March 18, 2008, - 11:30 pm

The Highbrow World of B Hussein O’s Nation of Islam Buds, Plus Video

By Debbie Schlussel
Don’t let the bow-ties fool you. That’s about the only civilized thing about Barack Hussein Obama’s friends at the Nation of Islam.
Yes, that’s right–Obama remains a fan of the Nation of Islam and won’t denounce it (only Farrakhan). As I’ve noted Obama reluctantly distanced himself from NOI leader Louis Farrakhan, but–since he has NOI figures in key, top staffing positions in his U.S. Senate office–he has never condemned the NOI and never will. They’ll be with him at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
But, thankfully, utility workers don’t need to worry about going to the White House to turn off utilities for unpaid bills. Going anywhere near “The Final Call” is hazard duty:

2 Final Call newspaper employees charged in assault on utility worker
Attack alleged after Peoples Gas worker attempted to shut off service

By Jeremy Gorner, Tribune reporter


9:55 PM CDT, March 18, 2008
Two employees of the Final Call newspaper are facing charges after allegedly attacking a utility worker who was shutting off gas service Monday at the paper’s office on the city’s South Side.
Wali Muhammad, 22, and Marc Muhammad, 41, both of Chicago, each were charged with aggravated battery in the alleged assault of a Peoples Gas worker outside the Final Call, the newspaper of the Nation of Islam.
A judge set bail at $25,000 each Tuesday.
Marc Muhammad allegedly grabbed the worker’s jackhammer and pushed him into a wall. Wali Muhammad, who is not related to Marc, also allegedly pushed the worker into a wall and threatened him. The employee was not injured.

Yes, the “Religion of Peace” is so very peaceful in every single one of its manifested factions in America.
Here’s the video:

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25 Responses

Let me get this, Obama’s racist “Christian” Pastor curses America. Calls Israel a “dirty word”. And Obama gets to arrogantly lecture America about racism of the past and the New York Times says “Barack Obama delivered a sweeping assessment of race in America on Tuesday, bluntly confronting the divisions between black and white as he sought to dispel the furor over inflammatory statements by his former pastor.” Instead of apologizing for him. And since when does consider Israel a ali? His Pastor curses Israel. All the democrates want to see Palestine.
Has the world gone mad?! Christians are supposed to forgive 77×7 times a day. But Obama’s pastor Revy (racist) Wright(Muslims hiding) curses America? The Bible if you do not forgive God will not forgive you. Obama thinks disagreeing with your Pastor is putting up with curseing America making high treasonous racist statements, hating biblical historical Israel.
But NYTIMES says Obama’s speech regarding the evil racist statements by the Racist Revy Wright, Obama gets to lecture America about it’s past??? “Bluntly confronting divisions in America?” This is total media bias in favor of Barrack and Obama arrogance. No wonder he thinks he is a god. No wonder he thinks he’s a Messiah. All this very sickening.
And I’m a brow face too………………

dannygirl on March 19, 2008 at 9:56 am

It’s all smoke and mirrors which doesn’t amount to dogsquat in the end. Obama, Wright, and Calypso Louie are outright racists and bigots in the same mold as Jesse Jackson and Al “Not so Sharpton”.
Obama’s speech was an insult to the intelligence and integrity of the American people.

1shot1kill on March 19, 2008 at 10:56 am

I agree with Sen. Obama that we need some dialogue on racial matters. I would like to see some dialogue on affirmative action, where blacks get preference in virtually everything over beter-qualfied whites and Asians. I would like to see dialogue on “racial profiling”, where blacks get preferential treatment for motor vehicle violations, just a rap on the kunckles for many crimes that they should get stiffer penalties for, discussion about the disproportionate rates of black crime, discussion about disproportionately black welfare cheaters, discussion about the disporportionate number of broken black “families” which are subsidized by taxpayers. In spite of all this preferential treatment, all Obama, many, many black ministers and other black poverty p—s just complain and complain. Let’s include in the dialogue a discussion about curbing some of the wasteful taxpayer spending. Let’s discuss all the unnecessary “social” and “psychological” services in the schools, and all the money they are wasting.

c f on March 19, 2008 at 11:12 am

to liberal leftist crowd Obama walks on water. Angels weep and throw roses at his left feet.
I can image Yahweh the God of Israel weeps at at lying hyprocrosy in praise for this muslim hiding.

dannygirl on March 19, 2008 at 11:31 am

Thank you Winjammer,
“My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world.
I hope you’ll join with me as we try to change it.” — Barack Obama
Enough said.

wolf2012 on March 19, 2008 at 11:51 am

And I’m a brow face too………………”
Maybe you should consult a plastic surgeon?

