March 30, 2011, - 1:30 pm

BIG: Buy Israel Goods Day, Today! Buy Cool Stuff & Help Counter Islamic Terrorists

By Debbie Schlussel

Today, March 30th, is BIG–Buy Israel Goods day.  While Muslims and other anti-Semites around the world try to boycott Israel out of existence, it’s especially important to show your support for America’s only true ally in the Middle East, Israel, today.  Buying Israeli goods today is a great way to say no to Islamic terrorism and show your support for Israeli victims of terror.


Some Israeli goods, however, are not really made in Israel, but in China or some other places, which is why I recommend  I have no connection to the site and am not getting any compensation, monetary or otherwise, to promote the site.  I just like it because I know that all of the products sold on that site are 100% actually made in Israel, and even more important, 100% of profits from online sales go to Israeli charities that I support and endorse and which help Israeli victims of Islamic terrorism, etc.

Also, some other products I love from Israel are:

Moroccan Oil Treatment .85 oz: A terrific treatment for hair and skin. I use it and just love it. While it may seem pricey, you use just a few tiny drops each time, and one bottle lasts a long time. I still have the same (larger size) bottle from two years ago and it’s still 2/3rds full.

Wyssotzky Tea: Any flavor is great, but I love Green Tea With Citrus Fruits and Green Tea With Spearmint Leaves (Nana).

Golan Press Extra Virgin Olive Oil and other great products from IsraFoods

* At Israel Catalog, our friend Eran Davidov has a ton of made in Israel cool products, including great Mossad T-shirts and sweatshirts, including my FAVE:  “MOSSAD – Dubai Is For Lovers,” complete with the tennis rackets that Mossad agents posing as tennis players wore when they cleaned the world of yet another HAMAS terrorist.  I also love “MOSSAD – Winter Vacation Dubai 2010.”


Guns ‘N’ Moses:  This T-Shirt Made In Israel

Reader Bob e-mailed me a couple of weeks ago about this asking for places to go in Detroit. I was remiss in not also mentioning Hiller’s Markets, where courageous owner Jim Hiller continues to promote and sell Made In Israel products, despite actual boycotts of his Detroit-area stores and protests in front of his stores by Palestinian Muslim activists and self-hating, far-left Jews. Below is his e-mail and my response:

Hi Debbie,

I found out about and went to their website. They do not have any listings for the Detroit Metro area, and I would like to participate and stand up for Israel. To that end, I have budgeted $100.00 that I intend to spend on Israeli goods, and would like some guidance as to what stores in this area I could shop at to fulfill my pledge, if you have that information. My preference of products would lean towards food and household items, if that makes it any easier.

I’m a daily visitor to your website, and thank you for your tireless efforts on behalf of right-thinking people everywhere.


From me:

Great. There are a lot of Israeli products at Farm Fresh market at 10 Mile/696 and Coolidge in Oak Park, Michigan. Go there, ask for Jerry Denha, the owner, and tell him I sent you to buy Israeli-made products. He has quite a few. Not sure if you will use up your hundred dollars, and in that case, you can also find Israeli-made products at Jerusalem Pizza on Greenfield & Lincoln (NW corner) and One-Stop Kosher Market on the West side of Greenfield between Lincoln and 10 Mile, both of which are in Southfield, Michigan. If you go to J Pizza, ask for Bryan Jacobs, the owner, and tell him I sent you to buy stuff from Israel.

Wherever you live, I hope you’ll go online and buy some Made In Israel products today.

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8 Responses

Stop calling those Jews “self-hating.”

They’re anti-Semites and are no different from the non-Jewish garden variety of Jew haters.

Their religion doesn’t really make a difference or excuse in any way their association with those hate the Jews and Israel.

That equally applies to the Neturei Karta schismatics.

NormanF on March 30, 2011 at 2:03 pm

Yeah, I think Norman makes a good point (as usual). Thanks.

Cat K on March 30, 2011 at 4:39 pm

I tried to do the “buy Israeli” thing about a year ago. I found an Israel-based website that was selling Israel-made goods and I ordered a couple of T-shirts. One was an IDF shirt in military green and the other was an Israeli Air Force Tee. I bought my usual size, XL. The shirts were made in Israel, as advertised. They were also quite inferior. They were undersized, remarkably thin, and didn’t have the taped seam over the shoulders and behind the neck that better t-shirts have. They went to the Goodwill.

This was my only experience going out of my way to buy products from Israel and it was regrettable. On the other hand my speed loader is a Maglula made in Israel and it rocks. But I didn’t go out of my way to buy just because it’s from Israel, but rather because it had a rep as a good product.

At the end of the day, if you make your choice based solely on boosterism then “buyer beware” holds true.

Richard on March 30, 2011 at 5:15 pm

“* Wyssotzky Tea: Any flavor is great, but I love Green Tea With Citrus Fruits and Green Tea With Spearmint Leaves (Nana).”

My mom and i got some of this tea from a relative of ours. There was a citrus kind of tea, not green thought, the Earl Grey and Breakfast teas and the Nana that I loved. Love spearmint…nice and clean tasting and not too overpowering of mint. Wonder if they make chamomile? It’s said to settle the stomach. Mom asks me to make some in case she gets a rumble in the tummy. Will look for it in stores, especially Nana, what I called my grandma Nellie (rest her soul).

By the way Deb, in a Shop Rite store in Stamford, CT, they offer many kinds of soda or pop as said in the Midwest. Among the brands offered…FAYGO the Detroit fave you talked about.

Bob Porrazzo on March 30, 2011 at 8:17 pm

“Guns and Moses” – how cool!

CornCoLeo on March 30, 2011 at 9:18 pm

Someone make a moslem version: “Prepubescent Girls and Mohammed”

CornCoLeo on March 30, 2011 at 9:21 pm

Thanks for the reminder. I went to the liquor store and bought two bottles of wine made in Israel!

Karen on March 30, 2011 at 11:13 pm

I remember as a child buying a Mogen David gift wine set for my father on his birthday. The store keeper said he would like it. I also remember trying a little of the wine myself. It was great! Is Mogen David still available? I would love to buy it again.

Mel on March 31, 2011 at 12:27 pm

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