March 21, 2011, - 5:00 pm

Echo Chamber: Obama’s BS “Legitimate Aspirations of the (Libyan) People” Pick-Up Line

By Debbie Schlussel


I was in court today on the other side of Michigan, defending a client.  As I was driving back, I heard Barack Obama make a statement regarding the ongoing U.S. attacks on Libya, saying that we are doing this because we have to help “the legitimate aspirations of the [Libyan] people.”  That’s gotta be the dumbest reason to waste gazillions of U.S. dollars with foreign intervention that I’ve ever heard. It’s like a bad pick-up line you’d hear from Charlie Sheen . . . the “legitimate interests” of the people (who are bitchin rock stars from Mars) to get in your pants. Using that line, any attack or foreign policy move–no matter how dumbassed stupid–goes.

And it’s taking hold.  If you look at Western leaders’ statements, they’ve adopted this exact stupid line:


“Legitimate Aspirations” of Dumbasses From Harvard, Indonesia

*  French President Nicolas Sarkozy:

France and its partners are acting, Sarkozy explained, to support the legitimate democratic aspirations of the Libyan people.

*  Canadian Defense, er “DefenCe” (‘cuz they’re still slaves to France and Britain and their spellings) Minister Peter MacKay:

We, Canada, stand united with like-minded peaceful nations in support of a [sic] legitimate aspirations of the people of Libya.

* A European Union communique initiated by Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel:

A communique issued after the talks described the actions of the Libyan regime as “intolerable”.

It said that, since February 15, the Libyan people had been peacefully expressing their rejection of their leaders and their aspirations for change, adding: “In the face of these legitimate requests coming from all over the country . . . .”

Um, the “legitimate aspirations” of whomever is not relevant to what’s good for American interests. As I’ve said a gazillion times, this is not our war. I’d love to know who decided it was a “legitimate aspiration” to send U.S. planes to bomb one Muslim dictator so that many Muslim mini-dictators far worse could take over and spread the Sunni-Shi’ite revolution. The only “legitimate aspirations” relevant are those of the American people, and they see absolutely no point in this. They’ll see even less of one when gas is $6-$8 per gallon this summer because we didn’t bolster Qaddafi against the devil we don’t yet know and with whom we’ll get acquainted with a vengeance. Then, we’ll see about “legitimate aspirations of a people” . . . like the aspiration of the American people to be able to afford to drive to work.

And since we’re talking “legitimate aspirations,” I can think of a few far more legit than the civil war in Libya which allah should have been left to sort out. For instance, Israeli Jews have legitimate aspirations to sleep on the night of the Jewish Sabbath in peace and not be stabbed to death, with their several-months-old baby decapitated. But did we send in planes to bomb the Palestinians over it? British people aspire to stop paying welfare for a king and queen and family of royals who are useless wards of the state. That’s a very legitimate aspiration. Hey, let’s bomb Buckingham Palace.

This isn’t Auschwitz–whose railroad tracks we refused to bomb, by the way–where people are being shoved into ovens. It’s not Sudan, which we never bombed, despite Arab Muslims gang-raping, torturing, and wiping out almost all the Black Christians. Now, bombing that country’s leader and strongholds–THAT would have been recognizing the legitimate aspirations of a people . . . just to survive.

But Libya is only about the illegitimate aspirations of one sort of people–extremely Muslims who want the relatively secular Libya to be more like Saudi Arabia, a religious prison. Why the heck are U.S. planes and bombs playing any part in that?

Remember, there is a reason that the HAMAS fundraiser CAIR Action Network is openly behind us bombing Qaddafi. And anything they’re for, we should be 100% against.

Oh, by the way, Michelle Fraudkin, how does it feel to be on the same side as CAIR Action Network? She’s been with them more and more lately, FYI (including in repeatedly whining about “spies for Israel” who weren’t, on her misinformed site).

