February 7, 2008, - 2:10 pm

Michigan Doctors: “Forget Trial Lawyers/HMOs, Our Biggest Prob is Crackdown on Illegal Aliens”

By Debbie Schlussel
As a hardworking, dedicated, and proud medical doctor, my late father always complained that the organized medical doctor lobby was doctors’ biggest enemy, that it had helped the enemies of medicine destroy the practice of it. While individual medical doctors were fed up with rising costs of frivolous medical malpractice litigation, defensive medicine, and HMO middlemen phone jockeys setting their prices at 1970s levels, organized medicine was busy pursuing a left-wing agenda and bending over on the rest of the issues.
My father decades ago left the AMA (the American Medical Association) and wasn’t impressed with the do-nothing bloated bureaucracy known as the Michigan State Medical Society.


I saw what my father meant firsthand in my 1998 race for the Michigan House of Representatives. I had previously lost a run for the same seat by just one vote. The seat was open, and I had a good chance of winning. I was not only an MD’s daughter, I was a militant on medical issues–whether it was ending the litigation explosion against doctors or fighting the HMOs in favor of doctors and their patients. (My views on medicine are here.) Yet, the Michigan State Medical Society and its top officials–Executive Director Kevin Kelly, then-Manager of Government Relations Greg Aronin, and activist Dr. Michael Sandler–worked against me every single step of the way.
They gave me a pro forma endorsement and a relatively few dollars. But behind the scenes, they not only actively sabotaged my campaign, but they actively helped my liberal trial lawyer opponent, Marc Shulman, who’d made his career by unsuccessfully suing medical doctors (and losing all his cases, while costing doctors millions in defensive legal fees). Shulman took thousands from the biggest med-mal plaintiffs’ law firms in Michigan.
But the Michigan State Medical Society worked behind my back to defeat me. This was even though many individual doctors donated to my campaign and really wanted me to win. It was extremely frustrating . . . but completely consistent with what my father had been saying. The organized medical doctor community works against medical doctors. They really don’t want to win, just complain and whine and pretend like they’re doing something.
Now, there’s more of the same–organized medical doctors working on behalf of left-wing causes and shooting themselves in the foot. Nationally, the AMA supports all kinds of green and environmental causes with little relationship to the practice of medicine. And the Michigan State Medical Society is concerned with . . . driver’s licenses for illegal aliens. They’re not against them. They’re for them.
In today’s Detroit Free Press, Michigan State Medical Society president, AppaRao Mukkamala, MD, wrote an op-ed column opposing the new crackdown against driver’s licenses for illegal aliens in Michigan. He says this will limit the number of doctors in Michigan because aliens won’t be able to easily practice medicine here.
On this site, I’ve already written about the many Muslim doctor immigrants–the vast majority of the alien doctors who come to practice in Michigan are Muslim–both here and in other Western countries. I’ve written about how they’ve deliberately murdered Jewish patients and others.
And how soon we forget last year’s Muslim doctor terrorist attacks in the UK. How soon we forget that some of those Muslim doctor terrorists tried to become medical interns and residents here in the U.S. and would have been successful had they followed through on it. And don’t forget Houssein Zorkot, the Lebanese Muslim medical student in Dearbornistan who was practicing with his AK47 in Hemlock Park and created a Hezbollah website.
But don’t tell any of that to Dr. AppaRao Mukkamala. Despite a horrible Michigan economy–the worst in the nation–and way too MANY doctors competing for less and less medical dollars to make a living, Dr. Mukkamala wants more Muslim and more foreign doctors in Michigan. And he wants them to be able to get driver’s licenses, no matter their immigration status.
The sky is falling according to the doctor. And if illegal aliens can’t get driver’s licenses, well Michigan citizens will be dying in the streets and bleeding a river:

Access to health care for thousands of Michigan patients will decline.
Health care will be adversely affected because many of Michigan’s medical residents-in-training and practicing physicians are from other countries. They are in the United States legally and have all of the appropriate J-1 and H-1 visa paperwork to prove that. Yet they are not literally “permanent” residents of Michigan and, therefore, do not qualify for a driver’s license.

And the esteemed doctor lies about the absolute lack of scrutiny of medical professionals we admit to the U.S.:

IMG physicians already undergo considerable scrutiny before and upon entering the United States.

As I noted, with regard to the MD terrorists in Great Britain, had they followed through on their initial inquiries, they’d be here practicing medicine–and jihadist explosions–instead of the UK.
Yup, in a Michigan economy where less and less people are going to see more and more doctors competeing in the marketplace–and where Muslim illegal aliens from all over the country came to Michigan to get an easily-obtained driver’s license–why argue in favor of what’s best for Michigan’s medical doctors and citizens . . . and ultimately, the safety and security for all Americans?
That’s just never been–and never will be–what the organized medical doctor community will do. They are their own worst enemies.
And that’s why fewer and fewer smart young Americans are going into medicine. The best and the brightest usually go where the money is. And organized medicine has done its best to cede away its marketplace to trial lawyers, left-wing causes, and now, illegal aliens.
No wonder the medical staffs of so many Detroit area hospitals are dominated by Muslim aliens with extremist views. Coming soon to a hospital near you.
While the Michigan State Medical Society sabotaged my campaign on the small scale, it is sabotaging all Medical Doctors . . . and all Americans, with its bizarre political positions.

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11 Responses

“I’ve written about how they’ve deliberately murdered Jewish patients and others.”

