February 1, 2008, - 4:39 pm
Hilarious: David Lee Roth’s Screaming Vocals
By Debbie Schlussel
If you are a Van Halen fan, as I am (minus Wolfie–bring back Michael Anthony!)–and even if you are not–you will find these David Lee Roth solo vocal tracks, below, from the original studio recording of “Running With the Devil” (one of my fave Van Halen songs–I work out to it), hilarious. It’s amazing what the absence of Michael Anthony’s background vocals does.
The screams, especially just after the 2:30 mark and from the 3:00 mark until the end, are funny (and painful). It’s amazing how high and loud he screamed. Oy. Some smart aleck (with a great sense of humor) at Van Halen’s record company released these.
For the record, I’ve always sort of liked the nutty DLR because, like me, he is the kid of a Jewish ophthalmologist (mine did not bankroll a rock band, though, and didn’t have any kids who could sing; nor, perhaps, did DLR’s). He is one of the few Jews with two first names. You rarely hear of a Mary-Kate Horowitz or Mary Pat Cohen. Just not in our culture.
Exit question: What would Simon and Randy say about these vocals? Well, it’s safe to say he would not be going to Hollywood. Glad “AI” wasn’t around then.
Thanks to my friends Marc Fellhauer and Mike Wolters of Drew & Mike for the tip.

Tags: artificial intelligence, David Lee Roth, Debbie Schlussel, Kate Horowitz, Marc Fellhauer, Mary Pat Cohen, Michael Anthony, Mike Wolters, Randy, Simon, Van Halen
This is great. Thanks to a great bunch of Van Halen fan friends of mine I got to hear it back on January 10th when it was posted at another site.
By the way, I saw VH in Worcester, MA on November 6, 2007. Michael was NOT missed.
Going to see them again in about 6 weeks in Manchester, NH.
Mr.C_5150 on February 1, 2008 at 9:24 pm