March 18, 2011, - 12:13 am

Jalen Rose to Grant Hill: Blacks w/ Both Parents Are “Uncle Toms,” “Bitches;” Jalen Rose Charter School

By Debbie Schlussel

Two new charter schools in Detroit bear the name of famous Black men.  One is the Dr. Benjamin Carson School of Science and Medicine, named for the brilliant, renowned brain surgeon who is a light to all American kids, regardless of race. The other, the Jalen Rose Leadership Academy, is named for a former NBA basketball player who said that Black kids whose parents are educated and married to each other are Uncle Toms. Which school would you want your kids to attend? If you are one of the many brainless zombies who watched the “Fab Five” thug-life glorification documentary on ESPN over the weekend, you might sadly prefer the latter. It seems the American public has already made that determination.

Jalen Rose Called Grant Hill “Uncle Tom,” “Bitch” for Having Married, Educated Parents

Last weekend, ESPN broadcast its most highly-rated documentary ever.  The show was about the famed “Fab Five,” University of Michigan basketball players (including Jalen Rose), some of whom accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars from a bookie, Ed Martin, who lived just around the block from where I grew up.  This violated their status as amateurs and college student-athletes.  I took special offense to the documentary, especially because of the continued fascination with thugs–Black AND White–who were given everything and it still wasn’t enough.  Now, they feel entitled and have giant chips on their shoulders, calling everyone a racist.  I had my own not-very-pleasant encounter with the Fab Five thugs.  More about that later on in this post.

Probably the most disgusting part of ESPN’s Fab Five documentary was the part in which college and pro basketball player Grant Hill–a wholesome upstanding player–was maligned by Fab Five member Jalen Rose (who doubled as producer of the documentary).  Rose said Hill was an “Uncle Tom” and a “Bitch” because both his parents were married to each other and are educated and hard-working.  Yeah, that’s the attitude to give to Black kids in America, Jalen.  Because, hey, we don’t want the ten percent of Black Kids still born with two parents and an intact family to get the wrong idea about what’s hip and what’s “Uncle Tom”ish. Oh, and by the way, no biggie that Rose founded a tax-funded charter school bearing his name in the City of Detroit. Good to know the guy who wants his name on a school doesn’t think the Black kids who populate it should be married and educated because that would constitute Uncle Tomism.

These Fab Five veterans are fabulously wealthy freaks of nature who would be selling crack on Detroit’s Eight Mile if they didn’t have the accident of basketball skills.  Yet, despite their tremendously good fortune, they just can’t stand that they are not living the whole package of the thug life, and this is the way they act out in “repentance”–by calling out class acts like Grant Hill, who beat them on the court every single time.

In yesterday’s New York Times, “Uncle Tom” Hill responded, and here are the important excerpts:

I am a fan, friend and longtime competitor of the Fab Five. . . .

It was a sad and somewhat pathetic turn of events, therefore, to see friends narrating this interesting documentary about their moment in time and calling me a bitch and worse, calling all black players at Duke “Uncle Toms” and, to some degree, disparaging my parents for their education, work ethic and commitment to each other and to me. I should have guessed there was something regrettable in the documentary when I received a Twitter apology from Jalen before its premiere. . . .

In his garbled but sweeping comment that Duke recruits only “black players that were ‘Uncle Toms,’ ” Jalen seems to change the usual meaning of those very vitriolic words into his own meaning, i.e., blacks from two-parent, middle-class families. He leaves us all guessing exactly what he believes today.

I am beyond fortunate to have two parents who are still working well into their 60s. They received great educations and use them every day. My parents taught me a personal ethic I try to live by and pass on to my children.

I come from a strong legacy of black Americans. My namesake, Henry Hill, my father’s father, was a day laborer in Baltimore. He could not read or write until he was taught to do so by my grandmother. His first present to my dad was a set of encyclopedias, which I now have. He wanted his only child, my father, to have a good education, so he made numerous sacrifices to see that he got an education, including attending Yale. . . .

To hint that those who grew up in a household with a mother and father are somehow less black than those who did not is beyond ridiculous. . . .

I am proud of my family. I am proud of my Duke championships and all my Duke teammates. And, I am proud I never lost a game against the Fab Five.

