February 14, 2008, - 3:44 pm

Saudi Soup Nazis: “No Roses 4 U” on V-Day; PLUS My Valentine’s Day Candy Hearts to America

By Debbie Schlussel
Happy Valentine’s Day, America. I don’t believe in the whole thing, as it’s a cheesy, manufactured holiday for the card, salon, floral, and restaurant industries, etc. It’s not an American or Jewish holiday, so it’s simply not important to me. Men spend way more on it (than women), not because they want to, but because they feel obligated and forced to spend on women. Who wants something someone is artificially forced to give you, rather than something they spontaneously want to give you of their own volition? But guys gotta do it, or they’ll be “in the doghouse.” Sad.
On the other hand, our “friends”, the Saudis, are prohibiting red roses today, because they say that the flowers and the whole Valentine’s Day thing is against Islam. Why? Well, it encourages men and women who are not married to mingle. Islamist crackdowns on Valentine’s Day isn’t anything new. But, gee, I wonder what happened when Saudi Ambassador Adel Al-Jubeir and his homely pro-HAMAS then-concubine, er . . . girlfriend, Campbell Brown, “mingled” (euphemism) on a trip together to Saudi Arabia.


Saudi Soup Nazis: “No Red Roses (or Much Else) For You!”

As you’ve noticed, all week, I’ve been posting JPEG images of candy hearts with different politically appropriate messages on this site (including many that angered the whackjobs at the Nazi-funded Media Matters for America, yesterday). I made them at the Candy Heart Generator, and it’s kind of become a fun, time-wasting addiction. You can make your own in a choice of several pastel colors, plus black goth hearts for things and people you hate.
Here are some more of the hearts I’ve produced, followed by some of the ones I’ve previously posted that got the liberals so hoppin’ mad. Most relate to things I’ve discussed on this site, and for those you might not understand, I’m trying to link to the appropriate columns and posts on this site.
Happy Valentine’s Day, America, and especially to our troops overseas and their families. . . .














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7 Responses

Shouldn’t some of the Obama hearts be black, red, green and white? Black is an approprate color, but maybe some of the Muslim colors should be used next time, not that Hillary is exempt & maybe some others. Hillary’s could be tear-shaped.

c f on February 14, 2008 at 5:32 pm

I agree with you about Valentines Day Debbie. It is a totally manufactured Holiday Industry that has caused many unnecessary arguments in relationships.
I really like your valentine hearts especially the ones that have links.
I would not worry about the propaganda artists at MM. Anyone that takes their articles seriously needs to be on medication including the sycophants that post over there.

ScottyDog on February 14, 2008 at 6:02 pm

I don’t do Valentine’s day either, as it is a non-Jewish, non-secular rooted holiday. So we can date and not feel guilty about it. BTW, it’s true I do Halloween, but only for the candy.

Anonymous1 on February 14, 2008 at 9:25 pm

if you like stuff like the candy hearts generator,
then you might love this:
much more fun possibilities than just candy hearts 😉
maybe some new contests/projects for a long weekend with not much of a movie selection …

exdemexlib on February 15, 2008 at 9:49 am

Why can’t we just shape them like piles of fetid feces. After all, isn’t that what they’re all about?

1shot1kill on February 15, 2008 at 11:18 am

I’m not a big Valantines’ Day myself, but isn’t the facu that the jihadists hate it enough to get us all to reconsider?

DocLiberty on February 15, 2008 at 9:27 pm

I have a feeling that there would be zero legally recognized Pagan groups in either country today under such a policy.

sandalias havaianas on November 28, 2013 at 8:09 am

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