February 22, 2008, - 10:17 am

Go to Hell, Bitches: Two American Hags Testify to UN that America is Racist

By Debbie Schlussel
This story disgusts me to no end. Sadly it was hidden at the back of the local section of today’s Detroit Free Press, where few will see it.
It should be front page news all over the country that two American women who’ve had great lives are traveling to Switzerland to testify before a United Nations commission on racism that America is racist. Everyone should feel the contempt that I feel for these two ungrateful hags who are planning to dispute the Bush report submitted to the United Nations’ Commitee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. They’re going to tell representatives of Commie Daniel Ortega’s Nicaragua (the same Nicaragua, where Ortega’s Sandinistas set fire to the Managua Synagogue, then seized it for a Palestinian youth club; the same Nicaragua where there is now a heavy Iranian presence that he’s welcomed) that America is racist?! Sickening.


The Anti-American Givens Twin Bitches

The women say that America discriminates against American Indians and Arabs and Muslims. American Indian tribes have millions. Much of it is misspent by corrupt tribal and reservation authorities. Remember how Jack Abramoff got his millions, which he laundered through the pan-Islamist Grover Norquist? It came from Indian Tribes. Hello . . . ?
Arabs and Muslims are among the highest income groups in America; despite open support for terrorism, their most radical leaders are regularly invited to the White House for Presidential Falafel; they have a special department of the Justice Department Office of Civil Rights just for them, while I can’t get the DoJ to prosecute Hezbollah death threats against me.
This story about twin traitors, who have it way too good, will nauseate you, as it does me:

As Fay Givens and Kay Givens McGowan packed their suitcases this week, the twins looked like any other business travelers setting off for Detroit Metro Airport. But the richly beaded and woven colors of the vests they wore belied the true purpose of their trip.
The Downriver sisters, who are part Cherokee and Choctaw, arrived in Switzerland this week where they are to address the United Nations’ Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. As representatives of the National Indian Youth Council, the pair plans to dispute a U.S. report about prejudice in the United States declining.
“Let’s start with equality. Let’s start with when you have power and prejudice combined, it often results in racism. We can talk about equality, but we have to make it real. … It’s time to end the lip service,” McGowan said. “We have institutionalized racism in this country” that must end.
At the committee’s three-week session in Geneva, government representatives from Fiji, Italy, the United States, Belgium, Nicaragua, Moldova and the Dominican Republic will present reports about their antidiscrimination initiatives, as the 1969 International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination requires.
UN-recognized organizations such as the National Indian Youth Council will be allowed to give their own analyses of particular countries’ efforts.
The sisters were scheduled to speak Thursday and today.
“Indians are at the bottom of every social-economic indicator in America — lowest education attainment, highest poverty rate, highest high school dropouts, a suicide rate four times the national indicator,” McGowan said.
McGowan of Grosse Ile [DS: Grosse Ile is an exclusive island city on the Detroit River, with several multi-million dollar homes] is a cultural anthropologist and a professor at Marygrove College in Detroit. Givens of Trenton serves as executive director of American Indian Services, a Lincoln Park social services agency.
“The United States will be saying one thing under the Bush administration,” McGowan said. “It’s a shadow report on all racial discrimination — racial profiling, health care disparity … the treatment of Arabs and Muslims in this country.”

Hmmm . . . America is so racist that this pair of hags lives the good life, travels the world, and chooses to stay in this country. Just one thing to say to this twin pair of walking treason:
Go To Hell, Bitches. Oh, and leave “racist” America. Please.
As my friend, Sirius Patriot Channel 144’s Mike Church (on whose show I do movie reviews every Friday at 10:30 a.m. ET) said, “Maybe they’re speechwriters for Michelle Obama.”

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20 Responses

If America is steeped with unwarrented racism, then how come there are more middle-eastern and african immigrants (as well as from elsewhere) in this country then there are American immigrants in the Middle East (besides Israel)?
Their looks are just as repulsive as their statements but can you exspect words of commendation to the U.S.A. by self-hating treacherous Americans? Let them immigrate to these 3rd world countries and see how accepting and welcoming they are towards these heinous hags. They’ll be considered lucky if they’re greeted with burqas thrown on them.
They are all so full of it. No wonder why we tend to ridicule race-baiting bitching banshees every now and then and rightfully so.

