April 12, 2011, - 4:12 pm
French Burqa (& Niqab) Ban Attacks Symptoms, Not the Problem
There’s a lot of hype over France’s burqa (and niqab–full ninja face veil) ban, which began yesterday. But save your applause. It simply treats a symptom of the problem–the threat–that France won’t face: Islam.
Burqa Family Photo: “Your Sister’s Prettier”
The $215 fine is like treating skin lesions but allowing the cancer that causes them to spread and metastasize. It doesn’t make sense. But that’s what cowards do: they are afraid to vocalize and publicize the problem, so they, instead, go after something they know will be slightly less controversial and more palatable. It simply doesn’t go far enough.
France has an immigration problem. Its population may be as much as 25% Muslim and will certainly be majority Muslim in 20-50 years, perhaps sooner. France doesn’t even know for sure how many Muslims it has because for years, it looked the other way–as America mostly does–on Islamic immigration, much of it illegal. The country only briefly deported a few of the most extremist Muslim clerics and others, but that’s like saying I’ll only surgically remove the most cancerous cancer and leave the rest to spread. It just doesn’t work that way.
Another Reason to Ban the Burka . . .
France’s problem is not people wearing burqas or niqabs who attack Jews on the streets for “looking Jewish” and kidnap other Jews, torturing them to death, as happened to the late Ilan Halimi, of Blessed Memory. Its problem is Muslims who do these things. Its problem is mosques and schools and imams and teachers who preach that this is okay. And as long as you let Muslims into your borders, you will keep getting this barbarism on your streets. People don’t have annual riots burning cars on Paris streets because they wear burqas or niqabs. They do it because they are Muslim and have no regard for those who are not.
But Black is so Slimming!
So while you and I may think that it’s good that French law requires us to be able to see a woman’s face (and I wish we had such a law here, since we do have, in various American locales, such laws for White Christian Klansmen, just not the Muslim variety), it is merely a cosmetic law. The only way to get at the heart of the problem is to limit Muslim immigration–not just from Islamic nations but from everywhere.
France doesn’t have the guts to do this. And neither do we. And that’s why in the contest of guts, the West will eventually lose to Islam.
We’re simply too polite. Too worried about being called bigots by those who want to mass murder us.
Tags: Borders, burka ban, burqa, burqa ban, face veil, fine, France, Immigration, Islam, Muslim, niqab, open borders
You’re spot on Debbie, but at least it’s a step in the right direction. I wonder if we’d have the courage to enforce such a law here as PC as the U.S. is. And as for the teachings inside the mosques, it would be nice if there were people paying attention to that in all the various mosques, as you have done, so that we could be aware of anti-Western or anti-U.S. sentiment that may be being bred there.
Brian on April 12, 2011 at 4:32 pm