August 14, 2007, - 12:29 pm

Fred’s Journalist Ex-Girlfriend Must Disclose

On Sunday’s “Meet the Press,” among those journalists commenting on the Fred Thompson campaign was Margaret Carlson, former TIME Magazine columnist and reporter and now of Palestinian Broadcasting System (PBS).
She referred to Thompson as “Senator Thompson,” but never as “my ex-boyfriend.” In its August 13th issue, Newsweek did a story on the controversial Jeri Kehn Thompson and Fred Thompson’s previous girlfriends. Some I knew about–like country crooner Lori Morgan and pollster Kellyanne Fitzpatrick Conway. But one, I wasn’t aware of . . . Carlson.
It’s just a tad inappropriate to comment on and on as a journalist about someone and not disclose this very stark conflict of interest. I call it the Campbell Brown move.

Margaret Carlson: Fred’s Ex Pulls a Campbell Brown

several times, when Alma Dale Campbell Brown a/k/a Campbell Brown was “dating” (euphemism) then-Saudi spokesman (now Ambassador) Adel Al-Jubeir, she covered the visit of Saudi then-Crown Prince (now King) Abdullah to the Bush ranch in Crawford, Texas.
Brown delivered a glowing, gushing report on NBC Nightly News, never disclosing the fact that she was swapping some sort of bodily fluid with the country’s chief propagandist and accepted a free trip to the Kingdom, courtesy of Al-Jubeir. Brown deliberately did not report on Saudi demands (and Bush caving to them) that women not occupy the air traffic control tower or tarmac at Waco’s airport. Nor did she report on the Saudi then-Prince’s entourage’s trip that night to a strip club in Waco, despite their claim they couldn’t be near women at the airport.
While not as bad as the egregious Brown, Carlson’s comments on Thompson–without being open and honest that she once was his girlfriend–is a conflict of interest and a tad dishonest. Shame on host David Gregory (subbing for Tim Russert) for not disclosing it for her.

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8 Responses

Margaret Carlson?! This proves that Freddie is unfit to hold high office.

Thee_Bruno on August 14, 2007 at 12:56 pm

Some conservatives (particularly on Hotair) think the sun rises and sets on Fred Thompson’s ass. I like the man, but he is not God. As for Margaret Carlson, the only good thing I can say about the chipmunk faced lefty is that compared to Eleanor Clift, she is a font of wisdom!

Ripper on August 14, 2007 at 4:11 pm

“Brown delivered a glowing, gushing report on NBC Nightly News, never disclosing the fact that she was swapping some sort of bodily fluid with the country’s chief propagandist….”
Gee–which fluids might that be Debbie? LOL

BB on August 14, 2007 at 5:32 pm

I can’t stop laughing: Freddie Boy and Margaret Carlson? eeeewwww! Somebody bring me a bucket! At the very least Hollywood Fred increased his babe credentials with the latest entry.
A point to the poster who lumped Margaret Carlson and Eleanor Clift together. I would like to add to that gruesome twosome their brilliant and lovely comrade, Susan Estrich. The Three of them together could easily haunt an eleven room house.
Note to single guys: The Democrat National Covention is definitely not a place to troll for women. 🙂

Southernops on August 14, 2007 at 5:57 pm

No way! That fugly thing? The one whose glasses are wearing her? I’m done with Fred anyhow. I suspect he’s an idiot.

lexi on August 14, 2007 at 7:23 pm

Tucker’s mommy – right? Very chipmunky! Susan Estrich is the worst though, not just to look at but that voice!

CarpeDiem on August 14, 2007 at 11:16 pm

Dana , AKA Campbell sure got some thin lips. Comes across as a first class biatch. Is she with child or just putting on the lbs? Speaking of Campbell’s…they want to keep pea soup and dump the Godiva chocolates? WTF?

FingerEleven on August 15, 2007 at 12:28 am

I always liked nerdy girls.

steve ventry on August 18, 2007 at 1:25 am

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