No Pasaran! on March 19, 2008 at 12:54 pm

No Pasaran,
That comment is no pasaran. Maybe you should consult a brain surgeon about it.

Facts of Life on March 19, 2008 at 1:04 pm

“That comment is no pasaran. Maybe you should consult a brain surgeon about it.”
Ahhh those conservatives, they’re just so darn witty aren’t they?

No Pasaran! on March 19, 2008 at 1:15 pm

Ahhh, those liberal lap-lickers like No Pasaran are so darn acerbic, aren’t they?
NO! Just pathetic little dweebs. Why don’t you go back in your corner and wipe the glazed doughnut look off your face…

1shot1kill on March 19, 2008 at 2:17 pm

1shit1kill – enjoy your freedom while you still have it.
I’m sure President Obama’s future Secret Service Detail have you on their hit-list. You’ve been way to vocal in your hatred.

No Pasaran! on March 19, 2008 at 2:47 pm

No Pasaran,
That’s “I’m a brown face too”. Means, I’m a black woman who will not just vote for someone just because of color. Nor, do I carry around a racist chip on my shoulder. I hate what Obama has been getting away with. He has acomplished nothing and will use race when it is conveinient for him. Then Charge America with Racism. Obama and Rev Wright are not christians. Rev Wright is less of Christian than Obama. But neither are Christian. His Reverend hates America and has cursed America and Israel. The bible says if you hate you are a murder and no murderer can into heaven. Read 1 john 1-5. It speaks much about love and what is not love. Obama’s Pastor and mentor teaches hate.
Dude, If you are Obama supporter, you are really sad. Then you will have about as much characther as Obama. Which he has none. He lies in everything he has said. And so, have at it dude.

dannygirl on March 19, 2008 at 4:18 pm

No Pasaran,
That’s “I’m a brown face too”. Means, I’m a black woman who will not just vote for someone just because of color.”
No sh!t, sherlock.
“Nor, do I carry around a racist chip on my shoulder. I hate what Obama has been getting away with. He has acomplished nothing and will use race when it is conveinient for him. Then Charge America with Racism.”
Well America IS racist* – so no problem for me there.
“Obama and Rev Wright are not christians.”
Excellent news.
” Rev Wright is less of Christian than Obama. But neither are Christian.”
“His Reverend hates America and has cursed America and Israel. The bible says if you hate you are a murder and no murderer can into heaven. Read 1 john 1-5. It speaks much about love and what is not love. Obama’s Pastor and mentor teaches hate.”
Sorry, as an atheist I have no interest in reading your fairy tales.
“Dude, If you are Obama supporter, you are really sad. ”
No way. Obama is too right-wing for me.
“Then you will have about as much characther as Obama. Which he has none. He lies in everything he has said. And so, have at it dude.”
You think adding the word ‘dude’ to the end of your paragraphs is going to convince people you are black?
*As is everywhere else, of course.

No Pasaran! on March 19, 2008 at 4:51 pm

No Parasan must translate to mean Richard Cranium.
My guess is that if I were standing in the same room with NP that he/she/it would not have the spine to say the words to my face he/she/it has written here trying to belittle everyone.
Socialists, marxists and communists are cowards!!

newinnewark on March 19, 2008 at 4:54 pm

“Socialists, marxists and communists are cowards!!”
Ah you should have been with us in Digbeth in 1982.
The National Front squealed like stuk pigs as our housebricks rained down on their skulls.
It’s amazing how quickly the alleged ‘master race’ turned to jelly when they realised that salty taste in their mouth was their own blood.
We learned that day that you far-right types talk a good macho game, but they can’t walk the talk.
There’s nothing wrong with nazis that a well-aimed molotov cocktail can’t cure.

