March 2, 2008, - 11:30 am
Video of the Day #2, Hero of the Week: Prince Harry Talks About Afghanistan
By Debbie Schlussel
I gotta say I’m impressed with Prince Harry. Although the Brit Royal Family is known for its pan-Islamist and other leftist politics, the Prince showed up the partying Bush twins by not only going to fight in Afghanistan, but actually killing 30-odd Talibanis. Anyone who does that–royal or not–is a hero in my book. But this guy is one, because he didn’t have to go and could have remained in his life of privilege, valets, and castles. (No, I haven’t forgotten his Nazi costume, but this makes up for it somewhat.)
Meanwhile, Jenna Bush tours the U.S. in luxe comfort, absurdly comparing herself to Anne Frank, while promoting her book about a teen single mother with AIDS and preparing for her wedding at the Bush Ranch. Her sister is also in equal comfort, seen partying in NYC on TMZ. My friend, Sirius Patriot Channel 144 host Mike Church (on whose show I review movies every Friday at 10:30 a.m. Eastern), picked Harry as a hero and example to other young adults, and I agree. Here are some vids of the Prince in Afghanistan and talking about his experience upon his forced, premature return (the second one is from BBC).
Bravo, Prince Harry. Sorry you were outed by Drudge.
The Progeny of Western Leaders, Hero vs. Skank: Him Versus . . .

Her . . .

Tags: Afghanistan, Anne Frank, BBC, Bush ranch, Debbie Schlussel, Harry Talks, Jenna Bush, Mike Church, Prince, Progeny, Sirius Patriot, Sirius Patriot Channel, United States
He completely redefines Sexiest Man Alive.
Patriotism and courage count!
PJ on March 2, 2008 at 12:19 pm