And Jalen Rose’s attitude was and still is typical of the Fab Five.  If you followed Chris Webber and the Fab Five, then you know that Webber–who refused to participate in the documentary–always felt substandard because he attended the swanky Detroit Country Day prep school, instead of a public school in the ‘hood.  He spent the next several years “making up” for that by engaging in all kinds of thuggish behavior, including taking beaucoup bucks from Martin and lying under oath before a federal grand jury.  Webber got away with that because the-then U.S. Attorney, Jeffrey Collins, sat on the board of Chris Webber’s C-Webb Foundation and because the federal judge, Nancy Edmunds–who has a soft spot for Islamic terrorists and rich basketball scum, let him off with community service.

I had my own run-in with one of the Fab Five and a teammate and came away disgusted.  While these players were playing for my alma mater, I was a grad student at the University of Wisconsin.  At that time, I usually flew home from Chicago O’Hare airport, and was once on the same flight as Juwan Howard and Rob Pelinka, two of the players.  Even though they repeatedly said “Hey, baby!” to me, I didn’t respond.  I did not know who they were and didn’t care.  But because I didn’t ask, they volunteered the unsolicited, unwanted information anyway, telling me their names and that they are on the Michigan Basketball Team.  Really?  I couldn’t tell that someone a gazillion inches tall and in a Michigan warm-up is a basketball player.  Thanks for the tip.  Because I ignored them, both Howard and Pelinka called me a whore repeatedly, as we waited for the flight.  I was trying to study during this whole encounter.  When I got up to buy a drink, they deliberately tried to trip me.  This is the behavior of scumbags.

Then, when we got the call for the flight, and First Class boarded, they got up and said, “We’re in first class, all the way baby!”  As it turned out, with my many frequent flier miles, I was bumped up to First Class and boarded, and they were not.  As they walked by me on the plane on their way to cramped coach, they again called me a whore–all of this because I did not respond to their juvenile pick-up efforts.  Not long after that Pelinka got into Michigan Law School and Business School.  I’m told this was not based on his superior academic achievement, which would have been needed for either school, but his status as a Michigan hoops player.  Pelinka was not part of the Fab Five, but instead an insecure White guy benchwarmer who longed to be one of the Black Fab Fivers and kissed their assess to no end. He’s now a slick sports agent, making millions representing players like Kobe Bryant and driving fancy sports cars. But he’ll always be the guy who is embarrassed by his upper class, White upbringing in Lake Forest Illinois and fancies himself as a Black guy starring in a rap video.

Rob, if you’re reading this, you and I both know that despite all the money, degrees, and accoutrements of the high life, you’ll always be a lowlife thug who wishes he were Black, but just isn’t. It’s that pigment thing getting in the way.

The Fab Five and all their associates are pieces of crap not worth shining Grant Hill’s shoes.  If we had more players like Hill and fewer like the Fab Five, America’s kids would truly have Fab heroes in college and the NBA.

Oh, and if you send your kids to the Jalen Rose Leadership Academy charter school, you’re a moron.

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41 Responses

Dayum Debbie,You never cease to amaze me

ebayer on March 18, 2011 at 1:36 am

Deb’s working OT tonight I see.

What is up with this ‘Ghetto Chic’ thing anyway? I see so many white suburban kids with the stupid baggy pants, turned baseball caps and crummy RAP “music”. Even all the black folks I work with laugh at them.

“I am proud of my family. I am proud of my Duke championships and all my Duke teammates. And, I am proud I never lost a game against the Fab Five.”
Slam, Dunk!…Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet!

theShadow on March 18, 2011 at 1:53 am

It offends me when people refer to a toadying Black as an “Uncle Tom.” Have they read the book? Simon Legree buys Uncle Tom, meaning to make him an overseer. He makes Tom a field hand, being flogged in the heat, when Tom refuses to toady to him. Later, Uncle Tom passes up his chance to escape with Emmeline and Cassy because he feels it’s his duty to stay and minister to Legree’s suffering slaves. Simon Legree has Uncle Tom flogged to death because Tom refuses to betray Enneline and Cassy.

Miranda Rose Smith on March 18, 2011 at 4:13 am

I can still remember when Grant Hill’s family dynamic was the norm in the Black communitee and not unusual. When I the reports on this story on ESPN Radio I was disgusted with Jalen Rose and lost alot of respect for him. I never pay much attention to basketball or its players, but Black men like Jalen has a deep-seeded envy for men like Grant Hill. He longs for a father to shoot hoops with and minister to him about the ways of the world. However it was not to be for whatever reason so he lashes out with anger at the object he so desires. Grant Hills’ response was very well-put.