A country that couldn’t bring itself to bomb the train tracks to the Third Reich’s death camps has no business expending U.S. planes and bombs attacking on behalf of internecine Muslim warfare between competing savages. The same goes for that same country which insisted Israel abandon Gaza and give the “legitimate aspirations of HAMAS people” free elections and a de facto terrorist-base country. We’ve seen what America now believes are “legitimate aspirations of the people”–whether it was Bush in Iraq or Obama in Libya. And they are only “legitimate” to those who support the destruction of the West.

I’ve said it before. I’ve said it again. I’ll say it another time: LET. aLLAH. SORT. IT. OUT.

**** UPDATE: Facebook Friend Josh Spencer (join me on Facebook by clicking “Like”) makes a great point:

“Legitimate Aspirations”…isn’t that a meme constantly used by the Paleostinians?

Josh, GREAT point. The Palestinians use “legitimate resistance,” but close enough. It’s basically the same thing except that the Obama administration had to think of a more sanitized version, so they changed “resistance” to “aspirations.”

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32 Responses

Agreed. But since “The One” has the support of all of academia, the media, Hollywood, and the entire Democratic party, you’ll never see these bumper stickers on a Prius: “Obama lied, people died”. Or: “NO war for oil”, “war is not the answer”, “Obahitler”, and “impeach Obama”. You might, however, see one or two on an F-150 in Bullhead City

spiffo on March 21, 2011 at 5:14 pm

I notice that while the wimp in chief awaited UN permission he didn’t consult with Congress on the issue of starting war actions let alone ask for congress’ permission…

I believe that the President can initiate hostilities if they are classified as a “police action” (as opposed to “war”) without consulting Congress but if the President had the time to consult with the UN and associated “allies” surely he could have found the time to consult with Congress?!…

Eliezer on March 21, 2011 at 5:22 pm

    Obama never bothered to secure Congressional approval for this operation.

    If Bush had done that, the Left and the media would have been screaming for his impeachment.

    Obama initiates an unconstitutional war and no one says a critical word about it.

    NormanF on March 21, 2011 at 9:51 pm

Really sad. Even the ‘conservatives’ who disagree with him just do it on tactical grounds or say he didn’t do it soon enough.

Little Al on March 21, 2011 at 6:09 pm

Again, I will state that if we had a draft, or if Obama’s little munchkins and Hillary’s daughter Chelsea (aka “Cousin It” before the plastic surgery and hair styling) had to go serve at the front lines, we would not be so quick to stick our noses were they do not belong.

Oh, and if anyone is offended by the monkee reference, need I remind you what used to be said about George Bush, when he was compared to a Simian? Or what was said about his children? Oh that’s right. Conservative whites are fair game.

Jonathan E. Grant on March 21, 2011 at 6:10 pm

    Jon, if the sons and daughters of the privileged and powerful has to actually serve, we wouldn’t involved in this “Wag The Dog” operation.

    Its actually a very funny movie about a US President, beset up by deep political problems, who decides one day to declare war on Albania to boost his poll ratings.

    Life does imitate art.

    NormanF on March 21, 2011 at 9:40 pm

Seems like a personal war against Gaddafi. Has the opposition been identified as legitimate and who is their leader, a’liberation group’ or disgruntled citizens moving with the ME mob of ‘copy cat’ protesting against controlling dictators of immense wealth? If Obama was so interested in justice for the people, why did he look the other way when opposition members were killed in Iran at the last faux election. Saudi actions towards the populace is worse and the list goes on. The UN should be aborted as an illigitimate organisation fronting dictators and undemocratic values. Why aren’t ‘mad dogs and dictators’ arrested whilst on American soil, saves a hell of a lot of bloodshed and money, nope it’s better to give them a platform to air their bigoted views against Israel. If Russia, China/Brazil/India voted against bombing Libya what does that tell us, something stinks. Erdogan of Turkey, has called on the group bombing Libya to turn their attention to bombing Israel, the only democracy in the ME. Maybe this is the intention of Hussein before he is kicked out of the WH. In the meantime the ‘War on Terror’ is long forgotten along with the war weary soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan whilst Osama Bin Laden continues to intimidate the be-jeezus out of civilised folk by remote control. Hussein Obama has once again opened the ‘migration door’ for the next wave, sorry that should be tsunami, of ME migrants seeking asylum and that’s not the ‘straight jacket, padded cell’ type either.

