March 17, 2008, - 1:40 pm

B Hussein O Pants on Fire: Stark Evidence that Obama Lied About Rev. Jeremiah “Shabbos” Wright AND Rezko

By Debbie Schlussel
If you’re one of the Pied Piper followers who actually believes Barack Hussein Obama’s lies that he and Michelle Hussein Obama had no idea of the hatred for Jews, America, White people, and even the kitchen sink after over two decades of a tight relationship with this man who married them, perhaps this quote from over a year ago in the New York Times might persuade you otherwise (then again, probably not, since logic never enters into the I Heart Obama equation):

According to the pastor, Mr. Obama then told him, “You can get kind of rough in the sermons, so what we’ve decided is that it’s best for you not to be out there in public.”


And there’s this comment from that same article–again from over a year ago–from Obama’s spokesman Bill Burton:

Senator Obama is proud of his pastor and his church, but because of the type of attention it was receiving on blogs and conservative talk shows, he decided to avoid having statements and beliefs being used out of context and forcing the entire church to defend itself.

Hmmm . . . what statements? What beliefs? I thought he just found this stuff out last week, over a year later. Right?
One more time, this is from over a year ago, from March 6, 2007. Obama did not dispute this. It B Hussein O’s pastor saying Obama was well aware of his nuclear-explosion-and-brimstone sermons. And get this, he hates Jews, but then invokes the Yiddish reference to the Jewish Sabbath–“Shabbos” (uh, no thanks, Rev. Wright). And the anti-White stuff was in this article. So, Obama was not aware of this NYTimes article about his own campaign from over a year ago? Hello . . . . :

The Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., senior pastor of the popular Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago and spiritual mentor to Senator Barack Obama, thought he knew what he would be doing on Feb. 10, the day of Senator Obama’s presidential announcement.
After all, back in January, Mr. Obama had asked Mr. Wright if he would begin the event by delivering a public invocation.
But Mr. Wright said Mr. Obama called him the night before the Feb. 10 announcement and rescinded the invitation to give the invocation.
“Fifteen minutes before Shabbos I get a call from Barack,” Mr. Wright said in an interview on Monday, recalling that he was at an interfaith conference at the time. “One of his members had talked him into uninviting me,” Mr. Wright said, referring to Mr. Obama’s campaign advisers.
Some black leaders are questioning Mr. Obama’s decision to distance his campaign from Mr. Wright because of the campaign’s apparent fear of criticism over Mr. Wright’s teachings, which some say are overly Afrocentric to the point of excluding whites.

Remember, this article is from over a year ago. Obama knew then. And he’s lying now. Don’t elect this liar for Prez.
Then, there’s this other nugget from today’s Wall Street Journal about Tony Rezko. In addition to Obama admitting over the weekend that he underestimated the amount of contributions donated to him through Tony Rezko by $100,000 (Rezko’s peeps donated $250,000 to Obama, not “just” $150,000), Rezko never gave a dime to Obama:

Mr. Rezko hasn’t donated to Sen. Obama’s presidential campaign.

That’s of interest, since–as I’ve noted–the majority of the donors to Obama, that came to Obama from Antoin “Tony” Rezko are Muslims and Arabs. Since Rezko didn’t donate a dime directly, Rezko apparently got the word from Obama that he couldn’t, himself, donate to Obama, and Obama apparently put that word out and let it be known that he could take money indirectly.
If he wasn’t going to accept money from Rezko, how did he know that $250,000 worth of donors were connected to Rezko and who they were? Because he WAS, indeed, going to accept money from Rezko and he did. That’s how. And he got caught. Oh, and when is he going to give “the house that Tony bought”–“Rezko Manor”–back?
Obama cannot have it both ways. He’s repeatedly changed his story about when he learned of Rezko’s criminal shenanigans for which he was later indicted. He clearly was aware of it, even at the time he accepted the structured transaction for the Obama house, “Rezko Manor.” And even if he wasn’t, he was certainly aware of it at the point at which he announced he was running for Prez, last year. And even after that he knowingly took money garnered for him by Rezko, even if Rezko himself did not donate. This was no accident. It was all very clearly by design.
That is proof that Obama and Rezko knew of the source of the money, but were trying to hide and launder it from public scrutiny of the true donor. That the conduit donors of the $250K were mostly Muslim Arabs should be a hint on which side the Obama bread is buttered.
Can you afford to have this lying con artist occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?
I cannot. And that’s why, for the first time in my life, I will identify as a Democrat to vote in the Michigan Primary redo, so that I can vote for Hillary Rodham Cankles Clinton. She’s the less evil of two lessers.

