March 13, 2008, - 3:13 pm

Obama’s Pastor’s Views: Does B Hussein O Share This “Audacity of Ignorance”?

By Debbie Schlussel
Watch this video. This is Barack Hussein Obama’s religious and spiritual mentor. Is this the kind of racist mentor whose President mentee you want or can bear in the White House?

Reader Sean who sent this video (which also appears on ZTruth), writes:

I thought you would be equally as disgusted as I was when I saw this little sermon of hate, racism, and blasphemy. According to B.O.”s spiritual mentor and adviser for the past 25 years Jesus Christ was a “poo black man” fighting the tyranny of the white oppressors of his country, just like Hussein Obama. (Every bible I’ve ever read, lists Jesus and his parents as Jew’s, not arabs, black, asian, or even White- He and Barack must be sharing the same crack pipe) This is just one sermon of 100’s that speak of Obama’s religious beliefs as a so called “Christian”. Someone needs to inform this man of hate that Jesus was a JEW, meaning a race of people, apparently he thinks JEW is just a religion not a separate indigenous people. The audacity of ignorance is astounding!
Thanks for all your information on the Hamas, Hezbo, crooks in the MN, Michigan area….who knew?!!

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31 Responses

Guess we now know why Michelle Obama has, thus far, been ashamed to be an American. No worries; BO will denounce and repudiate with every last ounce of feigned sincerity. And guilty white liberals and brain-dead college kids will vote for him, and feeeeel so good about it.

spiffo on March 13, 2008 at 4:04 pm

I think that this will eventually stick to him. The public is slow to pick up on stuff because they usually avoid the news. I brought up the New York military training depot bombing and in a group of 6 people none of them really heard anything about it. They said they either thought the news was too depressing or they thought it was b.s. Can’t blame them. But I do believe that this guy is going to help bring the B.O. man out into the open where all vampires hate to be exposed.

samurai on March 13, 2008 at 4:15 pm

The Reverend is not running for President, and Obama has repudiated the Reverend’s extreme remarks several times. What’s more, the Reverend is no longer with the Church.
I know I don’t agree with everything my Pastor says.
Does anyone have a video of McCain’s Pastor John Hagee?
Obama in ’08.

Audacious on March 13, 2008 at 4:16 pm

Aw, you cut it off just when it started getting good, with the organ coming in. Seriously, it sounds like the pastor has somewhat of a breathing problem; a lot of clogged breathing.
The comparison wih Pastor Hagee is kind of dimwitted. First, Pastor Hagee is not McCain’s spiritual advisor; he is an independent endorser who is not close to McCain. Second, Pastor Hagee has not had a 20 year relationship with Sen. McCain.
Actions speak louder than words. A verbal repudiation does not undo 20 years of an active relationship. If we listened to verbalisms, we would think that Bush, Myers and the rest of them were really for border control, or that Clueless Condi supports Israel, that politicians were for morality and against pork, etc., etc.

c f on March 13, 2008 at 4:22 pm

Obama is not rich???? Huh?
And again, Obamas white roots don’t count? Talk about a Janus moment, hating whitey when you’re every bit as white as you are black.

dm60462 on March 13, 2008 at 4:26 pm

As Spiffo said, BO will probably denounce him,feigning sincerity.
Then,as soon as he’s president, he will make sure the racist ,phony reverend gets paid BIG MONEY at his job,probably make him his “spiritual adviser”, as Reagan did with Fallwell – but racist,of course,as all such Black “reverends/men of God” are.

