April 5, 2011, - 11:35 pm

Meet Barry Bonds’ Son, Nikolai – Entertaining Interview

By Debbie Schlussel

I really couldn’t care less about Barry Bonds’ trial for allegedly using illegal steroids.  To me, it’s not the same as other illicit drugs. It’s a victimless crime (unless you’re his bedmate and there’s, um, “shrinkage”), and I’ve said so on this site several times. (Read more about what I think about steroids use in baseball, including here, here, and here.) And I’m kind of disappointed that millions in federal resources are being used to try him, as opposed to real crimes that are generally ignored like illegal alien smuggling, terrorist money laundering, and sham marriages which enable illegal aliens (often Muslims) become U.S. citizens.  But I couldn’t help reading the comical and entertaining interview in today’s Wall Street Journal with Bonds’ son, Nikolai Bonds (funny, he doesn’t look Slavic). It’s interesting, to say the least.

Nikolai & Barry Bonds

The junior Bonds has every excuse and alibi down pat.  But I feel for him. It’s gotta be tough growing up Bonds, and now you have to answer for your dad and know that he may go to prison for years.  So, I can see why he’s making excuses, and I don’t blame him for his father’s actions and behavior.  It’s a natural instinct and part of familial loyalty to defend your loved ones. Bonds must have been a good and loving dad to his son, as indicated by his willingness to defend his father to a national newspaper. And in the sports biz, that’s rare, as many pro athletes neglect and abandon their children.

That said, I had to chuckle at some of his statements.  He’s either clearly in denial or a very loyal son or both.  If it were my dad, I’d probably react the same way.  It’s normal to do that for the parent you love.  Also interesting is that the son is majoring in “recording arts” as a hip-hop DJ in college.  More proof that college is a colossal waste of time and money.  Does the final exam ask you to identify Diddy’s and Snoop Dogg’s real names and their greatest contributions to America (their deaths)?

One of the most-talked-about bits of testimony against Bonds came from longtime San Francisco Giants clubhouse manager Mike Murphy, who testified last week that Bonds’s cap size increased an eighth of an inch sometime between 2000 and 2002, something experts say is a consistent with performance-enhancing-drug use.

Nikolai, who worked as a Giants batboy for years and had a locker next to his dad’s, offered a theory: Murphy may have confused his father’s caps with his. Nikolai said he started wearing slightly bigger hats than his father in middle school to accommodate his hair. “I totally believe [a mix-up] is possible,” he said. Murphy didn’t return calls for comment. . . .

Nikolai said the most uncomfortable moment was the testimony of Kimberly Bell, the former mistress, who said his father suffered from sexual dysfunction because of steroid use. . . . What bothered him most, he said, was her allegation that his father had many girlfriends.

“I didn’t know about these women until now,” Nikolai said. “I love my dad and support him regardless, but I have my own feelings about that—I’d never condone that sort of activity, especially towards the mother of my sister, or my mom.”

Nikolai said he thinks Bell “made herself look stupid” by simultaneously accusing Bonds of not being able to perform sexually but also saying he had affairs with other women. “For a dude that has all these problems, how does that make sense?” he asked. . . .

Nikolai said his father’s 2007 indictment has been stressful for his family. . . . A recording-arts major, Nikolai said he works part-time as a DJ and recently formed a hip-hop group with his friends called Airplane Mode. (His father hasn’t been to a show, Nikolai said, but recently bought him new state-of-the-art turntables.)

Regardless of the trial’s outcome, Nikolai said it wouldn’t matter to him what his father did because no substances were illegal in baseball before 2003. He said his father’s record-breaking performances couldn’t have been a result of steroids, given that he hit a lot of home runs in every season he played. “No substance that you put in your body is going to help you see the ball the way he saw it,” Nikolai said.