Anthony on March 18, 2011 at 6:07 am

Deb ESPN will do nothing about this, being as they are owned by mega-corporate dictatorial media giant Disney/ABC.

Grant Hill is one of the rare good guys in any sport still playing.


Bob Porrazzo on March 18, 2011 at 8:31 am

I think folks should be suspicious if one of the courses at Jalen’s “Academy” is “Chillin’ 101”.

Tanstaafl on March 18, 2011 at 8:52 am

Rose is an idiot. Webber’s career was saved by the fact that his agent passed away before he could testify at sentencing.

Brian Cuban on March 18, 2011 at 9:09 am

Eventually you will see the “tropic thunder” pigmentation surgery start to spread. Started as a joke changing Robert Downy Jr in to a black man for a film but we will see life imitate art very soon. For now with all the wannabe blacks they look like orange ompa lumpas from all the bad tanning sprays, ala jersey shore.

ender on March 18, 2011 at 10:10 am

A frequent commenter on this site ends all his posts with the Michael Savage statement that a country is defined by its borders, language, and culture.

And, he has mentioned on a couple of occasions that he is a “sexual libertarian,” but thankfully does not further define this. I am puzzled by how he does not realize that sexual morality is also part of the culture.

A significant part of the decline of America is its embrace of ghetto-thug Black culture. Only, you really have to blame us Whites for that.

Inasmuch as intact Black families actually exceeded those of Whites up until around 1960, one must conclude that the current situation was caused expressly by government policy.

NO–this was not an “unintended consequence.” It was deliberately intended, to create a massive dependent class that would always vote Democratic.

Not sure how “going back to the Constitution” is going to help now.

Red Ryder on March 18, 2011 at 10:13 am

I don’t know what is more troubling about this show-boating freak Rose. His absolute racism or his absolute ignorance.

I’m loving DS’s posts on “BabyDaddy’s” this week because the issue itself has so many conservatives here squirming at their computers and equivocating. At lot of that is ignorance, guilt and the absolute inability NOT to take the issue personally (for whatever reason)…and seriously.

You peeps doing that are WRONG. This issue is complex in the way it causes havoc with kids, families, individuals and society as a whole, but very simplistic in what is right and wrong.

I wanna AGAIN point out that this mind-thought and behaviour is destructive to ALL humans. Not just blacks (although with a 71% out of wedlock rate, they should be showcased because the so-called black leaders are out to lunch on this). So this means well-paid news biotches like Roberts and Philips, the Motor City Madman Ted Nugent, the poor black girls having babies out-of-wedlock and nutters like Halle Berry and fools like Niaomi Watts are all in the same digusting boat. (I said this because I think some people seem to be more at ease posting about black babydaddies than whites (see the Roberts/Nugent threads) and I want to point out DS is highlighting ALL HUMANS who engage in this selfish/destructive behaviour.)

This Rose freak is so narcissistic. That is also what shines through on his idiotic statements. What a butt-munch.

Thank the Lord we have peeps like Grant Hill. Bless his heart.

Skunky on March 18, 2011 at 10:15 am

    Several things are destroying life as we know it 1. The road to hell is broad and well traveled (more people are taking the easy way instead of the straight an narrow) 2. Education is taking the least common denominator (make sure every body passes like the Dayton police department even if you fail 58% you still pass but, it seems only if you are black) the liberals are the worse thing the blacks have ever had happen to them (including slavery) they are patronized and the worse of habits and education are accepted as the norm and if you meet this expectation you get the “Uncle Sugar” check every month more babies out of wedlock more money (Michigan is finally getting rid of the eternal welfare state along with Union thugs not because we want to but we have to I find some thing wrong with this in the first place but then again I’m white educated and a tax payer so in Detroit I am wrong to being with) even with slavery the person could have personal pride and ethics today the liberal wishes to snatch that away as being abnormal and incorrect.

    Jonathan Gartner on March 18, 2011 at 12:48 pm


    “What a butt-munch”>

    Not only a butt-munch, but an ass-wipe, dill-hole, dill-weed, and a fart-knocker!