No Pasaran! on March 19, 2008 at 5:02 pm

dannygirl: “The bible says if you hate you are a murder and no murderer can into heaven.”
What will you say to Saint Peter when you arrive at the Pearly Gates and he reads you back some of your posts here regarding the Islamic faith? I’m afraid he’s going to throw the switch and it will be straight to you-know-where for you!
Repent now, or at least finish high school.

Audacious on March 19, 2008 at 5:05 pm

In the last few weeks, this blog has been infested by Hussein Obama liberals, anti-semites and Muslims. The purpose of all of them is to stifle discussion, and more importantly to try to reduce the influence of, or silence this blog.
This is one of the very few blogs on the internet that has consistently fought against Muslim totalitarianism, and has been a leader in exposing Hussein Obama’s gutter ties.
It is not a coincidence that these maggots are spewing their garbage at exactly the time that B. Hussein Obama is loosing strength, and when a real question is being raised whether he will successfully win the nomination, much less the election.
They are desparate to silence the opposition to him, because they want to salvage is candidacy, and blogs like this stand in his way. Some of them, like the abominable No Pasaran, have even threatened other bloggers. If they can’t intimidate people, they at least want to coursen the discussion, and drive down the level of discussion so it just becomes a bunch of insults traded back and forth.
WE NEED TO SHOW THEM WE WILL NOT BE INTIMATED, AND WE WILL NOT LET THEM DICTATE THE DIRECTION OF THE DISCUSSION. Virtually none of their comments are worth even responding to, and we have to keep going and strenghen this blog, and blogs like it until these creeps crawl back in their holes.

c f on March 19, 2008 at 6:49 pm

“This is one of the very few blogs on the internet that has consistently fought against Muslim totalitarianism, and has been a leader in exposing Hussein Obama’s gutter ties.”
Gutter ties in your language means ‘he knows some black people’.
We knew that already.
“It is not a coincidence that these maggots are spewing their garbage at exactly the time that B. Hussein Obama is loosing strength…”
Erm, hate to dissapoint ya, but he’s up 2 points in the opinion polls today.
“… and when a real question is being raised whether he will successfully win the nomination, much less the election.”
Well he’s won more votes, more states and more delegates.
Can you think of a single reason in a democracy that he wouldn’t win the nomination?
You DO believe in democracy don’t you?
“They are desparate to silence the opposition to him, because they want to salvage is candidacy, and blogs like this stand in his way. ”
No they don’t. You over-rate your importance. You people are on the political fringes of American society. Nobody cares what the far-right thinks anymore.
“Some of them, like the abominable No Pasaran, have even threatened other bloggers.”
This is a flat out lie, if you had any decency about you at all, you would be deeply ashamed of yourself
I have never threatened anyone on this site.”
Oh, and one other point. I’m not actually an Obama supporter. He’s a moderate conservative and I’m a socialist.
” If they can’t intimidate people, they at least want to coursen the discussion…”
I’m sorry?
You call anyone who disagrees with you “maggots” you libel me, and then you have the nerve to say WE coursen (sic) the discussion??
Where do you get off?
“.. and drive down the level of discussion so it just becomes a bunch of insults traded back and forth.”
Oh purleaze, spare us the amateur dramatics.
“Virtually none of their comments are worth even responding to, and we have to keep going and strenghen this blog…”
In other words you have no idea HOW to respond, except for the old far-right fall-back of insults, smears and lies.
“..and blogs like it until these creeps crawl back in their holes.”
There you go again, see?
You “coursen” the conversation!