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37 Responses

I’m sure we will get the best president that money can buy…….

Shootist on March 17, 2008 at 2:24 pm

More to the point, Debbie – someone who doesn’t know the ideas and teachings of someone he’s personally known for twenty years is is not only a liar – he’s delusional.
We may well have to accept that politicians shade the truth. But we shouldn’t accept a President completely out of touch with reality. The real world is a very dangerous place and a candidate who spouts feel good platitudes won’t make us safer in it.

NormanF on March 17, 2008 at 2:26 pm

“If he wasn’t going to accept money from Rezko, how did he know that $250,000 worth of donors were connected to Rezko and who they were? Because he WAS, indeed, going to accept money from Rezko and he did. That’s how. And he got caught. Oh, and when is he going to give “the house that Tony bought”–“Rezko Manor”–back?
Obama cannot have it both ways. He’s repeatedly changed his story about when he learned of Rezko’s criminal shenanigans for which he was later indicted. He clearly was aware of it, even at the time he accepted the structured transaction for the Obama house, “Rezko Manor.” And even if he wasn’t, he was certainly aware of it at the point at which he announced he was running for Prez, last year. And even after that he knowingly took money garnered for him by Rezko, even if Rezko himself did not donate. This was no accident. It was all very clearly by design.”
These paragraphs are very difficult to follow.
Why should he give the house back? This was not an illegal transaction. He put down the best offer for the house.

Audacious on March 17, 2008 at 2:46 pm

Although i fully agree with what you are saying since when has this country punished the politicians that lie? I cant think of one since i have followed politics.

Skoch44 on March 17, 2008 at 2:58 pm

Lest we forget, HOPRAH also attends this church and has said repeatedly how she feels inspired by Jeremiah Wrights sermons. I guess while she’s in church, she’s just sooo happy to chant along about the rich white oppressors holding her people under their thumb, while Monday morning she’s out cashing the rich white men’s and women’s checks that have risen her to the wealth and status she holds so dear. Remember her angle network, that money is going to Africa to build and educate disenfranchised black girls. Too bad about a year ago one of the teachers at the school was accused of molesting the girls, I guess thats why we havn’t seen Oprah there in over a year for one of her photo opps, asking for more money.
And speaking of BO, he only gave about 10% of that dirty money from Rezco to some unknown charity. He has never said which charity he benefacted the money too—probably the Rezco charity defense fund.
The most commical thing about all this is that the same liberals, democrassts, who follow this slithering serpent, are the exact same ones who just a few short years ago were vehemently decrying the harsh media towards their beloved saviours, Bill and Hillary Clinton. My friends who are stanch Democrats just a year ago, were rabid in their arguments about how Hillary would be the best choice to run our country, now they denounce Hillary and have taken on the war cries of B. Hussein O. Trying to enact a free thinking idea out of liberals is like expecting a baby to understand algebra.

wolf2012 on March 17, 2008 at 3:06 pm

I love Sen. Obama like a brother, but I gotta call “Bullshit” on this one. Obama had to know about Jeremiah Wright and how he preaches and what he preaches. Hell, I’m in Texas, hundreds of miles from Chicago, and I’ve known for 15 years how crazy Rev. Wright is. Sen. Obama was sitting right there in his Church in Chicago, so he had to know how he is. Good or bad, the guy has a national reputation.
But you know, no matter how crazy and far-left his statements have been, I have never heard of any incident in which he called for his congregation to harm to any group of people or preached the inferiority of any group of people. I have NEVER heard any reference to him hating “Jews” or White folks. I’m familiar with older Pastors like Rev. Wright….many of them lived through or saw their parents go through some pretty ugly racial incidents in 20th Century America and their anger over those experiences is definitely reflected in how they preach and the topics of their sermons. Now people are asking if Rev. Wright’s message is what’s being heard in Black Churches across America…..Please. The reason Rev. Wright is so well known in Black religious circles is that he is one of the few Black ministers in America that still preaches the “God of the Oppressed” kind of sermons. Many others are on the “Prosperity Gospel” bandwagon or preach whatever their denominational doctrine dictates, which is cool. And if you look at the popular Black Megachurch preachers now who were born during the baby boom, their message is totally different from a Rev. Wright (TD Jakes, Cleflo Dollar, Eddie Long, Carleton Pearson, Paul Morton) because their experiences have been different from the Black men of Rev. Wright’s generation.
I’m a little confused on why people are calling Rev. Wright an “America Hater” and a vicious bigot because he criticized America’s power structure and its treatment of “the least of these”. This is a man who served in the Marines and in the Navy, which is more military service than most of his “ultra-patriotic” critics have done. So yes, I definitely believe Rev. Wright got carried away and went way over the line in some of his statements. However, did the Old Testament Hebrew prophets who spoke out so strongly on Israel’s sins hate Israel? I think folks are confusing criticizing America with hating America and confusing hating White racism with hating White people….the two are NOT one in the same.