    CornCoLeo on March 18, 2011 at 6:03 pm

Good article. Guilty white people will keep going to and watching, basketball. NO matter how anti white and self hating the players become. I had to help restrain a young scum bag once who was known around the prison for his above avg hoops play. It was sickening to hear people exclaim afterwards that he had a hard time playing ball after that incident. I’m not surprised at all that you were harassed by those scumbags. That’s what bullies do.
One good thing about the baggy cloths fashion that’s taken over the criminal class so much is that even an over weight middle aged cop can catch them running away from them with their shop lifted DVD’s and assorted other stolen

samurai on March 18, 2011 at 11:20 am

I can’t wait until Obama’s kids get knocked up at ages 15 and 14, respectively.

No, that will never happen. They would have abortions.

Jonathan Grant on March 18, 2011 at 11:38 am

    No, thanks to our celebrity culture, first we would know that they had been knocked up, and then we would know about the abortions.

    Occam's Tool on March 18, 2011 at 12:34 pm

Your take on Pelinka raises an interesting point. All these Black wannabe’s should be an insult to any actual black person that has experienced life in the ghetto. Red Ryder’s post of our culture’s apparent embrace of the ghetto thug culture has a ring of truth in it. The perceived “glamor” of such a life is what drives these mindless morons. Forget the crushing effect a life of living in poverty has on a person. But we can just skip that stage and simply wear the costume. Its all part of the dumbing down of America and western culture as you have reported here many times. It makes me sick!

Ed in Seattle on March 18, 2011 at 12:05 pm

Jalen Rose came off as a ghetto scumbag in this highly rated documentary in which he highlighted his Deetroit roots.

Yet people around here still don’t understand why the rest of the country views Detroit as a crime-ridden cesspool?

Connect the dots, people. You reap what you sow.

Andy on March 18, 2011 at 12:12 pm

Whoa, let us back up a little bit. Being from a middle class, two parent family and representing those values doesn’t AUTOMATICALLY make you a good guy. So, let’s not give “affirmative action” points to Hill here. I remember Hill’s playing career before he broke his foot, and the guy was unsufferable … had a gigantic sense of entitlement, up to forcing the Pistons to fire their head coach in order to hire another one that would center the team around his (limited and overrated) skills. When that didn’t work (because he wasn’t good enough to carry a team) he split in free agency. (He chose Orlando in order to further his wife’s singing career; it didn’t work because – well have you ever heard her sing?) Turned out to be the best thing ever to happen to Detroit, because his leaving and taking his huge salary with him allowed Detroit to fire the coach and sign players that they could use to actually win a championship. And as far as the “Uncle Tom” thing goes, well it actually was true in a sense, as that Grant Hill purposefully made a ton of money off being the “nonthreatening, approachable black sports figure” of the early 1990s. Make no mistake, Grant Hill traded on being the alternative to the negative stereotypes of his race to make tens of millions as an endorser that his play on the basketball court never justified. THAT’S one of the main reason why LOTS of black athletes from a VARIETY of backgrounds hated the guy’s guts. Hill didn’t go the Clarence Thomas/Walter Williams/Tom Sowell route and declare “don’t classify me as a black man but as a person/race shouldn’t matter, I am a human being, and that stuff contributes to racism.” Instead, Hill purposefully made a ton of money as “the good black guy”, the alternative to the Public Enemy/Tupac Shakur/Snoop Dogg types in rap music, Spike Lee and John Singleton in Hollywood, etc. When David Stern, the NBA commissioner, offered Grant Hill the opportunity to be the spokesman for the NBA’s “black history month” (one of the worst ideas ever, created solely to market Grant Hill and since abandoned by the NBA) he gladly embraced it.

I am willing to accept that Jalen Rose is a bad fellow, especially since based on his writing for Huffington Post, he has used his rough background as an excuse to embrace Marxist politics, largely for the purposes of justifying his own bad choices. But that doesn’t make Grant Hill a GOOD FELLOW. Not by a long shot. If you are looking for blacks to represent the two parent family values ideal (which is a racist idea to begin with; why can’t blacks have whites, Jews, Asians etc. as role models?) start with one of the MANY who didn’t self-servingly self-aggrandizingly transparently trade on his race to do so. If Jalen Rose makes Grant Hill into this conservative hero (when the truth is that the Hills are actually liberal Democrats) then it will be just another reason for me to regret my own fervent support of the Fab Five 20 years ago (a fact due to my own inexcusable immoral embrace of hip-hop culture and radical politics around that same time).

