March 4, 2011, - 1:01 pm
WINNING: Funny Video of the Day
I’ve never been much of a fan of Jimmy Fallon. He’s mostly not funny and his late night show on NBC is a disaster. Boooring. Still, every once in a while the broken clock tells time correctly (in Fallon’s case, far less than the proverbial two times a day). And this video is pretty spot on. I’m trying to figure out which bizarre Charles family I despise more, the murderous Charles Manson family or the disgusting Charlie Sheen pornstar family. One spilled human blood. The other brags about tiger blood. Winning. (Before you write letters, I’m kidding–of course I despise the murderers far more.)
Pretty funny video . . .
Tags: Charlie Sheen, funny, funny video, HILARIOUS, Hilarious Video, Jimmy Fallon, video, winning
As goes Israel, so goes the World. on March 4, 2011 at 1:06 pm