March 31, 2011, - 12:58 pm

Nickelodeon’s Kids Awards Show Features Porn Star, Other Exhibitionists

By Debbie Schlussel

Can’t say I’m surprised by this, since Nickelodeon has, over the last decade, continued to run shows featuring teen stars who became teen unwed moms and other stars who gyrate with stripper poles.  (And that’s in addition to the network’s blatant pan-Muslim, far-left political preaching.)  But, Saturday, Nickelodeon’s “Kids’ Choice Awards” show will feature a number of anti-role models who are bad influences on kids.  On the other hand, if you want to teach your kids that the way to make it in life is make porn tapes, show off your genitals on movie screens, mock American victims of Islamic terrorism, and glamorize heavy drug use, then this is your kind of kids awards show.  The show will include:



Kim Kardashian:  Famous because she made herself a porn star by making a sex tape with rapper Ray-J, including anal sex.  (For this, Sean “Family Values” Hannity gushed over her on his FOX News show, saying she is a “great role model” and “has a great head on [her] shoulders.” Uh-huh, we know with which head Hannity was thinking that.  Hint:  not on his shoulders, though there’s about the same amount of brain matter there.)  Kardashian is still selling–and making a ton of loot from–her self-made porno flick, which is rated “XXX.”  Uh-huh, exactly the kind of person you want as a presenter on a kids show.  Little Ashley, you can grow up to be just like her!

Jason Segel:  Biggest star turn was his multi-exhibitionist shots of his penis on the big screen in “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” (read my review).  File under “TMI, Visual Edition.”  By the way, he wrote and stars in the next Muppets movie.  I wonder what the late Jim Henson would have thought of this exhibitionist.  Does Kermit pass out condoms in the latest incarnation?

Britney Spears:  Multiple exhibitionist shots of her vagina, including, reportedly, this week in a performance on “Good Morning America.” The woman has an aversion to that unsanitary item of clothing otherwise known as underpants.  That’s in addition to her many other unhinged episodes.  Unless you’ve been living inside a mushroom the last five years, I don’t think I need to recount them for you. In articles about her very R-rated concerts, she says her two young boys are not allowed to watch. But, hey, it’s okay if your kids do. She has a new CD and song downloads she needs to sell.

Russell BrandWent to work dressed as Bin Laden the day after the 9/11 attacks and invited his drug dealer to the MTV studios, where he worked.  Like Jason Segel, he also proudly posed in full frontal nudity on MTV in Great Britain.  Yup, another class act.  His unfunny humor consists of mostly uttering four letter words in an English accent.  Haha, funny.

Yup, great role models for your kids.  Terrif.  Thanks, Nickelodeon.  The whole network deserves to be permanently slimed.

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19 Responses


And the Muslims take bets our hyper-sexualized society is dying. The truth is they’re hypocrites about it and engage in much the same irreverent practices when no one else is looking.

We’ve taken the class and the romance out of society.

When all you have sex, there’s nothing left. No wonder people don’t look forward to getting married anymore. Been there, done that. Now why tie the knot?

That’s why Nickoledeon won’t tell your kids its role models are not like the role models our parents knew.

Not even close.

NormanF on March 31, 2011 at 1:15 pm

Why provide links to porn sites?

JeffT on March 31, 2011 at 2:15 pm

JeffT, just so you know who Kim Kardashian is – a high priced hooker.

Yup, that’s the woman Little Ashley should want to be when she grows up!

The kind of adults marketed to suggestible kids represent defining America’s deviancy upwards.

No wonder Nickleodeon execs see nothing wrong with it!

NormanF on March 31, 2011 at 2:32 pm

In addition to being one of the apparently extremely rare people on this planet who has never seen a single episode of “Two And A Half Men,” you can also add me to that equally rarefied list of people who, upon hearing the name “Kardashian,” still only think of that skunk-haired attorney that was on O.J. Simpson’s legal team. All females with that name are, like Lady Gaga, nothing but faces I see on the covers of tabloids while waiting in line at the supermarket. If I didn’t occasionally peek in on this website, I would have absolutely no idea who they are, or what they do.

Irving on March 31, 2011 at 2:33 pm

    @Irving- She IS the daughter of the sleaze bag lawyer(sorry Debbie your not one) Robert Kardashian who after the faux paux of the verdict, suddenly claimed he was bullied by Robert Shapiro, Johnny Cockren, Barry Schick, and F Lee Bailey into using the race card and tried to distance himself from them. He did it as a public face saving when he saw how most reacted negatively.

    @CornCoLeo- that alien race on Star Trek are the CARDASSIANS. Not a Trekkie but I do watch the movies and episodes once in a while.

    Mario on April 1, 2011 at 11:26 pm

I read recently that the Kardashian women made 65 million
last year.