Eyes Wide Open on March 21, 2011 at 6:11 pm

Don’t need this action. The devil you know is better than the devil we don’t. Never thought we would be openly supporting alqueda.

samurai on March 21, 2011 at 6:14 pm

    Only problem is…we DO know the other Devil: the MoBros MoFos (Or should that be MoFos MoBros?) and the alpha-Qs. They want their Islamic Caliphate and they willl stop at NOTHING to achieve it.

    Macker on March 21, 2011 at 10:13 pm

Hussein Obama does what his masters in Saudi Arabia tell him to. Remember when he bowed down to the Saudi King (or was that a curtsey (or curtesy) by our panty waist president)? I vaguely remember him kissing the king’s hand, or was that his ass? Same thing, the Arabs don’t wash that well.

When is the last time he should half as much respect to Israel’s Prime Minister, Nothingyahu or to Israel’s president, Shimon Peres? He hasn’t visited Israel on his Mideast tours, but that is okay because there are enough Muslims in the country.

Jonathan E. Grant on March 21, 2011 at 6:30 pm

    “Nothingyahu”, huh? There you go again, Jonathan; another one of your inappropriate remarks.

    I hesitate to ask what you have against Benjamin Netanyahu. I don’t care, actually, ’cause I’m sure that it is as irrational and as bizarre as your other screwy opinions are.

    Did anyone ever tell you that you’re very strange, Jonathan?

    Dianne & Brian on March 22, 2011 at 4:53 am

No matter what they say, any action in the ME is about oil, and oil alone. O’Brainless has already determined the value of American military lives being lost in that prehistoric hell hole. To him and his environmental maniacs, they mean less than the lives of caribou in Alaska (erroneous thinking, to be sure), or scenic views of his contributors who happen to live on a potentially oil rich coastline. Nero was a fiddler; O’Brainless is a diddler who would rather view his caused destruction from afar.

Kent on March 21, 2011 at 6:38 pm

With respect to the prudence of our involvment in Libya, we’re waiting to hear what Michael Moore, Joy Bahar, Bill Mahar and Jon Stewart say about that issue.

Whatever position they take, we’ll take the opposite, ’cause it is unfallible; they always come down on the wrong side of an issue.

Dianne & Brian on March 21, 2011 at 7:40 pm

Oops, infallible, not unfallible.

Dianne & Brian on March 21, 2011 at 7:45 pm

I never would have supported war if America was just going to create islamic “republics” where sharia is the supreme law of the land.

sg on March 21, 2011 at 8:07 pm

    We won’t be creating a democracy there. Iraq held three free elections under US occupation and Islamists won every one of them. It will be no different in Libya.

    What does that country have besides oil, that is getting every one involved there? Now that’s why we never intervened on behalf of the black Christians in the southern Sudan.

    The next time liberals tell me this little war is about freedom, I’ll remind them its really about the oil. They attacked Bush over it on Iraq and now they’re doing the same thing. Hypocrisy knows no ideological or partisan allegiance.

    NormanF on March 21, 2011 at 9:31 pm

    America isn’t creating these Islamic ‘Republics.’ ?????? ?????? IS.

    Macker on March 21, 2011 at 10:15 pm

      Frak! That should read ????????? ?????? in Arabic.

      Macker on March 21, 2011 at 10:16 pm

That’s a line that can be used next time to bomb Israel if it doesn’t give the Palestinians a state. I agree, we have no business being involved in Libya’s internecine civil strife to help one group of extremists oust the current dictator. If CAIR’s for it, I’m against it.