OldSchoolW on March 13, 2008 at 5:06 pm

“….but racist,of course,as all such Black “reverends/men of God” are.”
And how many Black churches have you visited across the country to make such an inane statement? Are all Black Pastors and Black Christians to be stereotyped just because you don’t like Obama’s Pastor and are duped by the MSM into believing Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton represent all Black Pastors? Let’s please stop with the bigoted generalizations. There as many types of Black Pastors as there are churches, and to lump Black pastors such as Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, the Rev. TD Jakes, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Rev. Louis Wright, Rev. CL Franklin (Aretha’s Daddy!), Rev. Eddie Long, and thousands of others into one category is intellectually and culturally lazy as well as plain bigoted. Only GOD knows the heart of men and knows the hearts of those whom He calls to preach….you don’t.
Sean says that “Every bible I’ve ever read, lists Jesus and his parents as Jews, not arabs, black, asian, or even White- He and Barack must be sharing the same crack pipe.” Since the Bible actually NEVER uses the modern day racial classifications that we use today, you cannot definitely state what racial background a Biblical “Jew” may be classified as today. However, in every Black church and Sunday School book I grew up reading as a youth, Jesus was always portrayed as a White dude with long hair and a mustache. I never have read anyone on this site who protested that portrayal . But let Rev. Wright make some remark about Jesus being a Black man to his BLACK congregation, and all of sudden people get all riled up. Wow. In my view, you can believe Jesus is whatever color you want or need him to be…..just accept His offer of salvation
Rev. Wright’s portrayal of Jesus as a poor Black man fighting tyranny is nothing new. Any study of theology and the Black worship experience in America shows that many sermons and songs done in Black churches were filled with allegorical stories used as to represent modern day situations. For example, the old Negro spiritual song which says, “Go Tell Pharaoh to Let My People Go” wasn’t just aimed at singing about the Hebrew slavery in Egypt….it was a modern day allegory aimed at American chattel slavery. Many plantation preachers also used Biblical scriptures and stories to speak out against slavery, which is why reading and Christian services for slaves were banned on many a plantation. Dr. King was also very adept at using these allegories to represent modern day injustices against the Negro. If anyone is curious about this particular style of preaching, I recommend you find old tapes or clips of the Rev. CL Franklin…the man was an absolute master of allegorical preaching.

JibberJabber on March 13, 2008 at 6:19 pm

Imagine if BO’s spiritual leader were Hitler and he said he repudiated Hitler’s radical views. It would still be unacceptable for him to maintain that relationship.
The same thing applies here. I don’t believe that Wright represents the standard African American pastor’s views. Accepting any association with such a man is damning.

Facts of Life on March 13, 2008 at 7:01 pm

Every Jew, biblical or current stature are a race of people, Jew is not just a religion, people tend to forget that FACT. You are correct that no racial characteristics are forthcomming in the bible, but it is written in scripture that Mary and Joseph were listed in Harods kingdom as Jew’s for tax purposes-he liked to collect his money from the Jewish population. Nubian’s as they were referred to in biblical times were not subject to tax collection. Nubian’s at the time were not privledged to consort with the Pharisees,and the other Jewish tribes, NO ONE other than a JEW(race of people again)were allowed to teach and preach in the TEMPLE. If Jesus wasn’t a JEW as you would like to believe then he wouldn’t have been brought before the SANHEDRIN (Jewish court)for crimes against the Jewish people. The SANHEDRIN didn’t try people of other races or faiths.
Jeremiah Wright also says that Barck was raised in a single parent household( A blanket lie, His mother was married to two seperate men, both Muslim, both not poor, then he was sent to his white grandparents to be raised, two grandparents not one, who paid an exorberant amount of money to educate him( a private prep school in Hawaii) seems pretty privlaged to me. He also fails to acknowlege the reason his mother was a single white parent is because her Arab-Negro husband abandoned her and his son, why doesn’t he blame the Arab-Negro man instead of the rich white oppressors-they didn’t birth him. His post high school education was also paid for by the US government because of his “African” heritage, no one gave me a free ride for my education. The last time I checked, Barack and His wife were living in a 2 million dollar house-again don’t see anything underprivledged there. As for his statements about Hillary–A white woman, who’s gender didn’t get the right to vote until after the African-Americans- White women to this day, still don’t receive equal salary compared to their male counterparts. Womens issues still today are repressed, and oppressed all over the world. She may not have been called the “N” word, but she has been called equally as worse. No one gave her a free ride for her education either, and her parents were neither rich or privledged, they were middle class who worked hard for what they earned.–And finally, Jeremiah would like y’all to believe that African-Americans have suffered the worst kind of oppression in history.(Really, my ancestor’s paid the ultimate price-their lives in Germany for being a certain race) They are still paying the ultimate price and oppression in this country and all over the world simply because they are JEW. Oh we long for the days when all we had to worry about was who was servicing Bill under the oval office desk!!