American Sabrah on February 22, 2008 at 11:21 am

A college professor and a political activist. What a surprise they hate America!

PJ on February 22, 2008 at 11:24 am

The door to the USA swings both ways.
If they hate it so much, why don’t they move to Cuba or any one of the “better” countries?

interestinconundrum on February 22, 2008 at 11:50 am

Debbie, you’re very upset, but I can’t see why. You don’t explain it. All you do is make ad hominem attacks against these poorly dressed women without explaining the reasoning behind it.
Yes, I get upset that they’re saying America is racist, but why? It is true, people are very intolerant of other races and religions in the country. I’m not saying that people here don’t have their justified reasons. I don’t agree with the actions of muslims in the least bit(trying to kill a cartoonist for depicting muhammed? wtf???), but you can’t deny that they are discriminated against. So are jews, blacks, asians, christians, etc.
So, again, it is true. There is rampant racism in the US. There always has been, and there always will be. I think these people testifying is futile, and it’s not going to change much.
But my big question is, why are you so upset about it?
And your, and the other commenters suggestions that if they don’t like it, they should move to another country etc, is plain dumb. Just as you have a right to complain about these women, they have a right to complain about whatever the hell they want, and that shouldn’t give them any less of a right to live in America. Hell, they were here before we were! They’re the original inhabitants of America. The shut up or get out approach can just as easily be reversed and applied to you. If you don’t like (these women, american tv, muslims, american movies, etc) then go to another country where these are not issues, and quit complaining about them.

ConservativesLovePuns(descent) on February 22, 2008 at 12:26 pm

The above, second paragraph should start: “Yes I get that you’re upset that they are saying America is racist, but why?”

ConservativesLovePuns(descent) on February 22, 2008 at 12:26 pm

Wherever you have people there will be discrimination. Some people only like blondes or brunettes or short people or tall people, it’s just the way people are, everywhere. However, in America we still do the best we can to minimize discrimination. Who can honestly say they’ve never been discriminated against? Blacks, whites, Chrisitans, Jews, rich and poor, everyone has had some sort of discrimination against them to some extent.
Although I’m white and part American Indian, I’ve been discriminated against because I grew up poor. I overcame that. This is the only country in the world where someone can significantly change their station in life through hard work. I went from being at poverty level to the highest tax bracket. Why because I worked my way through college and then joined the Army, which gave me the edge over other job applicants.
I’ve traveled all over the world and racism in America is nothing compared to other countries. We may cringe when we see a woman in a burka but we’re not going to kill her because she’s a different religion. However Muslims beheaded Catholic school girls in Indonesia for wearing crucifixes and their uniforms.

Minnie Mouse on February 22, 2008 at 12:59 pm

“Yes, I get upset that they’re saying America is racist, but why? It is true, people are very intolerant of other races and religions in the country.”
What a stupid generalization. THe truth is, most Americans have a “live and let live” attitude. They are too busy trying to live their own lives to waste their time picking on other racial or religious groups.
In my area their are whites, blacks, asians, latinos, Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc. I have lived here for 30 years and have never heard of one racist incident.
The self-hating Left is determined to poison the minds of the American people with their distorted, paranoid world view.

FreethinkerNY on February 22, 2008 at 1:36 pm

Let’s face it, the Hag twins are just two pissed-off libs. They most likely receive their gratification in wallowing in their own misery.
I think I can sum it up this whole situation from a famous line courtesy of Al Pachino in [Scareface] where he tells M Pfifer, “You know what your problem is lady, you haven’t been F#$%&ed in months”!

RC Flyer on February 22, 2008 at 1:42 pm

They are going to “tell on us” to dictators and worse.
It is obvious they do not like the way the US is run or the “terrible people” here.
They are (unlike other countries) free to leave.
This is my home, I love my home. If I complain, it will not be to my enemies.

interestinconundrum on February 22, 2008 at 1:50 pm

Reminds me of the AIM Indian chiefs in full regalia shaking hands with Brezhnev. They were at some sort of Commie Front conference too. Remember that?

poetcomic1 on February 22, 2008 at 1:55 pm

“It is true, people are very intolerant of other races and religions in the country.”
Why would we be intolerant of islam?

interestinconundrum on February 22, 2008 at 2:29 pm

That’s why I love your site. The title of this post is hillarious.

