August 15, 2007, - 6:23 pm
Border Patrol Agents Send Newark a Letter
Border Patrol agents have directed my attention to a letter their union, the National Border Patrol Council, sent to the City of Newark:
August 10th 2007
Dear City of Newark
If your city officials had reported Mr. Carranza as an illegal alien to DHS while he was in your jail for raping children, the three young people murdered by Mr. Carranza would be alive. Other sanctuary cities pay heed, because it is only a matter of time until it happens to someone in your town.
Several promising lives snuffed out in an instant by Jose Carranza. All might have been prevented. Very tragic.
Tags: Debbie Schlussel Border Patrol, Jose Carranza, National Border Patrol Council, Newark
By providing santuary to criminals, cities have set themselves up for an explosion of crime for which, cities have only themselves to blame for electing corrupt city officials, who passed/uphend santuaty-laws.
It is as simple as 1+1=2.
Now, the right thing to do is to bring those city officials, responsible for passing and/or upholding santuary-laws, to justice; and abolish santuary-laws.
Alert on August 15, 2007 at 7:10 pm