March 7, 2008, - 12:18 pm

Hezbollah Also Claims Credit in Yesterday’s Islamic Massacre of Jewish Kids in Israel

By Debbie Schlussel
Although HAMAS is also taking credit for yesterday’s outrageous mass murder of 8-10 kids and wounding of at least 35 others, as you’ll recall, and as I reported yesterday, Hezbollah is claiming it was a Hezbollah-allied group in Gaza. Al-Jazeera reported later what I reported.
SCHLUSSEL, yesterday:

Schlussel Lebanese Intelligence Sources: My sources say this attack was committed by a new Hezbollah-allied terrorist group in Gaza called Liberators of the Galilee Brigades/Martyrs of Imad Mughnieh and Gaza. My sources say that Al-Manar (Hezbollah TV) is declaring this, also.

Al-Jazeera, later yesterday:

Hezbollah claim
Separately, Hezbollah’s Al-Manar TV claimed that the perpetrators of the attack were members of the “Phalange of Free Men of Galilee – Groups of the Martyr Imad Moghaniyah and Martyrs of Gaza”, a previously unknown group.
The claim was made in a tag line running across the bottom of the screen.


As I have reported in the past, Hezbollah is now running the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade inside the so-called West Bank and has a big presence throughout the Palestinian populations in both the West Bank and Gaza.
As you know, Hezbollah has murdered hundreds of Americans. Israel’s enemies are also our enemies.

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4 Responses

It has been suggested that Jews and Muslims are fighting over dirt.
This fight is not over dirt. It’s about who God has a covenant with, Issac or Ishmael. The Zionist movement that brought the Jews back to the Holy Land and in particular the creation of a Jewish state following WWII is the cause, because the mere fact that jews are flourishing in the land of Abraham is proof that God’s covenant is with Issac and them. The children of Ishmael can’t stand this. This war will never end until one side is annihilated or assimilated. The muslims are not satified with Mecca and Medina. They can’t sit by and let the jews live in Jerusalem; it disproves the precepts of their religion. The sooner we all understand this, the sooner we will deal with it properly.

Rick on March 7, 2008 at 1:08 pm

Just another example of Pres Bush’s inconsistent war on terror. Don’t proclaim that you will fight terrorists and their supporters and then do nothing about Hamas.

zyzzyg on March 7, 2008 at 2:41 pm

All this blaming of Pres. Bush. Pres. Bush gave Israel support for its war in Lebanon that no other President gave. Ohlmert just dithered in Lebanon and made Bush look like a fool for going out on a limb.
The only way one can stop these machine gun attacks is to adopt Rabbi Kahane’s idea of kicking the Arabs out of Israel. The Left in Israel does understand that separation of Arabs and Jews is the answer to terrorist attacks, but they’re too evil and cowardly to expell the Arabs so they expell the Jews.
For Israel, “No Arabs; no terror.”

Underzog on March 8, 2008 at 7:25 am

From Avi at Tel-Chai Nation (from JPost):
” The UN Security Council failed to reach an agreement overnight Thursday on issuing an official condemnation over the deadly shooting attack in Jerusalem’s Mercaz Harav Yeshiva because of Libyan opposition.
“Most members (of the council) wanted to condemn (the attack) but Libya blocked it,” Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Dan Gillerman, told reporters.
Avi: In other words, they’re slaves to Libya? Absolutely disgusting.”

Ben-Yehudah on March 8, 2008 at 4:55 pm

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