wolf2012 on March 13, 2008 at 7:08 pm

Jesus was a poor black man? Jesus was a Jew.
Obama a black boy who’s father was kenyan who dumped his mother. jesus father was and is God.
Obama’s Church is a rich who has prospered in America. Obama’s pastor lives in the the past that he never had to suffer.
Obama’s mom was white women, so what is he talking about? Sheesh!
A God who knows what it is like to be a black boy raised by a single parent? That is a “Single white parent.” This reeks of the Blacks Israelites, the Five Percenters and the Nation of Islam. They think a black man (white mother) will rule the earth. They worship the Aton. The Egyptian sun god. Aton was also a man that destroyed all the idols in panteon and made everyone worship the him as the sun god. Much like Mohammad in Islam.
With the mixture of eastern religions, false christianity and Egyptian heresies, what is taking place is the reinvention of Islam.

dannygirl on March 13, 2008 at 7:20 pm

The Reverend is not running for President, and Obama has repudiated the Reverend’s extreme remarks several times. What’s more, the Reverend is no longer with the Church.
The Reverend is not running for President, but a man who sat for 20 years listening to his racist, anti-semitic, America hating, Radical Leftist “sermons” is.
Why did Obama not leave and never return to this “church of hate?”
If I went to a church where a pastor was spewing hatred towards blacks or any other racial or religious group, I would be outraged and would never attend that church again.
Why did Obama not express outrage at his pastors bigotry? Why did he express disagreement with “some” of his reverends statements only when the media confronted him on it?
The “reverend” is no longer with the church only because of the need to cover up the Obama connection with this evil minister of hate.
The truth is, Obama is a fraud. He is trying to deceive the American people with his smiley-face act.
His true face is that of a radical Black Nationalist and Leftist.
His campaign headquarters in Texas is run by Cuban communist loving radical Leftists.
His close friends are Weather Underground domestic terrorists who still believe in killing cop “pigs” and who laughed at the murders of Sharon Tate and other victims of the Manson Family.
Obama is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, much like Castro was when he was presenting himself as a man who was merely trying to bring “hope” and “change” to the people of Cuba.
Obama is following the same model. Wake up, America.

FreethinkerNY on March 13, 2008 at 7:33 pm

“Let’s please stop with the bigoted generalizations. There as many types of Black Pastors as there are churches, and to lump Black pastors such as Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, the Rev. TD Jakes, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Rev. Louis Wright, Rev. CL Franklin (Aretha’s Daddy!)”
Actually, I believe CL Franklin (Aretha’s Daddy), DOES fit the stereotype. Do the names Michael Czapski and Richard Worobec mean anything to you? Probably not. I heard the tapes of Worobec screaming for help as he was shot and his partner Michael Czapski murdered by men who hid in the New Bethel Baptist Church.
As far as I’m concerned, Franklin could not have died in a more fitting manner. The irony is beyond remarkable.

Moe Larry on March 13, 2008 at 8:08 pm

First off, while I am no fan of Obama and do find it hypocritical that Obama does not note that he is racially as much “white” as “black”, remember that historically our country has gone by the “one drop rule” and in many cases (especially in the South) having just one black great-grandparent made you “black” in people’s eyes. I thought of this when I saw an article on David Patterson about to replace Eliot Spitzer here in NY as governor. When they noted that he was the third black governor since Reconstruction, the article noted the one “black” governor in the 19th century. He looked “whiter” than most white folk and was considered “black” for having one non-white grandparent.
And somehow (I wasn’t born yet but know a lot of history), I don’t think Barry Goldwater emphasized his “Jewish” half back in 1964, especially when campaigning in the Deep South (that other half being “Episcopalian” must have helped).
Speaking of which, the Jews are NOT a race! I would agree that we are more than simply a “religion”, maybe a better description would be an ethnic group, like Italians vs. Irish vs.r Polish, etc. (I purposely use these examples because they are all Catholic religion, but distinct groups of people). There are cultural similarities to make Jews an “ethnic group” despite geographic dispersion (such as certain foods, the Yiddish language, etc.), but despite all the myths, I don’t think a random observer on the street could pick out the Jews from any random group of “white” people. If we were really a distinguishable race, than why did Hitler use/need the yellow stars, because except for those wearing yarmulkes or Hasidic garb, there’d be no way to tell (unlike with say blacks vs. whites vs. Asian etc).

