so willing to dismiss Wright as wrong headed but wanted Imus out of a job for far less.
Thanks for reading.

samurai on March 21, 2008 at 12:43 pm

Audacious, you are wasting your breath. Your problem is that you are debating with theses people as if they are rational, sentient beings. Believe me they are not. They don’t respond well to reason or logic, they come here simply to vent their hatred.

No Pasaran! on March 21, 2008 at 1:07 pm

I guess we are now getting two for the price of one — Audacious & No Pasaran. Although I still see little difference between Obama & Hillary, I do have to admit that there is a difference between their supporters. Not that I think Hillary’s supporters are anything to write home about, but at least the ones on these blogs are not left-wing anti-Semitic nuts like the Obama supporters we’re witnessing on this blog.

c f on March 21, 2008 at 3:38 pm

No Pasaran,
@No Pasaran Audacious, you are wasting your breath. Your problem is that you are debating with theses people as if they are rational, sentient beings. Believe me they are not. They don’t respond well to reason or logic, they come here simply to vent their hatred.
This is very funny coming from you considering that you represent the totally emotion driven illogical left. Your scare talk to 1shot1kill indicates that you have the proper servile and dhimmi attitude that you need for your Islamic masters who will soon take over your Eurabian country.
The liberals are totally illogical in their forgiveness of any violation or murderous activity by minorities or Muslims. They absolutely don’t present any logical arguments for their positions. They simply curse and threaten those that don’t agree with their twisted immorality which passes for morality.
Audacious certainly is not logically consistent in that he nitpicks on points here and ignores the blatant failures of B Hussein Osamabama. Liberals and outmoded socialists and logic is an oxymoron.

Facts of Life on March 21, 2008 at 3:52 pm

Facts of Life
Bada bing bada boom. Right on.

samurai on March 22, 2008 at 12:34 am

After what you say about WND and Aaron Klein, I’m curious: Have you seen Klein’s new book [NAME DELETED BY DEBBIE, NOT WISHING TO PROMOTE THE PLAGIARIZED “WORK” OF AARON KLEIN]? Are the stories in there about his meetings with various terror groups real or made up?

RepublicanPatriot on March 22, 2008 at 9:55 am

showup konefka filmy konefka

na tym blogu on December 23, 2013 at 11:44 pm


??????????? on June 11, 2014 at 11:12 am

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