I don’t see a US national interest at stake intervening in Libya and there is no exit plan. Does the West even have one? That’s a very good question, indeed.

Stay tuned.

NormanF on March 21, 2011 at 9:18 pm

In the “broken clock is correct twice a day” department, I noticed the car-loan fraud yenta is ostensibly on the same page as Debbie on U.S. involvement in Libya (unlike Michelle “Fraudkin”) – only her line is “Why Libya, why not Iran?” – so one has to wonder about her and her so-called “jihad watcher.”

ConcernedPatriot on March 21, 2011 at 10:21 pm

Well… look at the bright side. I haven’t heard anyone griping that it’s a “war for Israel”… yet.

There is NO Santa Claus on March 21, 2011 at 11:18 pm

I can always count on you for the truth and the historical facts grounded in sanity. I heard a very interesting interview today with Richard Engel who was in Eastern Libya, Tobruk. He reported that 1 out every 5 “rebels” that he spoke with today, stated their reason for fighting is that Quaddafi is really a Jew and that they hate Jews. Engel also sought out the most senior leader and when he knocked on the building’s door he was informed that “he had taken the day off and gone home to see his family”. Obama is more stupid then even Bush was. I’m furious about this.

But a no-fly zone? In the case of Libya, that’s a tactic in search of a strategy. The Yiddish word for it is “shmei,” roughly translated as aimless strolling around. A no-fly zone is basically just looking like you’re doing something to remove Gaddafi, at the cost of $60 million in a day (which was the cost of the first day’s worth of cruise missiles launched).

The last time we tried this, in Iraq, we had to sustain it for 12 years. At enormous effort and expense. And it didn’t bring down Saddam at all.

More fundamentally, a no-fly zone in Libya feeds the dangerous fantasy that every problem has a military solution. That the answer to the use of force is the use of more force. That if a hammer doesn’t drive that nail in, try a howitzer.

NancyB on March 21, 2011 at 11:27 pm

I can always count on you for the truth and the historical facts grounded in sanity. I heard a very interesting interview today with Richard Engel who was in Eastern Libya, Tobruk. He reported that 1 out every 5 “rebels” that he spoke with today, stated their reason for fighting is that Quaddafi is really a Jew and that they hate Jews. Engel also sought out the most senior leader and when he knocked on the building’s door he was informed that “he had taken the day off and gone home to see his family”. Obama is more stupid then even Bush was. I’m furious about this.

But a no-fly zone? In the case of Libya, that’s a tactic in search of a strategy. The Yiddish word for it is “shmei,” roughly translated as aimless strolling around. A no-fly zone is basically just looking like you’re doing something to remove Qaddafi, at the cost of $60 million in a day (which was the cost of the first day’s worth of cruise missiles launched).

The last time we tried this, in Iraq, we had to sustain it for 12 years. At enormous effort and expense. And it didn’t bring down Saddam at all.

More fundamentally, a no-fly zone in Libya feeds the dangerous fantasy that every problem has a military solution. That the answer to the use of force is the use of more force. That if a hammer doesn’t drive that nail in, try a howitzer. We have NO business being there.
And it’s likely that an oil embargo/asset freeze will work. Oil is 95% of Libya’s exports, and 25% of GNP. Libya has about four years of oil revenue in the bank, but with an asset freeze and economic sanctions, that becomes meaningless. Whatever the result in the streets, as soon as Qaddafi runs out of money, he’s gone.

NancyB on March 21, 2011 at 11:39 pm

The US and Western Europe is on the same side as Al Qaeda. Qaddafi’s opponents are not liberal Democrats – they are Islamists who hate him because they think he’s a Jew – and yes, he supposedly had a Jewish mother and they hate the Jews and Israel.

Let’s keep in mind the guys we’re fighting to save. If we had any smarts, we’d be shipping arms to both sides and cheering for both of them to lose. We don’t have a dog to hunt in this civil Arab conflict.