hairymon on March 13, 2008 at 10:34 pm

I agree with Dr Watson. 🙂

Freudianslippers on March 13, 2008 at 10:38 pm

Oh shoot! I gotta give your respect. I wasn’t aware many folks outside of the Black community knew about the Five Percenters and the Black Israelites. When I was living in Atlanta, we had to “do battle” with these guys constantly because they were always targeting our younger college-age church members for “conversion”. I think you may be slightly inaccurate though in describing their beliefs. Five Percenters believe that the Black man in God and the Black woman is mother earth. And since the Black man is God, he is supposed to rule mother earth (the Black woman). Aton was worshipped by yet another group we had to battle called Kemet, and these guys were deep into Egyptology and the Egyptian Mystery system. Now the Black Israelites…..I still never figured them out…..they practiced a type of Judaism I had never heard of. None of it seemed to line up with the Torah and traditional Old Testament scripture.
Moe Larry,
No, I wasn’t aware of the 1969 Republic of New Africa-Police shootings that took place at New Bethel until I googled the officer’s names you provided. Thanks for the historical info…I had never heard of this incident before and look forward to reading more on it.

JibberJabber on March 13, 2008 at 10:53 pm

Simplified, the three “major” races are categorized as Mongoloid, Caucasoid, and Negroid. A Jew (religion, not race) can be white, black, or asian. Obama has to come clean when it comes to his statements on “repudiating” the pastor’s racist and anti-Semitic views. And once again the old double standard, imagine ANY Republican candidate with their pastor on tape spouting such venom and you would never hear the end of it. (David Duke and Buchanan were never their party’s nominee for President). But Obama supporters want to look past this. I don’t see how they can.

Marc on March 14, 2008 at 7:04 am

This is what I fear the most, anti-americanism from within America.

Rick on March 14, 2008 at 10:09 am

Moe Larry,
Not outside the black community. Grew up in brooklyn. So I know very well what I speak. Had to deal with these people all my life.
The black Israelites are muslims hiding. They lie and everything they say. Five Percenter came from the Black Panters and the Nation of Islam. The five Percenters think they are gods. The Nation of Islam has this perverted mixture with Christianity. But, I sure it’s only to decieve black guible christians. But the NOI, is the Grand Father of all the black nationalist groups.
(Brown Faced)

dannygirl on March 14, 2008 at 11:09 am

Moe Larry,
You should read the trans script Louis Farrakhan’s speech at the “Million Man March” in 1995.

dannygirl on March 14, 2008 at 11:14 am

Opps! to Freudianslippers not Moe Larry
Not outside the black community. Grew up in brooklyn. So I know very well what I speak. Had to deal with these people all my life.
The black Israelites are muslims hiding. They lie and everything they say. Five Percenter came from the Black Panters and the Nation of Islam. The five Percenters think they are gods. The Nation of Islam has this perverted mixture with Christianity. But, I sure it’s only to decieve black guible christians. But the NOI, is the Grand Father of all the black nationalist groups.
You should read the trans script Louis Farrakhan’s speech at the “Million Man March” in 1995.
Farrrakahan mentions the Aton. He was casting all these numerology spells in in his speech ans cursing America. He uses the numbers 9, 6. So I know what I’m talking about.
(Brown Face One)

dannygirl on March 14, 2008 at 11:42 am

We are fortunate to live in America, where we can have these discussions without having to resort to suicide bombings when someone disagrees with our religion, thoughts, beliefs, opinions, etc.
Though I do have one question – Rev Wright made his comments about 9/11 the first Sunday following the event. We took Rev Falwell and Rev Roberts to task over wnat they said about the reasons 9/11 happened almost immediately. Why has it taken so long to bring Rev Wright to task?

zyzzyg on March 14, 2008 at 11:49 am

Anyone remember David Duke?
Barak Hussein Obamaduke in ’08?
Go tell it on the mountain racist scumbags.
It’s all part of the Marxist plan…divide and conquer through the “will” of the “people.”
Obamaduke (No relation to the cartoon Marmaduke) is attempting to democratize the U.S. Democracy = Mob rule. Create a big enough mob, eventually it will rule.
Wright, Farrakhan, SPLC, AB, Jackson, Sharpton, KKK et al etc, racists one and all period.
Content of character, not skin color.
Wonder if there is going to be reciprocity in affirmative action?

