April 7, 2011, - 2:53 pm

Was LA Synagogue Bombed . . . or Just “Mechanical” Failure?

By Debbie Schlussel

Today’s story about an explosion at a Los Angeles area synagogue, the Chabad Lubavitch center in Santa Monica, is yet another example of “whom do you believe?”  Some stories, including the Los Angeles Times coverage, say a bomb went off in the synagogue parking lot.  Other stories say it was simply a mechanical failure of some sort which caused an accidental explosion in the roof of the building (not the parking lot) and not a bomb.

Chabad House Santa Monica: Was Explosion a Bomb or an “Accident”?

Who knows what to believe?  I do find the whole thing suspicious, especially coverage that says an actual device was found in the parking lot and suddenly there’s no device and it’s just an accident?  Huh?  Doesn’t jibe.  The stories aren’t even close.  What do you think is going on here? What’s the real story?

Whether or not it is an “accident” makes no difference as we know Muslims would blow up every single synagogue, Church, and other institutions of non-Muslim religions in America if they knew they could get away with it.  We know that, for example, the Chabad Lubavitch center in Mumbai was targeted by the Islamic terrorists there, just a couple of years ago, with everyone inside slaughtered because they were Jews.

If today’s explosion in Santa Monica is truly an accident, it doesn’t change the fact that Muslims deliberately attack and kill Jews and Christians all over the world, whenever they can.

13 Responses

They attacked the Jewish Community Center in Seattle a few years back.

America’s asslib Jewish leadership is in deep denial and pretends Islam is a persecuted minority.

The reason they don’t tell us who planted the bomb has everything to do with the need not to blame it on Islam.

If the reaction is going to be predictable, America’s Jews will blame it on the usual skinheads and white supremacist suspects.

Until the next attempted bombing or bombing occurs.

NormanF on April 7, 2011 at 3:50 pm

Good article as usual Debbie, but right now I’m not coming to any conclusions and say it was islamist who did this, we don’t know who did this and the LAPD should investigate this incident on that synagouge in southern-California.

Norman, I agree with you, if it turns out that some muslims did this, were NOT going to hear squat from the worthless left wing media and all jewish groups in this country (the ADL, in my opinion, the ADL is a big time disappointment to me and I’m more and more disgusted and pissed off with the ADL on a daily basis) will be silent. And I’m also starting to notice that if some of these jewish groups are getting thier money from muslim front groups and muslim pressure groups in order to keep their mouths shut if a muslim person commits a crime against a jewish person!

“A nation is defined by it’s borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on April 7, 2011 at 4:13 pm

I was watching FOX News today as this story was breaking. I kept flipping back and forth to other MSM stations, and nobody but Fox was covering this story. But even Fox issued the caveat that “we do not know if this was a “hate crime,” since Jews are only targeted in about 14% of all “hate crimes.” I cannot tell you how much that angered me. If this was a BOMB, as they were reporting, what in the heck ELSE would it be but a HATE crime? Also, the initial report was that it was a bomb that was set off in the parking lot, then they said it went off inside the Synagogue. Now I read here that the police are saying it might not have been a bomb at all. I wonder if we’ll ever hear the truth, since, after all, it was “only” the Jews being targeted as they began their morning service.

DG in GA on April 7, 2011 at 5:01 pm

DG, yeah as if most bombs set off near Jewish folks are really just “love bombs.” If this is an attack, then people need to know.
I went to a Chanukah event at a synagogue where there were 3 patrol cars in front of the entrance. At least that city (not NYC), assigned some sort of security coverage. But some places may need to hire private security – which is an expense for people. What a world!

Cat K on April 7, 2011 at 6:09 pm

I love your unbiased reporting. “If today’s explosion in Santa Monica is truly an accident, it doesn’t change the fact that Muslims deliberately attack and kill Jews and Christians all over the world, whenever they can.” If that is not the best (and by best, I mean most outrageous, sentence ever, then blow my head off now!

chipper on April 7, 2011 at 6:26 pm

    Boy such pignorance of the islamic mindset

    tommy on April 10, 2011 at 5:09 am

I love your unbiased reporting. “If today’s explosion in Santa Monica is truly an accident, it doesn’t change the fact that Muslims deliberately attack and kill Jews and Christians all over the world, whenever they can.” If that is not the best (and by best, I mean most outrageous) sentence ever, then blow my head off now!

chipper on April 7, 2011 at 6:26 pm

So, chippy, you find the truth outrageous? Prove to me that Muslims don’t “deliberately attack and kill Jews and Christians all over the world, whenever they can.”
I doubt that blowing your head off would have any consequence since you’re already devoid of any rational thinking anyway.

theShadow on April 7, 2011 at 8:12 pm

Nothing to see. Move along please.
Probable BOLO:
Neo-Socialist/Communist (youth), which the MSM will attempt to label as “right-wing extremeist” if the subject is of “European” descent. Or, an “unidentified man,” code for non-white male subject. If it is the latter, his name won’t be published-for awhile-if the subject has any resemblence to/of Middle Eastern descent. It’s 50-50 at this point.

Sick_Boy on April 7, 2011 at 10:57 pm

Whether this was an actual bomb or not does not change the fact that many Jews, especially baby boomers, grew up with the adage of not making waves or drawing attention. Well, I am a baby boomer and I say enough is enough. They hate us whether we are quiet or not so I might as well shout it from the rooftops. I AM JEWISH, A ZIONIST AND PROUD OF IT!! Am Yisrael Chai!

Naomi R on April 8, 2011 at 8:03 am


I can’t prove that, nor do I aim too. The point is that the logic in her argument is ridiculous. She’s using this bombing as an example of why Muslims are bad, but then says that even if they didn’t bomb the temple, they’re bad anyway. That’s like saying the Jews killed Jesus, so they’re obviously bad. Well, even if they didn’t kill Jesus, they’re still bad. See the flaw? So nice rib with the rational thinking comment, take high school philosophy and learn those informal fallacies we all learned when we were 15.

chipper on April 8, 2011 at 3:54 pm

    You need to do your homework Chipper. It was the Romans that crucified Jesus, not the Jews. I hate to dwell on the obvious, but ‘Muslims are bad anyway’. How many reports have we seen where muslim mosques or places where crowds gather have been hit by suicide bombers or any other non-muslim extremist group. That’s why they call them Islamic terrorists. Hell they’re proud of the label.

    Gary on April 9, 2011 at 9:29 am


Time for an update perhaps…

LOS ANGELES – The suspect in last week’s explosion outside the Chabad House synagogue in Santa Monica is scheduled to make his first appearance in federal court in Cleveland.

Ron Hirsch, 60, is facing federal charges of flight to avoid prosecution for damaging or destroying a building involving the non-injury blast that broke windows and tore a hole in a building Thursday.

Jerszy on April 13, 2011 at 1:55 pm

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