JibberJabber on March 17, 2008 at 3:11 pm

Very well put, Jibber Jabber. I had no idea Reverend Wright hated Jews either.

Audacious on March 17, 2008 at 3:17 pm

I have listened to over a hundred hours of Jeremiah’s seromons since December 2007, when I started my research on Barack, none of his sermons carry a message of hope or even of Christ’s love and sacrifice. Nothing this man have ever talked about related to scripture(four gospels)It has been his own self possessed reasoning of what he feels Jesus must have meant. Exaclty the same ideology that Imam’s use the Quran, the scripture is in the Quran but its always how the Imam interprets what Mohammad must have meant. I own several Quran’s, I bought them while I was living in Turkey, and each one has a different explanation under the scripture above, it depends on which Imam translated the scripture for his flock.
And yes, I’ve heard several of Wright’s sermons where he called the Jews, dirty oppressors, and he refers to Israel as the dirty word. AND again, actions always speak louder than words, an award to the most rabid hater of Israel and the Jew’s second only to HITLER, Louis Farrakan. You can’t give awards to the largest detractor of Isreal and then claim that you really do love Jews. Give me an Effing break!

wolf2012 on March 17, 2008 at 3:33 pm

And if Jeremiah is a peacefull all knowing minister, than why was his degree in seminary school focused primarily on Islam and not christianity, and when he graduated, not a single Baptist church which he applied to would ever touch him with a ten foot pole, he ended up as a pastor for a huminism church. I have been to several Baptists churches in my travels and yes, their preaching is about praising G-d, and Jesus, not screaming G-d Damn Amerikkka

wolf2012 on March 17, 2008 at 3:57 pm

wolf2012: “I have listened to over a hundred hours of Jeremiah’s seromons since December 2007”

Audacious on March 17, 2008 at 4:05 pm

Although I understand the motivations of voting for Hillary over Obama, I wouldn’t be able to do it myself. First, I don’t think that her criticisms of Obama are substantive. For instance with Farakhan, Hillary has no qualms abut cozying up to black luntics like Sharpton, and I would not expect her to take the Nation of Islam head on. If she ever did, I would rethink my opinion.
She & her husband have a long history of campaign contributions from people associated to one degree or another with Communist China, and radical Arab countries, such as Bill’s $20 mm retainer & lobbying work for Arab countries. She won’t release her tax returns, so we can’t see who else she might be getting money from.
Domestically I see little difference between them. Hillary is more sophisticated than Obama, and unlike Bill in 1992, she has now had 16 years of experience of getting her supporters to watch their rhetorical statements, but I think both of them would be disastrous in domestic and foreign policy. Also, while Obama’s advisors have made trips to Saudi Arabia, probably to make accomodations with them, Hillary had advisors right there with them.

c f on March 17, 2008 at 4:23 pm

Audacious, Actually I have, either on Utube or from the church’s website, or on the radio.
Thats what informed people do, we read, listen and investigate before having an opinion. Which clearly you have done none of the above, except spout your ill informed opinions based on nothing but the delusions within your own mind. Having read numerous posts penned by you on this web site it is clear that you are either a Muslim sympathying jihadist, a member of the black panther party, or simply an okie doke white fool obama loves to laugh at behind your back.

wolf2012 on March 17, 2008 at 4:34 pm

wolf2012: “And if Jeremiah is a peacefull all knowing minister, than why was his degree in seminary school focused primarily on Islam and not christianity, and when he graduated, not a single Baptist church which he applied to would ever touch him with a ten foot pole, he ended up as a pastor for a huminism church”
Wolf, can you enlighten me and point me to a link on the net that will tell me more about the Reverend’s degree and more about baptish churches not giving him the time of day.
No need for hysterics and calling me a jijadist. Just please keep it civil.

