February 28, 2011, - 3:19 pm
ABC,”View” Hags Host Jew-Hating 9/11 Truther Nut to Defend Charlie Sheen
For once, the George Soros Nazi-funded Media Matters for America and I agree. Why did ABC host neo-Nazi, 9/11 truther, America-hating, anti-Jewish wack-job Alex Jones on its airwaves to defend Jew-hater Charlie Sheen, this morning? If this were 1940, you can bet the network would have given Father Coughlin a similar podium.
As should be apparent to anyone, of course Charlie Sheen is an anti-Semite. And he’s a 9/11 truther nut. And, as we know, that’s in addition to his bevy of porn stars and hookers, record of violence against women, and all-around drug-addled idiocy. But, not to the moronic hags of ABC’s “The View.” Today, they polluted the airwaves with Alex Jones–another well-known Jew-hater and 9/11 truther nut. He was on to talk about how “my good friend, Charlie Sheen” is “not” an anti-Semite. I’m surprised that Jones didn’t use his usual anti-Semitic rants about the “Zionists,” the “neocons,” “the bankers,” and Israel. He was probably told by “View” producers–who know very well who Jones is–not to. (And when you have to tell someone not to say those things on the air, maybe it’s a giant clue that you shouldn’t invite them on.)
But Jones, predictably used the opportunity to repeatedly plug his conspiracy theories about how the government “took down Building 7” in the World Trade Center area, and the fiction that America “killed 1,000,000 people” in the Iraq War. (Reality check: that’s actually a low-balled number of Iraqis that Saddam Hussein and the Iranians murdered. But why confuse us with the facts?) Also predictable, Jones repeatedly plugged his anti-Semitic, anti-American, 9/11 truther, anti-Israel website.
Right now, David Duke is wishing he was friends with Sheen because, hey, then, he could get free national airtime with these completely irresponsible, airheaded hags, too. Of course, being the idiots that they are, the hags didn’t know what to say or how to react to Jones. After all, before Jones came on the show, queen airhead Elisabeth Hasselbeck also blamed “Two and a Half Men” writer Chuck Lorre for Sheen’s anti-Semitism. That’s typical for this uninformed idiota. Memo to Elizabeth: when you start calling someone by their Hebrew name to score Brownie points with the Jew-haters, you’re a Jew-hater. It’s that simple. There is no legitimizing it. There are no excuses. There is no moral equivalence.
But on “The View”–where millions of stupid American women get their worldview–there are all of these things. This Hasseldumb moron-ette is quite selective in her outrage. She insisted that Don Imus should be fired for his comments about Rutgers basketball players’ being “nappy headed,” but on the “Chaim Levine” comment by Sheen (about Jewish writer, Lorre), she’s all about blaming the Jew. Yup, that’s the ticket. We all know where she would have been 70 years ago in Germany. Joining Carlos Estevez (yup, that’s Charlie Sheen’s real name, but you can’t say that or you’re a bigot; only Heeb names are allowed) in helping guys like Chuck Lorre/”Chaim Levine” into the train car.
But I don’t completely blame “The View” hags and ABC for bringing this Jew-hating, America-hating conspiracy theorist and FoCS (Friend of Charlie Sheen) and letting him go on and on with his lies about “The Zionists!” I blame people like Matt Drudge, a self-hating Jew who has been promoting and linking to the nutty Jones on a regular basis. Drudge, whose mother is Jewish, apparently had a bad experience as a kid in a Jewish summer camp. It made him hate Jews. And that’s why you regularly see anti-Israel headlines linked on The Drudge Report. It’s also why you regularly see links to Alex Jones. As I noted, Jones is truly no different from David Duke, except that he’s even more unhinged. Both hate Jews, both hate Israel, both are 9/11 truthers, and both are extremist fringe characters. But only one of them is friends with Charlie Sheen.
Matt Drudge gave Alex Jones more publicity, mainstream exposure and respect, and, now, as a result of all of that, he has a seat at the table on an ABC show.
Get a clue, Matt: if Jones and Sheen were in charge, you’d be in the camps right there with me. And we’d know your Hebrew name, too.
For the record, my Hebrew name is Chayah Devorah. Put that in your ovens, er . . . pipes, and smoke it.
Tags: 9/11 Truther, ABC, Alex Jones, anti-Jewish, Anti-Semite, anti-Semitic, Baba Wawa, Barbara Walters, Chaim Levine, Charlie Sheen, Chuck Lorre, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Haim Levine, Jew hater, Jews, The View
Your Hebrew name is beautiful.
lilida on February 28, 2011 at 3:34 pm