March 10, 2008, - 5:51 pm
“Dexter” Derangement Syndrome Hate E-Mail of the Day
By Debbie Schlussel
It used to be that hate-mail I received could be generally divided into three categories: Muslims, Leftists, and Leftist Muslims/Muslim Leftists. Now, a fourth group has emerged: those afflicted with one form of pop culture derangement syndrome or another.
Last year, I got hate-mail from someone afflicted by Simpsons Derangement Syndrome, when I wrote that “The Simpsons Movie” was basically a 1.5 hour long substandard version of the animated TV show that I like.
Now, it’s from a fan of “Dexter,” the gruesome, depraved Showtime series about a serial killer, now showing (in edited version) on CBS, who is mad that I panned the series and decried its arrival on broadcast network TV. The person apparently doesn’t just like this snuff film series, but wants to snuff me, too:
From: p p
Date: 2008/3/10
Die Bitch! Dexter will be forever wherever…and u can¬¥t do nothing with that…. xD Sirecely your biggest fan Muck

Oh, and don’t worry. I’m still getting plenty of hate-mail from Muslims and leftists. This one from a “Dexter” fanatic is tame in comparison. Stay tuned for moer of those.
Tags: Dexter, Muck, Nikon COOLPIX P60 Digital Camera, Simpsons Derangement Syndrome, The Simpsons Movie
He wants you to die, but claims to be your biggest “fan”? Just conflicted, I guess. BTW: notice how no one who sends you hate mail has a keen grasp on grammar, sentence structure or spelling? Beware the eloquent hate mailer!
spiffo on March 10, 2008 at 7:55 pm