February 27, 2008, - 2:13 pm

Hillary’s Mistake: Stupid Word-Parsing versus Real Farrakhan-Obama Info; Plus-St. Pete Times Interviews Me on Obama and Islam

By Debbie Schlussel
**** UPDATE: Video Posted ****
The Clintons must have incurable WPS (Word-Parsing Syndrome). We all know about Bill Clinton’s parsing about what the words “sex” and “is” mean.
But last night, during the Democratic debate, Hillary Clinton–whom I’d much prefer to Barack Hussein Obama–missed a golden opportunity to hang B Hussein O on the Farrakhan issue. Instead of demanding that Obama use the word “reject” instead of “denounce”–a distinction without a difference that, frankly, made her look silly and petty and backfired on her (video below). She should have demanded that Obama fire his Nation of Islam staffers and promise he won’t have Nation of Islam staffers in the White House. She should have asked him about his association with the Edward Said and his own pastor, Jeremiah Wright. She failed. Here’s the video (don’t believe Obama’s phony sudden support for Israel–he’s lying and far too many Jews believe this Pied Piper):

That would have started the ball rolling on this issue in the Mainstream media and made gains for her among Whites, especially Jewish Whites (though I think I’m being optimistic–most of them are blindly following this guy despite everything that’s come out about him).
I know the Hillary people are aware of my investigative report about Obama’s numerous Nation of Islam employees, past and present, in key positions on the staffs of his U.S. Senate and his former and current campaigns. As I’ve written, the Treasurer of B Hussein O’s U.S. Senate campaign was Cynthia K. Miller who basically admitted to me that she is a Nation of Islam Member. His Director of Constituent Services–who also picks his Senate interns–is another NOI member, Jennifer Mason.
The Hillary people told me they repeatedly pitched the story I wrote and the information I put forth to many mainstream media reporters, none of whom would cover this. I know that to be the case in my own experience. For example, St. Petersburg Times reporter Wes Allison interviewed me for this article about Obama and Islam. I pointed out these two Obama staffers and others and asked Allison to look into it. It could be an attention-getting piece for a guy like him. He said he would. But, predictably, he didn’t, and instead produced this softball, puff-piece touting Obama’s claim that he’s not Muslim. Incidentally here’s the quote from me he chose:

“I don’t believe he’s a Manchurian candidate. I have said that he does have these very significant Islamic connections that you cannot break away from. Those are part of his life,” said Debbie Schlussel, a conservative commentator and occasional guest on Fox News whose blog, www.debbieschlussel.com, has provided a forum for readers to discuss the Obama e-mails and their concerns about his heritage.
She said she finds Obama’s background scary. “We’ve never had a candidate who is so closely allied to a religion shared by those who are at war with us around the world.”

That’s not what I said. I was far stronger in my statements about Obama and how he’s running away from his Islamic background and trying to hide it. I asked why he won’t admit: “Yes, I have an Islamic background, but I am a Christian, and I don’t believe in Islam. I renounce my Islamic past.” That would go a long way.
But St. Pete Times reporter Allison couldn’t bring himself to print that. And actually, we’ve never discussed the e-mails on my site–only my work that inspired them in the first place (about B Hussein O’s Islamic heritage), but this reporter simply didn’t want to “report.” Or delve further than B Hussein O’s talking points on himself and Islam.
When someone finally does in the mainstream media, it will be far too late. It’s already too late.

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10 Responses

“It’s already too late.”
Yes, you’re right about that. You and a handful of others have been smearing Obama for over a year with unsubstaniated nonsense, and America can see right through smear merchants.
Too late, indeed, for nonsense, Debbie.