Gerald on March 18, 2011 at 12:14 pm

Whites who aggressively emulate lowlife blacks are pathetic. If there was money in it, they would major in Black Studies. Rob Pelinka is basically a thug rapper with a law degree and well-fitted pants.

Seek on March 18, 2011 at 12:19 pm

Dr. Ben Carson is the head of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Hopkins. I hope my son is like him.

Occam's Tool on March 18, 2011 at 12:32 pm

I wonder exactly what is the curriculum at the Jalen Rose Leadership Academy. Are they training high school kids to be community organizers like Obama? I get really tired of blacks talking about “leadership” all the time, when, if you look at the self-proclaimed “black – Oops! African-American leaders” they’re mostly a bunch of self-proclaimed “reverends” who have never pastored a church and do nothing more than shake down white people and white-owned enterprises for money. It’s disgusting.

DG in GA on March 18, 2011 at 12:45 pm


You may want to reconsider your praises of Grant Hill. I’m somewhat skeptical of this information since I found it in Wikipedia, but according to the article, Hill was a big supporter for John Kerry in the 2004 presidential election. He also supported our current incompetent and idiotic president Barack Hussein Obama.

Upon further research, the following article from the Arizona Republic confirms what I’ve noted:

I’ll grant you that he has got some respectability as a man who believes in a stable family, but…that’s about it. He’s got shit for brains in terms of politics.

ICBMMan on March 18, 2011 at 1:07 pm


As my own political beliefs have changed many a time, I cannot endorse hating people merely because of their political beliefs. That is simply the parallel to the other side … supporting “conservatives” unconditionally, the same thing that Schlussel rails against. After all, the fellow who first alerted the nation to rising black family dysfunction, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, was as liberal as they come. (Writing “A Nation At Risk” probably cost Moynihan a shot at being president.)

Instead, Hill’s problem is willingly seeking and accepting tens of millions of dollars to be “the magic Negro.” And since he really wasn’t that great (he was good, but not great) on the basketball court either, he was the Barack Obama of the sports world of his day. It would have been one thing had it been foisted on him unwillingly (as it has been for lots of other athletes) but Hill cultivated his “good black guy who’s loved by white people” image, used it to make a ton of money for himself, and then often had the gall to whine, complain and play the victim when he was criticized for it. Bottom line: Hill got all those endorsements the same way that Obama got elected to U.S. Senate and president. And yes, it is interesting to note that Obama also represents the middle class two parent family ideal. (A fact which drives his socially conservative opponents absolutely nuts by the way, especially as so many of their own standard bearers – i.e. Newt Gingrich and David Vitter – have had scandals).

If you ask for more, you’ll get more. I did like Schlussel’s mention of Benjamin Carson, a guy who accomplished a lot without needing to either trade on his race or play sports. It would have been far better had she stayed with the contrast between Rose and Carson and not even mentioned “Magic Negro 1.0” Hill.

Gerald on March 18, 2011 at 1:34 pm

I’m sure 99% of people (of any race) who refer to educated, successful black people as “Uncle Toms” have never read the book in its entirety. At best, maybe a quick browse through Cliff Notes or the odd excerpt here and there to suit their views.

Alan on March 18, 2011 at 2:00 pm

Gerald, I wholeheartedly agree with you that we should strive to avoid negative political stereotyping.

Normally, Deb is very careful when propping up or commending individuals until they are properly vetted. With the information you astutely indicated in conjunction with what I found, I don’t think she displayed the caution that she is normally noted for in praising Grant.

ICBMMan on March 18, 2011 at 2:03 pm

Nice article Debbie, couldn’t agree with you anymore. All this time I thought Jalen Rose (I remember watching him play ball for the Michigan mens basketball team in my childhood days) was a cool guy who would never stoop to stupidity like that, I heard this story earlier in the week on another website, and I was disappointed in Rose, now I lost all respect for Jalen Rose. He’s a modern day “Stepin Fechit” along with Chris Rock, Spike Lee, etc. who does these moronic black stereotypes, and as a black male in my early 30s, these schmucks DO NOT represent me or speak for me as a black person.