Audacious on March 17, 2008 at 4:50 pm

Here you go for anyone who is interested,,1,271630.story?ctrack=1&cset=true&page=2&coll=chi-religion-topheadlines
Its an article that speaks very highly of Jeremiah Wright, and his close personal relationship with Barack O. over the past 20 years. Take out of it what you want, every side will pull the information they want to praise or condem, ultimately the truth know’s no right or wrong, it simply just IS.

wolf2012 on March 17, 2008 at 5:34 pm

As much as I deplore Obama I still not convined that Hillary is the lesser of evils. She worked for a law firm that defended the black panthers and I think she has an extreme hatred for America as well. Her views on health insurance are more extreme then Obama’s is. I pray to G-d that neither of them win although McCain is no prize either but certainlly does not hate this country. Both Obama and Hillary do. The hatred that feminists have towards men is just as bad as this preacher although I guess THEY DON’T HAVE ONE HIT MAN LIKE THIS SICK DISGUSTING MAN JEREMIAH WRIGHT. But they are actually more numerous I think then Jeremiah Wright and, yeah, I do think Hillary has an extreme hatred of American men (and nonfeminist American women as well) which scares me just as much as Obama’s hatred of white people.

adam6275 on March 17, 2008 at 5:56 pm

Thanks, wolf. Turns out the Reverend has a bachelor’s degree, two masters degrees, a Doctor of Ministrty degree and eight honorary doctorate degrees.
That’s why your line ‘his degree in seminary school focused primarily on Islam and not christianity” threw me.
Thanks again.

Audacious on March 17, 2008 at 6:01 pm

Adam6275: “Obama’s hatred of white people.”
You think Obama hates his mom too? A white woman?

Audacious on March 17, 2008 at 6:02 pm
Not only does he not like his white mother, he finds solace in his pervading dislike of the white race.
He loved his mother so much that while she was dying of cancer in Indonesia, he never traveled there to be with her once.
I loved his add in California about how his mother was suffering so much with cancer and her only thought was of how she was going to pay her medical bills….Indonesia has state health care and she was never treated here in the United States, she remained there with Barack’s half sister after Barack was sent back to this country, never setting foot on American soil again.

wolf2012 on March 17, 2008 at 6:17 pm
And another great article about your saviour Obama
His actions and the company he keeps far outways any of the speeches he orates from other politicians, MLK, Bobby Kennedy,and Malcom X

wolf2012 on March 17, 2008 at 7:55 pm
His fouth mouth justs get better and better.

wolf2012 on March 17, 2008 at 8:01 pm

NormanF made a very very good comment:
“We may well have to accept that politicians shade the truth. But we shouldn’t accept a President completely out of touch with reality. The real world is a very dangerous place and a candidate who spouts feel good platitudes won’t make us safer in it.”
Asuume that the 1,000,000 to 1 chance that Hussein Obama didn’t know about his “pastor’s” comments is true. Would we really want a president who is so clueless about the hateful speech of his pastor over at least 20 years? If he was taken in by Wright, wouldn’t he also be taken in by every one else, fanatical Muslims, dictators like Chavez, Communist China, Iran, No. Korea, and so on? Some of them are even a little more sophisticated in talking around their fanatical positions than Wright is. If Wright can fool him, what chance does he have against Iran?
So he’s either a lying hypocrite (999,999/1,000,000 possible), or a gullible fool (1/1,000,000). Either way, our country loses.
I’m not surprised at those who try to sugarcoat Wright. After all, our education system has been so dumbed down and bludgeoned by PC over the years, that in the present context, his positions are not extreme in many quarters. They are considered acceptable by wide sections of the left, and even those who disagree with them have been so lobotomized by relativism that they are incapable of recognizing that his rants fall outside any acceptable standard of behavior.

c f on March 17, 2008 at 8:23 pm

Re the comment about Oprah, and the schools in Africa, I’ve gotten to the point that whenever I hear about how wonderful it is that ‘schools’ are being built in Africa, or that ‘schools’ are being built in Iraq, I get kind of scared. Who knows what these ‘schools’ are teaching? We know all about fanatical Muslim schools. Do we know that the wonderful ‘schools’ that we keep reading about are any different? They all come down on some school here that dares to have a moment of silence, but the MSM never looks at what may be going on at Oprah’s school, or other foreign schools that we the taxpayers foot the bills for.