Audacious on February 27, 2008 at 3:16 pm

So this action by Hillary Clinton bodes the real question. If her staff is aware of all the information you and others have been so inclined to give them, then why havn’t they used any of it to expose this man for his actions versus his rhetoric speech. Last night it was the symantics of speech that was called into question, I agree with you it was frivolous. Last week it was Plagerism of speech material, again frivolous. She could have commented on the lies and absolute non truths about his book,”Dreams of my father” penned by him as his autobiography. It has been proven by many main stream journalists that the book is filled with lies, people and situations that never happened to him. If she wanted to make a clear and concise point about the credibility of a man who speaks one thing but lives another, she continually(deliberatly) fails to do so. In the end my question is what is she going to get out of it in the end and what has she been promised? I also find it interesting that John McCain disavowed himself with radio talk show host concervative Bill Cunningham after he made the remarck that Barack Obama was a “hack Chicago-style Daley politician” in his warm up to ticket held only concervatives at a ralley in Cincinnati. The crowd cheered his remarks but when McCain took the stage he apologised for them and then went on to say he has never met Cunningham, which was a lie.
Again, I ask….Has the president already been decided for our Nation of Sheep, and all this is to futher the illusion that we have any say in our government.

wolf2012 on February 27, 2008 at 3:38 pm

Adacious: It’s NOT too late.
“Smearing” Obama?
If the shoe fits………………
If Obama has nothing to hide he’d address all the questions and not dance around the issue.

SamAdams on February 27, 2008 at 3:48 pm

Wolf 2012 writes: “She could have commented on the lies and absolute non truths about his book,”Dreams of my father” penned by him as his autobiography. It has been proven by many main stream journalists that the book is filled with lies, people and situations that never happened to him.”
Can you back that up with examples?
“The crowd cheered his remarks but when McCain took the stage he apologised for them”
Is that really, truthfully, what happened? McCain apologized from the stage?
“If her staff is aware of all the information you and others have been so inclined to give them, then why havn’t they used any of it to expose this man for his actions versus his rhetoric speech”
Because the bulk of it is unsubstantiated nonsense that has no bearing on whether he’s fit to be President, that’s why.

Audacious on February 27, 2008 at 3:50 pm

Regardless if anything Debbie posts is actually “..unsubstantiated nonsense that has no bearing on whether he’s fit to be President…” or not, Obama has NOT said or done anything that convinces me that he is fit to be POTUS.
That equals one less vote for “Change we can believe in.”
Oh yeah….I won’t be fainting either…at least not anytime soon.

SamAdams on February 27, 2008 at 4:17 pm

I think Hillary has to walk a fine line. She wants to win the debate and get the nomination, but she has to do it in such a way as to keep Black votes as much as possible in the general election, so they don’t stay home. She can’t come down too hard on Obama.
Also, she is vulnerable as far as associations with demagogues, whether in the Middle East, or at home with characters such as Al Sharpton. I don’t know whether she has connections with the Nation of Islam, although it wouldn’t surprise me, but I am sure that she wants their support, no matter how much under the table, in the general election.

c f on February 27, 2008 at 4:24 pm

There was an article in the Miami Herald a couple of weeks ago about the Guantanamo Bay Lawyers were endorsing Obama. That’s right, the lawyers who represent the Al-Qa’ida terrorists detained at Gitmo, support Obama. That is telling enough on why he shouldn’t be president of this country.

Minnie Mouse on February 27, 2008 at 6:34 pm

Debbie, you simply don’t understand. ANYTHING can be forgiven a liberal. KKK membership?DUI manslaughter? Forcible rape? Just vote the right way, and the MSM won’t touch your worst failings — and useful idiots (certain posters on this board, for example) will fan out across the land to defend you…

DocLiberty on February 27, 2008 at 10:04 pm

When my daughters were picking out clothes for their Bat Mitzvah ceremony I was willing to go along with their choices even though they had no experience in choosing appropriately; I wanted to make them happy. Their choices were based on whatever was popular for the moment, and whatever was stylish and exciting. Sometimes popular, stylish and exciting works, but not when the subject at hand is as serious as a Bat Mitzvah ceremony, or President of the U.S. My husband gave us great advice for the clothing issue, and the same advice can be used for choosing a President: close your eyes for a few minutes and picture the importance, significance, and effects of the wrong choices.

kahole.anyim on February 28, 2008 at 4:16 pm

Somewhat off topic, but how many times do we have to read or hear about “conservative commentators”, in mainstream media and magazines, but never do your hear the term “liberal commentators” mentioned? I know, I know, consider the source.

Marc on February 29, 2008 at 9:16 am

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