And Debbie, I’m sorry you had to deal with Juwan Howard and Rob Pelinka (never heard of him) by them calling you a disrespectful word. When I was a lot younger (in my late teens) I acted a little like Juwan Howard and Rob Pelinka on flirting with girls and the samething can be said for my old friends back then who I had to dump and leave them for good, until one day, a girl that I flirted with embarrassed me and told me to leave her alone, and guess what, that girl was completely right! Now back to Jalen Rose, I grew up and went to school with morons like Jalen Rose, and I’ve done everything in my life to get the hell away from jackasses like him or folks like him would try and hold me back and not let me thrive in life.

“A nation is defined by it’s borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on March 18, 2011 at 2:05 pm


Calling certain blacks “Uncle Toms” was originated by the Black Panthers, who used it against all blacks who opposed Marxism. The Black Panthers had their own radical, postmodern interpretation of the book. Where the original author, a liberal Unitarian, intended Uncle Tom as an allegory of Jesus Christ (and recall that Unitarians deny Jesus Christ’s deity and resurrection and instead view Him as a moral and ethical teacher who was killed by religious and political elites for His progressive beliefs, a sort akin to Socrates) the Black Panthers vilified Uncle Tom for refusing to rise up, rebel against, and attempt to overthrow slavery as did Nat Turner, Denmark Vesey, Toussaint Louverture etc.

Their approach was so radical because at the time “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” was a revered novel for its role in provoking the Civil War, and Uncle Tom was regarded (by whites and blacks) as the very type of black man that should lead the cause of integration … Uncle Tom was THE literary role model of civil rights leader. But though the Black Panthers were not a racial separatist group like the Nation of Islam, they did not want integration so to speak, because that would mean blacks integrating a capitalist society, and the result would be a few wealthy blacks joining wealthy powerful whites in oppressing the poor and middle class of all races. Harriet Beecher Stowe intended Uncle Tom to be a symbol to white (and black!) America of how blacks – if given the chance – could work within the system, and it was precisely that which made the character an enemy to the Black Panthers, because their goal was not to integrate that system but rather to destroy it.

Instead, the Black Panthers wanted to overthrow the entire capitalist system first, and THEN work on integration. Or to be more accurate, the Black Panthers, like W.E.B. Du Bois (founder of the NAACP, member of the American Communist Party, and sycophant of the Soviet Union and Mao’s China) felt that capitalism was the root cause of racism, and that once capitalism was ended, racism would end too. The thought was that racism was invented by white capitalist elites not so much to create a large underclass of low-paid black workers (though that was certainly a benefit!) as to deceive the LARGER underclass of low-paid white workers from organizing to overthrow the system by creating a society where being poor and white was better (even if only marginally so!) than being poor and black. (Note: Du Bois, the Black Panthers and their fellow travelers did not originate these beliefs, but rather learned it from the white Marxists who recruited and “educated” them in order to use them for their own purposes.)

Some black leftists have tried to recover some of the original intent of the book, by trying to rehabilitate the reputation of Uncle Tom and stating that the Sambo slave character was the actual “sellout.” But far too people have actually READ Uncle Tom’s Cabin for it to work.

Incidentally, I do not share the high esteem that many have had for Uncle Tom’s Cabin. I see it as just another work of liberal propaganda, and a highly successful one at that. Without that book, the Civil War would have never happened, and slavery would have died out in a few decades due to its no longer being economically viable. No Civil War would have meant no Reconstruction, no KKK, no Jim Crow, no NAACP and civil rights movement (the movement that was the single most effective in getting Marxist, socialist and communist ideas accepted in the mainstream!), no Great Society … you get my drift.

Gerald on March 18, 2011 at 2:41 pm

Sean R.

I remember Rob Pelinka. He was a pretty good player, and would have been a lot better had he embraced being what he was … a white basketball player. Had Pelinka gone to Duke, North Carolina, Indiana, Kentucky, Georgia Tech or Princeton instead of Michigan, he likely would have gotten a shot at the NBA. (Yes, I was once a basketball fan, but no more as the sport is now unwatchable both at the college and pro levels.)

While I am also not a fan of his, Chris Rock is a far more nuanced personality than you are giving him credit for. Rock was battling the glorification of ghetto and criminal culture in the black community way back in the early 1990s, back before it was “cool” to do so, and nearly 10 years before Bill Cosby got so much credit for doing the same. “Everybody Hates Chris”, his semi-autobiographical sitcom, was about his growing up in a middle class two-parent non-dysfunctional family whose parents worked very hard to get him out of “the hood” and into a quality, integrated neighborhood. It is the closest thing to “Leave It To Beaver” that you are going to find on network TV. In reality, Chris Rock is much preferable to Grant Hill.