c f on March 17, 2008 at 8:44 pm

p.s. re the Interfaith Conference in Debbie’s text: I can’t even begin to think of the types of gullible people who would join someone like Wright at an ‘interfaith conference’. Unless it is just more out and out appeasement.

c f on March 17, 2008 at 8:53 pm

Reverend Wright is nothing but a hardcore Leftist and racist. His conspiracy theories and rage remind me of what comes out of the Nation of Islam. What of his denomination, the United Church of Christ? Do they subscribe to Reverend Wright’s views? Are they backing his claim that the United States created AIDS? Or, perhaps they can stand four-square behind his assertion that our government pushes drugs on young blacks? Finally, we have not even brought up his rank anti-semitism.

Worry01 on March 17, 2008 at 10:09 pm

Wolf: “Not only does he not like his white mother, he finds solace in his pervading dislike of the white race.
He loved his mother so much that while she was dying of cancer in Indonesia, he never traveled there to be with her once.”
This is nonsense, and goes against everything Obama wrote about his mother in ‘The Audacity of Hope.’
Wolf, you’ve said you’ve researched Obama, so I’m surpised you missed these paragraphs from last Friday’s New York Times:
“Some of what he has said about his mother seems tinged with a mix of love and regret. He has said his biggest mistake was not being at her bedside when she died. And when The Associated Press asked the candidates about ìprized keepsakesî ó others mentioned signed baseballs, a pocket watch, a ìtrophy wifeî ó Mr. Obama said his was a photograph of the cliffs of the South Shore of Oahu in Hawaii where his motherís ashes were scattered.
ìI think sometimes that had I known she would not survive her illness, I might have written a different book ó less a meditation on the absent parent, more a celebration of the one who was the single constant in my life,î he wrote in the preface to his memoir, ìDreams From My Father.î He added, ìI know that she was the kindest, most generous spirit I have ever known, and that what is best in me I owe to her.î
And you write that he doesn’t even like his mother? How can that be?

Audacious on March 17, 2008 at 11:18 pm


samurai on March 18, 2008 at 12:39 am

Haha. That Wright Church? No wonder the moslem Obama was able to get in:
America is being fooled by Barak Hussein Obama!!
I am Usama K. Dakdok, President of The Straight Way of Grace Ministry. I am invited by churches all over America to speak about ISLAM and its threat to America and the West.
I have had concerns about Senator Obama,s honesty regarding his so called Christian faith.
I called The United Church of Christ in Chicago Illinois, where Senator Obama is a member. If Senator Obama were indeed a Christian, he would be regarded as an “Apostate” which according to Islamic Law, would mean he would be subject to a death warrant imposed upon anyone who leaves Islam, according to the Prophet Mohammed. Many muslims who have left Islam have been murdered on this basis worldwide. Putting Islamic law aside, Obama would still be condemned by Islam. However, in Senator Obama’s instance, Muslims in America are joyously happy to think that Obama would be a Muslim President in the white House. Obama is deceiving America. Muslims would not be endorsing a Muslim who left Islam and became a Christian.

hutchrun on March 18, 2008 at 1:01 am

“My name is Usama, and I am from Egypt. I am interested in joining the church. I need to ask some questions please.” The operator directed me to the membership office. I proceeded to ask questions that only a Muslim would ask. “What is the difference between Baptists and your church?” She responded, ” We believe exactly what Baptists believe.” My second question was, “How big is your church and what kind of church is it?” She responded, “We are a Black African American Church and we have 6000 members. I asked, “Do I have to attend Sunday school classes or other meetings to be a member?” She answered “No.” I asked, “Do I have to be baptized to join the church?” She again answered, “No.” I asked, “Do I have to pay a membership Fee to join?” Her answer was No. I then asked her what I needed to do to join. She told me that I needed to attend two Sunday School classes in a row and then I would walk the aisle. I replied, “That sounds easy. One last question please. IF I AM MUSLIM AND I BELIEVE IN PROPHET MOHAMMED, PEACE BE UPON HIM AND I ALSO BELIEVE IN JESUS, PEACE BE UPON HIM, DO I HAVE TO GIVE UP MY ISLAMIC FAITH TO BE A MEMBER IN YOUR CHURCH?” SHE ANSWERED, “NO. WE HAVE MANY MUSLIM MEMBERS IN OUR CHURCH.” It is important to note that Muslims would not attend church.