Nuggler on March 14, 2008 at 12:46 pm

I sell the things you need to be
I’m the smiling face of your T.V.
I’m the Cult of Personality
I exploit you; still you love me
I tell you one and one makes three
I’m the Cult of Personality
Like Joseph Stalin and Gandhi
I’m the Cult of Personality
the Cult of Personality
the Cult of Personality

q2thecore on March 15, 2008 at 12:47 pm

Obama is finished — praise the Lord! No amount of charisma will get him clean of this, nor should it.
Can you imagine if any of our white candidates had a 20 year relationship with David Duke and referred to him as a “mentor?” What is particuarly galling to me, as a religious woman, is that Obama refers to this ignorant racist pig as his “spiritual guide.” Oh brother.
My question is: Why did this take so long to get exposed? Seems to me we could have been spared the entire primaries drama.

AmericanJewess on March 15, 2008 at 3:03 pm

You are right to be concerned with Obama’s relationship with Rev. Wright. However, I don’t think the comparison to David Duke is accurate. David Duke was a proud member of the KKK, which has a history of lynchings, castrations, intimidation, mutilaton, and murder against Black folks. David Duke also associated with Neo-Nazis and wore a swastika while parading around the LSU campus, and I don’t have to explain to you the satannic history of Nazism. As far as I know, Rev. Wright and the Trinity United Church of Christ have no such history of violence or intimidation against other people. Nor have I read or seen anyone produce any action by Obama in his 45 years that would indicate that he is some sort of violent Black nationalist/seperatist.
Do I believe his 20 year association with Rev. Wright will kill his campaign? Probably. But do I believe Rev. Wright is equilavent to a David Duke? Definitely not.

JibberJabber on March 15, 2008 at 4:05 pm

This is going to be so much fun to watch. Nobody can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory like the Democrat Party. This is their election to lose and lose it they will. Hillary has finally convinced the press that Obama is fair game. Check out March 17, “St. Patrick Day’s” edition of the National Enquirer while you stand in line at your local Kroger. They are reporting information that DS has been saying about Hussein Obama from day one and MORE:
Close Friendship with Terrorist
Made Fortune with Accused Felon
Link to Larry Sinclair, Bill Ayers, Louis Farrakhan and more!
Seems that Mr. & Mrs Obama have at least one similarity to the Clinton’s, “Screaming Matches with Wife Over Other Women.”
This is gonna get real good, real soon.

ParaLyzer on March 15, 2008 at 6:54 pm

“Check out March 17, “St. Patrick Day’s” edition of the National Enquirer while you stand in line at your local Kroger. They are reporting information that DS has been saying about Hussein Obama from day one and MORE”
Schlussel and the National Enquirer. Now there’s a match.
Are you really reading the National Enquirer for political news?

Audacious on March 15, 2008 at 11:03 pm

Re Adacious’s first comment, there is one other big difference between Hagee and Wright. Hagee is a patriot. While I do not agree with his religous views there is no doubt that he is loyal to and supporting of the United States, and supports those countries that act in a civilized manner throughout the world.
Wright is exactly the opposite. He is hostile to the United States, and supports the most destructive countries in the world.

c f on March 16, 2008 at 9:29 am

Yes, c f, Hagee is a patriot, a bigoted patriot. Terrific.

Audacious on March 16, 2008 at 6:09 pm

Reverend Wright is really no different from other fringe characters. The significance of this man only comes to the fore because of Barack Obama’s long-time membership in this church. Senator Obama had more than a casual acquaintance with this “minister”, and cannot persuasivly claim ignorance about his views. Reverend Wright claimed that the United States originated the AIDS epidemic and makes poor black people consume drugs. These statements have no basis in fact, and are simply incitement. Reverend Wright is not a misunderstood man, but a very evil one.

Worry01 on March 16, 2008 at 9:17 pm

Interesting that Wright would claim the US created HIV to infect the negro population, Back in the 80’s during the onset of Aids, it was widly circulated that the US created the disease to destroy the gay population, so according to Wright’s logical thinking, African’s must also have a larger percentage per capita of homosexuals….hmmm…and even more interesting the scientific community all over the world(not just us ugly rich racist white Americans) that the protein varient in HIV is actually found in African monkeys and Apes…..So I guess the homosexual Africans were also into beastiallity…That answers a great many questions I had…thanks Mr Wright for clearing that up for me.

wolf2012 on March 16, 2008 at 9:54 pm

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