Staypositive on February 22, 2008 at 2:54 pm

Let them ridicule their own native country while living in it. LOL

samurai on February 22, 2008 at 3:16 pm

If you can protest – protest then. File your own cases in Int. court – or in UN. It’ll be better and far more effective than to discuss these outrageous facts between ourselves.
And if you cannot – as they said in E. Germany in 80-s: vote by your feet (i.e. – change a place of your sojourn – if you have enough means and energy to relocate.
Personally I see the situation for all whites, Jews or not, here in USA as absolutely and still increasingly desperate. And I am every day more sure, that we must start leave this place while it is still possible to do. I always remember about Germany in the 30-s – until a certain moment Jews could leave Germany, and pretty freely, even encouraged to do so, but after a certain point, their plight to stay in Germany to perish was sealed, and after that moment they lost all possibilities to escape.

MarcAurelio on February 22, 2008 at 8:29 pm

Omigod! As a WASP you can’t even imagine the stuff people think they can say to me. Racism is RAMPANT in this country. Remember the black-face incident at the ICE party??? People actually thought that was acceptable and funny! Some of my favorite quotes… “I’d rather be a nigger than Irish,” from an Italian. Regarding the recent pedophilia problems among the Catholic clergy, an Irish woman exclaimed, “I blame the Jews. They own all the newspapers.” From a WASP, “It’s part of their culture to have illegitimate children,” about Hispanics.

LoveAManInAUniform on February 23, 2008 at 5:36 pm

Are these white broads pretending to be indian because there related to some one who is?90% of white and black people who’s ancestry has been in America since before the civil war have a indian ancestor.95% of Oklahoman’s have an indian ancestor.This is a credential?
My name is Gordito and I have an north american indian ancestor.One of the reason the North American indians have disappeared is because everyone else keeps hooking up with them.I’m not saying there easy.BUT these broads probley got there attitude and looks from some white harpie who wouldn’t got laid if it wasn’t for happy hour on the rez.

gordito on February 24, 2008 at 10:56 pm

I’m not picking on white people.There are brown people of this ilk.But these broads are everything they claim whites are.They’re overindulged and really WHITE(claiming to be innocent because of an indian ancestor).
Personaly I love the white people who spread the judeo-chritian morality ending child sacrafices,abandoment of disabled and multiple birth children(to die in nature),polygamy,and eventualy slavery.
Indians enslaved other indians before and after the whiteman arrived. Try to get a cherokee to recognize choctaw property rights before the U.S. did.Those white people I love.These two white buffalos not so much.

gordito on February 24, 2008 at 11:28 pm

if i could only subside my anger.

as grandson to fay givens i would have to completely disagree with your uneducated attacks against my grandma. their appearance was meant to open eyes and not an attack such as yourself just made. just reading this rag of your vile outburst makes me wince to the ignorant tone of your writing. is a white women is hawking on two old, respected, native-americans enough proof that each day we live under the the same prejudices that the majority throw? as the unintelligent, non-credible writer you are i can believe that you made no attempt to take witness to this racism other than to browse google for information. you are a joke and i only pity you for being blind. there is obviously racism in the united states and you have just proved it. my grandmother has done nothing but help people who need it most and this is how she is treated.

cameron kraepel on October 13, 2009 at 11:59 pm

I am the grand daughter of Fay Givens and by stating that america is a racist place, she is simply stating the obvious. Unfortunately, its true. Blacks, arabs, hispanics, native americans, etc suffer racial discrimination. However, calling to focus a negative trait of our country doesn’t make her unamerican or unhappy living here. YES my grandmother and great aunt live good lives but not every native american does. All they want to do is give everyone a fair chance at that. How is that malicious or damaging to our country at all? If anything these sisters are trying to make america a better place for everyone. Thats not selfish. AND why would it matter if they are any other ethnicity then native american? I think a person can claim to be whatever they want as long as its helping someone. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.

Alex Mac on November 29, 2009 at 9:33 pm

Oh the irony. You of all people saying that Americas not racist, while every post you make is anti Arab/ anti Muslim. You are a pathetic waste of space and should be ashamed of yourself. Why dont YOU go to hell, bitch?

E on July 11, 2012 at 1:25 am

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