Gerald on March 18, 2011 at 2:53 pm

I still think the only basketball worth watching anymore is the International rules Olympic style. They’re going to institute rule changes soon that will make it more like NBA: 1) Trapezoid key replaced by regular key. This enables low-post man to hang within five feet of the basket forcing a defender to front him. It basically gives the advantage to the taller man when taller guys already have an advantage. 2) Each defender must be within so many feet of an offensive player, thus basically disallowing zone defenses. If the offense spreads out in an arc it leaves the key wide open, and so, insures lots of dunks to make non-purist fans happy. 3) Thirty second clock replaced by NBA twenty-four second clock. No zone defenses means that offenses doesn’t need to actually make lots of passes and work the ball around to create a good shot opportunity.

A tragic end to a once great sport.

CornCoLeo on March 18, 2011 at 6:32 pm

Personally, I don’t care who plays pro-basketball. There are “Good Guys & Bad Guys”. I would prefer associating with the “Good Guys”.

However, this note is for the young Black Elementary and High School male who is trying to decide if he should strive to be an NBA Pro or a Medical Doctor. In searching for the odds of each, one Wiki reply was 40 in 10,000,000 kids playing B-Ball made it. In a Journal of Black Higher Education article, it appears Blacks have better odds…

So, all you young dudes reading this should research various careers, longevity, injuries on-the-job, average earnings, and having a solid family life or lifestyle that will take you into old age…Yes, you’ll get there!

ps: For those of you who are mathematically challenged, the
“10” with all the zeroes is 10 Million. Hope you have fun playing, but get real on going “Pro”. (Just ask Debbie)

Dennis on March 18, 2011 at 6:59 pm

I loved reading the discussion on “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”. It made me wanna read the book. (I somehow did not have to in High School).

Thanks Miranda and Gerald!

Skunky on March 18, 2011 at 9:47 pm

“Rob, if you’re reading this, you and I both know that despite all the money, degrees, and accoutrements of the high life, you’ll always be a lowlife thug who wishes he were Black, but just isn’t. It’s that pigment thing getting in the way.”
Ain’t Dat Duh Troof!!
Deb, if I ever meet this guy, I’ll take some before, and after pictures.

Globe Warmer on March 19, 2011 at 12:10 am

It’s been my experience that, when a black guy makes a silly ass wisecrack like that, and you call him on it, poking fun at him in a nice way, he’ll go all sheepish on you and concede that his smartass remark was inappropriate. Generally, blacks are pretty fair and reasonable people, unlike members of a certain whiny, neurotic and paranoid other minority group that comes to mind.

Dianne & Brian on March 19, 2011 at 3:00 am

Sounds like because she gets treated crassly by two jerks at an airport, 20 years ago, any person affiliated with them must be equally bad.

It was clear in my viewing of the Fab Five that Jalen Rose was reflecting on the thoughts he had as an 18 year old kid out if the inner city. In fact, he also said that he was jealous of Grant Hill because he had two parents, where Jalen’s athlete father wanted nothing to do with him.

And then to make the leap that because Howard and Pelinka were rude to her – as teenagers, 20 years ago – that the school that Jalen is starting is going to teach kids how to be a thug …… That’s quite a leap.

So my view on the issue. We have an 18 year old punk kid who acted and thought like an 18 year old punk kid. He now recognizes how stupid that was, wants to impact current teens how stupid that thinking is today, and continues to catch flack from people like DS who can’t see past an unrelated issue that happened two decades ago.

Give me a break.

Rick on March 19, 2011 at 11:10 am

The very fact that the one-sided documentary included such excuse-making Blacks Racists, such as Schmuck D of Public Enemy,Ice-T and,I think,Ice Cube – Every one of whom came from a MIDDLE CLASS background, then embraced such extremist,anti-White politics,to “keep it real”, praising “The Five” for their thuggish ways ),is all I need to totally avoid watching this propaganda,anything-but-cleverly-disguised as a documentary.