hutchrun on March 18, 2008 at 1:03 am

I will not vote for Rev Wright (or Tony Rezko) for any public office.
I will consider voting for Sen Obama should he become the democrat nominee.
Sen Obama’s answers have been weak, because he is parseing, and not lying. A few dollars from Muslims Arabs does not suggest, or hint, to me that he knows which side of his bread is buttered. Muslim Arabs have, as many groups have, donated money to many people and causes.
Did Rev Wright say these things at the Obama’s wedding ceremony or when the Obama children were baptized? Is it normal to say such things during these events?

zyzzyg on March 18, 2008 at 9:41 am

i read the obama speech. he admitted to having sat in the pew and heard incendiary remarks of the “pastor.” so i guess he was telling lies when he said he never heard the remarks from a pew in church.
guaranteed: the liberal, obama-loving media will drop this issue like a hot potato right after today’s speech. it is predictable.
will they ask him why he lied about having sat in church and having heard the “pastor’s” remarks in person? and chose to stay?
no, they will not. they will use this speech as their “perfect excuse” to drop this issue and move back to calling hillary a racist.

cankelz on March 18, 2008 at 10:39 am

Oh, now the “church” website features a video of a HONKEY woman saying she feels quite comfortable in that “church.”
All the stuff about promoting “blacks only” has been removed from their website.

cankelz on March 18, 2008 at 10:44 am

Another news article from August 2007, Reporter Jim Davis attended Wright’s church and personally viewed Obama nodding his head in agreement over Wright’s incendiary remarks about white racism and his other hate filled speech.
At the time when the aricle was published, United Trinity refused to comment when NewMax contacted them about the article being published.
Only now two days ago, the Barack campaign denies that he was there because he had a speech to give in Miami at 1:30 pm, church services were at 7:30am, more than enough time to catch a plane to Miami to deliver a speech.(Why didn’t they deny this in August- Oh yes, they didn’t want to draw any attention to the matter, thinking that one news article wouldn’t become national news–too bad soo sad for them, that it has now)
Instead of providing the positive proof of plane tickets, which shouldn’t be hard to do, they would have been tax deductable, or filing a motion of libel in court, sense they feel the repoter is lieing–they have just done what they always do, deny, deny, deny, with no proof to back up thier denial.

wolf2012 on March 18, 2008 at 11:45 am

1. The New York Times is a hack new paper.
2. After reading though the filth “Dreams of my father”, I couldn’t sit through another piece of sophmoric drivel of “Audacity of hope”
3. Barack makes himself very clear of his dislike of his mother and his white side of the faimily.
4. I have already provided links to these statements in my above posts
5. My original assupmtions of you are correct, read above to remind yourself of what I think of you.

wolf2012 on March 18, 2008 at 11:57 am

I don’t think it’s so much a question of hating his white mother (which no doubt he does) but she hated herself for giving birth to that piece of excrement.
Figures he didn’t go see her when she was terminally ill…

1shot1kill on March 18, 2008 at 12:33 pm

Another news article from August 2007, Reporter Jim Davis attended Wright’s church and personally viewed Obama nodding his head in agreement over Wright’s incendiary remarks about white racism and his other hate filled speech.
At the time when the aricle was published, United Trinity refused to comment when NewMax contacted them about the article being published.
Only now two days ago, the Barack campaign denies that he was there because he had a speech to give in Miami at 1:30 pm, church services were at 7:30am, more than enough time to catch a plane to Miami to deliver a speech.(Why didn’t they deny this in August- Oh yes, they didn’t want to draw any attention to the matter, thinking that one news article wouldn’t become national news–too bad soo sad for them, that it has now)
Instead of providing the positive proof of plane tickets, which shouldn’t be hard to do, they would have been tax deductable, or filing a motion of libel in court, sense they feel the repoter is lieing–they have just done what they always do, deny, deny, deny, with no proof to back up thier denial.

wolf2012 on March 18, 2008 at 11:49 am

A gem from our possible future Fearless Leader !!!
“My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world.
I hope you’ll join with me as we try to change it.” — Barack Obama

Winjammer on March 19, 2008 at 11:11 am

that is the best most defining statement about B. hussein O.
Thank you

wolf2012 on March 19, 2008 at 11:48 am

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