No Pasaran! on March 19, 2008 at 7:13 pm

You said, “Obama and Rev Wright are not christians. Rev Wright is less of Christian than Obama.”
We as human beings are not in a position to judge whether someone has accepted Christ as their savior and is a true Christian. Only God can do that. Saying and doing bad things does not take away one’s salvation, although you still have to deal with the consequences of your actions (God is not mocked…you sow what you reap!). If you look throughout the Bible, God’s prophets, disciples, and followers were composed of some pretty flawed folks. Even David, a “man after God’s own heart” was a murderer, an adulturer, and a ruthless warrior in combat.
Americans have a very warped sense of what Christianity actually is, which is understandable, since studies show that less than 11% of American folks who call themselves Christians actually engage in any real Bible study. Those who do know that folks in the Bible were real people who said and did things real people do and weren’t floating around with halos over their head. For example, the American image of Jesus is of some wimpy, soft-looking dude with long hair and a halo walking around holding a lamb. That really doesn’t match up with the Jesus of the Bible. And what some of the Old Testament Hebrew prophets said about ancient Israel rivals anything Jeremiah Wright may have said about America. I am not by any means saying you have to like Obama or Wright or like what they say. But I do think you are treading on dangerous ground when you question someone’s salvation based on your own view on what a Christian is or is not.

JibberJabber on March 19, 2008 at 7:30 pm

“…since studies show that less than 11% of American folks who call themselves Christians actually engage in any real Bible study.”
Interestingly, I read that there is nowhere near enough capacity in America’s churches to accommodate everyone who claims that they attend church every Sunday. If they all did go to church they would have to be queuing up in the car-park to hear the sermon.

No Pasaran! on March 19, 2008 at 7:35 pm

It’s a crying shame that No Parasan’s parents were allowed to breed and produce such a low life P.O.S.

newinnewark on March 19, 2008 at 7:37 pm

“You think adding the word ‘dude’ to the end of your paragraphs is going to convince people you are black?”
Lol! Well, what can I say, I’m laid back guitarist. Lol!

dannygirl on March 19, 2008 at 8:03 pm

Is that it, newinnewark?
That’s very weak.
Is that really the best you can do?
If you are going to insult people at least do it with some kind of wit or intelligence.

No Pasaran! on March 19, 2008 at 8:04 pm

I don’t know if you are Christian or no. But if one don’t believe in the bible and what say actually means what it says, then what would ones salvation be based on? That’s only speaking for the Christian, of course.

dannygirl on March 19, 2008 at 8:07 pm

“Lol! Well, what can I say, I’m laid back guitarist. Lol!”
There you go you see, you can do something useful.
Anyway, much as I’d love to chat with you all night, it’s past 1 a.m. and I’m very tired, so I’ll wish you a fond adieu.

No Pasaran! on March 19, 2008 at 8:09 pm

I’m am very much a Christian based on my profession of faith found in Romans 10:9. The way I was taught says that salvatio is a result of God’s grace and Christ’s resurrection, and not something that we can earn or have taken away. And I was taught that only GOD knows what’s truly in our hearts, so we’re not in a position to judge whether another person is a “Christian” or not. Now we can call them out if we feel their behavior does not reflect their profession of faith (for example, Rev. Wright!), but we are not in a position to question their salvation or whether they are a true “Christian” or not.
The reason I mentioned the lack of Bible study among Christians is a result of posts I’m reading on the Web as a result of the Rev. Wright/Obama controversy. People calling themselves Christians seem to have this rose-colored view of how “real” Christians are supposed to walk and talk. They make me wonder if they ever picked up a Bible and read how Christ really walked and talked, how mentally and physically tough his disciples had to be to walk with Him, how strong the language the Old Testament Hebrew prophets used against the Isralites (God’s Chosen) when they acted a fool, how God chose some of the most unorthodox people to do some of the most profound things. Have they actually read the language Jesus used against the religious “leaders” of his time (he wasn’t very “nice”), have the actually read the of the extensive wars and brutality it took for the chosen people of Israel to maintain their existence.
I’ve had a chance to travel and have seen Christ worshipped in many different ways. Just because someone does not worship in a manner we prefer or says some crazy things does not make them any less “Christian”. Remember, people thought John the Baptist was a nut and that the apostle Paul was a criminal and a heretic. We can disagree with the statements and actions of fellow believers….we may think they’re misguided and wrong as two left shoes, but their salvation (their eternal status in God’s kingdom) is known by and up to God, not us.

JibberJabber on March 20, 2008 at 12:34 am

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