No one can explain the rationale behind this war. Its a defeat for US national interests and the American people don’t buy that good will come from it when its over.

NormanF on March 22, 2011 at 5:14 am

“Obama is more stupid then even Bush was. I’m furious about this.” – NancyB

FACTS: The economy didn’t tank until 17 months after the Democrats took control of Congress in January, 2007. FACT: Unemployment was at 4.5% before GW left office, and it didn’t even begain to skyrocket upwards to 9.8% (16.7% realistically) until immediately after the inauguration of Obama; a resounding vote of no confidence in that empty suit, street hustler and decadent dilletante, Obama. FACT: Our debt was in the billions when Bush left office, and now, in just two short years, it is in the TRILLIONS, all because of the irresponsible spending by Democrats. FACT: Inflation didn’t begin to skyrocket until last year. FACT: Under the leadership of GW, his Administration had the situations in the Middle East and in southeast Asia completely under control and there weren’t ANY hot spots when GW left office…, and, oh yeah, FACT: under the leadership of GW, his administration kept your sorry ass safe for 8 years, and the policies that they put in place with a variety of government agencies are continuing to keep your sorry ass safe to this very day, even though FACT: we now have a POTUS who doesn’t have ANY executine, ANY managerial or ANY leadership skills whatsoever, and who is, in fact, a chronic f*ck-up by any rational person’s definition, and who has, in fact, an administration comprised ENTIRELY of other chronic f*ck-ups like Clinton, Holder, Geithner and Napolidumbo, to name just a few of those bumbling, incompetent fools.

Now, can you give me some credible evidence that GW is stupid? Try to be rational, Nancy. The buzz word there was, credible.

Wait, don’t tell me …, you’re one of the 52%ers, those damned fools who elected Obama, aren’t you? Well, sweetie, the blame for this mess is squarely on YOUR shoulders!!!!

Dianne & Brian on March 22, 2011 at 5:43 am

Oops, that was supposed to be executive, not executine. Sorry ’bout that.

Dianne & Brian on March 22, 2011 at 5:48 am

Thanks to the gross incompetence of the Obama Administration, the situation is so bad right now, both foreign and domestic, that I suspect that, any day now, we can expect to see billboards of even Jimmy Carter asking, “Miss me yet?”

Dianne & Brian on March 22, 2011 at 6:06 am

Another question: Who defines ‘legitimate‘?

Infidel Pride on March 22, 2011 at 7:45 am

TINSC writes, “Well… look at the bright side. I haven’t heard anyone griping that it’s a “war for Israel”… yet.”

True enough. But we *are* hearing the suggestion from some in the US and Europe that once the Libyan operation is over, we can expect *more* pressure on Israel to “prove they’re serious about peace” (both Obama and Clinton have used such language). The logic goes like this: The US and other Western countries have attacked yet another Muslim country. To show they’re “even-handed” and demonstrate they’re not overlooking Palestinian aspirations, Israel will have to be pressed like Libya had to be pressed. Israel will, in effect, be asked to pay the price for others’ actions.

Others (like Gafney, for example) offer an even more frightening prospect – based on the Libyan precedent – of a UN sanctioned assault on Israel to enforce a Security Council recognition of “Palestine”. A military confrontation is highly unlikely – most of NATO isn’t that stupid (Turkey maybe aside), and the American people simply wouldn’t stand for it. But an economic squeeze would encourage Israel’s neighbors that Israel was “defeat-able” and thus provoke a major war.

In the meantime, with regard to the Libyan context, I have to wonder why Debbie hasn’t resurrected the “Aliens vs. Predators” metaphor. It seems to fit.

Raymond in DC on March 22, 2011 at 9:54 am

Also . . . I seem to recall “legitimate grievances” as being code words (used by radical community organizers of Obama’s ilk) for Marxist revolution.

ConcernedPatriot on March 23, 2011 at 4:13 am

I am continually looking online for posts that can assist me. Thank you!
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