Phineas on March 19, 2011 at 12:45 pm

I wonder if Debbie will write about Jalen Rose’s drunk driving arrest in West Bloomfield two days before the docomentary was featured on ESPN and the Detroit media’s subsequent cover up of the incident by not reporting the arrest until the hype and Michigan’s NCAA tournament run ended.

Phogg on March 30, 2011 at 12:58 am

Jalen Rose puts his own time, money and effort into building a charter school for at-risk kids in Detroit and somehow he is a bad guy? This piece is embarrassing.

E-Rod on March 30, 2011 at 2:10 pm

Debbie = Erin Andrews part deux.

E-Rod on March 30, 2011 at 2:21 pm

The Sopranos is thug life, New Jack City is thug life, 5 guys playing basekball w/baggy shorts does not equal thug life. Sorry

E-Rod on March 30, 2011 at 2:23 pm

Gerald,even if what you said about Hill’s conspiring to have that martinet butt-munch (“Beavis and Butt-head” was one of my favourite TV shows)Doug Collins-admittedly coaching his skinny a** off with the Philadelphia 76’ers in the first ruond of the play-offs (though my memory is of Hill’s actually INTERCEDING
AT LEAST TWICE to prevent a literal “Palace revolt” of Pistons ready to walk out on Collins and his super high-strung,inflexi-
ble coaching style,in which he wanted grown men making about TEN TIMES in some cases to literally be his obsequios servants rather than professional subordinates),he’d HARDLY be the first superstar to demand and win a king-of-the-mountain battle with his coach/manager.(See:Earvin Johnson-Paul Westhead,Deron Williams [briefly]-Jerry Sloan,LeBron James-Paul Silas,and-I’m 57 years old,boys,so here goes-60’s-era slugger Dick Allen-his Philadelphia Phillies skipper Gene Mauch.)
As for Hill’s trading on his erudite,telegenic black male image(ala Michael Jordan,pre-scandal Tiger Woods,Derek Jeter,etc.,have $UCCESSFULLY accomplished),WHAT’S WRONG WITH THAT,DUDE???The reason the NBA’S popularity has nose-dived recently is the perception-fed by some hip-hop generation
players’ adoption of the thug-life,”keepin’ it real-STUPID,THAT IS!!!-blinged-out,inelocutable personathat most round-ballers are ignorant gang-bangers in shorts and sneakers,thus driving away middle-class and more affluent NBA fans in droves.(Note to NBA players:Boys,if you strike,you’ll
receive FAR LESS SUPPORT than the locked-out NFL’ers,who are
increasingly seen as warriors willing to sacrifice their health and a normal life-span-the average National Football
Leaguer live to age 55,two years younger than Yours Truly and about 23 years below the average American male’s life expectan-
As for me,I will contnue to be an NBA fan as I’ve been for 53
of my nearly 58,years on Earth,but I wish Grant Hills-who WOULD have been amongst the leagues all-time elite were it not for his tragic injury run which he seems to have surmounted
too late for Hall-Of-Fame consideration-I guess-abounded in the league,which is STARVED for top-drawer citizens as well as players.(Oh,and I HAVE heard the lovely Mrs. Hill,formerly Windsor,Ont.,Can’s own Tamia Washington,whose parents and grandparents were friends of my parents,and while perhaps not the best singer I’ve heard,Tamia is DAMN GOOD!!!-and I’m into heavy metal,garage rock and Country [check my username]rather than pop.)

BlackCowboyStudBrett1953 on April 22, 2011 at 6:11 pm

Incidentally,Gerald,Tupac-kiled by other brainless gang-bangers,Public Enemy-openly anti-Semitic,anti-white,homophobic,misogynistic [where do I end listing this popinjay’s prejudices?],Snoop Dogg (along with Jay-Z,main-
streamed thuggishness),Spike Lee (demagogue-movie “Jungle
Fever” was baesd on Shelton’s-his given names-disapproval of his father’s second marriage to a white woman),John Singleton-great film-maker,but a propagandist;his “Boyz In The Hood” classic flick launched a flood of films depicting ONLY ghetto-
bound African Americans oppressed by their poverty and an indifferent at best,racist at worst,white America while ignoring educated,affluent,even good-looking blacks-ARE TO ME,NOT BLACK MEN WORTHY OF EMULATING;GRANT HILL,HOWEVER,IS,

BlackCowboyStudBrett1953 on April 23, 2011 at 2:52 am

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