March 12, 2008, - 11:34 am

D’oh!: Client-9 Was Hillary Superdelegate; Advocates of “Working Women”

By Debbie Schlussel
Well, Hillary Rodham Cankles Clinton can probably cross one of her “sure bet” superdelegates off the list.
Turns out that Client Nine, Eliot Spitzer, was one of her superdelegates. Assuming he’s out of office and has stepped down from all honorary Democratic duties–including being a superdelegate, he’s out of the picture for her. But, the way things are going, perhaps that’s a big assumption.
Here are the details:

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton will be down one superdelegate. The scandal-tainted governor and his Lt. Gov. David Paterson currently are two of the roughly 800 superdelegates who will also cast ballots at the August nominating convention. Both are public backers of Clinton.


Cankles, Client-9: Advocates of “Working Women”

If Spitzer resigns [DS: which he just did], New York succession laws provide for Paterson to assume the role of governor until the term expires in 2010. Here’s the rub: succession law also provides for the president of the state senate to become lieutenant governor. That man is Joseph Bruno, a Republican and political enemy of Spitzer.
It is safe to say that Bruno will not be casting a ballot at the Democratic National Convention in Denver.
The Democratic National Committee today confirmed that New York would lose Spitzer’s superdelegate slot. . . .
As for Clinton, she can use all the superdelegates she can get. With rival Sen. Barack Obama on track to maintain his lead in pledged delegates – those awarded based on the state’s nominating contests – the nomination fight may ultimately be decided by the votes cast by the party leaders and elected officials that make up the superdelegate count. . . .
Currently, the combined delegate count gives Obama a 1,579-1,473 lead over Clinton. Obama’s campaign announced the addition of two superdelegates on Monday: DNC member Joyce Brayboy of North Carolina and DNC member Everett Sanders of Mississippi.

Perhaps “Kristin” can replace Client-9 as a superdelegate. After all, she is apparently a “working woman,” just like Cankles claims to be in recent ads. I’m told that most of the people at that convention (and, sadly, many at the GOP National Convention, too) perform the same job as Ms. “Kristin,” anyway.
On a related note, here are a couple of video tributes–ironically by the same singing sensation–to former Governor Eliot Spitzer’s women in the work force (the first one is part of my workout music–it reminds me of many of the less-thans I write about on this site and how easily they sell out our country for a dime; myt apologies for the racial makeup of the women in the vid, but it was the only one with the studio version of the song):

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4 Responses

Why would Clinton condemn this guy? She’s used to her man stepping out on her. It’s obviously not a great big deal because he’s a dem. He’s really just your average bankrupt lib democrat that does what they do. Be a huge hypocrite and smile for the cameras! His wife is even cool with it.

samurai on March 12, 2008 at 12:15 pm

Seriously, other than H-Rod losing his SD Vote, what if anything has this to do with her? No, really. Cheers!!

Matt-Man on March 12, 2008 at 12:32 pm

There’s something about liberal men that they can find affirmation only in a dalliance with a zonah. What is it that they can’t find from their own wives that is worth $5,500 an hour? I’m sure it can’t be the sex.

NormanF on March 12, 2008 at 1:01 pm

I have a strong feeling that the big guys are all in on this prostitution thing. It is not easy for a governor to just slip out and meet a hooker without his chief of staff and security outfit knowing about it. That too if this guy had been seeing hooker for about ten years now? I will not be surprised big guys on both side of the political divide have been “insiders”. The Spitzer’s wife is reported to be urging him to stay on as governor. What does this say? May be she knew of his philandering ways and tolerated it as long as it did not blow up in the public? What does the fact that Spitzer did not resign right away and the fact that his people were trying to reach out to Republicans and Democrats to avoid an impeachment tell us? That perhaps there is or was some kinda hope …” hey we are all in the same boat here except that only I got caught….come one…cut me some slack here”????? Hey, they are still trying to cut a deal. I feel there are a lot more rotten fish than Spitzer alone.

rj pad on March 12, 2008 at 6:34 pm

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