Not too bad for a worthless bunch.

El zopilote on March 31, 2011 at 2:37 pm

    Porn will get you many places, properly done. But she’s still a scumbag. There was a lovely ninterview with her once, after she turned 30 (Kim), in which she was wondering (in a sad way) why she wasn’t married with kids yet!

    Occam's Tool on April 2, 2011 at 1:13 am

Its says much about mindless American morons who sit through their forgettable reality entertainment.

They wouldn’t have been heard of much less than seen in polite society decades ago but now anything goes.

And even conservatives have grown comfortable with it.

NormanF on March 31, 2011 at 2:57 pm

I have a 7 year old daughter who watches some shows that kids like Teen Nick.
The shows she watches are okay for her age although the commercials for shows they are promoting are unbelievably suggestive.
There is a show called Degrassi High and the promo/ preview commercials show two guys in bed together, two guys kissing each other, violent fist fights, drug usage and you name it.
Look, if two guys in real life want to do their thing, that is their business and I have no problem with it. If you want to show it on a channel like Teen Nick and expose kids to it, that is another story.

Stephen on March 31, 2011 at 3:44 pm

Wouldn’t be surprised if liberals used the video in elementary schools to teach children about sex. I don’t know that the country can be saved, it is too far gone.

Bill on March 31, 2011 at 5:06 pm

I have NO IDEA why people even can stand the Karskankians (I’ve seen someone say Fatassians, but I like Karskankians way better). One time (not in my home) I came across their show on TV and I could not get to the remote fast enough to change the channel. The bit I endured bummed me out and I thought the family must not know how butt-munchy they come across on their show. I’d be ashamed of myself if I was so enthralled in my shallowness.

Russell Brand is just a git. If I cared enough, I’d like to take bets on how much his marriage will last to the mug-a-matic Katy Perry, who’s mum has to write a book because her silly daughter is such an embarrassment. He’s so ugly, too. YUCK!

I am always troubled by Britny Spears and how she promotes and markets herself (read: her music producers) in a way that led to HER mental breakdown. She saw what her lifestyle did to her yet still feels it’s ok to schlep that crap to the public. It bothers me greatly when I think about it because one would think she would not sell what culminated in her losing her sanity.

Skunky on March 31, 2011 at 7:09 pm

    @skunky – “fatassians”, good one!

    Kardashians – Weren’t they the bad guys on one of the “Star Trek” series? I know, the Star Trek ones were “Kardasians”, or something like that. In any event she’s more repulsive than the Romulans, Klingons, Ferengi, and all the others combined.

    CornCoLeo on March 31, 2011 at 8:35 pm

      @ CornConLeo- The CARDASSIANS are bad guys that were introduced on the Star Trek: Deep Space 9 series and continued on Star Trek: Voyager series.

      Mario on April 1, 2011 at 11:51 pm

Why do we hesitate to condemn bull%&it in this day and age? Thanks to the work of Miss Schlussel, we are made aware of much of this…

PDMac60 on March 31, 2011 at 9:39 pm

(For this, Sean “Family Values” Hannity gushed over her on his FOX News show, saying she is a “great role model” and “has a great head on [her] shoulders.”)

Perhaps Sean Vannity saw her sex tapes prior to making these comments. Wouldn’t put it past him since he is clueless about so many things and people. Can’t figure out if he is ignorantly arrogant or arrogantly ignorant since I get him and O’Rielly confused.

Pats on March 31, 2011 at 10:22 pm

I can’t believe DS is the only one I’ve come across who has the guts to point out the blatantly obvious. I’ve been thinking the exact same thing since the 1st time I saw Paris Hilton advertised on being on the Kids Choice awards. It’s the sign of a sick society that kids even know who Hilton or Kardasian is, much less that the two are actively marketed to them.

matt on April 1, 2011 at 5:50 am

Then again what else do you expect from Viacom. Oh and to the brass there THIS IS MY REVENGE FOR HOW DEPLORABLE NICKELODEON HAS BECOME!

BEWARE THE V OF DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bob Porrazzo on April 1, 2011 at 10:43 am

Judging from some of the foulmouthed hosts they’ve had over the past years (Rosie O’ Donnell, LL Cool J, Mike Myers, Ben Stiller, Jack Black) I’m not surprised at all. Disney’s choice for voice-over’s in their family oriented movies is another example.
BTW, is anyone else as sick and tired of Jack Black’s schick as I am?

theShadow on April 1, 2011 at 7:55 pm

Nickelodian is now an upstart porn studio for juvenile delinquints whose parents can pay to have their kids turned into unproductive useless cannon fodder for the rest of America. Just freaking great. I always thought it was about cartoons and being just a kid.

Tmorlan on April 3, 2011 at 12:33 pm

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