I’m not an admirer (or a hater) of Barry Bonds, though the allegations that he wouldn’t sign autographs for White people are disturbing. But as I’ve written on this site many times before, I’m not too concerned about steroids. And I think the trial is a travesty. Sending Bonds to prison–which looks likely to happen–what will that accomplish? Will it take a hardened dangerous criminal off the streets? No, but it will take the prison cell from one who will be freed or not sent to prison so that we can make room for Barry Bonds. Will it cause others not to use steroids? Dream on.

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10 Responses

isn’t bonds on trial for perjury
even though the bill clinton rule is that
perjury is no longer a crime

prestigio on April 6, 2011 at 7:53 am

Nikolai said he thinks Bell “made herself look stupid” by simultaneously accusing Bonds of not being able to perform sexually but also saying he had affairs with other women. “For a dude that has all these problems, how does that make sense?” he asked. . . .

This is absolutely priceless 😉 – Bell should be happy that all the other women would have to deal w/ a shrunk ____ just like she would!!! 😀

Infidel Pride on April 6, 2011 at 8:52 am

The investigation into steroids is a total waste of taxpayers money. As to the trial(if you can separate them), I see that as more about protecting the integrity of the federal investigative process than about steroids. Remember that he is not on trial for using steroids. He is on trial for lying under oath.

Brian Cuban on April 6, 2011 at 9:51 am

It’s not so much that he lied about using them, it’s that 1) he was a totally unlikeable,selfish player, and team mate,and the biggest ego in all MLB.And 2)a total racist,knee-jerk Race Card thrower, at the slightest preceived slight to his race( And talking BS,that he “had it hard growing up,because I’m Black” – while in fact, he grew up rich,because of his Dad’s success ),and was driven to accomplish what he did,strictly BECAUSE he’s Black,and to stick it to Whitey/Jews. And if he needed PEDs to get what he wanted,so be it.So,any person with common sense should want the prick to not only be found guilty, but to be banned from the game the rest of his spoiled rotten life, as he’s been nothing but a racist stain on the game.

Phineas on April 6, 2011 at 11:10 am

I detest Barry Bonds. I think he is a jerk, a cheat and a liar. All that being said…. I agree that it seems pointless to prosecute and jail him. But, I can see why it is being done. Baseball is a huge business and this guy cheated and made a ton of money using illegal substances. He did commit crimes and should be punished. I just wish baseball were strong enough to police themselves on this stuff by a lifetime ban or contemporaneous suspension and keep the federal courts out of it.

KayserSozay on April 6, 2011 at 12:01 pm

Steroids have absolutely no business part of sports, period.

An athlete’s performance should be the result of physique, stamina, endurance, and flexibility.
To alter or increase those abilities via chemicals is simply cheating.
If they want to have a steroid and non-steroid competition, fine.
And to those who say they (steroids) really don’t make that much of a difference, I say “Then why use them?”

guitarguy on April 6, 2011 at 1:14 pm

Barry Bonds cheated. Yes, he hit a lot of home runs before he started on the juice, but the numbers never equated to anything more than good numbers. We all know he’s a liar, but his son wants to think the best of his dad as does any son. I’m sure that when it all shakes out, Bonds will get an orange jumpsuit, which he deserves and we’ll all feel as if we’ve lost a litte more of our innocence (if there is any left) because he sullied the reputation of major league baseball.

DJH on April 6, 2011 at 1:24 pm

Do I think steroid abuse should be an issue for the integrity of a sport?


Do I think it’s the gubmint’s job to ensure that happens?


It’s BASEBALL’S problem, not the U.S. Federal Gubmint’s.

pitandpen on April 6, 2011 at 7:52 pm

…”It’s a victimless crime (unless you’re his bedmate and there’s, um, ‘shrinkage’)”…. You mean to tell me George Costanza was on steroids? And all these years, I thought it was the cold water.

Globe Warmer on April 6, 2011 at 9:00 pm

Bonds is a low life and all his records are tainted.

Repeat on April 7, 2011 at 8:09 pm

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