August 13, 2007, - 2:36 pm

Windsor Hezbollah Billboard Removed; Well-Known Hezbollah Family Involved

Yesterday, I wrote about the that went up in Windsor, Ontario, Canada, just over the Detroit River from Detroit, Michigan.
Canada’s National Post reports that the CBS Hezbollah billboard in Windsor, up on Friday, went down, this morning.
But who was behind it is very enlightening. Both The National Post and The Windsor Star identify Hussein Dabaja (born in South Lebanon) of Windsor, as the one who came up with the Hezbollah billboard idea:

Hezbollah’s Hussein Dabaja of Windsor & Some Lovely Hezbo-Chick Buddies

Dabaja said he’s one of a number of local Lebanese community members who had the idea about seven months ago, after discussing other options to honour people back home that included a candle light vigil.
He said community members and leaders of organizations representing about 700 people settled on the billboard plan. Dabaja said support from people has swelled since the sign went up, including some who stopped by Sunday to take pictures.

This is important becaues the Dabaja family is one of several families from the South Lebanon Hezbollah stronghold of Bint Jbeil, Lebanon, who’ve moved here and been involved with support for the terrorist group. They are well known operatives and agents of the terrorist group, there and here in North America. Many of the Dabajas live in Dearbornistan and most are open supporters of Hezbollah.
Also interesting is that, last year, Al-Seyassah, Kuwaiti newspaper reported on meetings by Hezbollah operatives and agents of Gen. Michel Aoun (a Maronite Christian allied with Hezbollah) in Dearbornistan and Windsor. The paper reported that Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) agents raided the Windsor meeting.
I’d bet Dabaja was at the meeting. Hopefully–but doubtfully CSIS and the FBI–have been keeping an eye on Dabaja. No doubt, he’s been over the river to Dearbornistan to visit–and plot–with his Hezbollah-supporting cousins.
The important question is: Who gave Dabaja and company the money, and are they receiving funds from Hezbollah in Lebanon? Did any of the money come from Dearbornistan?

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8 Responses

Supporters of Hezbollah and other armies of the global jihad should be viewed, obviously, as enemies, and dealt with accordingly, as were the members of such nefarious organizations as the German-American Bund once Nazi Germany declared war on America in 1941. Expulsion, imprisonment, and execution should all be options. Knowing that these were possible consequences for supporting Hitler, Bund members dissolved their organization and kept a low profile thereafter – undoubtedly, many were prosecuted for treason or sedition, and rightfully so. And these would be appropriate actions taken against all supporters of global jihad and the supremacy of Islam in America.

commonsense on August 13, 2007 at 5:51 pm

She looks very hostile – look at that face, ugh!
So, this is what they are doing with their Canadian citizenship. I’m assuming they are citizens of course.

CarpeDiem on August 13, 2007 at 9:49 pm

I wrote both the divisions of cbs canada billboard and the canadian terrorism gov’t group.
I hope that helped with the voice to this issue.
I HOPE that the canadian terrorism gov’t group can hone in on this pecker and see where his ties’s not normal to put up a billboard in the name of hezbollah as an average citizen. I suspect deeper ties and I hope he’s a jailbird after long.

Highrise on August 14, 2007 at 2:33 am

In the picture they look like they want to kill and eat us. Hostile is right. Look at those glaring eyes.

nyone on August 14, 2007 at 10:37 am

Hezbo-Chick Buddies!! I can’t stop cracking up. You can just see that religion of peace all over their faces. This pic is freaking me out.

miked on August 14, 2007 at 1:53 pm

Muslim bimbos!

allat on August 14, 2007 at 6:41 pm

Constant shell game with these gypsies.

John Cunningham on August 15, 2007 at 9:01 am

??????????? ????????? ????? – MONROE GEMS CH !!!

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MONROE GEMS CH on May 27, 2011 at 7:30 pm

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