Audacious on February 7, 2008 at 2:55 pm

Of course “Audacious” is right; there is a proud and noble healing tradition among doctors — just look at medical leaders like Che Guevara and Al-Zawahiri. Of course not every Muslim doctor is dangerous, but they don’t come with labels which enable us to distinguish which ones are and which ones aren’t. When we see poll after poll about the high percentages of Muslims who support terrorist bombings (leave alone organizing them), who don’t consider themselves part of Western civilization, etc., etc., it would be foolhardy for any Westerner, especially one who is Jewish, to give a Muslim physician the benefit of the doubt, with very, very, rare exceptions. I wonder how loosely they define Michigan “citizens”. I’m still waiting to hear any sizable Muslim group really dissociate themsevles from worldwide Muslim terror, except for a few episodic ritual denunciations when they think there’s too much heat. Re VISAs, I wonder how many of these ‘doctors’ with VISAS have violated their VISA provisions? I’ll bet lots of them. Do you want a criminal for a doctor?

c f on February 7, 2008 at 3:23 pm

Well the Free Press has again published bull manure with no fact chekcing. The requirements for the new license may require modification ( currently appears require permanent a resident “green card”) to include J-1 and H-1 visa holders, which medical residents are at the least, with 3 year plus terms….e.g., otherwise meeting all criteria for “residnecy” and legality. There is no need, damn sure not, for issuing licenses to illegal aliens per se just fo fix a technicality in wording.

Zoyadog on February 7, 2008 at 3:48 pm

“When we see poll after poll about the high percentages of Muslims who support terrorist bombings (leave alone organizing them), who don’t consider themselves part of Western civilization, etc., etc., it would be foolhardy for any Westerner, especially one who is Jewish, to give a Muslim physician the benefit of the doubt, with very, very, rare exceptions.”
Double Yikes. You feel right at home here, doncha c f?

Audacious on February 7, 2008 at 4:05 pm

Dear Debbie;
First of all, in my humble opinion, all illegal aliens suck. I don’t care what country
they come from. They all suck.
Secondly; this Dr. AppaRao Mukkamala. Is he a Muslim? Or just another left-wing America hating lunatic. Am I being redundant? I think quite possibly.
Why would anyone, ( e.g. the Governors of New York; Maryland ) think that giving LEGAL driving licenses to ILLEGAL aliens is a good thing. This so crazy.
All illegal alien are felons as far as I’m concerned. They obviously don’t give a damn about the U.S.A. sovereignty. They obviously don’t give a damn about our laws. And the only things that they DESERVE are jail time; deportation; and our mutual, everlasting disdain.

EJO on February 7, 2008 at 5:45 pm

Dear Debbie;
First of all, in my humble opinion, all illegal aliens suck. I don’t care what country
they come from. They all suck.
Secondly; this Dr. AppaRao Mukkamala. Is he a Muslim? Or just another left-wing America hating lunatic. Am I being redundant? I think quite possibly.
Why would anyone, ( e.g. the Governors of New York; Maryland ) think that giving LEGAL driving licenses to ILLEGAL aliens is a good thing. This so crazy.
All illegal alien are felons as far as I’m concerned. They obviously don’t give a damn about the U.S.A. sovereignty. They obviously don’t give a damn about our laws. And the only things that they DESERVE are jail time; deportation; and our mutual, everlasting disdain.

EJO on February 7, 2008 at 5:47 pm

You’re right about the left-wing drift of medical associations. From my January 31, 2008, copy of the New England Journal of Medicine.
Lead article:
“Estimating Excess Mrotality in Post-Invasion Iraq”
2nd article:
“Physicians and Execution: a Discussion of Lethal Injection”
3rd article:
“Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in U.S. Soldier Returning From Iraq”
And, then there are editorials discussing all this, of course. Leftist political propaganda has replaced a substantial portion of what used to be medical literature in the NEJM. It’s the same week after week.

sonomaca on February 7, 2008 at 6:56 pm

Dear Debbie;
Over in England there are a bunch of female Muslim doctors who don’t want to roll up their sleeves to wash their forearms before surgery. They feel that it would be IMMORAL if they exposed so much flesh to some guy who might be able to see it. Because you know in the Middle East they don’t have stuff like Viagra, or Cialis. So when a guy is experiencing Erectile Dysfunction, He just looks at a picture of a Muslim woman’s forearm, and SHAZAM!!! He’s in beautiful downtown Boner City.
P.S. I didn’t mean to send that first comment
twice. Something got screwed up.

EJO on February 7, 2008 at 7:54 pm

“The Immigration and Customs Enforcement office of the Homeland Security Department is focused on businesses dealing in construction, manufacturing, meatpacking, retailers and temporary placement agencies…” according to immigration lawyer Nicole Lawrence Ezer.
Free pass for Muslim jihads?
Double Yikes.

ParaLyzer on February 8, 2008 at 12:18 am

I come from a medical family too. What is outrageous is many of these foreigners are lousy doctors with unknown medical credentials and it is getting worse.
The forge and falsify their foreign medical school documents then the left wing Medical schools pass them in watered downed residency just to keep the tuition dollars coming in. The HMO’s are paying less and less and the public gets these substandard doctors that 20 years ago would have been flunked out and sent packing.
It is so bad that it is difficult to find an American born and trained Doctor in my HMO and many others in the Los Angeles area in California.
With many of these so called Doctors, you are literally putting your life in danger just by seeing them.
IMHO-This is all in preparation for the Government take over of the Medical Industry otherwise known as Socialized Medicine.

ScottyDog on February 9, 2008 at 12:20 pm

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